from gensim.models import Word2Vec |
from collections import defaultdict |
import os |
import tempfile |
import pandas as pd |
import xlsxwriter |
def load_all_models(): |
''' |
Load all word2vec models |
''' |
archaic = ('archaic', load_word2vec_model('models/archaic_cbow.model')) |
classical = ('classical', load_word2vec_model('models/classical_cbow.model')) |
early_roman = ('early_roman', load_word2vec_model('models/early_roman_cbow.model')) |
hellen = ('hellen', load_word2vec_model('models/hellen_cbow.model')) |
late_roman = ('late_roman', load_word2vec_model('models/late_roman_cbow.model')) |
return [archaic, classical, early_roman, hellen, late_roman] |
def load_selected_models(selected_models): |
''' |
Load the selected word2vec models |
''' |
models = [] |
for model in selected_models: |
if model == "Early Roman": |
model = "early_roman" |
elif model == "Late Roman": |
model = "late_roman" |
elif model == "Hellenistic": |
model = "hellen" |
model_name = model.lower() + "_cbow" |
models.append([model_name, load_word2vec_model(f'models/{model_name}.model')]) |
return models |
def load_word2vec_model(model_path): |
''' |
Load a word2vec model from a file |
''' |
return Word2Vec.load(model_path) |
def get_word_vector(model, word): |
''' |
Return the word vector of a word |
''' |
return model.wv[word] |
def iterate_over_words(model): |
''' |
Iterate over all words in the vocabulary and print their vectors |
''' |
index = 0 |
for word, index in model.wv.key_to_index.items(): |
vector = get_word_vector(model, word) |
print(f'{index} Word: {word}, Vector: {vector}') |
index += 1 |
def model_dictionary(model): |
''' |
Return the dictionary of the word2vec model |
Key is the word and value is the vector of the word |
''' |
dict = defaultdict(list) |
for word, index in model.wv.key_to_index.items(): |
vector = get_word_vector(model, word) |
dict[word] = vector |
return dict |
def dot_product(vector_a, vector_b): |
''' |
Return the dot product of two vectors |
''' |
return sum(a * b for a, b in zip(vector_a, vector_b)) |
def magnitude(vector): |
''' |
Return the magnitude of a vector |
''' |
return sum(x**2 for x in vector) ** 0.5 |
def cosine_similarity(vector_a, vector_b): |
''' |
Return the cosine similarity of two vectors |
''' |
dot_prod = dot_product(vector_a, vector_b) |
mag_a = magnitude(vector_a) |
mag_b = magnitude(vector_b) |
if mag_a == 0 or mag_b == 0: |
return 0.0 |
similarity = dot_prod / (mag_a * mag_b) |
return "{:.2f}".format(similarity) |
def get_cosine_similarity(word1, time_slice_1, word2, time_slice_2): |
''' |
Return the cosine similarity of two words |
''' |
time_slice_1 = convert_time_name_to_model(time_slice_1) |
time_slice_2 = convert_time_name_to_model(time_slice_2) |
if not os.path.exists(f'models/{time_slice_1}.model'): |
return |
model_1 = load_word2vec_model(f'models/{time_slice_1}.model') |
model_2 = load_word2vec_model(f'models/{time_slice_2}.model') |
dict_1 = model_dictionary(model_1) |
dict_2 = model_dictionary(model_2) |
return cosine_similarity(dict_1[word1], dict_2[word2]) |
def get_cosine_similarity_one_word(word, time_slice1, time_slice2): |
''' |
Return the cosine similarity of one word in two different time slices |
''' |
if not os.path.exists(f'models/{time_slice1}.model') or not os.path.exists(f'models/{time_slice2}.model'): |
return |
model1 = load_word2vec_model(f'models/{time_slice1}.model') |
model2 = load_word2vec_model(f'models/{time_slice2}.model') |
dict1 = model_dictionary(model1) |
dict2 = model_dictionary(model2) |
return cosine_similarity(dict1[word], dict2[word]) |
def validate_nearest_neighbours(word, n, models): |
''' |
Validate the input of the nearest neighbours function |
''' |
if word == '' or n == '' or models == []: |
return False |
return True |
def convert_model_to_time_name(model_name): |
''' |
Convert the model name to the time slice name |
''' |
if model_name == 'archaic_cbow': |
return 'Archaic' |
elif model_name == 'classical_cbow': |
return 'Classical' |
elif model_name == 'early_roman_cbow': |
return 'Early Roman' |
elif model_name == 'hellen_cbow': |
return 'Hellenistic' |
elif model_name == 'late_roman_cbow': |
return 'Late Roman' |
def convert_time_name_to_model(time_name): |
''' |
Convert the time slice name to the model name |
''' |
if time_name == 'Archaic': |
return 'archaic_cbow' |
elif time_name == 'Classical': |
return 'classical_cbow' |
elif time_name == 'Early Roman': |
return 'early_roman_cbow' |
elif time_name == 'Hellenistic': |
return 'hellen_cbow' |
elif time_name == 'Late Roman': |
return 'late_roman_cbow' |
elif time_name == 'classical': |
return 'Classical' |
elif time_name == 'early_roman': |
return 'Early Roman' |
elif time_name == 'hellen': |
return 'Hellenistic' |
elif time_name == 'late_roman': |
return 'Late Roman' |
elif time_name == 'archaic': |
return 'Archaic' |
def get_nearest_neighbours2(word, n=10, models=load_all_models()): |
''' |
Return the nearest neighbours of a word |
word: the word for which the nearest neighbours are calculated |
time_slice_model: the word2vec model of the time slice of the input word |
models: list of tuples with the name of the time slice and the word2vec model (default: all in ./models) |
n: the number of nearest neighbours to return (default: 10) |
Return: list of tuples with the word, the time slice and |
the cosine similarity of the nearest neighbours |
''' |
time_slice_model = load_word2vec_model(f'models/{time_slice_model}.model') |
vector_1 = get_word_vector(time_slice_model, word) |
nearest_neighbours = [] |
for model in models: |
model_name = model[0] |
time_name = convert_model_to_time_name(model_name) |
model = model[1] |
for word, index in model.wv.key_to_index.items(): |
vector_2 = get_word_vector(model, word) |
cosine_similarity_vectors = cosine_similarity(vector_1, vector_2) |
if len(nearest_neighbours) < n: |
nearest_neighbours.append((word, time_name, cosine_similarity_vectors)) |
else: |
smallest_neighbour = min(nearest_neighbours, key=lambda x: x[2]) |
if cosine_similarity_vectors > smallest_neighbour[2]: |
nearest_neighbours.remove(smallest_neighbour) |
nearest_neighbours.append((word, time_name, cosine_similarity_vectors)) |
return sorted(nearest_neighbours, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) |
def get_nearest_neighbours(target_word, n=10, models=load_all_models()): |
""" |
Return the nearest neighbours of a word for the given models |
word: the word for which the nearest neighbours are calculated |
n: the number of nearest neighbours to return (default: 10) |
models: list of tuples with the name of the time slice and the word2vec model (default: all in ./models) |
Return: { 'model_name': [(word, cosine_similarity), ...], ... } |
""" |
nearest_neighbours = {} |
for model in models: |
model_neighbours = [] |
model_name = convert_model_to_time_name(model[0]) |
model = model[1] |
vector_1 = get_word_vector(model, target_word) |
for word, index in model.wv.key_to_index.items(): |
vector_2 = get_word_vector(model, word) |
cosine_sim = cosine_similarity(vector_1, vector_2) |
if len(model_neighbours) < n: |
model_neighbours.append((word, cosine_sim)) |
else: |
smallest_neighbour = min(model_neighbours, key=lambda x: x[1]) |
if cosine_sim > smallest_neighbour[1]: |
model_neighbours.remove(smallest_neighbour) |
model_neighbours.append((word, cosine_sim)) |
model_neighbours = sorted(model_neighbours, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) |
nearest_neighbours[model_name] = model_neighbours |
return nearest_neighbours |
def get_nearest_neighbours_vectors(word, time_slice_model, n=15): |
""" |
Returns the vectors of the nearest neighbours of a word |
""" |
model_name = convert_model_to_time_name(time_slice_model) |
time_slice_model = load_word2vec_model(f'models/{time_slice_model}.model') |
vector_1 = get_word_vector(time_slice_model, word) |
nearest_neighbours = [] |
for word, index in time_slice_model.wv.key_to_index.items(): |
vector_2 = get_word_vector(time_slice_model, word) |
cosine_sim = cosine_similarity(vector_1, vector_2) |
if len(nearest_neighbours) < n: |
nearest_neighbours.append((word, model_name, vector_2, cosine_sim)) |
else: |
smallest_neighbour = min(nearest_neighbours, key=lambda x: x[3]) |
if cosine_sim > smallest_neighbour[3]: |
nearest_neighbours.remove(smallest_neighbour) |
nearest_neighbours.append((word, model_name, vector_2, cosine_sim)) |
return sorted(nearest_neighbours, key=lambda x: x[3], reverse=True) |
def write_to_file(data): |
''' |
Write the data to a file |
''' |
temp_file_descriptor, temp_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="temp_", suffix=".txt", dir="/tmp") |
os.close(temp_file_descriptor) |
with open(temp_file_path, 'w') as temp_file: |
temp_file.write(str(data)) |
return temp_file_path |
def store_df_in_temp_file(all_dfs): |
''' |
Store the dataframe in a temporary file |
''' |
temp_dir = "./downloads/nn" |
os.makedirs(temp_dir, exist_ok=True) |
_, temp_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="temp_", suffix=".xlsx", dir=temp_dir) |
df = pd.concat([df for _, df in all_dfs], axis=1, keys=[model for model, _ in all_dfs]) |
with pd.ExcelWriter(temp_file_path, engine='xlsxwriter') as writer: |
worksheet = writer.book.add_worksheet('Results') |
start_row = 0 |
for model, df in all_dfs: |
worksheet.write(start_row, 0, f"Model: {model}") |
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Results', index=False, startrow=start_row + 1, startcol=0) |
start_row += df.shape[0] + 3 |
return temp_file_path |
def check_word_in_models(word): |
""" |
Check in which models a word occurs. |
""" |
all_models = load_all_models() |
eligible_models = [] |
for model in all_models: |
model_name = convert_time_name_to_model(model[0]) |
model = model[1] |
if word in model.wv.key_to_index: |
eligible_models.append(model_name) |
return eligible_models |
def main(): |
archaic = ('archaic', load_word2vec_model('models/archaic_cbow.model')) |
classical = ('classical', load_word2vec_model('models/classical_cbow.model')) |
early_roman = ('early_roman', load_word2vec_model('models/early_roman_cbow.model')) |
hellen = ('hellen', load_word2vec_model('models/hellen_cbow.model')) |
late_roman = ('late_roman', load_word2vec_model('models/late_roman_cbow.model')) |
models = [archaic, classical, early_roman, hellen, late_roman] |
nearest_neighbours = get_nearest_neighbours('πατήρ', 'archaic_cbow', n=5) |
print(nearest_neighbours) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |