import os |
import argparse |
import pathlib |
import copy |
import json |
import time |
import sampling |
from rwkv_cpp import rwkv_cpp_shared_library, rwkv_cpp_model |
from tokenizer_util import add_tokenizer_argument, get_tokenizer |
from typing import List, Dict, Optional |
LANGUAGE: str = 'English' |
PROMPT_TYPE: str = 'QA' |
TEMPERATURE: float = 0.8 |
TOP_P: float = 0.5 |
PRESENCE_PENALTY: float = 0.2 |
FREQUENCY_PENALTY: float = 0.2 |
END_OF_LINE_TOKEN: int = 187 |
END_OF_TEXT_TOKEN: int = 0 |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Provide terminal-based chat interface for RWKV model') |
parser.add_argument('model_path', help='Path to RWKV model in ggml format') |
add_tokenizer_argument(parser) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
script_dir: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(os.path.abspath(__file__)).parent |
with open(script_dir / 'prompt' / f'{LANGUAGE}-{PROMPT_TYPE}.json', 'r', encoding='utf8') as json_file: |
prompt_data = json.load(json_file) |
user, bot, separator, init_prompt = prompt_data['user'], prompt_data['bot'], prompt_data['separator'], prompt_data['prompt'] |
if init_prompt == '': |
raise ValueError('Prompt must not be empty') |
library = rwkv_cpp_shared_library.load_rwkv_shared_library() |
print(f'System info: {library.rwkv_get_system_info_string()}') |
print('Loading RWKV model') |
model = rwkv_cpp_model.RWKVModel(library, args.model_path) |
tokenizer_decode, tokenizer_encode = get_tokenizer(args.tokenizer, model.n_vocab) |
processed_tokens: List[int] = [] |
logits: Optional[rwkv_cpp_model.NumpyArrayOrPyTorchTensor] = None |
state: Optional[rwkv_cpp_model.NumpyArrayOrPyTorchTensor] = None |
def process_tokens(_tokens: List[int], new_line_logit_bias: float = 0.0) -> None: |
global processed_tokens, logits, state |
logits, state = model.eval_sequence_in_chunks(_tokens, state, state, logits, use_numpy=True) |
processed_tokens += _tokens |
logits[END_OF_LINE_TOKEN] += new_line_logit_bias |
state_by_thread: Dict[str, Dict] = {} |
def save_thread_state(_thread: str) -> None: |
state_by_thread[_thread] = { |
'tokens': copy.deepcopy(processed_tokens), |
'logits': copy.deepcopy(logits), |
'state': copy.deepcopy(state) |
} |
def load_thread_state(_thread: str) -> None: |
global processed_tokens, logits, state |
thread_state = state_by_thread[_thread] |
processed_tokens = copy.deepcopy(thread_state['tokens']) |
logits = copy.deepcopy(thread_state['logits']) |
state = copy.deepcopy(thread_state['state']) |
def split_last_end_of_line(tokens: List[int]) -> List[int]: |
if len(tokens) > 0 and tokens[-1] == DOUBLE_END_OF_LINE_TOKEN: |
tokens = tokens[:-1] + [END_OF_LINE_TOKEN, END_OF_LINE_TOKEN] |
return tokens |
processing_start: float = time.time() |
prompt_tokens = tokenizer_encode(init_prompt) |
prompt_token_count = len(prompt_tokens) |
print(f'Processing {prompt_token_count} prompt tokens, may take a while') |
process_tokens(split_last_end_of_line(prompt_tokens)) |
processing_duration: float = time.time() - processing_start |
print(f'Processed in {int(processing_duration)} s, {int(processing_duration / prompt_token_count * 1000)} ms per token') |
save_thread_state('chat_init') |
save_thread_state('chat') |
print(f'\nChat initialized! Your name is {user}. Write something and press Enter. Use \\n to add line breaks to your message.') |
while True: |
user_input: str = input(f'> {user}{separator} ') |
msg: str = user_input.replace('\\n', '\n').strip() |
temperature: float = TEMPERATURE |
top_p: float = TOP_P |
if '-temp=' in msg: |
temperature = float(msg.split('-temp=')[1].split(' ')[0]) |
msg = msg.replace('-temp='+f'{temperature:g}', '') |
if temperature <= 0.2: |
temperature = 0.2 |
if temperature >= 5: |
temperature = 5 |
if '-top_p=' in msg: |
top_p = float(msg.split('-top_p=')[1].split(' ')[0]) |
msg = msg.replace('-top_p='+f'{top_p:g}', '') |
if top_p <= 0: |
top_p = 0 |
msg = msg.strip() |
if msg == '+reset': |
load_thread_state('chat_init') |
save_thread_state('chat') |
print(f'{bot}{separator} Chat reset.\n') |
continue |
elif msg[:5].lower() == '+gen ' or msg[:3].lower() == '+i ' or msg[:4].lower() == '+qa ' or msg[:4].lower() == '+qq ' or msg.lower() == '+++' or msg.lower() == '++': |
if msg[:5].lower() == '+gen ': |
new = '\n' + msg[5:].strip() |
state = None |
processed_tokens = [] |
process_tokens(tokenizer_encode(new)) |
save_thread_state('gen_0') |
elif msg[:3].lower() == '+i ': |
new = f''' |
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. |
# Instruction: |
{msg[3:].strip()} |
# Response: |
''' |
state = None |
processed_tokens = [] |
process_tokens(tokenizer_encode(new)) |
save_thread_state('gen_0') |
elif msg[:4].lower() == '+qq ': |
new = '\nQ: ' + msg[4:].strip() + '\nA:' |
state = None |
processed_tokens = [] |
process_tokens(tokenizer_encode(new)) |
save_thread_state('gen_0') |
elif msg[:4].lower() == '+qa ': |
load_thread_state('chat_init') |
real_msg = msg[4:].strip() |
new = f'{user}{separator} {real_msg}\n\n{bot}{separator}' |
process_tokens(tokenizer_encode(new)) |
save_thread_state('gen_0') |
elif msg.lower() == '+++': |
try: |
load_thread_state('gen_1') |
save_thread_state('gen_0') |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
continue |
elif msg.lower() == '++': |
try: |
load_thread_state('gen_0') |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
continue |
thread = 'gen_1' |
else: |
if msg.lower() == '+': |
try: |
load_thread_state('chat_pre') |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
continue |
else: |
load_thread_state('chat') |
new = f'{user}{separator} {msg}\n\n{bot}{separator}' |
process_tokens(tokenizer_encode(new), new_line_logit_bias=-999999999) |
save_thread_state('chat_pre') |
thread = 'chat' |
print(f'> {bot}{separator}', end='') |
start_index: int = len(processed_tokens) |
accumulated_tokens: List[int] = [] |
token_counts: Dict[int, int] = {} |
for i in range(MAX_GENERATION_LENGTH): |
for n in token_counts: |
logits[n] -= PRESENCE_PENALTY + token_counts[n] * FREQUENCY_PENALTY |
token: int = sampling.sample_logits(logits, temperature, top_p) |
if token == END_OF_TEXT_TOKEN: |
print() |
break |
if token not in token_counts: |
token_counts[token] = 1 |
else: |
token_counts[token] += 1 |
process_tokens([token]) |
accumulated_tokens += [token] |
decoded: str = tokenizer_decode(accumulated_tokens) |
if '\uFFFD' not in decoded: |
print(decoded, end='', flush=True) |
accumulated_tokens = [] |
if thread == 'chat': |
if '\n\n' in tokenizer_decode(processed_tokens[start_index:]): |
break |
print() |
save_thread_state(thread) |