import sys
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

import PIL
from PIL import Image
import cv2
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import os

from .. import DEVICE, MODEL_REPO_ID, logger
from ..utils.base_model import BaseModel

sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent / "../../third_party"))
sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent / "../../third_party/MatchAnything"))
from MatchAnything.src.lightning.lightning_loftr import PL_LoFTR
from MatchAnything.src.config.default import get_cfg_defaults

class MatchAnything(BaseModel):
    required_inputs = [

    def _init(self, conf):
        self.conf = conf
        config = get_cfg_defaults()
        if conf['model_name'] == 'matchanything_eloftr':
            config_path = str(Path(__file__).parent / "../../third_party" / 'MatchAnything' / 'configs/models/')
            # Config overwrite:
            if config.LOFTR.COARSE.ROPE:
                assert config.DATASET.NPE_NAME is not None
            if config.DATASET.NPE_NAME is not None:
                if config.DATASET.NPE_NAME == 'megadepth':
                    config.LOFTR.COARSE.NPE = [832, 832, conf['img_resize'], conf['img_resize']]
        elif conf['model_name'] == 'matchanything_roma':
            config_path = str(Path(__file__).parent / "../../third_party" / 'MatchAnything' / 'configs/models/')

            print(f"*****************{DEVICE}, {str(DEVICE) == 'cpu'}**************************")
            if str(DEVICE) == 'cpu':
                config.LOFTR.FP16 = False
                config.ROMA.MODEL.AMP = False
            raise NotImplementedError
        config.METHOD = conf['model_name']
        config.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.THR = conf["match_threshold"]

        model_path = Path(__file__).parent / "../../third_party" / 'MatchAnything'/ 'weights' / "{}.ckpt".format(conf["model_name"]) = PL_LoFTR(config, pretrained_ckpt=model_path, test_mode=True).matcher"Loading {conf['model_name']} model done")

    def _forward(self, data):
        img0 = data["image0"].cpu().numpy().squeeze() * 255
        img1 = data["image1"].cpu().numpy().squeeze() * 255
        img0 = img0.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        img1 = img1.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        # Get original images:
        img0, img1 = img0.astype("uint8"), img1.astype("uint8")
        img0_size, img1_size = np.array(img0.shape[:2]), np.array(img1.shape[:2])
        img0_gray, img1_gray = np.array(Image.fromarray(img0).convert("L")), np.array(Image.fromarray(img1).convert("L"))
        (img0_gray, hw0_new, mask0), (img1_gray, hw1_new, mask1)= map(lambda x: resize(x, df=32), [img0_gray, img1_gray])

        img0 = torch.from_numpy(img0_gray)[None][None] / 255.
        img1 = torch.from_numpy(img1_gray)[None][None] / 255.
        batch = {'image0': img0, 'image1': img1}
        batch.update({'image0_rgb_origin': data['image0'], 'image1_rgb_origin': data['image1'], 'origin_img_size0': torch.from_numpy(img0_size)[None], 'origin_img_size1': torch.from_numpy(img1_size)[None]})

        if mask0 is not None:
            mask0 = torch.from_numpy(mask0).to(DEVICE)
            mask1 = torch.from_numpy(mask1).to(DEVICE)
            [ts_mask_0, ts_mask_1] = F.interpolate(torch.stack([mask0, mask1], dim=0)[None].float(),
            batch.update({"mask0": ts_mask_0[None], "mask1": ts_mask_1[None]})
        batch = dict_to_cuda(batch, device=DEVICE)
        mkpts0 = batch['mkpts0_f'].cpu()
        mkpts1 = batch['mkpts1_f'].cpu()
        mconf = batch['mconf'].cpu()

        if self.conf['model_name'] == 'matchanything_eloftr':
            mkpts0 *= torch.tensor(hw0_new)[[1,0]]
            mkpts1 *= torch.tensor(hw1_new)[[1,0]]

        pred = {
            "keypoints0": mkpts0,
            "keypoints1": mkpts1,
            "mconf": mconf,
        return pred

def resize(img, resize=None, df=8, padding=True):
    w, h = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
    w_new, h_new = process_resize(w, h, resize=resize, df=df, resize_no_larger_than=False)
    img_new = resize_image(img, (w_new, h_new), interp="pil_LANCZOS").astype('float32')
    h_scale, w_scale = img.shape[0] / img_new.shape[0], img.shape[1] / img_new.shape[1]
    mask = None
    if padding:
        img_new, mask = pad_bottom_right(img_new, max(h_new, w_new), ret_mask=True)
    return img_new, [h_scale, w_scale], mask

def process_resize(w, h, resize=None, df=None, resize_no_larger_than=False):
    if resize is not None:
        assert(len(resize) > 0 and len(resize) <= 2)
        if resize_no_larger_than and (max(h, w) <= max(resize)):
            w_new, h_new = w, h
            if len(resize) == 1 and resize[0] > -1:  # resize the larger side
                scale = resize[0] / max(h, w)
                w_new, h_new = int(round(w*scale)), int(round(h*scale))
            elif len(resize) == 1 and resize[0] == -1:
                w_new, h_new = w, h
            else:  # len(resize) == 2:
                w_new, h_new = resize[0], resize[1]
        w_new, h_new = w, h

    if df is not None:
        w_new, h_new = map(lambda x: int(x // df * df), [w_new, h_new])
    return w_new, h_new

def resize_image(image, size, interp):
    if interp.startswith('cv2_'):
        interp = getattr(cv2, 'INTER_'+interp[len('cv2_'):].upper())
        h, w = image.shape[:2]
        if interp == cv2.INTER_AREA and (w < size[0] or h < size[1]):
            interp = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
        resized = cv2.resize(image, size, interpolation=interp)
    elif interp.startswith('pil_'):
        interp = getattr(PIL.Image, interp[len('pil_'):].upper())
        resized = PIL.Image.fromarray(image.astype(np.uint8))
        resized = resized.resize(size, resample=interp)
        resized = np.asarray(resized, dtype=image.dtype)
        raise ValueError(
            f'Unknown interpolation {interp}.')
    return resized

def pad_bottom_right(inp, pad_size, ret_mask=False):
    assert isinstance(pad_size, int) and pad_size >= max(inp.shape[-2:]), f"{pad_size} < {max(inp.shape[-2:])}"
    mask = None
    if inp.ndim == 2:
        padded = np.zeros((pad_size, pad_size), dtype=inp.dtype)
        padded[:inp.shape[0], :inp.shape[1]] = inp
        if ret_mask:
            mask = np.zeros((pad_size, pad_size), dtype=bool)
            mask[:inp.shape[0], :inp.shape[1]] = True
    elif inp.ndim == 3:
        padded = np.zeros((inp.shape[0], pad_size, pad_size), dtype=inp.dtype)
        padded[:, :inp.shape[1], :inp.shape[2]] = inp
        if ret_mask:
            mask = np.zeros((inp.shape[0], pad_size, pad_size), dtype=bool)
            mask[:, :inp.shape[1], :inp.shape[2]] = True
        mask = mask[0]
        raise NotImplementedError()
    return padded, mask

def dict_to_cuda(data_dict, device='cuda'):
    data_dict_cuda = {}
    for k, v in data_dict.items():
        if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor):
            data_dict_cuda[k] =
        elif isinstance(v, dict):
            data_dict_cuda[k] = dict_to_cuda(v, device=device)
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            data_dict_cuda[k] = list_to_cuda(v, device=device)
            data_dict_cuda[k] = v
    return data_dict_cuda

def list_to_cuda(data_list, device='cuda'):
    data_list_cuda = []
    for obj in data_list:
        if isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor):
        elif isinstance(obj, dict):
            data_list_cuda.append(dict_to_cuda(obj, device=device))
        elif isinstance(obj, list):
            data_list_cuda.append(list_to_cuda(obj, device=device))
    return data_list_cuda