import torch import torch.nn as nn from pytorch_utils.modules import MLP import math from omegaconf import DictConfig from typing import Dict, Tuple from torch import Tensor LOG2 = math.log(2) class BaseMemory(nn.Module): """Base clustering module.""" def __init__(self, config: DictConfig, span_emb_size: int, drop_module: nn.Module): super(BaseMemory, self).__init__() self.config = config self.mem_size = span_emb_size self.drop_module = drop_module if self.config.sim_func == "endpoint": num_embs = 2 # Span start, Span end else: num_embs = 3 # Span start, Span end, Hadamard product between the two self.mem_coref_mlp = MLP( num_embs * self.mem_size + config.num_feats * config.emb_size, config.mlp_size, 1, drop_module=drop_module, num_hidden_layers=config.mlp_depth, bias=True, ) if config.entity_rep == "learned_avg": # Parameter for updating the cluster representation self.alpha = MLP( 2 * self.mem_size, config.mlp_size, 1, num_hidden_layers=1, bias=True, drop_module=drop_module, ) if config.pseudo_dist: self.distance_embeddings = nn.Embedding( self.config.num_embeds + 1, config.emb_size ) else: self.distance_embeddings = nn.Embedding( self.config.num_embeds, config.emb_size ) self.counter_embeddings = nn.Embedding(self.config.num_embeds, config.emb_size) @property def device(self) -> torch.device: return next(self.mem_coref_mlp.parameters()).device def initialize_memory( self, mem: Tensor = None, mem_init: Tensor = None, ent_counter: Tensor = None, last_mention_start: Tensor = None, rep=[], **kwargs ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Method to initialize the clusters and related bookkeeping variables.""" # Check for unintialized memory if mem is None or ent_counter is None or last_mention_start is None: mem = torch.zeros(len(rep), self.mem_size).to(self.device) mem_init = torch.zeros(len(rep), self.mem_size).to(self.device) for idx, rep_vec in enumerate(rep): mem[idx] = rep_vec mem_init[idx] = rep_vec ent_counter = torch.tensor([1.0] * len(rep)).to(self.device) last_mention_start = -torch.ones(len(rep)).long().to(self.device) elif len(rep): for rep_emb in rep: mem =[mem, rep_emb.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)], dim=0) mem_init = [mem_init, rep_emb.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)], dim=0 ) ent_counter = [ent_counter, torch.tensor([1.0]).to(self.device)] ) last_mention_start = [last_mention_start, torch.tensor([-1]).to(self.device)] ) return mem, mem_init, ent_counter, last_mention_start @staticmethod def get_bucket(count: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Bucket distance and entity counters using the same logic.""" logspace_idx = ( torch.floor( torch.log(torch.max(count.float(), torch.tensor(1.0))) / LOG2 ).long() + 3 ) use_identity = (count <= 4).long() combined_idx = use_identity * count + (1 - use_identity) * logspace_idx return torch.clamp(combined_idx, 0, 9) @staticmethod def get_distance_bucket(distances: Tensor) -> Tensor: return BaseMemory.get_bucket(distances) @staticmethod def get_counter_bucket(count: Tensor) -> Tensor: return BaseMemory.get_bucket(count) def get_distance_emb(self, distance: Tensor) -> Tensor: distance_tens = self.get_distance_bucket(distance) distance_embs = self.distance_embeddings(distance_tens) return distance_embs def get_counter_emb(self, ent_counter: Tensor) -> Tensor: counter_buckets = self.get_counter_bucket(ent_counter.long()) counter_embs = self.counter_embeddings(counter_buckets) return counter_embs @staticmethod def get_coref_mask(ent_counter: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Mask for whether the cluster representation corresponds to any entity or not.""" cell_mask = (ent_counter > 0.0).float() return cell_mask def get_feature_embs_tensorized( self, ment_start: Tensor, ## [B] last_mention_start: Tensor, ## [E] ent_counter: Tensor, ## [E] metadata: Dict, ## [Assuming no metadata] ): ## Return [B, E, 20] ## Get distance embeddings distance_embs = self.distance_embeddings( torch.tensor(self.config.num_embeds).long().to(self.device) ).repeat( ment_start.shape[0], last_mention_start.shape[0], 1 ) ## [B, D, 20] ## Get counter embeddings ent_counter_batch = ent_counter.unsqueeze(0).repeat( ment_start.shape[0], 1 ) ## [B, E] counter_embs = self.get_counter_emb(ent_counter_batch) ## [B, E, 20] feature_embs_list = [distance_embs, counter_embs] feature_embs = self.drop_module(, dim=-1)) return feature_embs def get_feature_embs( self, ment_start: Tensor, last_mention_start: Tensor, ent_counter: Tensor, metadata: Dict, ) -> Tensor: distance_embs = self.get_distance_emb(ment_start - last_mention_start) if self.config.pseudo_dist: rep_distance_mask = (last_mention_start < 0).unsqueeze(1).float() rep_distance_embs = self.distance_embeddings( torch.tensor(self.config.num_embeds).long().to(self.device) ).repeat(last_mention_start.shape[0], 1) distance_embs = ( distance_embs * (1 - rep_distance_mask) + rep_distance_embs * rep_distance_mask ) counter_embs = self.get_counter_emb(ent_counter) feature_embs_list = [distance_embs, counter_embs] if "genre" in metadata: genre_emb = metadata["genre"] num_ents = distance_embs.shape[0] genre_emb = torch.unsqueeze(genre_emb, dim=0).repeat(num_ents, 1) feature_embs_list.append(genre_emb) feature_embs = self.drop_module(, dim=-1)) return feature_embs def get_coref_new_scores_tensorized( self, ment_emb: Tensor, ## [B,D] mem_vectors: Tensor, ## [E,D] mem_vectors_init: Tensor, ## [E,D] ## Not used here ent_counter: Tensor, ## not used here feature_embs: Tensor, ## [B,E,20] ) -> Tensor: rep_ment_emb = ment_emb.unsqueeze(1).repeat( 1, mem_vectors.shape[0], 1 ) ## [B,E,D] rep_mem_vectors = mem_vectors.unsqueeze(0).repeat( ment_emb.shape[0], 1, 1 ) ## [B,E,D] pair_vec = [ rep_mem_vectors, rep_ment_emb, rep_mem_vectors * rep_ment_emb, feature_embs, ], dim=-1, ) ## [B,E,3D+20] # print(pair_vec) pair_score = self.mem_coref_mlp(pair_vec) coref_score = torch.squeeze(pair_score, dim=-1) # [B,E] # zero_col = torch.zeros(coref_score.shape[0], 1).to(self.device) base_col = ( torch.ones(coref_score.shape[0], 1).to(self.device) * self.config.thresh ) coref_new_score =[coref_score, base_col], dim=-1) ## [B,E+1] return coref_new_score def get_coref_new_scores( self, ment_emb: Tensor, mem_vectors: Tensor, mem_vectors_init: Tensor, ent_counter: Tensor, feature_embs: Tensor, ) -> Tensor: """Calculate the coreference score with existing clusters. For creating a new cluster we use a dummy score of 0. This is a free variable and this idea is borrowed from Lee et al 2017 Args: ment_emb (d'): Mention representation mem_vectors (M x d'): Cluster representations ent_counter (M): Mention counter of clusters. feature_embs (M x p): Embedding of features such as distance from last mention of the cluster. Returns: coref_new_score (M + 1): Coref scores concatenated with the score of forming a new cluster. """ # Repeat the query vector for comparison against all cells num_ents = mem_vectors.shape[0] rep_ment_emb = ment_emb.repeat(num_ents, 1) # M x H # Coref Score if self.config.sim_func == "endpoint": pair_vec =[mem_vectors, rep_ment_emb, feature_embs], dim=-1) pair_score = self.mem_coref_mlp(pair_vec) if self.config.type == "hybrid": ## Adding pairwise similarity with initial memory pair_vec_init = [mem_vectors_init, rep_ment_emb, feature_embs], dim=-1 ) pair_score_init = self.mem_coref_mlp(pair_vec_init) pair_score = pair_score + pair_score_init else: ## Pairwise similarity score generated with mem. mem is dynamic when type is not static pair_vec = [mem_vectors, rep_ment_emb, mem_vectors * rep_ment_emb, feature_embs], dim=-1, ) pair_score = self.mem_coref_mlp(pair_vec) if self.config.type == "hybrid": ## Adding pairwise similarity with initial memory pair_vec_init = [ mem_vectors_init, rep_ment_emb, mem_vectors_init * rep_ment_emb, feature_embs, ], dim=-1, ) pair_score_init = self.mem_coref_mlp(pair_vec_init) ## Static score pair_score = ( pair_score + pair_score_init ) ## Similarity score with current repr. and initial repr. coref_score = torch.squeeze(pair_score, dim=-1) # M coref_new_mask = [self.get_coref_mask(ent_counter), torch.tensor([1.0], device=self.device)], dim=0, ) # Use a dummy score of 0 for froming a new cluster # print("Threshold: ", self.config.thresh) coref_new_score = ([coref_score, torch.tensor([self.config.thresh], device=self.device)]), dim=0, ) coref_new_score = coref_new_score * coref_new_mask + (1 - coref_new_mask) * ( -1e4 ) return coref_new_score @staticmethod def assign_cluster_tensorized(coref_new_scores: Tensor) -> Tuple[int, str]: """Decode the action from argmax of clustering scores""" ## coref_new_scores : [B,E+1] num_ents = coref_new_scores.shape[-1] - 1 pred_max_idx = torch.argmax(coref_new_scores, dim=-1).tolist() ## [B] action_str = ["c" if idx < num_ents else "o" for idx in pred_max_idx] return zip(pred_max_idx, action_str) @staticmethod def assign_cluster(coref_new_scores: Tensor) -> Tuple[int, str]: """Decode the action from argmax of clustering scores""" num_ents = coref_new_scores.shape[0] - 1 pred_max_idx = torch.argmax(coref_new_scores).item() if pred_max_idx < num_ents: # Coref return pred_max_idx, "c" else: # New cluster return num_ents, "o" def coref_update( self, ment_emb: Tensor, mem_vectors: Tensor, cell_idx: int, ent_counter: Tensor ) -> Tensor: """Updates the cluster representation given the new mention representation.""" if self.config.entity_rep == "learned_avg": alpha_wt = torch.sigmoid( self.alpha([mem_vectors[cell_idx], ment_emb], dim=0)) ) coref_vec = alpha_wt * mem_vectors[cell_idx] + (1 - alpha_wt) * ment_emb elif self.config.entity_rep == "max": coref_vec = torch.max(mem_vectors[cell_idx], ment_emb) else: cluster_count = ent_counter[cell_idx].item() coref_vec = (mem_vectors[cell_idx] * cluster_count + ment_emb) / ( cluster_count + 1 ) return coref_vec