import os from .. import constants as const import pickle import pickle5 from shutil import copyfile, move from ..custom_types import * from PIL import Image import time import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys from ..constants import PROJECT_ROOT if PROJECT_ROOT not in sys.path: sys.path.append(PROJECT_ROOT) # sys.path.append("/home/juil/projects/3D_CRISPR/spaghetti_github") def image_to_display(img) -> ARRAY: if type(img) is str: img = if type(img) is not V: img = V(img) return img def imshow(img, title: Optional[str] = None): img = image_to_display(img) plt.imshow(img) plt.axis("off") if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.close('all') def load_image(path: str, color_type: str = 'RGB') -> ARRAY: for suffix in ('.png', '.jpg'): path_ = add_suffix(path, suffix) if os.path.isfile(path_): path = path_ break image = return V(image) def save_image(image: Union[ARRAY, Image.Image], path: str): if type(image) is ARRAY: if image.shape[-1] == 1: image = image[:, :, 0] image = Image.fromarray(image) init_folders(path) def split_path(path: str) -> List[str]: extension = os.path.splitext(path)[1] dir_name, name = os.path.split(path) name = name[: len(name) - len(extension)] return [dir_name, name, extension] def init_folders(*folders): if const.DEBUG: return for f in folders: dir_name = os.path.dirname(f) if dir_name and not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.makedirs(dir_name) def is_file(path: str): return os.path.isfile(path) def add_suffix(path: str, suffix: str) -> str: if len(path) < len(suffix) or path[-len(suffix):] != suffix: path = f'{path}{suffix}' return path def remove_suffix(path: str, suffix: str) -> str: if len(path) > len(suffix) and path[-len(suffix):] == suffix: path = path[:-len(suffix)] return path def path_init(suffix: str, path_arg_ind: int, is_save: bool): def wrapper(func): def do(*args, **kwargs): path = add_suffix(args[path_arg_ind], suffix) if is_save: init_folders(path) args = [args[i] if i != path_arg_ind else path for i in range(len(args))] return func(*args, **kwargs) return do return wrapper def copy_file(src: str, dest: str, force=False): if const.DEBUG: return if os.path.isfile(src): if force or not os.path.isfile(dest): copyfile(src, dest) return True else: print("Destination file already exist. To override, set force=True") return False def load_image(path: str, color_type: str = 'RGB') -> ARRAY: for suffix in ('.png', '.jpg'): path_ = add_suffix(path, suffix) if os.path.isfile(path_): path = path_ break image = return V(image) @path_init('.png', 1, True) def save_image(image: ARRAY, path: str): if type(image) is ARRAY: if image.shape[-1] == 1: image = image[:, :, 0] image = Image.fromarray(image) def save_np(arr_or_dict: Union[ARRAY, T, dict], path: str): if const.DEBUG: return init_folders(path) if type(arr_or_dict) is dict: path = add_suffix(path, '.npz') np.savez_compressed(path, **arr_or_dict) else: if type(arr_or_dict) is T: arr_or_dict = arr_or_dict.detach().cpu().numpy() path = remove_suffix(path, '.npy'), arr_or_dict) @path_init('.npy', 0, False) def load_np(path: str): return np.load(path) @path_init('.pkl', 0, False) def load_pickle(path: str): data = None if os.path.isfile(path): try: with open(path, 'rb') as f: data = pickle.load(f) except ValueError: with open(path, 'rb') as f: data = pickle5.load(f) return data @path_init('.pkl', 1, True) def save_pickle(obj, path: str): if const.DEBUG: return with open(path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load_txt_labels(path: str) -> VN: for suffix in ('.txt', '.seg'): path_ = add_suffix(path, suffix) if os.path.isfile(path_): return np.loadtxt(path_, dtype=np.int64) - 1 return None @path_init('.txt', 0, False) def load_txt(path: str) -> List[str]: data = [] if os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: data.append(line.strip()) return data # def load_points(path: str) -> T: # path = add_suffix(path, '.pts') # points = [int_b(num) for num in load_txt(path)] # return torch.tensor(points, dtype=torch.int64) def save_txt(array, path: str): if const.DEBUG: return path_ = add_suffix(path, '.txt') with open(path_, 'w') as f: for i, num in enumerate(array): f.write(f'{num}{" " if i < len(array) - 1 else ""}') def move_file(src: str, dest: str): if const.DEBUG: return if os.path.isfile(src): move(src, dest) return True return False @path_init('.json', 1, True) def save_json(obj, path: str): with open(path, 'w') as f: json.dump(obj, f, indent=4) def collect(root: str, *suffix, prefix='') -> List[List[str]]: if os.path.isfile(root): folder = os.path.split(root)[0] + '/' extension = os.path.splitext(root)[-1] name = root[len(folder): -len(extension)] paths = [[folder, name, extension]] else: paths = [] root = add_suffix(root, '/') if not os.path.isdir(root): print(f'Warning: trying to collect from {root} but dir isn\'t exist') else: p_len = len(prefix) for path, _, files in os.walk(root): for file in files: file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file) p_len_ = min(p_len, len(file_name)) if file_extension in suffix and file_name[:p_len_] == prefix: paths.append((f'{add_suffix(path, "/")}', file_name, file_extension)) paths.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.join(x[1], x[2])) return paths def delete_all(root:str, *suffix: str): if const.DEBUG: return paths = collect(root, *suffix) for path in paths: os.remove(''.join(path)) def delete_single(path: str) -> bool: if os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) return True return False def colors_to_colors(colors: COLORS, mesh: T_Mesh) -> T: if type(colors) is not T: if type(colors) is V: colors = torch.from_numpy(colors).long() else: colors = torch.tensor(colors, dtype=torch.int64) if colors.max() > 1: colors = colors.float() / 255 if colors.dim() == 1: colors = colors.unsqueeze(int(colors.shape[0] != 3)).expand_as(mesh[0]) return colors def load_mesh(file_name: str, dtype: Union[type(T), type(V)] = T, device: D = CPU) -> Union[T_Mesh, V_Mesh, T, Tuple[T, List[List[int]]]]: def off_parser(): header = None def parser_(clean_line: list): nonlocal header if not clean_line: return False if len(clean_line) == 3 and not header: header = True elif len(clean_line) == 3: return 0, 0, float elif len(clean_line) > 3: return 1, -int(clean_line[0]), int return parser_ def obj_parser(clean_line: list): nonlocal is_quad if not clean_line: return False elif clean_line[0] == 'v': return 0, 1, float elif clean_line[0] == 'f': is_quad = is_quad or len(clean_line) != 4 return 1, 1, int return False def fetch(lst: list, idx: int, dtype: type): uv_vs_ids = None if '/' in lst[idx]: lst = [item.split('/') for item in lst[idx:]] lst = [item[0] for item in lst] idx = 0 face_vs_ids = [dtype(c.split('/')[0]) for c in lst[idx:]] if dtype is float and len(face_vs_ids) > 3: face_vs_ids = face_vs_ids[:3] return face_vs_ids, uv_vs_ids def load_from_txt(parser) -> TS: mesh_ = [[], []] with open(file_name, 'r') as f: for line in f: clean_line = line.strip().split() info = parser(clean_line) if not info: continue data = fetch(clean_line, info[1], info[2]) mesh_[info[0]].append(data[0]) if is_quad: faces = mesh_[1] for face in faces: for i in range(len(face)): face[i] -= 1 else: faces = torch.tensor(mesh_[1], dtype=torch.int64) if len(faces) > 0 and faces.min() != 0: faces -= 1 mesh_ = torch.tensor(mesh_[0], dtype=torch.float32), faces return mesh_ for suffix in ['.obj', '.off', '.ply']: file_name_tmp = add_suffix(file_name, suffix) if os.path.isfile(file_name_tmp): file_name = file_name_tmp break is_quad = False name, extension = os.path.splitext(file_name) if extension == '.obj': mesh = load_from_txt(obj_parser) elif extension == '.off': mesh = load_from_txt(off_parser()) elif extension == '.ply': mesh = load_ply(file_name) else: raise ValueError(f'mesh file {file_name} is not exist or not supported') if type(mesh[1]) is T and not ((mesh[1] >= 0) * (mesh[1] < mesh[0].shape[0])).all(): print(f"err: {file_name}") assert type(mesh[1]) is not T or ((mesh[1] >= 0) * (mesh[1] < mesh[0].shape[0])).all() if dtype is V: mesh = mesh[0].numpy(), mesh[1].numpy() elif device != CPU: mesh = mesh[0].to(device), mesh[1].to(device) if len(mesh[1]) == 0 and len(mesh[0]) > 0: return mesh[0] return mesh @path_init('.xyz', 1, True) def export_xyz(pc: T, path: str, normals: Optional[T] = None): pc = pc.tolist() if normals is not None: normals = normals.tolist() with open(path, 'w') as f: for i in range(len(pc)): x, y, z = pc[i] f.write(f'{x} {y} {z}') if normals is not None: x, y, z = normals[i] f.write(f' {x} {y} {z}') if i < len(pc) - 1: f.write('\n') @path_init('.txt', 2, True) def export_gmm(gmm: TS, item: int, file_name: str, included: Optional[List[int]] = None): if included is None: included = [1] * gmm[0].shape[2] mu, p, phi, eigen = [tensor[item, 0].flatten().cpu() for tensor in gmm] # phi = phi.softmax(0) with open(file_name, 'w') as f: for tensor in (phi, mu, eigen, p): tensor_str = [f'{number:.5f}' for number in tensor.tolist()] f.write(f"{' '.join(tensor_str)}\n") list_str = [f'{number:d}' for number in included] f.write(f"{' '.join(list_str)}\n") @path_init('.txt', 0, False) def load_gmm(path, as_np: bool = False, device: D = CPU): parsed = [] with open(path, 'r') as f: lines = [line.strip() for line in f] for i, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.split(" ") arr = [float(item) for item in line] if as_np: arr = V(arr) else: arr = torch.tensor(arr, device=device) if 0 < i < 3: arr = arr.reshape((-1, 3)) # swap = arr[:, 2].copy() # arr[:, 2] = arr[:, 1] # arr[:, 1] = swap elif i == 3: arr = arr.reshape((-1, 3, 3)) # arr = arr.transpose(0, 2, 1) elif i == 4: if as_np: arr = arr.astype(np.bool_) else: arr = arr.bool() parsed.append(arr) return parsed @path_init('.txt', 1, True) def export_list(lst: List[Any], path: str): with open(path, "w") as f: for i in range(len(lst)): f.write(f'{lst[i]}\n') @path_init('.obj', 1, True) def export_mesh(mesh: Union[V_Mesh, T_Mesh, T, Tuple[T, List[List[int]]]], file_name: str, colors: Optional[COLORS] = None, normals: TN = None, edges=None, spheres=None): # return if type(mesh) is not tuple and type(mesh) is not list: mesh = mesh, None vs, faces = mesh if vs.shape[1] < 3: vs =, torch.zeros(len(vs), 3 - vs.shape[1], device=vs.device)), dim=1) if colors is not None: colors = colors_to_colors(colors, mesh) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file_name)): return if faces is not None: if type(faces) is T: faces: T = faces + 1 faces_lst = faces.tolist() else: faces_lst_: List[List[int]] = faces faces_lst = [] for face in faces_lst_: faces_lst.append([face[i] + 1 for i in range(len(face))]) with open(file_name, 'w') as f: for vi, v in enumerate(vs): if colors is None or colors[vi, 0] < 0: v_color = '' else: v_color = ' %f %f %f' % (colors[vi, 0].item(), colors[vi, 1].item(), colors[vi, 2].item()) f.write("v %f %f %f%s\n" % (v[0], v[1], v[2], v_color)) if normals is not None: for n in normals: f.write("vn %f %f %f\n" % (n[0], n[1], n[2])) if faces is not None: for face in faces_lst: face = [str(f) for f in face] f.write(f'f {" ".join(face)}\n') if edges is not None: for edges_id in range(edges.shape[0]): f.write(f'\ne {edges[edges_id][0].item():d} {edges[edges_id][1].item():d}') if spheres is not None: for sphere_id in range(spheres.shape[0]): f.write(f'\nsp {spheres[sphere_id].item():d}') @path_init('.ply', 1, True) def export_ply(mesh: T_Mesh, path: str, colors: T): colors = colors_to_colors(colors, mesh) colors = (colors * 255).long() vs, faces = mesh vs = vs.clone() swap = vs[:, 1].clone() vs[:, 1] = vs[:, 2] vs[:, 2] = swap min_cor, max_cor= vs.min(0)[0], vs.max(0)[0] vs = vs - ((min_cor + max_cor) / 2)[None, :] vs = vs / vs.max() vs[:, 2] = vs[:, 2] - vs[:, 2].min() num_vs = vs.shape[0] num_faces = faces.shape[0] with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(f'ply\nformat ascii 1.0\n' f'element vertex {num_vs:d}\nproperty float x\nproperty float y\nproperty float z\n' f'property uchar red\nproperty uchar green\nproperty uchar blue\n' f'element face {num_faces:d}\nproperty list uchar int vertex_indices\nend_header\n') for vi, v in enumerate(vs): color = f'{colors[vi, 0].item():d} {colors[vi, 1].item():d} {colors[vi, 2].item():d}' f.write(f'{v[0].item():f} {v[1].item():f} {v[2].item():f} {color}\n') for face in faces: f.write(f'3 {face[0].item():d} {face[1].item():d} {face[2].item():d}\n') @path_init('.ply', 0, False) def load_ply(path: str): import plyfile plydata = vertices = plydata.elements[0].data vertices = [[float(item[0]), float(item[1]), float(item[2])] for item in vertices] vertices = torch.tensor(vertices) faces = plydata.elements[1].data faces = [[int(item[0][0]), int(item[0][1]), int(item[0][2])] for item in faces] faces = torch.tensor(faces) return vertices, faces @path_init('', 1, True) def save_model(model: Union[Optimizer, nn.Module], model_path: str): if const.DEBUG: return init_folders(model_path), model_path) def load_model(model: Union[Optimizer, nn.Module], model_path: str, device: D, verbose: bool = False): if os.path.isfile(model_path): model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path, map_location=device)) if verbose: print(f'loading {type(model).__name__} from {model_path}') elif verbose: print(f'init {type(model).__name__}') return model def measure_time(func, num_iters: int, *args): start_time = time.time() for i in range(num_iters): func(*args) total_time = time.time() - start_time avg_time = total_time / num_iters print(f"{str(func).split()[1].split('.')[-1]} total time: {total_time}, average time: {avg_time}") def get_time_name(name: str, format_="%m_%d-%H_%M") -> str: return f'{name}_{time.strftime(format_)}' @path_init('.txt', 0, False) def load_shapenet_seg(path: str) -> TS: labels, vs = [], [] with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: data = line.strip().split() vs.append([float(item) for item in data[:3]]) labels.append(int(data[-1].split('.')[0])) return torch.tensor(vs, dtype=torch.float32), torch.tensor(labels, dtype=torch.int64) @path_init('.json', 0, False) def load_json(path: str): with open(path, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) return data