{ "texts": [ "A TERRA É O QUE TODOS NÓS TEMOS EM COMUM", "Dia da Terra" ], "styles": [ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "en-Gliker-Regular" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "en-Amsterdam-Three" } ], "bbox": [ [ 0.2875379939209726, 0.2753799392097264, 0.4243161094224924, 0.060790273556231005 ], [ 0.2978723404255319, 0.16170212765957448, 0.40364741641337387, 0.10638297872340426 ] ], "category": "Posters", "tags": [ "green", "modern", "earth", "world", "planet", "ecology", "background", "globe", "environment", "day", "space", "map", "concept", "global", "light", "hour", "energy", "power", "protect", "illustration" ], "bg_prompt": "Posters. The image features a green and blue globe with a factory on top of it. The factory is surrounded by trees, giving the impression of a harmonious coexistence between the industrial structure and the natural environment. The globe is prominently displayed in the center of the image, with the factory and trees surrounding it. Tags: green, modern, earth, world, planet, ecology, background, globe, environment, day, space, map, concept, global, light, hour, energy, power, protect, illustration" }