qm_property_calculation / GFN2all_crd.cpp
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#include <iostream>
#include "ulysses/src/GFN.hpp"
#include "ulysses/src/math/SolverPackage.hpp"
#include "ulysses/src/Gas.hpp"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
//check the files gfn2-xtb_optg.cpp and pm6-corrected.cpp to extend the options here
// 0 exe
// 1 geometry
// 2 charge
// 3 Telec = 300
// 4 solvation?
// 5 solvent name
// 6 optimise geometry?
// 7 name for new geometry file
// 8 thermo?
// 9 energy threshold for geometry optimization = 1.0e-6
// 10 gradient threshold for geometry optimization = 1.0e-3
// 11 calculate density?
// 12 name for density file
// 13 electronic reactivity indices?
// 14 orbital reactivity indices?
// 15 Koopman IP?
// 16 IP?
// 17 EA?
// 18 electronativity?
// 19 hardness?
//parameters passed as argument
char *p;
int charge = strtol(argv[2],&p,10);
char *q;
double Telec = strtod(argv[3],&q);
char *r;
int solvation = strtol(argv[4],&r,10);
char *v;
int optgeom = strtol(argv[6],&v,10);
char *s;
int thermo = strtol(argv[8],&s,10);
char *t;
double energy_threshold = strtod(argv[9],&t);
char *u;
double gradient_threshold = strtod(argv[10],&u);
char *w;
int calcdensity = strtol(argv[11],&w,10);
char *z1;
int elecrx = strtol(argv[13],&z1,10);
char *z2;
int orbrx = strtol(argv[14],&z2,10);
char *z3;
int koopman = strtol(argv[15],&z3,10);
char *z4;
int ip = strtol(argv[16],&z4,10);
char *z5;
int ea = strtol(argv[17],&z5,10);
char *z6;
int electronegativity = strtol(argv[18],&z6,10);
char *z7;
int hardness = strtol(argv[19],&z7,10);
//system declaration
std::cout << "running " << argv[1] << "\n";
std::cout << "charge = " << charge << std::endl;
std::cout << "T electron = " << Telec << std::endl;
//allocate molecules
Molecule Mol1(argv[1],charge,1,"C1", false);
//define method and basis set
BSet basis(Mol1,"gfn2");
GFN2 electron(basis,Mol1);
//use ALPB solvation?
if (solvation > 0) {
// "water"
// "acetone"
// "acetonitrile"
// "aniline"
// "benzaldehyde"
// "benzene"
// "dichloromethane"
// "chloroform"
// "carbon disulfide"
// "dioxane"
// "dmf"
// "dmso"
// "ethanol"
// "diethyl ether"
// "ethyl acetate"
// "furane"
// "hexadecane"
// "hexane"
// "methanol"
// "nitromethane"
// "octanol"
// "phenol"
// "thf"
// "toluene"
// "water"
// "octanol wet"
//optimise geometry?
if (optgeom > 0) {
BFGSd solve(4,6);
Molecule Mol2 = electron.Component();
std::cout << std::setprecision(7) << "\n";
//perform thermodynamics?
if (thermo > 0) {
//get vibrations
std::vector<double> all_vibrations = electron.CalcVibrFrequencies();
int nvibrations = 6;
std::vector<double> vibrations(all_vibrations.size() - nvibrations); //CalcVibrFrequencies returns also translation and rotation modes; these must be removed
for (size_t idvibr = 0; idvibr < vibrations.size(); ++idvibr) {
vibrations[idvibr] = all_vibrations[idvibr + nvibrations];
std::cout << ">all vibrational frequencies" << std::endl;
for (size_t idvibr = 0; idvibr < all_vibrations.size(); ++idvibr) {
std::cout << all_vibrations[idvibr] << std::endl;
std::cout << "<all vibrational frequencies" << std::endl;
//get electronic energies
std::vector<double> Eel;
Eel.push_back(electron.getEnergy(1)); //the one means that the D3H4X correction is applied to the total energy; use 0 if you want non-corrected energies
//get the degeneracy of ground state
std::vector<double> gel(1,1.0);
//get the eigenvalues of inertia matrix
std::vector<double> inertia = electron.Component().InertiaEigenvalues();
double T = 298.15;
bool grimmecorrection = true;
double numbermolecules = NA; //1 mol
double volume = 0.0224;
PBlRRlHOE IdealGas(T,argv[1],inertia,vibrations,Eel,gel,charge,1,"C1","0",grimmecorrection,numbermolecules,volume);
//loop over temperatures and print out
double temperature = 100.0; //K
std::cout << ">Thermodynamics" << std::endl;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < 2201; ++idx) {
std::cout << temperature << ";" << IdealGas.S() << ";" << IdealGas.H() << ";" << IdealGas.G() << ";" << IdealGas.U() << ";" << IdealGas.A() << ";" << IdealGas.CP() << ";" << IdealGas.CV() << std::endl;
temperature += 0.5;
std::cout << "<Thermodynamics" << std::endl;
//get the density?
if (calcdensity > 0) {
//get charges and polarisabilities
std::vector<size_t> atoms = Mol1.Atoms();
std::vector<double> AtmCharge = electron.getQAtoms();
std::vector<double> polarizabilities;
std::cout << ">atom;charge;pol\n";
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < atoms.size(); ++idx) {
std::cout << atoms[idx] << ";";
std::cout << AtmCharge[idx] << ";" << polarizabilities[idx] << "\n";
std::cout << "<atom;charge;pol\n";
double polbity = 0.0;
std::cout << " Total Polarizability " << polbity << "\n";
//additional properties
matrixE RxData(1,1);
if (elecrx > 0) {
std::cout << ">Electronic Reactivity indices" << std::endl;
std::cout << "<Electronic Reactivity indices" << std::endl;
if (orbrx > 0) {
std::cout << ">Orbital Reactivity indices" << std::endl;
std::cout << "<Orbital Reactivity indices" << std::endl;
if (koopman > 0) {std::cout << "Ionization Potential (Koopman): " << electron.IonizationPotential(true)*au2eV << " eV" << std::endl;}
if (ip > 0) {std::cout << "Ionization Potential (Definition): " << electron.IonizationPotential(false)*au2eV << " eV" << std::endl;}
if (ea > 0) {std::cout << "Electron Affinity (Definition): " << electron.ElectronAffinity()*au2eV << " eV" << std::endl;}
if ((electronegativity > 0)||(hardness > 0)) {
double chi;
double eta;
std::cout << "Electronegativity: " << chi*au2eV << " eV" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Hardness: " << eta*au2eV << " eV" << std::endl;
return 0;