artst-demo-asr / artst /
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initial commit
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ArTST: Arabic Text and Speech Transformer (
# Github source:
# Based on speecht5, fairseq and espnet code bases
# --------------------------------------------------------
import math
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
import sys
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from fairseq import search, utils
from import data_utils
from fairseq.models import FairseqIncrementalDecoder
from torch import Tensor
from fairseq.ngram_repeat_block import NGramRepeatBlock
from espnet.nets.ctc_prefix_score import CTCPrefixScore
import numpy
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
class SequenceGenerator(nn.Module):
def __init__(
"""Generates translations of a given source sentence.
models (List[~fairseq.models.FairseqModel]): ensemble of models,
currently support fairseq.models.TransformerModel for scripting
beam_size (int, optional): beam width (default: 1)
max_len_a/b (int, optional): generate sequences of maximum length
ax + b, where x is the source length
max_len (int, optional): the maximum length of the generated output
(not including end-of-sentence)
min_len (int, optional): the minimum length of the generated output
(not including end-of-sentence)
normalize_scores (bool, optional): normalize scores by the length
of the output (default: True)
len_penalty (float, optional): length penalty, where <1.0 favors
shorter, >1.0 favors longer sentences (default: 1.0)
unk_penalty (float, optional): unknown word penalty, where <0
produces more unks, >0 produces fewer (default: 0.0)
temperature (float, optional): temperature, where values
>1.0 produce more uniform samples and values <1.0 produce
sharper samples (default: 1.0)
match_source_len (bool, optional): outputs should match the source
length (default: False)
if isinstance(models, EnsembleModel):
self.model = models
self.model = EnsembleModel(models)
self.tgt_dict = tgt_dict
self.pad = tgt_dict.pad()
self.unk = tgt_dict.unk()
self.eos = tgt_dict.eos() if eos is None else eos
self.blank = self.tgt_dict.index("<ctc_blank>")
self.mask = self.tgt_dict.index("<mask>")
self.mask_idxs = []
if self.tgt_dict.index("<mask>0") != self.unk:
count = 0
while self.tgt_dict.index("<mask>" + str(count)) != self.unk:
self.mask_idxs.append(self.tgt_dict.index("<mask>" + str(count)))
count += 1
self.mask_idxs = torch.tensor(self.mask_idxs)
self.symbols_to_strip_from_output = (
if symbols_to_strip_from_output is not None
else {self.eos}
self.vocab_size = len(tgt_dict)
self.beam_size = beam_size
# the max beam size is the dictionary size - 1, since we never select pad
self.beam_size = min(beam_size, self.vocab_size - 1)
self.max_len_a = max_len_a
self.max_len_b = max_len_b
self.min_len = min_len
self.max_len = max_len or self.model.max_decoder_positions()
self.normalize_scores = normalize_scores
self.len_penalty = len_penalty
self.unk_penalty = unk_penalty
self.temperature = temperature
self.match_source_len = match_source_len
if no_repeat_ngram_size > 0:
self.repeat_ngram_blocker = NGramRepeatBlock(no_repeat_ngram_size)
self.repeat_ngram_blocker = None
assert temperature > 0, "--temperature must be greater than 0" = (
search.BeamSearch(tgt_dict) if search_strategy is None else search_strategy
# We only need to set src_lengths in LengthConstrainedBeamSearch.
# As a module attribute, setting it would break in multithread
# settings when the model is shared.
self.should_set_src_lengths = (
hasattr(, "needs_src_lengths") and
self.lm_model = lm_model
self.lm_weight = lm_weight
self.ctc_weight = ctc_weight
if self.lm_model is not None:
def cuda(self):
return self
def forward(
sample: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tensor]],
prefix_tokens: Optional[Tensor] = None,
bos_token: Optional[int] = None,
"""Generate a batch of translations.
sample (dict): batch
prefix_tokens (torch.LongTensor, optional): force decoder to begin
with these tokens
bos_token (int, optional): beginning of sentence token
(default: self.eos)
return self._generate(sample, prefix_tokens, bos_token=bos_token)
# TODO(myleott): unused, deprecate after pytorch-translate migration
def generate_batched_itr(self, data_itr, beam_size=None, cuda=False, timer=None):
"""Iterate over a batched dataset and yield individual translations.
cuda (bool, optional): use GPU for generation
timer (StopwatchMeter, optional): time generations
for sample in data_itr:
s = utils.move_to_cuda(sample) if cuda else sample
if "net_input" not in s:
input = s["net_input"]
# model.forward normally channels prev_output_tokens into the decoder
# separately, but SequenceGenerator directly calls model.encoder
encoder_input = {
k: v for k, v in input.items() if k != "prev_output_tokens"
if timer is not None:
with torch.no_grad():
hypos = self.generate(encoder_input)
if timer is not None:
timer.stop(sum(len(h[0]["tokens"]) for h in hypos))
for i, id in enumerate(s["id"].data):
# remove padding
src = utils.strip_pad(input["src_tokens"].data[i, :], self.pad)
ref = (
utils.strip_pad(s["target"].data[i, :], self.pad)
if s["target"] is not None
else None
yield id, src, ref, hypos[i]
def generate(self, models, sample: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tensor]], **kwargs):
"""Generate translations. Match the api of other fairseq generators.
models (List[~fairseq.models.FairseqModel]): ensemble of models
sample (dict): batch
prefix_tokens (torch.LongTensor, optional): force decoder to begin
with these tokens
constraints (torch.LongTensor, optional): force decoder to include
the list of constraints
bos_token (int, optional): beginning of sentence token
(default: self.eos)
return self._generate(sample, **kwargs)
def _generate(
sample: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tensor]],
prefix_tokens: Optional[Tensor] = None,
constraints: Optional[Tensor] = None,
bos_token: Optional[int] = None,
incremental_states = torch.jit.annotate(
List[Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]]]],
torch.jit.annotate(Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]]], {})
for i in range(self.model.models_size)
net_input = sample["net_input"]
if "src_tokens" in net_input:
src_tokens = net_input["src_tokens"]
# length of the source text being the character length except EndOfSentence and pad
src_lengths = (
( &
elif "source" in net_input:
src_tokens = net_input["source"]
src_lengths = (
net_input["padding_mask"].size(-1) - net_input["padding_mask"].sum(-1)
if net_input["padding_mask"] is not None
else torch.tensor(src_tokens.size(-1)).to(src_tokens)
elif "features" in net_input:
src_tokens = net_input["features"]
src_lengths = (
net_input["padding_mask"].size(-1) - net_input["padding_mask"].sum(-1)
if net_input["padding_mask"] is not None
else torch.tensor(src_tokens.size(-1)).to(src_tokens)
raise Exception("expected src_tokens or source in net input. input keys: " + str(net_input.keys()))
# bsz: total number of sentences in beam
# Note that src_tokens may have more than 2 dimensions (i.e. audio features)
bsz, src_len = src_tokens.size()[:2]
beam_size = self.beam_size
if constraints is not None and not
raise NotImplementedError(
"Target-side constraints were provided, but search method doesn't support them"
# Initialize constraints, when active, beam_size)
max_len: int = -1
if self.match_source_len:
max_len = src_lengths.max().item()
max_len = min(
int(self.max_len_a * src_len + self.max_len_b),
self.max_len - 1,
assert (
self.min_len <= max_len
), "min_len cannot be larger than max_len, please adjust these!"
# compute the encoder output for each beam
encoder_outs = self.model.forward_encoder(net_input)
# Get CTC lprobs and prep ctc_scorer
if self.ctc_weight > 0:
ctc_lprobs = self.model.models[0].get_normalized_probs_for_ctc(
encoder_outs[0], log_probs=True
).contiguous().transpose(0, 1) # (B, T, C) from the encoder
hyp = {}
ctc_prefix_score = CTCPrefixScore(ctc_lprobs[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), self.blank, self.eos, numpy)
hyp["ctc_state_prev"] = ctc_prefix_score.initial_state()
hyp["ctc_score_prev"] = 0.0
ctc_beam = min(ctc_lprobs.shape[-1] - self.mask_idxs.size(-1), int(beam_size * CTC_SCORING_RATIO))
ctc_hyps = {str(self.eos): hyp}
# placeholder of indices for bsz * beam_size to hold tokens and accumulative scores
new_order = torch.arange(bsz).view(-1, 1).repeat(1, beam_size).view(-1)
new_order =
encoder_outs = self.model.reorder_encoder_out(encoder_outs, new_order)
# ensure encoder_outs is a List.
assert encoder_outs is not None
# initialize buffers
scores = (
torch.zeros(bsz * beam_size, max_len + 1).to(src_tokens).float()
) # +1 for eos; pad is never chosen for scoring
tokens = (
torch.zeros(bsz * beam_size, max_len + 2)
) # +2 for eos and pad
tokens[:, 0] = self.eos if bos_token is None else bos_token
attn: Optional[Tensor] = None
# A list that indicates candidates that should be ignored.
# For example, suppose we're sampling and have already finalized 2/5
# samples. Then cands_to_ignore would mark 2 positions as being ignored,
# so that we only finalize the remaining 3 samples.
cands_to_ignore = (
torch.zeros(bsz, beam_size).to(src_tokens).eq(-1)
) # forward and backward-compatible False mask
# list of completed sentences
finalized = torch.jit.annotate(
List[List[Dict[str, Tensor]]],
[torch.jit.annotate(List[Dict[str, Tensor]], []) for i in range(bsz)],
) # contains lists of dictionaries of infomation about the hypothesis being finalized at each step
# a boolean array indicating if the sentence at the index is finished or not
finished = [False for i in range(bsz)]
num_remaining_sent = bsz # number of sentences remaining
# number of candidate hypos per step
cand_size = 2 * beam_size # 2 x beam size in case half are EOS
# offset arrays for converting between different indexing schemes
bbsz_offsets = (
(torch.arange(0, bsz) * beam_size)
cand_offsets = torch.arange(0, cand_size).type_as(tokens).to(src_tokens.device)
reorder_state: Optional[Tensor] = None
ctc_state = None
batch_idxs: Optional[Tensor] = None
original_batch_idxs: Optional[Tensor] = None
if "id" in sample and isinstance(sample["id"], Tensor):
original_batch_idxs = sample["id"]
original_batch_idxs = torch.arange(0, bsz).type_as(tokens)
for step in range(max_len + 1): # one extra step for EOS marker
# reorder decoder internal states based on the prev choice of beams
if reorder_state is not None:
if batch_idxs is not None:
# update beam indices to take into account removed sentences
corr = batch_idxs - torch.arange(batch_idxs.numel()).type_as(
reorder_state.view(-1, beam_size).add_(
corr.unsqueeze(-1) * beam_size
original_batch_idxs = original_batch_idxs[batch_idxs]
self.model.reorder_incremental_state(incremental_states, reorder_state)
encoder_outs = self.model.reorder_encoder_out(
encoder_outs, reorder_state
lprobs, avg_attn_scores = self.model.forward_decoder(
tokens[:, : step + 1],
if self.ctc_weight > 0 and step != 0:
# lprobs[:, self.blank] = -math.inf # never select blank
ctc_lprobs = lprobs.clone()
ctc_lprobs[:, self.blank] = -math.inf # never select blank
if self.mask != self.unk:
ctc_lprobs[:, self.mask] = -math.inf # never select mask
if self.mask_idxs.size(0) != 0:
ctc_lprobs[:, self.mask_idxs] = -math.inf # never select mask
local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(ctc_lprobs, ctc_beam, dim=-1)
for b in range(tokens.size(0)):
hyp_key = " ".join(str(x) for x in tokens[b, : step + 1].tolist())
ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score(
tokens[b, : step + 1].cpu(), local_best_ids[b].cpu(), ctc_hyps[hyp_key]["ctc_state_prev"]
lprobs[b] = lprobs[b]
lprobs[b, local_best_ids[b]] = (1 - self.ctc_weight) * (lprobs[b, local_best_ids[b]]) + self.ctc_weight * torch.from_numpy(
ctc_scores - ctc_hyps[hyp_key]["ctc_score_prev"]
for j in range(len(local_best_ids[b])):
ctc_hyps[hyp_key + " " + str(local_best_ids[b][j].item())] = {}
ctc_hyps[hyp_key + " " + str(local_best_ids[b][j].item())]["ctc_score_prev"] = ctc_scores[j]
ctc_hyps[hyp_key + " " + str(local_best_ids[b][j].item())]["ctc_state_prev"] = ctc_states[j]
# local_ctc_scores, ctc_state = ctc_scorer(
# tokens[:, : step + 1], ctc_state, part_ids
# )
# lprobs += local_ctc_scores * self.ctc_weight
elif self.ctc_weight > 0 and step == 0:
ctc_lprobs = lprobs.clone()
ctc_lprobs[:, self.blank] = -math.inf # never select blank
if self.mask != self.unk:
ctc_lprobs[:, self.mask] = -math.inf # never select mask
if self.mask_idxs.size(0) != 0:
ctc_lprobs[:, self.mask_idxs] = -math.inf # never select mask
local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(ctc_lprobs, ctc_beam, dim=-1)
for b in range(tokens.size(0)):
hyp_key = " ".join(str(x) for x in tokens[b, : step + 1].tolist())
ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score(
tokens[b, : step + 1].cpu(), local_best_ids[b].cpu(), ctc_hyps[hyp_key]["ctc_state_prev"]
lprobs[b] = lprobs[b]
lprobs[b, local_best_ids[b]] = (1 - self.ctc_weight) * (lprobs[b, local_best_ids[b]]) + self.ctc_weight * torch.from_numpy(
ctc_scores - ctc_hyps[hyp_key]["ctc_score_prev"]
for j in range(len(local_best_ids[b])):
if b == 0:
ctc_hyps[hyp_key + " " + str(local_best_ids[b][j].item())] = {}
ctc_hyps[hyp_key + " " + str(local_best_ids[b][j].item())]["ctc_score_prev"] = ctc_scores[j]
ctc_hyps[hyp_key + " " + str(local_best_ids[b][j].item())]["ctc_state_prev"] = ctc_states[j]
if self.lm_model is not None:
lm_out = self.lm_model(tokens[:, : step + 1])
probs = self.lm_model.get_normalized_probs(
lm_out, log_probs=True, sample=None
probs = probs[:, -1, :] * self.lm_weight
lprobs[:, :probs.size(1)] += probs
# handle prefix tokens (possibly with different lengths)
if (
prefix_tokens is not None
and step < prefix_tokens.size(1)
and step < max_len
lprobs, tokens, scores = self._prefix_tokens(
step, lprobs, scores, tokens, prefix_tokens, beam_size
elif step < self.min_len:
# minimum length constraint (does not apply if using prefix_tokens)
lprobs[:, self.eos] = -math.inf
lprobs[lprobs != lprobs] = torch.tensor(-math.inf).to(lprobs)
lprobs[:, self.pad] = -math.inf # never select pad
lprobs[:, self.unk] -= self.unk_penalty # apply unk penalty
lprobs[:, self.blank] = -math.inf # never select blank
if self.mask != self.unk:
lprobs[:, self.mask] = -math.inf # never select mask
if self.mask_idxs.size(0) != 0:
lprobs[:, self.mask_idxs] = -math.inf # never select mask
# handle max length constraint
if step >= max_len:
lprobs[:, : self.eos] = -math.inf
lprobs[:, self.eos + 1 :] = -math.inf
# Record attention scores, only support avg_attn_scores is a Tensor
if avg_attn_scores is not None:
if attn is None:
attn = torch.empty(
bsz * beam_size, avg_attn_scores.size(1), max_len + 2
attn[:, :, step + 1].copy_(avg_attn_scores)
scores = scores.type_as(lprobs)
eos_bbsz_idx = torch.empty(0).to(
) # indices of hypothesis ending with eos (finished sentences)
eos_scores = torch.empty(0).to(
) # scores of hypothesis ending with eos (finished sentences)
if self.should_set_src_lengths:
if self.repeat_ngram_blocker is not None:
lprobs = self.repeat_ngram_blocker(tokens, lprobs, bsz, beam_size, step)
# Shape: (batch, cand_size)
cand_scores, cand_indices, cand_beams =
lprobs.view(bsz, -1, self.vocab_size),
scores.view(bsz, beam_size, -1)[:, :, :step],
tokens[:, : step + 1],
# cand_bbsz_idx contains beam indices for the top candidate
# hypotheses, with a range of values: [0, bsz*beam_size),
# and dimensions: [bsz, cand_size]
cand_bbsz_idx = cand_beams.add(bbsz_offsets)
# finalize hypotheses that end in eos
# Shape of eos_mask: (batch size, beam size)
eos_mask = cand_indices.eq(self.eos) &
eos_mask[:, :beam_size][cands_to_ignore] = torch.tensor(0).to(eos_mask)
# only consider eos when it's among the top beam_size indices
# Now we know what beam item(s) to finish
# Shape: 1d list of absolute-numbered
eos_bbsz_idx = torch.masked_select(
cand_bbsz_idx[:, :beam_size], mask=eos_mask[:, :beam_size]
finalized_sents: List[int] = []
if eos_bbsz_idx.numel() > 0:
eos_scores = torch.masked_select(
cand_scores[:, :beam_size], mask=eos_mask[:, :beam_size]
finalized_sents = self.finalize_hypos(
num_remaining_sent -= len(finalized_sents)
assert num_remaining_sent >= 0
if num_remaining_sent == 0:
if and step >= max_len:
assert step < max_len, f"{step} < {max_len}"
# Remove finalized sentences (ones for which {beam_size}
# finished hypotheses have been generated) from the batch.
if len(finalized_sents) > 0:
new_bsz = bsz - len(finalized_sents)
# construct batch_idxs which holds indices of batches to keep for the next pass
batch_mask = torch.ones(
bsz, dtype=torch.bool, device=cand_indices.device
batch_mask[finalized_sents] = False
# TODO replace `nonzero(as_tuple=False)` after TorchScript supports it
batch_idxs = torch.arange(
bsz, device=cand_indices.device
# Choose the subset of the hypothesized constraints that will continue
eos_mask = eos_mask[batch_idxs]
cand_beams = cand_beams[batch_idxs]
bbsz_offsets.resize_(new_bsz, 1)
cand_bbsz_idx = cand_beams.add(bbsz_offsets)
cand_scores = cand_scores[batch_idxs]
cand_indices = cand_indices[batch_idxs]
if prefix_tokens is not None:
prefix_tokens = prefix_tokens[batch_idxs]
src_lengths = src_lengths[batch_idxs]
cands_to_ignore = cands_to_ignore[batch_idxs]
scores = scores.view(bsz, -1)[batch_idxs].view(new_bsz * beam_size, -1)
tokens = tokens.view(bsz, -1)[batch_idxs].view(new_bsz * beam_size, -1)
if attn is not None:
attn = attn.view(bsz, -1)[batch_idxs].view(
new_bsz * beam_size, attn.size(1), -1
bsz = new_bsz
batch_idxs = None
# Set active_mask so that values > cand_size indicate eos hypos
# and values < cand_size indicate candidate active hypos.
# After, the min values per row are the top candidate active hypos
# Rewrite the operator since the element wise or is not supported in torchscript.
eos_mask[:, :beam_size] = ~((~cands_to_ignore) & (~eos_mask[:, :beam_size]))
active_mask = torch.add(
eos_mask.type_as(cand_offsets) * cand_size,
cand_offsets[: eos_mask.size(1)],
# get the top beam_size active hypotheses, which are just
# the hypos with the smallest values in active_mask.
# {active_hypos} indicates which {beam_size} hypotheses
# from the list of {2 * beam_size} candidates were
# selected. Shapes: (batch size, beam size)
new_cands_to_ignore, active_hypos = torch.topk(
active_mask, k=beam_size, dim=1, largest=False
# update cands_to_ignore to ignore any finalized hypos.
cands_to_ignore =[:, :beam_size]
# Make sure there is at least one active item for each sentence in the batch.
assert (~cands_to_ignore).any(dim=1).all()
# update cands_to_ignore to ignore any finalized hypos
# {active_bbsz_idx} denotes which beam number is continued for each new hypothesis (a beam
# can be selected more than once).
active_bbsz_idx = torch.gather(cand_bbsz_idx, dim=1, index=active_hypos)
active_scores = torch.gather(cand_scores, dim=1, index=active_hypos)
active_bbsz_idx = active_bbsz_idx.view(-1)
active_scores = active_scores.view(-1)
# copy tokens and scores for active hypotheses
# Set the tokens for each beam (can select the same row more than once)
tokens[:, : step + 1] = torch.index_select(
tokens[:, : step + 1], dim=0, index=active_bbsz_idx
# Select the next token for each of them
tokens.view(bsz, beam_size, -1)[:, :, step + 1] = torch.gather(
cand_indices, dim=1, index=active_hypos
if step > 0:
scores[:, :step] = torch.index_select(
scores[:, :step], dim=0, index=active_bbsz_idx
scores.view(bsz, beam_size, -1)[:, :, step] = torch.gather(
cand_scores, dim=1, index=active_hypos
# Update constraints based on which candidates were selected for the next beam
# copy attention for active hypotheses
if attn is not None:
attn[:, :, : step + 2] = torch.index_select(
attn[:, :, : step + 2], dim=0, index=active_bbsz_idx
# reorder incremental state in decoder
reorder_state = active_bbsz_idx
# if self.ctc_weight > 0:
# accum_best_id = torch.gather(cand_indices, dim=1, index=active_hypos)
# ctc_state = ctc_scorer.index_select_state(
# ctc_state, accum_best_id
# )
# sort by score descending
for sent in range(len(finalized)):
scores = torch.tensor(
[float(elem["score"].item()) for elem in finalized[sent]]
_, sorted_scores_indices = torch.sort(scores, descending=True)
finalized[sent] = [finalized[sent][ssi] for ssi in sorted_scores_indices]
finalized[sent] = torch.jit.annotate(
List[Dict[str, Tensor]], finalized[sent]
return finalized
def _prefix_tokens(
self, step: int, lprobs, scores, tokens, prefix_tokens, beam_size: int
"""Handle prefix tokens"""
prefix_toks = prefix_tokens[:, step].unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, beam_size).view(-1)
prefix_lprobs = lprobs.gather(-1, prefix_toks.unsqueeze(-1))
prefix_mask =
lprobs[prefix_mask] = torch.min(prefix_lprobs) - 1
lprobs[prefix_mask] = lprobs[prefix_mask].scatter(
-1, prefix_toks[prefix_mask].unsqueeze(-1), prefix_lprobs[prefix_mask]
# if prefix includes eos, then we should make sure tokens and
# scores are the same across all beams
eos_mask = prefix_toks.eq(self.eos)
if eos_mask.any():
# validate that the first beam matches the prefix
first_beam = tokens[eos_mask].view(-1, beam_size, tokens.size(-1))[
:, 0, 1 : step + 1
eos_mask_batch_dim = eos_mask.view(-1, beam_size)[:, 0]
target_prefix = prefix_tokens[eos_mask_batch_dim][:, :step]
assert (first_beam == target_prefix).all()
# copy tokens, scores and lprobs from the first beam to all beams
tokens = self.replicate_first_beam(tokens, eos_mask_batch_dim, beam_size)
scores = self.replicate_first_beam(scores, eos_mask_batch_dim, beam_size)
lprobs = self.replicate_first_beam(lprobs, eos_mask_batch_dim, beam_size)
return lprobs, tokens, scores
def replicate_first_beam(self, tensor, mask, beam_size: int):
tensor = tensor.view(-1, beam_size, tensor.size(-1))
tensor[mask] = tensor[mask][:, :1, :]
return tensor.view(-1, tensor.size(-1))
def finalize_hypos(
step: int,
finalized: List[List[Dict[str, Tensor]]],
finished: List[bool],
beam_size: int,
attn: Optional[Tensor],
max_len: int,
"""Finalize hypothesis, store finalized information in `finalized`, and change `finished` accordingly.
A sentence is finalized when {beam_size} finished items have been collected for it.
Returns number of sentences (not beam items) being finalized.
These will be removed from the batch and not processed further.
bbsz_idx (Tensor):
assert bbsz_idx.numel() == eos_scores.numel()
# clone relevant token and attention tensors.
# tokens is (batch * beam, max_len). So the index_select
# gets the newly EOS rows, then selects cols 1..{step + 2}
tokens_clone = tokens.index_select(0, bbsz_idx)[
:, 1 : step + 2
] # skip the first index, which is EOS
tokens_clone[:, step] = self.eos
attn_clone = (
attn.index_select(0, bbsz_idx)[:, :, 1 : step + 2]
if attn is not None
else None
# compute scores per token position
pos_scores = scores.index_select(0, bbsz_idx)[:, : step + 1]
pos_scores[:, step] = eos_scores
# convert from cumulative to per-position scores
pos_scores[:, 1:] = pos_scores[:, 1:] - pos_scores[:, :-1]
# normalize sentence-level scores
if self.normalize_scores:
eos_scores /= (step + 1) ** self.len_penalty
# cum_unfin records which sentences in the batch are finished.
# It helps match indexing between (a) the original sentences
# in the batch and (b) the current, possibly-reduced set of
# sentences.
cum_unfin: List[int] = []
prev = 0
for f in finished:
if f:
prev += 1
cum_fin_tensor = torch.tensor(cum_unfin,
unfin_idx = bbsz_idx // beam_size
sent = unfin_idx + torch.index_select(cum_fin_tensor, 0, unfin_idx)
# Create a set of "{sent}{unfin_idx}", where
# "unfin_idx" is the index in the current (possibly reduced)
# list of sentences, and "sent" is the index in the original,
# unreduced batch
# For every finished beam item
# sentence index in the current (possibly reduced) batch
seen = (sent << 32) + unfin_idx
unique_seen: List[int] = torch.unique(seen).tolist()
if self.match_source_len:
condition = step > torch.index_select(src_lengths, 0, unfin_idx)
eos_scores = torch.where(condition, torch.tensor(-math.inf), eos_scores)
sent_list: List[int] = sent.tolist()
for i in range(bbsz_idx.size()[0]):
# An input sentence (among those in a batch) is finished when
# beam_size hypotheses have been collected for it
if len(finalized[sent_list[i]]) < beam_size:
if attn_clone is not None:
# remove padding tokens from attn scores
hypo_attn = attn_clone[i]
hypo_attn = torch.empty(0)
"tokens": tokens_clone[i],
"score": eos_scores[i],
"attention": hypo_attn, # src_len x tgt_len
"alignment": torch.empty(0),
"positional_scores": pos_scores[i],
newly_finished: List[int] = []
for unique_s in unique_seen:
# check termination conditions for this sentence
unique_sent: int = unique_s >> 32
unique_unfin_idx: int = unique_s - (unique_sent << 32)
if not finished[unique_sent] and self.is_finished(
step, unique_unfin_idx, max_len, len(finalized[unique_sent]), beam_size
finished[unique_sent] = True
return newly_finished
def is_finished(
step: int,
unfin_idx: int,
max_len: int,
finalized_sent_len: int,
beam_size: int,
Check whether decoding for a sentence is finished, which
occurs when the list of finalized sentences has reached the
beam size, or when we reach the maximum length.
assert finalized_sent_len <= beam_size
if finalized_sent_len == beam_size or step == max_len:
return True
return False
class EnsembleModel(nn.Module):
"""A wrapper around an ensemble of models."""
def __init__(self, models):
self.models_size = len(models)
# method '__len__' is not supported in ModuleList for torch script
self.single_model = models[0]
self.models = nn.ModuleList(models)
self.has_incremental: bool = False
if all(
hasattr(m, "decoder") and isinstance(m.decoder, FairseqIncrementalDecoder)
for m in models
self.has_incremental = True
def forward(self):
def has_encoder(self):
return hasattr(self.single_model, "encoder")
def is_t5_structure(self):
t5_structure = hasattr(self.single_model, "text_encoder_prenet") and hasattr(self.single_model, "speech_encoder_prenet") or \
hasattr(self.single_model, "encoder_prenet") and hasattr(self.single_model, "encoder_prenet")
return t5_structure
def has_incremental_states(self):
return self.has_incremental
def max_decoder_positions(self):
return min([m.max_decoder_positions() for m in self.models if hasattr(m, "max_decoder_positions")] + [sys.maxsize])
def forward_encoder(self, net_input: Dict[str, Tensor]):
if not self.has_encoder():
return None
elif self.is_t5_structure():
return [model.forward_encoder_torchscript(net_input) for model in self.models]
return [model.encoder.forward_torchscript(net_input) for model in self.models]
def forward_decoder(
encoder_outs: List[Dict[str, List[Tensor]]],
incremental_states: List[Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]]]],
temperature: float = 1.0,
log_probs = []
avg_attn: Optional[Tensor] = None
encoder_out: Optional[Dict[str, List[Tensor]]] = None
for i, model in enumerate(self.models):
if self.has_encoder():
encoder_out = encoder_outs[i]
# decode each model
if self.has_incremental_states():
if self.is_t5_structure:
decoder_out = model.forward_decoder(
decoder_out = model.decoder.forward(
if hasattr(model, "decoder"):
decoder_out = model.decoder.forward(tokens, encoder_out=encoder_out)
decoder_out = model.forward(tokens)
attn: Optional[Tensor] = None
decoder_len = len(decoder_out)
if decoder_len > 1 and decoder_out[1] is not None:
if isinstance(decoder_out[1], Tensor):
attn = decoder_out[1]
attn_holder = decoder_out[1]["attn"]
if isinstance(attn_holder, Tensor):
attn = attn_holder
elif attn_holder is not None:
attn = attn_holder[0]
if attn is not None:
attn = attn[:, -1, :]
decoder_out_tuple = (
decoder_out[0][:, -1:, :].div_(temperature),
None if decoder_len <= 1 else decoder_out[1],
probs = model.get_normalized_probs(
decoder_out_tuple, log_probs=True, sample=None
probs = probs[:, -1, :]
if self.models_size == 1:
return probs, attn
if attn is not None:
if avg_attn is None:
avg_attn = attn
avg_probs = torch.logsumexp(torch.stack(log_probs, dim=0), dim=0) - math.log(
if avg_attn is not None:
return avg_probs, avg_attn
def reorder_encoder_out(
self, encoder_outs: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[Tensor]]]], new_order
Reorder encoder output according to *new_order*.
encoder_out: output from the ``forward()`` method
new_order (LongTensor): desired order
*encoder_out* rearranged according to *new_order*
new_outs: List[Dict[str, List[Tensor]]] = []
if not self.has_encoder():
return new_outs
for i, model in enumerate(self.models):
assert encoder_outs is not None
model.encoder.reorder_encoder_out(encoder_outs[i], new_order)
return new_outs
def reorder_incremental_state(
incremental_states: List[Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]]]],
if not self.has_incremental_states():
for i, model in enumerate(self.models):
incremental_states[i], new_order
class SequenceGeneratorWithAlignment(SequenceGenerator):
def __init__(
self, models, tgt_dict, left_pad_target=False, print_alignment="hard", **kwargs
"""Generates translations of a given source sentence.
Produces alignments following "Jointly Learning to Align and
Translate with Transformer Models" (Garg et al., EMNLP 2019).
left_pad_target (bool, optional): Whether or not the
hypothesis should be left padded or not when they are
teacher forced for generating alignments.
super().__init__(EnsembleModelWithAlignment(models), tgt_dict, **kwargs)
self.left_pad_target = left_pad_target
if print_alignment == "hard":
self.extract_alignment = utils.extract_hard_alignment
elif print_alignment == "soft":
self.extract_alignment = utils.extract_soft_alignment
def generate(self, models, sample, **kwargs):
finalized = super()._generate(sample, **kwargs)
src_tokens = sample["net_input"]["src_tokens"]
bsz = src_tokens.shape[0]
beam_size = self.beam_size
) = self._prepare_batch_for_alignment(sample, finalized)
if any(getattr(m, "full_context_alignment", False) for m in self.model.models):
attn = self.model.forward_align(src_tokens, src_lengths, prev_output_tokens)
attn = [
finalized[i // beam_size][i % beam_size]["attention"].transpose(1, 0)
for i in range(bsz * beam_size)
if src_tokens.device != "cpu":
src_tokens ="cpu")
tgt_tokens ="cpu")
attn = ["cpu") for i in attn]
# Process the attn matrix to extract hard alignments.
for i in range(bsz * beam_size):
alignment = self.extract_alignment(
attn[i], src_tokens[i], tgt_tokens[i], self.pad, self.eos
finalized[i // beam_size][i % beam_size]["alignment"] = alignment
return finalized
def _prepare_batch_for_alignment(self, sample, hypothesis):
src_tokens = sample["net_input"]["src_tokens"]
bsz = src_tokens.shape[0]
src_tokens = (
src_tokens[:, None, :]
.expand(-1, self.beam_size, -1)
.view(bsz * self.beam_size, -1)
src_lengths = sample["net_input"]["src_lengths"]
src_lengths = (
src_lengths[:, None]
.expand(-1, self.beam_size)
.view(bsz * self.beam_size)
prev_output_tokens = data_utils.collate_tokens(
[beam["tokens"] for example in hypothesis for beam in example],
tgt_tokens = data_utils.collate_tokens(
[beam["tokens"] for example in hypothesis for beam in example],
return src_tokens, src_lengths, prev_output_tokens, tgt_tokens
class EnsembleModelWithAlignment(EnsembleModel):
"""A wrapper around an ensemble of models."""
def __init__(self, models):
def forward_align(self, src_tokens, src_lengths, prev_output_tokens):
avg_attn = None
for model in self.models:
decoder_out = model(src_tokens, src_lengths, prev_output_tokens)
attn = decoder_out[1]["attn"][0]
if avg_attn is None:
avg_attn = attn
if len(self.models) > 1:
return avg_attn