import numpy as np |
import matplotlib.cm |
import skimage.io |
import skimage.feature |
import skimage.filters |
def vec2im(V, shape=()): |
''' |
Transform an array V into a specified shape - or if no shape is given assume a square output format. |
Parameters |
---------- |
V : numpy.ndarray |
an array either representing a matrix or vector to be reshaped into an two-dimensional image |
shape : tuple or list |
optional. containing the shape information for the output array if not given, the output is assumed to be square |
Returns |
------- |
W : numpy.ndarray |
with W.shape = shape or W.shape = [np.sqrt(V.size)]*2 |
''' |
if len(shape) < 2: |
shape = [np.sqrt(V.size)] * 2 |
shape = map(int, shape) |
return np.reshape(V, shape) |
def enlarge_image(img, scaling=3): |
''' |
Enlarges a given input matrix by replicating each pixel value scaling times in horizontal and vertical direction. |
Parameters |
---------- |
img : numpy.ndarray |
array of shape [H x W] OR [H x W x D] |
scaling : int |
positive integer value > 0 |
Returns |
------- |
out : numpy.ndarray |
two-dimensional array of shape [scaling*H x scaling*W] |
OR |
three-dimensional array of shape [scaling*H x scaling*W x D] |
depending on the dimensionality of the input |
''' |
if scaling < 1 or not isinstance(scaling, int): |
print('scaling factor needs to be an int >= 1') |
if len(img.shape) == 2: |
H, W = img.shape |
out = np.zeros((scaling * H, scaling * W)) |
for h in range(H): |
fh = scaling * h |
for w in range(W): |
fw = scaling * w |
out[fh:fh + scaling, fw:fw + scaling] = img[h, w] |
elif len(img.shape) == 3: |
H, W, D = img.shape |
out = np.zeros((scaling * H, scaling * W, D)) |
for h in range(H): |
fh = scaling * h |
for w in range(W): |
fw = scaling * w |
out[fh:fh + scaling, fw:fw + scaling, :] = img[h, w, :] |
return out |
def repaint_corner_pixels(rgbimg, scaling=3): |
''' |
Recolors the top left and bottom right pixel (groups) with the average rgb value of its three neighboring pixel (groups). |
The recoloring visually masks the opposing pixel values which are a product of stabilizing the scaling. |
Assumes those image ares will pretty much never show evidence. |
Parameters |
---------- |
rgbimg : numpy.ndarray |
array of shape [H x W x 3] |
scaling : int |
positive integer value > 0 |
Returns |
------- |
rgbimg : numpy.ndarray |
three-dimensional array of shape [scaling*H x scaling*W x 3] |
''' |
rgbimg[0:scaling, 0:scaling, :] = (rgbimg[0, scaling, :] + rgbimg[scaling, 0, :] + rgbimg[scaling, scaling, |
:]) / 3.0 |
rgbimg[-scaling:, -scaling:, :] = (rgbimg[-1, -1 - scaling, :] + rgbimg[-1 - scaling, -1, :] + rgbimg[-1 - scaling, |
-1 - scaling, |
:]) / 3.0 |
return rgbimg |
def digit_to_rgb(X, scaling=3, shape=(), cmap='binary'): |
''' |
Takes as input an intensity array and produces a rgb image due to some color map |
Parameters |
---------- |
X : numpy.ndarray |
intensity matrix as array of shape [M x N] |
scaling : int |
optional. positive integer value > 0 |
shape: tuple or list of its , length = 2 |
optional. if not given, X is reshaped to be square. |
cmap : str |
name of color map of choice. default is 'binary' |
Returns |
------- |
image : numpy.ndarray |
three-dimensional array of shape [scaling*H x scaling*W x 3] , where H*W == M*N |
''' |
cmap = eval('matplotlib.cm.{}'.format(cmap)) |
image = enlarge_image(vec2im(X, shape), scaling) |
image = cmap(image.flatten())[..., 0:3].reshape([image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 3]) |
return image |
def hm_to_rgb(R, X=None, scaling=3, shape=(), sigma=2, cmap='bwr', normalize=True): |
''' |
Takes as input an intensity array and produces a rgb image for the represented heatmap. |
optionally draws the outline of another input on top of it. |
Parameters |
---------- |
R : numpy.ndarray |
the heatmap to be visualized, shaped [M x N] |
X : numpy.ndarray |
optional. some input, usually the data point for which the heatmap R is for, which shall serve |
as a template for a black outline to be drawn on top of the image |
shaped [M x N] |
scaling: int |
factor, on how to enlarge the heatmap (to control resolution and as a inverse way to control outline thickness) |
after reshaping it using shape. |
shape: tuple or list, length = 2 |
optional. if not given, X is reshaped to be square. |
sigma : double |
optional. sigma-parameter for the canny algorithm used for edge detection. the found edges are drawn as outlines. |
cmap : str |
optional. color map of choice |
normalize : bool |
optional. whether to normalize the heatmap to [-1 1] prior to colorization or not. |
Returns |
------- |
rgbimg : numpy.ndarray |
three-dimensional array of shape [scaling*H x scaling*W x 3] , where H*W == M*N |
''' |
cmap = eval('matplotlib.cm.{}'.format(cmap)) |
if normalize: |
R = R / np.max(np.abs(R)) |
R = (R + 1.) / 2. |
R = enlarge_image(R, scaling) |
rgb = cmap(R.flatten())[..., 0:3].reshape([R.shape[0], R.shape[1], 3]) |
if not X is None: |
xdims = X.shape |
Rdims = R.shape |
return rgb |
def save_image(rgb_images, path, gap=2): |
''' |
Takes as input a list of rgb images, places them next to each other with a gap and writes out the result. |
Parameters |
---------- |
rgb_images : list , tuple, collection. such stuff |
each item in the collection is expected to be an rgb image of dimensions [H x _ x 3] |
where the width is variable |
path : str |
the output path of the assembled image |
gap : int |
optional. sets the width of a black area of pixels realized as an image shaped [H x gap x 3] in between the input images |
Returns |
------- |
image : numpy.ndarray |
the assembled image as written out to path |
''' |
sz = [] |
image = [] |
for i in range(len(rgb_images)): |
if not sz: |
sz = rgb_images[i].shape |
image = rgb_images[i] |
gap = np.zeros((sz[0], gap, sz[2])) |
continue |
if not sz[0] == rgb_images[i].shape[0] and sz[1] == rgb_images[i].shape[2]: |
print('image', i, 'differs in size. unable to perform horizontal alignment') |
print('expected: Hx_xD = {0}x_x{1}'.format(sz[0], sz[1])) |
print('got : Hx_xD = {0}x_x{1}'.format(rgb_images[i].shape[0], rgb_images[i].shape[1])) |
print('skipping image\n') |
else: |
image = np.hstack((image, gap, rgb_images[i])) |
image *= 255 |
image = image.astype(np.uint8) |
print('saving image to ', path) |
skimage.io.imsave(path, image) |
return image |