from smolagents import CodeAgent,DuckDuckGoSearchTool, HfApiModel,load_tool,tool |
import datetime |
import requests |
import pytz |
import yaml |
from typing import List, Dict, Optional |
import tkapi |
from tkapi.fractie import Fractie, FractieFilter |
from tkapi.persoon import PersoonFilter, PersoonNevenfunctie |
from tkapi.util import queries |
from tkapi.zaak import Zaak, ZaakSoort |
from tools.final_answer import FinalAnswerTool |
from Gradio_UI import GradioUI |
api = tkapi.TKApi() |
@tool |
def get_kamervraag_context(zaak_nummer: str) -> Dict[str, any]: |
""" |
Retrieves detailed context information for a specific parliamentary item by its number. |
Args: |
zaak_nummer: The unique identifier of the parliamentary item (e.g., '2024Z00541') |
Returns: |
Dict[str, any]: Dictionary containing detailed item information: |
- 'nummer': Unique identifier of the item |
- 'soort': Type of the item |
- 'onderwerp': Subject/topic of the item |
- 'datum': Date the item was started |
- 'afgedaan': Whether the item has been handled/answered |
- 'indieners': List of submitters with their party |
- 'documenten': List of related documents with their details |
- 'besluiten': List of related decisions |
- 'activiteiten': List of related activities |
Example return value: |
{ |
'nummer': '2024Z00541', |
'soort': 'Motie', |
'onderwerp': 'Motie van de leden over uitingen van de schutterijcultuur', |
'datum': datetime.date(2024, 1, 18), |
'afgedaan': True, |
'indieners': ['Geert Wilders (PVV)', 'Martin Bosma (PVV)'], |
'documenten': [ |
{ |
'nummer': '36410-VIII-56', |
'soort': 'Motie', |
'titel': 'Motie van de leden...', |
'datum': datetime.date(2024, 1, 18) |
} |
], |
'besluiten': ['Aangenomen op 23 januari 2024'], |
'activiteiten': [ |
{ |
'soort': 'Stemmingen', |
'datum': datetime.date(2024, 1, 23), |
'status': 'Afgerond' |
} |
] |
} |
""" |
try: |
api = tkapi.TKApi(verbose=False) |
filter = Zaak.create_filter() |
filter.filter_nummer(zaak_nummer) |
zaken = api.get_zaken(filter=filter) |
zaak = next(iter(zaken), None) |
if not zaak: |
print(f"No parliamentary item found with number {zaak_nummer}") |
return {} |
result = { |
'nummer': zaak.nummer, |
'soort': zaak.soort.value if zaak.soort else None, |
'onderwerp': zaak.onderwerp, |
'datum': zaak.gestart_op, |
'afgedaan': zaak.afgedaan, |
'indieners': [], |
'documenten': [], |
'besluiten': [], |
'activiteiten': [] |
} |
actors = zaak.actors |
if actors: |
for actor in actors: |
if hasattr(actor, 'persoon') and actor.persoon: |
persoon = actor.persoon |
fractie_str = "" |
if hasattr(persoon, 'fractie') and persoon.fractie: |
fractie_str = f" ({persoon.fractie.afkorting})" |
result['indieners'].append( |
f"{persoon.roepnaam} {persoon.achternaam}{fractie_str}" |
) |
for doc in zaak.documenten: |
doc_info = { |
'nummer': doc.nummer if hasattr(doc, 'nummer') else None, |
'soort': doc.soort.value if hasattr(doc, 'soort') and doc.soort else None, |
'titel': doc.titel if hasattr(doc, 'titel') else None, |
'datum': doc.datum if hasattr(doc, 'datum') else None |
} |
result['documenten'].append(doc_info) |
for besluit in zaak.besluiten: |
if hasattr(besluit, 'tekst') and besluit.tekst: |
result['besluiten'].append(besluit.tekst) |
for activiteit in zaak.activiteiten: |
act_info = { |
'soort': activiteit.soort.value if hasattr(activiteit, 'soort') and activiteit.soort else None, |
'datum': activiteit.datum if hasattr(activiteit, 'datum') else None, |
'status': activiteit.status if hasattr(activiteit, 'status') else None |
} |
result['activiteiten'].append(act_info) |
return result |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching context for parliamentary item: {str(e)}") |
return {} |
@tool |
def get_kamervragen( |
start_datetime: datetime.datetime, |
end_datetime: datetime.datetime, |
only_answered: Optional[bool] = None, |
zaak_soort: ZaakSoort = ZaakSoort.SCHRIFTELIJKE_VRAGEN |
) -> List[Dict[str, any]]: |
""" |
Retrieves basic information about parliamentary items (kamervragen, moties, etc.) within a specified date range. |
Args: |
start_datetime: Start date as datetime object |
end_datetime: End date as datetime object |
only_answered: Optional filter for answered items (True = only answered, False = only unanswered, None = both) |
zaak_soort: Type of parliamentary item to filter on. Options from ZaakSoort enum: |
- AMENDEMENT: Amendments |
- BRIEF_COMMISSIE: Committee letters |
- BRIEF_REGERING: Government letters |
- BRIEF_LID: Member letters |
- INITIATIEF_NOTA: Initiative notes |
- INITIATIEF_WETGEVING: Initiative legislation |
- INTERPELLATIE: Interpellations |
- LIJST_MET_VRAGEN: List of questions |
- MEDEDELINGEN: Announcements |
- MONDELINGE_VRAGEN: Oral questions |
- MOTIE: Motions |
- OVERIG: Other |
- PARLEMENTAIR_DOCUMENT: Parliamentary documents |
- RAPPORT: Reports |
- SCHRIFTELIJKE_VRAGEN: Written questions (default) |
- VERSLAG_COMMISSIE: Committee reports |
- VOORDRACHT: Nominations |
- WETSVOORSTEL: Bill proposals |
Returns: |
List[Dict[str, any]]: List of dictionaries containing basic item information: |
- 'nummer': Unique identifier of the item |
- 'soort': Type of the item |
- 'onderwerp': Subject/topic of the item |
- 'datum': Date the item was started (as datetime.date) |
- 'afgedaan': Boolean indicating if the item has been handled/answered |
Example return value: |
[ |
{ |
'nummer': '2024Z00541', |
'soort': 'Motie', |
'onderwerp': 'Motie van de leden over uitingen van de schutterijcultuur', |
'datum': datetime.date(2024, 1, 18), |
'afgedaan': True |
} |
] |
""" |
try: |
api = TKApi(verbose=False) |
filter = Zaak.create_filter() |
filter.filter_soort(zaak_soort) |
filter.filter_date_range(start_datetime, end_datetime) |
if only_answered is not None: |
filter.filter_afgedaan(only_answered) |
zaken = api.get_zaken(filter=filter) |
results = [] |
for zaak in zaken: |
zaak_info = { |
'nummer': zaak.nummer, |
'soort': zaak.soort.value if zaak.soort else None, |
'onderwerp': zaak.onderwerp, |
'datum': zaak.gestart_op, |
'afgedaan': zaak.afgedaan |
} |
results.append(zaak_info) |
return results |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching parliamentary items: {str(e)}") |
return [] |
@tool |
def get_kamerlid_reizen(achternaam: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: |
""" |
Retrieves all registered travels for a specific parliament member by their last name. |
Args: |
achternaam: The last name of the parliament member to search for |
(case-sensitive, partial matches are supported) |
Returns: |
List[Dict[str, str]]: A list of dictionaries containing travel information: |
- 'bestemming': Destination of the travel |
- 'doel': Purpose of the travel |
- 'van': Start date of the travel |
- 'tot': End date of the travel |
- 'betaald_door': Who paid for the travel |
Example return value: |
[ |
{ |
'bestemming': 'Brussels', |
'doel': 'EU Parliament meeting', |
'van': '2024-01-15', |
'tot': '2024-01-17', |
'betaald_door': 'European Parliament' |
} |
] |
Note: |
If multiple parliament members match the given last name, |
travels for all matching members will be returned. |
""" |
try: |
api = tkapi.TKApi(verbose=False) |
filter = PersoonFilter() |
filter.filter_achternaam(achternaam) |
persons = api.get_personen(filter=filter) |
all_travels = [] |
for person in persons: |
for reis in person.reizen: |
travel_info = { |
'bestemming': reis.bestemming, |
'doel': reis.doel, |
'van': str(reis.van) if reis.van else None, |
'tot': str(reis.tot_en_met) if reis.tot_en_met else None, |
'betaald_door': reis.betaald_door |
} |
all_travels.append(travel_info) |
return all_travels |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching travel data: {str(e)}") |
return [] |
@tool |
def Get_Active_Fractions() -> list[dict[str, str | int]]: |
""" |
Retrieves a list of all currently active fractions (political parties) in the Dutch parliament. |
Returns: |
List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]: A list of dictionaries containing information about each fraction: |
- 'naam': Full name of the political party (string) |
- 'afkorting': Abbreviation/acronym of the party (string) |
- 'zetels_aantal': Number of seats the party holds (integer) |
Example return value: |
[ |
{ |
'naam': 'Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie', |
'afkorting': 'VVD', |
'zetels_aantal': 34 |
}, |
{ |
'naam': 'Democraten 66', |
'afkorting': 'D66', |
'zetels_aantal': 24 |
} |
] |
""" |
try: |
api = tkapi.TKApi(verbose=False) |
filter = Fractie.create_filter() |
filter.filter_actief() |
active_fractions = api.get_fracties(filter=filter) |
results = [] |
for fraction in active_fractions: |
fraction_info = { |
'naam': fraction.naam, |
'afkorting': fraction.afkorting, |
'zetels_aantal': fraction.zetels_aantal |
} |
results.append(fraction_info) |
return results |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching fraction data: {str(e)}") |
return [] |
@tool |
def get_fraction_members(fractie_naam: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: |
""" |
Retrieves all current members of a specific fraction (political party) in the Dutch parliament. |
Args: |
fractie_naam: The name of the fraction/party to search for (case-sensitive). |
Can be either the full name (e.g. 'Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie') |
or the abbreviation (e.g. 'VVD') |
Returns: |
List[Dict[str, str]]: A list of dictionaries containing member information: |
- 'achternaam': Last name of the member |
- 'geboortedatum': Date of birth |
- 'van': Start date of membership |
- 'fractie': Name of the fraction |
- 'fractie_afkorting': Abbreviation of the fraction |
Example return value: |
[ |
{ |
'achternaam': 'van der Berg', |
'geboortedatum': '1975-03-15', |
'van': '2023-12-06', |
'fractie': 'Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie', |
'fractie_afkorting': 'VVD' |
} |
] |
Note: |
- This only returns currently active members |
- The search works for both full names and abbreviations |
- If no fraction is found with the given name, an empty list is returned |
""" |
try: |
api = tkapi.TKApi(verbose=False) |
filter = FractieFilter() |
filter.filter_actief() |
fracties = api.get_fracties(filter=filter) |
target_fractie = None |
for fractie in fracties: |
if fractie_naam.upper() in [fractie.naam.upper(), fractie.afkorting.upper()]: |
target_fractie = fractie |
break |
if not target_fractie: |
print(f"No active fraction found with name or abbreviation: {fractie_naam}") |
return [] |
members = target_fractie.leden_actief |
member_list = [] |
for lid in members: |
persoon = lid.persoon |
member_info = { |
'achternaam': persoon.achternaam, |
'geboortedatum': str(persoon.geboortedatum) if persoon.geboortedatum else None, |
'van': str(lid.van) if lid.van else None, |
'fractie': target_fractie.naam, |
'fractie_afkorting': target_fractie.afkorting |
} |
member_list.append(member_info) |
return member_list |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching fraction members: {str(e)}") |
return [] |
@tool |
def get_kamerlid_geschenken(achternaam: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: |
""" |
Retrieves all registered gifts for a specific parliament member by their last name. |
Args: |
achternaam: The last name of the parliament member to search for |
(case-sensitive, partial matches are supported) |
Returns: |
List[Dict[str, str]]: A list of dictionaries containing gift information: |
- 'persoon': Name of the parliament member |
- 'omschrijving': Description of the gift |
- 'datum': Date the gift was received |
- 'waarde': Value of the gift if specified |
Example return value: |
[ |
{ |
'persoon': 'John van der Berg', |
'omschrijving': 'Book "Politics in the Netherlands"', |
'datum': '2024-01-15', |
'waarde': '€45' |
} |
] |
Note: |
If multiple parliament members match the given last name, |
gifts for all matching members will be returned. |
""" |
try: |
api = tkapi.TKApi(verbose=False) |
filter = PersoonFilter() |
filter.filter_achternaam(achternaam) |
persons = api.get_personen(filter=filter) |
all_gifts = [] |
for person in persons: |
for geschenk in person.geschenken: |
gift_info = { |
'persoon': f"{person.roepnaam} {person.achternaam}".strip(), |
'omschrijving': geschenk.omschrijving, |
'datum': str(geschenk.datum) if geschenk.datum else None, |
'waarde': geschenk.waarde if hasattr(geschenk, 'waarde') else None |
} |
all_gifts.append(gift_info) |
return all_gifts |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching gift data: {str(e)}") |
return [] |
@tool |
def get_kamerlid_nevenfuncties(achternaam: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: |
""" |
Retrieves all registered secondary functions (nevenfuncties) for a specific parliament member by their last name. |
Args: |
achternaam: The last name of the parliament member to search for |
(case-sensitive, partial matches are supported) |
Returns: |
List[Dict[str, str]]: A list of dictionaries containing secondary function information: |
- 'persoon': Name of the parliament member |
- 'omschrijving': Description of the function |
- 'vergoeding': Compensation details if any |
- 'van': Start date of the function |
- 'tot': End date of the function (if applicable) |
- 'periode': Period specification (if available) |
Example return value: |
[ |
{ |
'persoon': 'John van der Berg', |
'omschrijving': 'Board member of Foundation XYZ', |
'vergoeding': 'Unpaid', |
'van': '2023-01-01', |
'tot': None, |
'periode': 'Current' |
} |
] |
Note: |
If multiple parliament members match the given last name, |
secondary functions for all matching members will be returned. |
""" |
try: |
api = tkapi.TKApi(verbose=False) |
filter = PersoonFilter() |
filter.filter_achternaam(achternaam) |
persons = api.get_personen(filter=filter) |
all_functions = [] |
for person in persons: |
for functie in person.nevenfuncties: |
function_info = { |
'persoon': f"{person.roepnaam} {person.achternaam}".strip(), |
'omschrijving': functie.omschrijving, |
'vergoeding': functie.vergoeding if hasattr(functie, 'vergoeding') else None, |
'van': str(functie.van) if functie.van else None, |
'tot': str(functie.tot) if hasattr(functie, 'tot') and functie.tot else None, |
'periode': functie.periode if hasattr(functie, 'periode') else None |
} |
all_functions.append(function_info) |
return all_functions |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching secondary function data: {str(e)}") |
return [] |
@tool |
def get_current_time_in_timezone(timezone: str) -> str: |
"""A tool that fetches the current local time in a specified timezone. |
Args: |
timezone: A string representing a valid timezone (e.g., 'America/New_York'). |
""" |
try: |
tz = pytz.timezone(timezone) |
local_time = datetime.datetime.now(tz).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") |
return f"The current local time in {timezone} is: {local_time}" |
except Exception as e: |
return f"Error fetching time for timezone '{timezone}': {str(e)}" |
final_answer = FinalAnswerTool() |
model = HfApiModel( |
max_tokens=2096, |
temperature=0.5, |
model_id='Qwen/Qwen2.5-Coder-32B-Instruct', |
custom_role_conversions=None, |
) |
image_generation_tool = load_tool("agents-course/text-to-image", trust_remote_code=True) |
with open("prompts.yaml", 'r') as stream: |
prompt_templates = yaml.safe_load(stream) |
agent = CodeAgent( |
model=model, |
tools=[final_answer, |
Get_Active_Fractions, |
get_fraction_members, |
get_kamerlid_reizen, |
get_kamerlid_geschenken, |
get_kamerlid_nevenfuncties, |
get_kamervragen, |
get_kamervraag_context, |
get_current_time_in_timezone], |
max_steps=6, |
verbosity_level=1, |
grammar=None, |
planning_interval=None, |
name=None, |
description=None, |
prompt_templates=prompt_templates |
) |
GradioUI(agent).launch() |