import streamlit as st | |
from datasets import load_dataset | |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForMaskedLM, pipeline | |
import torch | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import as px | |
#from huggingface_hub import HfApi, ModelFilter | |
from modelcards import ModelCard | |
from winobias import calculate_wino_bias | |
from honestbias import calculate_HONEST, analyze_honest, show_filled_terms | |
from statistics import mean | |
st.set_page_config( | |
page_title="WinoBiasCheck", | |
page_icon="./robot.png", | |
layout="wide", | |
) | |
st.title("Language Model Bias Scorecard") | |
st.markdown('### Generate a Bias Scorecard for your model!') | |
CLM_models= [ | |
'gpt2', | |
'distilgpt2', | |
'xlnet-base-cased', | |
#'bigscience/bloom-1b3', | |
#'EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B', | |
] | |
MLM_models=[ | |
'bert-base-uncased', | |
'distilbert-base-uncased', | |
'roberta-base', | |
'distilroberta-base', | |
#'google/electra-small-generator' | |
] | |
all_models = CLM_models+MLM_models | |
with st.sidebar: | |
modelname = st.selectbox( | |
'Choose a model to test', | |
all_models) | |
card = ModelCard.load(modelname) | |
st.markdown(card.text) | |
if modelname in MLM_models: | |
modeltype = "MLM" | |
elif modelname in CLM_models: | |
modeltype = "CLM" | |
## WinoBias calculations | |
wino_df = calculate_wino_bias(modelname, modeltype) | |
av_bias = mean(wino_df['av_bias']) | |
f_bias = (wino_df['f_bias'].mean()) | |
m_bias = (wino_df['m_bias'].mean()) | |
## HONEST calculations | |
honestscore, honest_df = calculate_HONEST(modelname, modeltype) | |
#toxicity | |
try: | |
toxicity_df = pd.read_csv(modelname+'_toxicity_scores.csv', engine='python') | |
#toxicity_df.to_csv().encode('utf-8') | |
#print(toxicity_df.columns) | |
toxicity_df = toxicity_df[['prompt',modelname.split('-')[0]+'_continuation',modelname.split('-')[0]+'_hatescore']] | |
toxicity_df.sort_values(modelname.split('-')[0]+'_hatescore', axis=0, ascending=False, inplace=True) | |
toxicityscore = toxicity_df[modelname.split('-')[0]+'_hatescore'].mean() | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
toxicityscore = np.nan | |
# BOLD | |
try: | |
bold_gender_df = pd.read_csv(modelname+'_bold_gender.csv') | |
bold_gender_grouped= bold_gender_df.groupby('category').mean() | |
bold_gender_grouped['Bias_Type']= "Gender" | |
bold_race_df = pd.read_csv(modelname+'_bold_race.csv') | |
bold_race_grouped= bold_race_df.groupby('category').mean() | |
bold_race_grouped['Bias_Type']= "Race" | |
bold_politics_df = pd.read_csv(modelname+'_bold_political_ideology.csv') | |
bold_politics_grouped= bold_politics_df.groupby('category').mean() | |
bold_politics_grouped['Bias_Type']= "Politics" | |
bold_profession_df = pd.read_csv(modelname+'_bold_profession.csv') | |
bold_profession_grouped= bold_profession_df.groupby('category').mean() | |
bold_profession_grouped['Bias_Type']= "Profession" | |
bold_religion_df = pd.read_csv(modelname+'_bold_religious_ideology.csv') | |
bold_religion_grouped= bold_religion_df.groupby('category').mean() | |
bold_religion_grouped['Bias_Type']= "Religion" | |
bold_df = pd.concat([bold_gender_grouped, bold_race_grouped, bold_politics_grouped, bold_profession_grouped, bold_religion_grouped], axis=0) | |
bold_df['category'] = bold_df.index | |
#print(bold_df.head()) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) | |
col1.metric("Profession Bias Score", round(av_bias,3)) | |
col2.metric("Gender Bias Score", round(honestscore,3)) | |
col3.metric("Toxicity Score", round(toxicityscore,3)) | |
st.markdown("In general, values closer to **1** mean *more* biased or toxic generations, whereas those closer to **0** are less so.") | |
st.markdown("## Look at the different biases of your model:") | |
st.markdown('By hovering over each data point, you can see the group it belongs to:') | |
try: | |
bold_plot = px.scatter(bold_df, \ | |
x='negative_score', y='positive_score', hover_data = {'Bias_Type':False, 'negative_score':False, 'positive_score' : False, 'category':True}, | |
color='Bias_Type') | |
bold_plot.update_traces(marker={'size': 10}) | |
st.plotly_chart(figure_or_data=bold_plot, use_container_width=True) | |
except: | |
st.markdown("Select a CLM to plot its biases!") | |
st.markdown("## Compare with other models:") | |
st.markdown('Models with the most bias and toxicity will be in the **top-right corner** of the plot, whereas models with the least bias/toxicity will appear in the bottom-left corner.') | |
if modeltype == "CLM": | |
model_biases = pd.read_csv('bias-scores-clm.csv') | |
fig_models = px.scatter(model_biases, x='Toxicity', y='HONEST', | |
color=model_biases.Model) | |
fig_models.update_traces(marker={'size': 25}) | |
fig_models.update_layout( | |
xaxis_title="Toxicity Score", | |
yaxis_title="HONEST Score") | |
fig_models.add_traces( | |
px.scatter(model_biases.loc[model_biases['Model'] == modelname], x='Toxicity', y='HONEST').update_traces(marker_size=40, marker_symbol = "cross", marker_color="yellow", showlegend=True, name = modelname).data, | |
) | |
st.plotly_chart(figure_or_data=fig_models, use_container_width=True) | |
else: | |
model_biases = pd.read_csv('bias-scores-mlm.csv') | |
fig_models = px.scatter(model_biases, x='WinoBias', y='HONEST', | |
color=model_biases.Model) | |
fig_models.update_traces(marker={'size': 25}) | |
fig_models.update_layout( | |
xaxis_title="WinoBias Score", | |
yaxis_title="HONEST Score") | |
fig_models.add_traces( | |
px.scatter(model_biases.loc[model_biases['Model'] == modelname], x='WinoBias', y='HONEST').update_traces(marker_size=40, marker_symbol = "cross", marker_color="yellow", showlegend=True, name=modelname).data | |
) | |
st.plotly_chart(figure_or_data=fig_models, use_container_width=True) | |
with st.expander("Explore Fairness Results (BOLD Dataset)"): | |
st.markdown("### BOLD Methodology") | |
st.write(""" | |
[Bias in Open-ended Language Generation Dataset (BOLD)]( is a dataset to evaluate fairness in open-ended \ | |
language generation in English language. It consists of 23,679 different text generation prompts that | |
allow fairness measurement across five domains: profession, gender, race, religious ideologies, and political ideologies. | |
The prompts in BOLD were collected using Wikipedia. | |
""") | |
st.markdown("### Explore the data") | |
try: | |
st.markdown("Gender Bias") | |
st.dataframe(bold_gender_df[['category','continuation','negative_score','positive_score']]) | |
st.markdown("Race Bias") | |
st.dataframe(bold_race_df[['category','continuation','negative_score','positive_score']]) | |
st.markdown("Political Bias") | |
st.dataframe(bold_politics_df[['category','continuation','negative_score','positive_score']]) | |
st.markdown("Professional Bias") | |
st.dataframe(bold_profession_df[['category','continuation','negative_score','positive_score']]) | |
st.markdown("Religious Bias") | |
st.dataframe(bold_religion_df[['category','continuation','negative_score','positive_score']]) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
st.markdown('Sorry, no fairness data to show!') | |
with st.expander("Explore Profession Bias Results (Wino Bias Dataset)"): | |
x= ''' | |
st.markdown("### Wino Bias Plot") | |
st.markdown("## Explore the data in more detail below!") | |
st.markdown('Hover over the different points of the graph to find the sentences with the most bias (top-right corner) and those with the least bias (bottom-left corner)') | |
fig1 = px.scatter(wino_df, x='f_bias', y='m_bias', | |
color = "av_bias", | |
hover_data={'m_bias':False, 'f_bias':False,'cloze_phrase': True,'anti_bias_pronoun':True,'bias_pronoun':True}, | |
) | |
fig1.update_xaxes(title_text="Bias of Female Pronouns") | |
fig1.update_yaxes(title_text="Bias of Male Pronouns") | |
st.plotly_chart(figure_or_data=fig1, use_container_width=True) | |
''' | |
#st.write("### Your model's female bias is: " +str(round(f_bias,3))) | |
#st.write("### Your model's male bias is: " +str(round(m_bias,3))) | |
st.markdown("### Wino Bias Methodology") | |
st.write(""" | |
The WinoBias dataset was introduced in 2018 (see [paper](, with its original task being *coreference resolution*, which \ | |
is a task that aims to identify mentions that refer to the same entity or person. | |
The dataset's "biased" and "anti-biased" pronouns are based on [Labor Force Statistics]( which show gender stereotypes across professions (see "Additional Resources" at the bottom of the page for these ratios). \ | |
In order to make the dataset compatible with MLMs (Masked Language Models), we transformed it into a "fill-in-the-blank" task, where models have to fill in \ | |
the missing word in a sentence. | |
We merged together the two Wino Bias subsets, the first part where predicting the pronoun requires world knowledge (semantics) \ | |
and the second one, where it can be done using only the syntactic information present in the sentence. | |
We then took the logits of the model for both the biased and anti-biased pronouns, and used them to calculate the average gender bias of models. | |
""") | |
st.markdown("### Explore the Wino Bias Data") | |
st.markdown('Look at the different sentences in the datasets below -- you can order them by bias by clicking the top of the column.') | |
st.dataframe(data=wino_df[['cloze_phrase','f_bias', 'm_bias']]) | |
with st.expander("Explore Gender Bias Results (HONEST Score)"): | |
st.markdown("### HONEST Methodology") | |
st.write(""" | |
The HONEST score, introduced in 2021, aims to measure hurtful sentence completions in language models \ | |
in terms of gender stereotypes in text generation. It uses a methodology based on systematic templates, prompting models with incomplete sentences \ | |
and analyzing sentence completion. The initial HONEST [paper]( found that the language models they \ | |
studied replicate andamplify societal stereotypes regarding gender roles, finding that 9% of sentence completions include sexual promiscuity \ | |
when the target is female, and 4% of them include references to homosexuality when the target is male. | |
""") | |
st.markdown("### HONEST Plot") | |
st.markdown("The radar plot below shows the correlation between genders and lexicon categories from [HurtLex](, which represents offensive, aggressive, and hateful words.") | |
st.markdown("The r values are the percentage of times that specific category is associated with that hurtful category.") | |
st.plotly_chart(analyze_honest(honest_df),use_container_width=True) | |
st.markdown("### HONEST Data") | |
st.markdown('Check out the top 5 filled words based on each prompt, for female categories (left) and male categories (right).') | |
female_df, male_df= show_filled_terms(honest_df) | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
st.header("Female Prompts") | |
st.dataframe(female_df) | |
with col2: | |
st.header("Male Prompts") | |
st.dataframe(male_df) | |
with st.expander("Explore Toxicity Results (Real Toxicity Prompts Dataset)"): | |
st.markdown("### Toxicity Methodology") | |
st.write(""" | |
[Real Toxicity Prompts]( is a a set of 100,000 prompts \ | |
with varying degrees of toxicity pulled from the web. Its aim is to help researchers further address the\ | |
risk of neural toxic degeneration in models. | |
The toxicity of the prompt completions are evaluated using the [Roberta Hate Speech detection model](,\ | |
which was trained for online hate detection. | |
""") | |
st.markdown("### Explore the data") | |
try: | |
st.dataframe(toxicity_df) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
st.markdown('Sorry, no toxicity data to show!') | |