LLMopsDK / app_transformation.py
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# You can find this code for Chainlit python streaming here (https://docs.chainlit.io/concepts/streaming/python)
# OpenAI Chat completion
import os
from openai import AsyncOpenAI # importing openai for API usage
import chainlit as cl # importing chainlit for our app
from chainlit.prompt import Prompt, PromptMessage # importing prompt tools
from chainlit.playground.providers import ChatOpenAI # importing ChatOpenAI tools
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# ChatOpenAI Templates
system_template = """You are a cybersecurity expert specialized in log analysis and data normalization,/n
helping security teams to map security log fields to Google Chronicle's Unified Data Model (UDM).
Please follow these steps:
1. Use web search to consult the latest log documentation for the product provided and Google Chronicle UDM schema documentation.
2. Map each product log field to its corresponding UDM field.
3. For fields that don't have a direct match in UDM, place them into custom fields.
4. make sure the each mapped field including the custome fields are unique and accurate
5. Organize the mapping into a structured table format.
Remember to explain your reasoning for each field's mapping based on your findings from the product documentation.
Think through your response step by step, and include references to the documentation you consulted during the process.
You always provide detailed, accurate, and structured responses in a professional tone, focusing on precision.
user_template = """Here is a sample log:
Please follow these steps:
1. Use web search to consult the latest documentation for this product/log source and Google Chronicle UDM schema documentation.
2. Map each log field to its corresponding UDM field.
3. For fields that don't have a direct match in UDM, place them into custom fields.
4. make sure the each mapped field including the custome fields are unique and accurate
5. Organize the mapping into a structured table format.
Here is an example of how to map FortiGate fields to UDM fields..
Consider this example and related search into relevant URLs to identify best and most accurate mapping for other log sources against UB
Log_Attribute Simpliefied_Naming_for_Attribute UBM_Attribute
devname devicehostname intermediary.hostname
devid deviceexternalid intermediary.asset.hardware.serial_number
ap customstring62 target.application
dstport destinationport target.port
tranport destinationtranslatedport target.nat_port
policytype customstring55 security_result.rule_type
TransportProtocol transportprotocol network.ip_protocol
srcip sourceaddress principal.ip
dstmac destinationmacaddress target.mac
eventtype customstring28 security_result.rule_type
level deviceseverity security_result.severity_details
filename filename target.file.full_path
action deviceaction security_result.action_details
ipaddr destinationtranslatedaddress target.nat_ip
srcuuid flowsiemid principal.asset.product_object_id
policyid customnumber22 additional.fields.policyid
srcport sourceport principal.port
service applicationprotocol network.application_protocol_version
to emailrecipient network.email.to
appid customstring34 security_result.rule_id
proto customnumber6 network.ip_protocol
ref devicecustomstring6 network.http.referral_url
method requestmethod network.http.method
transport translatedport src.nat_port
srcname sourcehostname principal.user.first_name
duration transactionstring4 network.session_duration.seconds
hostname destinationhostname target.hostname
Header2 deviceaddress intermediary.hostname
url requesturl target.url
domain emailsenderdomain network.dns_domain
agent requestclientapplication network.http.user_agent
rcvdpkt transactionnumber4 additional.fields.rcvdpkt
catdesc deviceeventcategory security_result.category_details
sentbyte bytesout network.sent_bytes
sentpkt transactionnumber3 additional.fields.sentpkt
msg message metadata.description
source_mac sourcemacaddress principal.mac
subject emailsubject network.email.subject
from emailsender network.email.from
dstip destinationaddress target.ip
logid transactionstring6 metadata.product_log_id
rcvdbyte bytesin network.received_bytes
type customstring1 metadata.product_event_type
user accountname principal.user.user_display_name
sessionid sessionid network.session_id
dstuser destinationusername target.user.userid
FortiGate Log Documentation, check all links in this URL: https://docs.cyderes.cloud/parser-knowledge-base/fortinet_firewall/
Google Chronicle UDM Documentation:https://cloud.google.com/chronicle/docs/reference/udm-field-list
The official documentation of Chronicle UDM, explaining the different fields and structures available for mapping.
Think through your response step by step, and include references to the documentation you consulted during the process.
@cl.on_chat_start # marks a function that will be executed at the start of a user session
async def start_chat():
settings = {
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"temperature": 0,
"max_tokens": 500,
"top_p": 1,
"frequency_penalty": 0,
"presence_penalty": 0,
cl.user_session.set("settings", settings)
@cl.on_message # marks a function that should be run each time the chatbot receives a message from a user
async def main(message: cl.Message):
settings = cl.user_session.get("settings")
client = AsyncOpenAI()
prompt = Prompt(
inputs={"input": message.content},
print([m.to_openai() for m in prompt.messages])
msg = cl.Message(content="")
# Call OpenAI
async for stream_resp in await client.chat.completions.create(
messages=[m.to_openai() for m in prompt.messages], stream=True, **settings
token = stream_resp.choices[0].delta.content
if not token:
token = ""
await msg.stream_token(token)
# Update the prompt object with the completion
prompt.completion = msg.content
msg.prompt = prompt
# Send and close the message stream
await msg.send()