import os
import sys
import subprocess
#arguments and give them default values
exe = "./GFN2all.exe"
geometryfile = ""
charge = "0"
Telec = "300"
solvation = "0"
solventname = "gas"
optimisegeometry = "0"
newgeometryfile = ""
thermo = "0"
energythresh = "1.0e-6"
gradientthresh = "1.0e-3"
calcdensity = "0"
densityfile = ""
electronicreactivity = "0"
orbitalreactivity = "0"
KoopmanIP = "0"
IP = "0"
EA = "0"
electronegativity = "0"
hardness = "0"
#parse whatever we get
for iarg in range(1,len(sys.argv)):
argument = sys.argv[iarg].lower().replace("=","")
if argument.startswith("geometry") or argument.startswith("geom"):
geometryfile = argument.replace("geometry","").replace("geom","")
elif argument.startswith("charge") or argument.startswith("chrg"):
charge = argument.replace("charge","").replace("chrg","")
elif argument.startswith("telec") or argument.startswith("telectronic"):
Telec = argument.replace("telectronic","").replace("telec","")
elif argument.startswith("usesolv") or argument.startswith("usesolvent"):
solvation = argument.replace("usesolvent","").replace("usesolv","")
elif argument.startswith("solvent") or argument.startswith("solventname"):
solventname = argument.replace("solventname","").replace("solvent","")
elif argument.startswith("optg") or argument.startswith("optimisegeom") or argument.startswith("optimizegeom") or argument.startswith("optimisegeometry") or argument.startswith("optimizegeometry"):
optimisegeometry = argument.replace("optg","").replace("optimise","").replace("optimize","").replace("geometry","").replace("geom","")
elif argument.startswith("newgeom") or argument.startswith("newgeomfile") or argument.startswith("newgeometryfile"):
newgeometryfile = argument.replace("newgeometryfile","").replace("newgeomfile","").replace("newgeom","")
elif argument.startswith("dothermo") or argument.startswith("thermo") or argument.startswith("thermodynamics"):
thermo = argument.replace("dothermo","").replace("thermodynamics","").replace("thermo","")
elif argument.startswith("ethresh") or argument.startswith("energythresh") or argument.startswith("energythreshold"):
energythresh = argument.replace("ethresh","").replace("energythreshold","").replace("energythresh","")
elif argument.startswith("gthresh") or argument.startswith("gradthresh") or argument.startswith("gradientthreshold"):
gradientthresh = argument.replace("gthresh","").replace("gradientthreshold","").replace("gradthresh","")
elif argument.startswith("calcdens") or argument.startswith("calcdensity") or argument.startswith("calculatedensity"):
calcdensity = argument.replace("calcdensity","").replace("calcdens","").replace("calculatedensity","")
elif argument.startswith("densityfile") or argument.startswith("densfile"):
calcdensity = argument.replace("densityfile","").replace("densfile","")
elif argument.startswith("ereact") or argument.startswith("electronicreactivity"):
electronicreactivity = argument.replace("ereact","").replace("electronicreactivity","")
elif argument.startswith("oreact") or argument.startswith("orbreact") or argument.startswith("orbitalreactivity"):
orbitalreactivity = argument.replace("oreact","").replace("orbreact","").replace("orbitalreactivity","")
elif argument.startswith("koopman") or argument.startswith("ipkoopman") or argument.startswith("koopmanip"):
KoopmanIP = argument.replace("ip","").replace("koopman","")
elif argument.startswith("ip") or argument.startswith("ionizationpotential") or argument.startswith("ionisationpotential") or argument.startswith("ipot"):
IP = argument.replace("ip","").replace("ionizationpotential","").replace("ionisationpotential","").replace("ipot","")
elif argument.startswith("ea") or argument.startswith("electronaffinity") or argument.startswith("eaffin"):
EA = argument.replace("ea","").replace("electronaffinity","").replace("eaffin","")
elif argument.startswith("electronegativity"):
electronegativity = argument.replace("electronegativity","")
elif argument.startswith("hardness"):
hardness = argument.replace("hardness","")
#ensure consistency
if geometryfile + "blahblah" == "blahblah":
print("ERROR: geometry file is needed")
if (newgeometryfile + "blahblah" == "blahblah") and (optimisegeometry == "1"): newgeometryfile = geometryfile.replace(".xyz","").replace(".sdf","").replace(".mol2","").replace(".pdb","") + "_opt"
if (solvation == "1"):
if (solventname == "water") or (solventname == "h2o") or (solventname == "o"): solventname = "water"
elif (solventname == "acetone") or (solventname == "cc(o)c"): solventname = "acetone"
elif (solventname == "acetonitrile") or (solventname == "ch3cn") or (solventname == "ccn"): solventname = "acetonitrile"
elif (solventname == "aniline") or (solventname == "phnh2") or (solventname == "nc1ccccc1") or (solventname == "c1ccc(cc1)n"): solventname = "aniline"
elif (solventname == "benzaldehyde") or (solventname == "phcho") or (solventname == "occ1ccccc1") or (solventname == "c1ccc(cc1)co"): solventname = "benzaldehyde"
elif (solventname == "benzene") or (solventname == "c6h6") or (solventname == "phh") or (solventname == "c1ccccc1"): solventname = "benzene"
elif (solventname == "dichloromethane") or (solventname == "ch2cl2") or (solventname == "c(cl)cl") or (solventname == "c(cl)(cl)"): solventname = "dichloromethane"
elif (solventname == "chloroform") or (solventname == "chcl3") or (solventname == "c(cl)(cl)cl") or (solventname == "c(cl)(cl)(cl)"): solventname = "chloroform"
elif (solventname == "carbon disulfide") or (solventname == "carbondisulfide") or (solventname == "cs2") or (solventname == "scs"): solventname = "carbon disulfide"
elif (solventname == "dioxane") or (solventname == "o1ccocc1"): solventname = "dioxane"
elif (solventname == "dmf") or (solventname == "dimethylformamide") or (solventname == "cn(c)co"): solventname = "dmf"
elif (solventname == "dmso") or (solventname == "dimethylsulfoxide") or (solventname == "cs(o)c") or (solventname == "cs(c)o"): solventname = "dmso"
elif (solventname == "ethanol") or (solventname == "etoh") or (solventname == "ch3ch2oh") or (solventname == "cco"): solventname = "ethanol"
elif (solventname == "diethyl ether") or (solventname == "etoet") or (solventname == "ccocc") or (solventname == "ch3ch2och2ch3"): solventname = "diethyl ether"
elif (solventname == "ethyl acetate") or (solventname == "acoet") or (solventname == "etoac") or (solventname == "ccoc(o)c"): solventname = "ethyl acetate"
elif (solventname == "furan") or (solventname == "furane"): solventname = "furane"
elif (solventname == "hexadecane") or (solventname == "c16"): solventname = "hexadecane"
elif (solventname == "hexane") or (solventname == "cccccc") or (solventname == "c6"): solventname = "hexane"
elif (solventname == "methanol") or (solventname == "meoh") or (solventname == "co") or (solventname == "ch3oh"): solventname = "methanol"
elif (solventname == "nitromethane") or (solventname == "meno2") or (solventname == "ch3no2") or (solventname == "cn(o)o"): solventname = "nitromethane"
elif (solventname == "octanol") or (solventname == "cccccccc") or (solventname == "c8"): solventname = "octanol"
elif (solventname == "phenol") or (solventname == "phoh") or (solventname == "oc1ccccc1") or (solventname == "c1ccc(cc1)o"): solventname = "phenol"
elif (solventname == "thf") or (solventname == "tetrahydrofuran"): solventname = "thf"
elif (solventname == "toluene") or (solventname == "phme") or (solventname == "cc1ccccc1"): solventname = "toluene"
elif (solventname == "octanol wet") or (solventname == "octanolwet") or (solventname == "wet octanol") or (solventname == "wetoctanol"): solventname = "octanol wet"
if (densityfile + "blahblah" == "blahblah") and (calcdensity == "1"): densityfile = geometryfile.replace(".xyz","").replace(".sdf","").replace(".mol2","").replace(".pdb","") + "_dens"
def RunQMOptg():
proc = subprocess.Popen([exe,geometryfile,charge,Telec,solvation,solventname,optimisegeometry,newgeometryfile,thermo,energythresh,gradientthresh,calcdensity,densityfile,electronicreactivity,orbitalreactivity,KoopmanIP,IP,EA,electronegativity,hardness], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out,err = proc.communicate()
return out,err
out,err = RunQMOptg()
def ReadXYZ(filename):
#function reading xyz format
rfile = open(filename,"r")
rfilelines = rfile.readlines()
natoms = int(rfilelines[0])
geometry = []
for iatm in range(natoms):
line = rfilelines[iatm + 2]
cleanline = line
for idx in range(250):
line = cleanline.replace(" "," ")
cleanline = line
if not (" " in cleanline): break
data = cleanline.split(" ")
aux = [float(data[1]),float(data[2]),float(data[3])]
return geometry
if err.decode("utf-8") + "blahblah" != "blahblah": print("error:",err)
#process data from output file
outputfile = out.decode("utf-8").split("\n")
etotal = 0.0
gsolvation = 0.0
fetchvibr = False
vibrations = []
fetchthermo = False
temperature = []
entropy = []
enthalpy = []
gibbs = []
internalenergy = []
helmholtz = []
cp = []
cv = []
fetchatomicprops = False
atmlist = []
charges = []
polarisabilities = []
totalpol = 0.0
fetchelecreact = False
fetchorbreact = False
eFukuiElctrophilie = []
eFukuiNucleophilie = []
eFukuiRadical = []
eSoftnessElctrophilie = []
eSoftnessNucleophilie = []
eSoftnessRadical = []
oFukuiElctrophilie = []
oFukuiNucleophilie = []
oFukuiRadical = []
oSoftnessElctrophilie = []
oSoftnessNucleophilie = []
oSoftnessRadical = []
ipkoopman = 0.0
geometry = []
ip = 0.0
ea = 0.0
eneg = 0.0
hard = 0.0
for iline in range(len(outputfile)):
line = outputfile[iline]
#check whether array data is available
if line.startswith(">all vibrational frequencies"):
fetchvibr = True
elif line.startswith("<all vibrational frequencies"):
fetchvibr = False
elif line.startswith(">Thermodynamics"):
fetchthermo = True
elif line.startswith("<Thermodynamics"):
fetchthermo = False
elif line.startswith(">atom;charge;pol"):
fetchatomicprops = True
elif line.startswith("<atom;charge;pol"):
fetchatomicprops = False
elif line.startswith(">Electronic Reactivity indices"):
fetchelecreact = True
elif line.startswith("<Electronic Reactivity indices"):
fetchelecreact = False
elif line.startswith(">Orbital Reactivity indices"):
fetchorbreact = True
elif line.startswith("<Orbital Reactivity indices"):
fetchorbreact = False
#fetch data
if line.startswith("Total Energy = "): etotal = float(line.replace("Total Energy = ",""))
elif line.startswith("Gsolv = "): gsolvation = float(line.replace("Gsolv = ",""))
elif "Total Polarizability" in line: totalpol = float(line.replace("Total Polarizability","").replace(" ",""))
elif line.startswith("Ionization Potential (Koopman):"): ipkoopman = float(line.replace("Ionization Potential (Koopman):","").replace(" eV",""))
elif line.startswith("Ionization Potential (Definition): "): ip = float(line.replace("Ionization Potential (Definition): ","").replace(" eV",""))
elif line.startswith("Electron Affinity (Definition): "): ea = float(line.replace("Electron Affinity (Definition): ","").replace(" eV",""))
elif line.startswith("Electronegativity: "): eneg = float(line.replace("Electronegativity: ","").replace(" eV",""))
elif line.startswith("Hardness: "): hard = float(line.replace("Hardness: ","").replace(" eV",""))
elif fetchvibr: vibrations.append(float(line))
elif fetchthermo:
data = line.split(";")
elif fetchatomicprops:
data = line.split(";")
elif fetchelecreact:
data = line.strip().rstrip().replace(" "," ").split(" ")
elif fetchorbreact:
data = line.strip().rstrip().replace(" "," ").split(" ")
if (optimisegeometry == "0"): newgeometryfile = geometryfile
if not newgeometryfile.endswith(".xyz"): newgeometryfile += ".xyz"
geometry = ReadXYZ(newgeometryfile)
#data collected; if there is a whether, then variable is boolean
#geometryfile the geometry of the molecule
#charge the total charge
#solventname the name of the solvent
#optimisegeometry whether geometry was optimised
#newgeometryfile the name of the file containing optimised geometry
#geometry contains the best geometry (either the input one if not optg takes place, or the optimized geometry if optg took place)
#thermo whether thermodynamics was done
#calcdensity whether the electronic density was calculated
#densityfile the name of the file containing electronic density
#electronicreactivity whether electronic reactivity data was calculated
#orbitalreactivity whether orbital reacticity data was calculated
#KoopmanIP whether the Koopman ionisation potential was calculated
#IP whether the ionisation potential was calculated
#EA whether electron affinity was calculated
#electronegativity whether electronegativity was calculated
#hardness whether hardness was calculated
#etotal the molecule's total energy in Hartree
#gsolvation solvation Gibbs free energy in Hartree
#vibrations array containing vibrational frequencies in cm-1
#temperature array containing temperatures
#entropy array containing entropies
#enthalpy array containing enthalpies
#gibbs array containing Gibbs free energies
#internalenergy array containing internal energies
#helmholtz array containing Helmholts energies
#cp array containing heat capacities at constant pressure
#cv array containing heat capacities at constant volume
#atmlist list of atoms
#charges partial charges in electrons
#polarisabilities atomic polarisabilities in bohr
#totalpol total polarisability in cubic bohr
#eFukuiElctrophilie Fukui index for electrophilicity (calculated from charges)
#eFukuiNucleophilie Fukui index for nucleophilicity (calculated from charges)
#eFukuiRadical Fukui index for radical reactivity (calculated from charges)
#eSoftnessElctrophilie softness index for electrophilicity (calculated from charges)
#eSoftnessNucleophilie softness index for nucleophilicity (calculated from charges)
#eSoftnessRadical softness index for radical reactivity (calculated from charges)
#oFukuiElctrophilie Fukui index for electrophilicity (calculated from frontier orbitals)
#oFukuiNucleophilie Fukui index for nucleophilicity (calculated from frontier orbitals)
#oFukuiRadical Fukui index for radical reactivity (calculated from frontier orbitals)
#oSoftnessElctrophilie softness index for electrophilicity (calculated from frontier orbitals)
#oSoftnessNucleophilie softness index for nucleophilicity (calculated from frontier orbitals)
#oSoftnessRadical softness index for radical reactivity (calculated from frontier orbitals)
#ipkoopman Koopman ionisation potential in eV
#ip ionisation potential in eV
#ea electron affinity in eV
#eneg electronegativity in eV
#hard hardness in eV