updated FAQ
Browse files
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ st.markdown(
104 |
with st.sidebar:
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# st.markdown('# ἄγαλμα | AGALMA')
107 |
selected = option_menu('ἄγαλμα | AGALMA', ["App", "About", "FAQ", "License"],
108 |
menu_icon="menu", default_index=0, orientation="vertical", styles=styles_vertical)
109 |
110 |
if selected == "App":
@@ -404,22 +404,168 @@ if selected == "FAQ":
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large
408 |
409 |
"This interface is based on
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 |
The models on which this interface is based are Word Embedding
416 |
417 |
418 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large Which corpus was used to train the models?}$"):
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 |
423 |
424 |
if selected == "License":
425 |
104 |
with st.sidebar:
105 |
106 |
# st.markdown('# ἄγαλμα | AGALMA')
107 |
selected = option_menu('ἄγαλμα | AGALMA', ["App", "About", "FAQ", "Subcorpora", "License"],
108 |
menu_icon="menu", default_index=0, orientation="vertical", styles=styles_vertical)
109 |
110 |
if selected == "App":
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large What is this interface based on?}$"):
408 |
409 |
"This interface is based on language models. Language models are probability distributions of \
410 |
words or word sequences, which store statistical information about word co-occurrences. \
411 |
This happens during the training phase, in which models process a corpus of texts in the \
412 |
target language(s). Once trained, linguistic information can be extracted from the models, or \
413 |
the models can be used to perform specific linguistic tasks. In this interface, we focus on the \
414 |
extraction of semantic information. To that end, we created five models, corresponding to five \
415 |
time slices. The models on which this interface is based are so-called Word Embedding \
416 |
models (the specific architecture is called Word2Vec)."
417 |
418 |
419 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large What are Word Embeddings?}$"):
420 |
421 |
"Word Embeddings are representations of words obtained via language modelling. More in \
422 |
detail, they are strings of numbers (called *vectors*) produced by a language model to \
423 |
represent each word in the training corpus in a multi-dimensional space. Words that are more \
424 |
similar in meaning will be closer to one another in this vector space (or semantic space) than \
425 |
words that are less similar in meaning. The term *word embeddings* is often used as a \
426 |
synonym of *predict models*, a type of language models introduced by Mikolov *et al.* (2013) \
427 |
with the Word2Vec architecture. This interface is built upon Word2Vec models."
428 |
429 |
430 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large Which corpus was used to train the models?}$"):
431 |
432 |
The five models on which this interface is based were trained on five diachronic slices of the \
433 |
Diorisis Ancient Greek Corpus, which is ‘a digital collection of ancient Greek texts (from \
434 |
Homer to the early fifth century AD) compiled for linguistic analyses’ (Vatri & McGillivray \
435 |
2018: 55). The Diorisis corpus contains a subset of the texts that can be found in the \
436 |
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. More information about the works and authors included in each \
437 |
subcorpus is [here] '''
438 |
439 |
440 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large How was the corpus divided into time slices?}$"):
441 |
442 |
"The texts in the corpus were divided according to chronology. We tried to strike a balance \
443 |
between respecting the traditional divisions of Ancient Greek literature into periods and \
444 |
having slices of a more or less comparable size. The division is the following: \
445 |
446 |
Archaic: beginning-500 BCE; Classical: 499-324 BCE; Hellenistic: 323-0 BCE, Early Roman: \
447 |
1-250 CE; Late Roman: 251-500 CE."
448 |
449 |
450 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large Which are the theoretical assumptions behind distributional semantic models, such as Word Embeddings?}$"):
451 |
452 |
"Computational semantics is based on the Distributional Hypothesis. According to this \
453 |
hypothesis, words used in similar lexical contexts (contexts of words surrounding them) will \
454 |
have a similar meaning. This hypothesis was famously summarized by J.R. Firth as ‘you \
455 |
shall know a word by the company it keeps’ (1957: xx). Phrased differently, this \
456 |
means that two words that occur in similar lexical contexts are probably semantically \
457 |
related. The words that occur in the most similar lexical contexts are referred to as \
458 |
nearest neighbours. This does not necessarily mean, though, that these words even \
459 |
occur together. A detailed introduction to distributional semantics can be found in the book \
460 |
*Distributional Semantics* (Lenci & Sahlgren 2023: 3-25)."
461 |
462 |
463 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large What are the nearest neighbours?}$"):
464 |
465 |
"Word vectors can be used as coordinates to represent words in a geometric space, called \
466 |
*semantic space*. Words with similar vectors, occurring in similar contexts, are closer in the \
467 |
space. The nearest neighbours to a word are the closest words to it in the semantic space. \
468 |
Words close in the space are not necessarily synonyms, they are rather in a relationship of \
469 |
semantic relatedness, i.e. they belong to the same semantic area. An example of neighbours \
470 |
in the space could be: *star – moon – sun – cloud – plane – fly – blue*."
471 |
472 |
473 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large Are the nearest neighbours the same as concordances?}$"):
474 |
475 |
"No. The nearest neighbours to a target word do not necessarily occur together with it in the \
476 |
same context, but each of them will be found in similar lexical contexts. For example, my \
477 |
colleague Pete and I may often go to the same type of conferences and meet the same \
478 |
group of people there, but it is quite possible that Pete and I never go to the same \
479 |
conference at the same time. Pete and I are similar, but not necessarily spending time \
480 |
together. The extraction of the nearest neighbours with word embeddings is thus different \
481 |
from finding concordances. The nearest neighbours cannot be extracted manually with close- \
482 |
reading methods."
483 |
484 |
485 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large Which framework and parameters were used to train the models?}$"):
486 |
487 |
"The Word2vec models were trained by using the CADE framework (Bianchi *et al.* 2020), a \
488 |
technique which does not require space alignment, i.e. word embeddings trained on different \
489 |
corpus slices are directly comparable. CADE was used with the following parameters: \
490 |
size=30, siter=5, diter=5, workers=4, sg=0, ns=20. The chosen architecture was the \
491 |
Continuous-Bag-of-Words. The context that is taken into account for each word are the 5 \
492 |
words before, and the 5 words after the target word."
493 |
494 |
495 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large What is the cosine similarity value?}$"):
496 |
497 |
"The cosine similarity is a measure of the distance between two words in the semantic space. \
498 |
More precisely, the cosine similarity is the cosine of angle between the two vectors in the \
499 |
multi-dimensional space. The value ranges from -1 to 1. The higher the value of the cosine \
500 |
similarity (the closer it is to 1), the closer two words are in the semantic space. For example, \
501 |
according to our model, the cosine similarity value of πατήρ and μήτηρ in the Classical period \
502 |
is 0.93, relatively high as we might expected for these obviously related words, while the \
503 |
cosine similarity value of a random pair like πατήρ and τράπεζα in the same time slice is \
504 |
0.12, considerably lower."
505 |
506 |
507 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large What are the 3D representations?}$"):
508 |
509 |
"The 3D representation is a way to graphically visualize the semantic space, the method used \
510 |
on this website is called t-SNE. Semantic spaces are multi-dimensional, with as many \
511 |
dimensions as the digits in the vectors. The embeddings used for this interface only have 30 \
512 |
dimensions. A 3D representation reduces the dimensions to 3, to allow for graphic \
513 |
representation. Even if 3D representations are effective means of making a semantic space \
514 |
visible, **they are not 100% accurate**, since the visualization shows a reduction of the 30 \
515 |
dimensions. We thus advise not to base any conclusions on the graphic representation only, \
516 |
but to rely on nearest neighbours extraction and on cosine similarity."
517 |
518 |
519 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large Is the information stored by Word Embeddings reliable?}$"):
520 |
521 |
"The information stored in word embeddings is solely based on the training corpus. This \
522 |
means that our models have no additional knowledge of the Ancient Greek language and \
523 |
culture. All information extracted from a model thus reflect word co-occurrences, and word \
524 |
meaning, in its specific training corpus. \
525 |
526 |
Please take into account that the results for words occurring very rarely may be inaccurate. \
527 |
Language modelling works on a statistical basis, so that a word with only few occurrences \
528 |
may not provide enough evidence to obtain reliable results. But it has been observed that an \
529 |
extremely high word frequency can also affect the results. It often happens that the nearest \
530 |
neighbours to words occurring very often are other high-frequency words, such as stop \
531 |
words (e.g., prepositions, articles, particles). "
532 |
533 |
534 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large What if I obtain 'strange' results?}$"):
535 |
536 |
"For the abovementioned reasons mentioned, word embeddings are not always reliable \
537 |
methods of semantic investigation. Interpretation of the results is always needed to decide \
538 |
whether the results at hand are real patterns present in the corpus, and could thus reveal \
539 |
interesting phenomena, or just noise present in the data."
540 |
541 |
542 |
with st.expander(r"$\textsf{\Large How can word embeddings help us study semantic change?}$"):
543 |
544 |
"Cosine similarity can be computed between vectors of the same word in different time slices. \
545 |
The higher the cosine similarity, the more similar the usage of a word is in the two considered \
546 |
time slices. If the cosine similarity between a word’s vectors in two consecutive time slices is \
547 |
particularly low, there is a chance that semantic change happened at that point in time. The \
548 |
analysis of the nearest neighbours to the target word in the two slices can help clarifying if \
549 |
change actually happened, and which is its direction."
550 |
551 |
552 |
553 |
## References
554 |
555 |
Bianchi, F., Di Carlo, V., Nicoli, P., & Palmonari, M. (2020). Compass-aligned distributional
556 |
embeddings for studying semantic differences across corpora. *arXiv preprint
557 |
558 |
559 |
Lenci, A., & Sahlgren, M. (2023). *Distributional semantics*. Cambridge University Press.
560 |
561 |
Mikolov, T., Chen, K., Corrado, G., & Dean, J. (2013). Efficient estimation of word
562 |
representations in vector space. *arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.3781*.
563 |
564 |
Vatri, A., & McGillivray, B. (2018). The Diorisis ancient Greek corpus: Linguistics and
565 |
literature. *Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences*, 3(1), 55-65.
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569 |
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if selected == "License":
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