import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import defaultdict
from autocomplete import load_compressed_word_list
import json
def read_xml(file):
Read an XML file of the Greek LSJ dictionary
and return a dictionary with the words and their definitions.
tree = ET.parse(file)
root = tree.getroot()
xml_info = defaultdict(dict)
for entry in root.findall('.//entryFree'):
entry_info = extract_entry_info(entry)
xml_info[entry_info['lemma']] = entry_info
return xml_info
def extract_entry_info(entry):
Extract information from an entry in the LSJ dictionary.
definitions = defaultdict(dict)
# Save the lemma in the dictionary
lemma = entry.get('key')
# Save the orthographies in the dictionary
orthographies = [orth.text for orth in entry.findall('orth')]
definitions[lemma]['orthographies'] = orthographies
# Check if there is a tr element with a definition
definition = ' '.join(entry.itertext()).strip()
definitions[lemma]['definitions'] = {'tr': definition}
text = get_descendants_text(entry)
cleaned_text = prettify_text(text)
definitions[lemma]['definitions']['text'] = cleaned_text
return {'lemma': lemma, 'orthographies': orthographies, 'definitions': definitions[lemma]['definitions']}
def get_descendants_text(element):
Get all the text of the descendants of a given element, separating every 'sense' element.
text = ""
for child in element:
if child.tag == 'sense':
# Add a separator before each 'sense' element
text += "[SENSE_SEPARATOR]\n\n"
if child.tag == 'tr' and element.tag == 'sense':
# Add [tr] tags around text inside 'tr' tags within 'sense' tags
if child.text is not None:
text += f"
text += child.text or ""
text += get_descendants_text(child)
text += child.tail or ""
return text
def prettify_text(text):
Prettify the text of the definitions into a readable format,
adding [tr] tags to text inside 'tr' tags within 'sense' tags.
# Split text using the sense separator
parts = text.split("[SENSE_SEPARATOR]")
# Prettify each part separately
prettified_parts = []
for part in parts:
# Remove leading and trailing whitespace and join lines with a space
cleaned_part = ' '.join(line.strip() for line in part.split('\n') if line.strip())
# Join prettified parts using sense separator and newline
prettified_text = "\n\n[SENSE_SEPARATOR] ".join(prettified_parts)
return prettified_text
def full_dictionary():
Return the full dictionary of the LSJ dictionary.
merged_info = {}
for i in range(1, 28): # eng1 to eng27
file = f"LSJ_GreekUnicode/grc.lsj.perseus-eng{i}.xml"
xml_info = read_xml(file)
for lemma, info in xml_info.items():
# Merge dictionaries, assuming word is unique across all files
merged_info.setdefault(lemma, {}).update(info)
return merged_info
def format_text(data):
text = data['definitions']['text']
# Change tags to bold
text = text.replace("
", "**").replace("
", "**")
# Change [SENSE_SEPARATOR] to integers
for i in range(len(text.split("[SENSE_SEPARATOR]"))):
text = text.replace("[SENSE_SEPARATOR]", f"{i+1}.")
return text
def main():
# xml_info = read_xml("LSJ_GreekUnicode/grc.lsj.perseus-eng2.xml")
# for word, info in xml_info.items():
# print(word)
# print('Lemma: ', info['lemma'])
# print('Orthographies: ', info['orthographies'])
# print('Definitions: ', info['definitions'])
# print('TEST', info['definitions']['tr'].split('\n')[0]) # First word in the definition
# print('Text:', info['definitions']['text'])
# if len(info['definitions']['tr'].split('\n')) > 1:
# print('First definition: ', info['definitions']['tr'].split('\n')[1])
# print(' ')
# full_dictionary()
download = True
if download is True:
merged_info = {}
for i in range(1, 28): # eng1 to eng27
file = f"LSJ_GreekUnicode/grc.lsj.perseus-eng{i}.xml"
xml_info = read_xml(file)
for word, info in xml_info.items():
# Merge dictionaries, assuming word is unique across all files
merged_info.setdefault(word, {}).update(info)
# Store merged dictionaries as .json file with pretty print
with open("lsj_dict.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
json.dump(merged_info, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
lemma_dict = json.load(open('lsj_dict.json', 'r'))
def print_test(lemma_dict):
if __name__ == "__main__":