import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def load_qa_model(): model = pipeline("question-answering") return model qa = load_qa_model() st.title("Ask Questions about your Text") sentence = st.text_area('Please paste your article :', height=30) question = st.text_input("Questions from this article?") button = st.button("Get me Answers") max = st.sidebar.slider('Select max', 50, 500, step=10, value=150) min = st.sidebar.slider('Select min', 10, 450, step=10, value=50) do_sample = st.sidebar.checkbox("Do sample", value=False) with st.spinner("Discovering Answers.."): if button and sentence: answers = qa(question=question, context=sentence) st.write(answers['answer'])