import streamlit as st import numpy as np import cv2 import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots import pandas as pd import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as px import seaborn as sns # Dummy CNN Model class SimpleCNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(SimpleCNN, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 16, kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(16, 32, kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(32 * 8 * 8, 128) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 10) def forward(self, x): x1 = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) # First conv layer activation x2 = F.relu(self.conv2(x1)) x3 = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x2, (8, 8)) x4 = x3.view(x3.size(0), -1) x5 = F.relu(self.fc1(x4)) x6 = self.fc2(x5) return x6, x1 # Return both output and first layer activations # FFT processing functions def apply_fft(image): fft_channels = [] for channel in cv2.split(image): fft = np.fft.fft2(channel) fft_shifted = np.fft.fftshift(fft) fft_channels.append(fft_shifted) return fft_channels def filter_fft_percentage(fft_channels, percentage): filtered_fft = [] for fft_data in fft_channels: magnitude = np.abs(fft_data) sorted_mag = np.sort(magnitude.flatten())[::-1] num_keep = int(len(sorted_mag) * percentage / 100) threshold = sorted_mag[num_keep - 1] if num_keep > 0 else 0 mask = magnitude >= threshold filtered_fft.append(fft_data * mask) return filtered_fft def inverse_fft(filtered_fft): reconstructed_channels = [] for fft_data in filtered_fft: fft_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fft_data) img_reconstructed = np.fft.ifft2(fft_ishift).real img_normalized = cv2.normalize(img_reconstructed, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) reconstructed_channels.append(img_normalized.astype(np.uint8)) return cv2.merge(reconstructed_channels) # CNN Pass Visualization def pass_to_cnn(fft_image): model = SimpleCNN() magnitude_tensor = torch.tensor(np.abs(fft_image), dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) with torch.no_grad(): output, activations = model(magnitude_tensor) # Ensure activations have the correct shape [batch_size, channels, height, width] if len(activations.shape) == 3: activations = activations.unsqueeze(0) # Add batch dimension if missing return activations, magnitude_tensor # 3D plotting function def create_3d_plot(fft_channels, downsample_factor=1): fig = make_subplots( rows=3, cols=2, specs=[[{'type': 'scene'}, {'type': 'scene'}], [{'type': 'scene'}, {'type': 'scene'}], [{'type': 'scene'}, {'type': 'scene'}]], subplot_titles=( 'Blue - Magnitude', 'Blue - Phase', 'Green - Magnitude', 'Green - Phase', 'Red - Magnitude', 'Red - Phase' ) ) for i, fft_data in enumerate(fft_channels): fft_down = fft_data[::downsample_factor, ::downsample_factor] magnitude = np.abs(fft_down) phase = np.angle(fft_down) rows, cols = magnitude.shape x = np.linspace(-cols//2, cols//2, cols) y = np.linspace(-rows//2, rows//2, rows) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) fig.add_trace( go.Surface(x=X, y=Y, z=magnitude, colorscale='Viridis', showscale=False), row=i+1, col=1 ) fig.add_trace( go.Surface(x=X, y=Y, z=phase, colorscale='Inferno', showscale=False), row=i+1, col=2 ) fig.update_layout( height=1500, width=1200, margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=30), scene_camera=dict(eye=dict(x=1.5, y=1.5, z=0.5)), scene=dict( xaxis=dict(title='Frequency X'), yaxis=dict(title='Frequency Y'), zaxis=dict(title='Magnitude/Phase') ) ) return fig # Streamlit UI st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.title("Interactive Frequency Domain Analysis with CNN") # Initialize session state if 'fft_channels' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.fft_channels = None if 'filtered_fft' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.filtered_fft = None if 'reconstructed' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.reconstructed = None if 'show_cnn' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.show_cnn = False # Upload image uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload an image", type=['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg']) if uploaded_file is not None: file_bytes = np.frombuffer(uploaded_file.getvalue(), np.uint8) image = cv2.imdecode(file_bytes, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) st.image(image_rgb, caption="Original Image", use_column_width=True) # Apply FFT and store in session state if st.session_state.fft_channels is None: st.session_state.fft_channels = apply_fft(image) # Frequency percentage slider percentage = st.slider( "Percentage of frequencies to retain:", 0.1, 100.0, 10.0, 0.1, help="Adjust the slider to select what portion of frequency components to keep." ) # Apply FFT filter if st.button("Apply Filter"): st.session_state.filtered_fft = filter_fft_percentage(st.session_state.fft_channels, percentage) st.session_state.reconstructed = inverse_fft(st.session_state.filtered_fft) st.session_state.show_cnn = False # Reset CNN visualization # Display reconstructed image and FFT data if st.session_state.reconstructed is not None: reconstructed_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(st.session_state.reconstructed, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) st.image(reconstructed_rgb, caption="Reconstructed Image", use_column_width=True) # FFT Data Tables st.subheader("Frequency Data of Each Channel") for i, channel_name in enumerate(['Blue', 'Green', 'Red']): st.write(f"### {channel_name} Channel FFT Data") magnitude_df = pd.DataFrame(np.abs(st.session_state.filtered_fft[i])) phase_df = pd.DataFrame(np.angle(st.session_state.filtered_fft[i])) st.write("#### Magnitude Data:") st.dataframe(magnitude_df.head(10)) st.write("#### Phase Data:") st.dataframe(phase_df.head(10)) # 3D Visualization st.subheader("3D Frequency Components Visualization") downsample = st.slider( "Downsampling factor for 3D plots:", 1, 20, 5, help="Controls the resolution of the 3D surface plots." ) fig = create_3d_plot(st.session_state.filtered_fft, downsample) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) # Custom CSS to style the button st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # CNN Visualization Section with st.container(): st.markdown('
', unsafe_allow_html=True) if st.button("Pass to CNN"): st.session_state.show_cnn = True st.markdown('
', unsafe_allow_html=True) if st.session_state.show_cnn: st.subheader("CNN Processing Visualization") activations, magnitude_tensor = pass_to_cnn(st.session_state.filtered_fft[0]) # Display input tensor with improved visualization st.write("### Input Magnitude Tensor") fig_input, ax_input = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) input_img = magnitude_tensor.squeeze().numpy() im = ax_input.imshow(input_img, cmap='viridis') plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax_input) st.pyplot(fig_input) # Display activation maps with proper normalization st.write("### First Convolution Layer Activations") activation = activations.detach().numpy() if len(activation.shape) == 4: # Create grid layout for activation maps st.write("#### Activation Maps Visualization") cols = 4 rows = 4 fig, axs = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(20, 20)) for i in range(activation.shape[1]): ax = axs[i//cols, i%cols] act_img = activation[0, i, :, :] vmin, vmax = np.percentile(act_img, [1, 99]) # Robust normalization im = ax.imshow(act_img, cmap='inferno', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.set_title(f'Channel {i+1}') fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) plt.tight_layout() st.pyplot(fig) # Display activation statistics st.write("#### Activation Value Distribution") flat_activations = activation.flatten() fig_hist = px.histogram( x=flat_activations, nbins=100, title="Activation Value Distribution", labels={'x': 'Activation Value'} ) st.plotly_chart(fig_hist) # Second Convolution Layer Visualization st.markdown("---") st.subheader("Second Convolution Layer Features") with torch.no_grad(): model = SimpleCNN() _, first_conv = model(magnitude_tensor) second_conv = model.conv2(first_conv).detach().numpy() if len(second_conv.shape) == 4: # Display sample feature maps st.write("#### Feature Maps Visualization") cols = 8 rows = 4 fig2, axs2 = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(20, 10)) for i in range(32): # For all 32 channels ax = axs2[i//cols, i%cols] feature_map = second_conv[0, i, :, :] vmin, vmax = np.percentile(feature_map, [1, 99]) im = ax.imshow(feature_map, cmap='plasma', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.set_title(f'FM {i+1}') ax.axis('off') plt.tight_layout() st.pyplot(fig2) # Pooling Layer Visualization st.markdown("---") st.subheader("Pooling Layer Output") with torch.no_grad(): pooled = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(torch.tensor(second_conv), (8, 8)).numpy() st.write("#### Pooled Features Dimensionality Reduction") # Create a heatmap using seaborn fig_pool, ax_pool = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) sns.heatmap( pooled[0, 0], # Use the first channel of the pooled features annot=True, # Show values in each cell fmt=".2f", # Format values to 2 decimal places cmap="coolwarm",# Use a color map for better visualization ax=ax_pool # Plot on the created axis ) st.pyplot(fig_pool) # Create a grid of pooled feature maps cols = 4 rows = 2 fig, axs = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(20, 10)) for i in range(rows * cols): ax = axs[i // cols, i % cols] sns.heatmap( pooled[0, i], annot=True, fmt=".2f", cmap="coolwarm", ax=ax ) ax.set_title(f"Channel {i+1}") plt.tight_layout() st.pyplot(fig) # Fully Connected Layer Visualization st.markdown("---") st.subheader("Fully Connected Layer Analysis") with torch.no_grad(): model = SimpleCNN() flattened = model.conv2(model.conv1(magnitude_tensor)) flattened = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(flattened, (8, 8)) flattened = flattened.view(flattened.size(0), -1) fc_output = model.fc1(flattened).detach().numpy() st.write("#### FC Layer Activation Patterns") fig_fc = px.imshow( fc_output.T, labels=dict(x="Neurons", y="Features", color="Activation"), color_continuous_scale="viridis" ) st.plotly_chart(fig_fc) # Final Classification Visualization st.markdown("---") st.subheader("Final Classification Results") with torch.no_grad(): model = SimpleCNN() output, _ = model(magnitude_tensor) probabilities = F.softmax(output, dim=1).numpy()[0] classes = [f"Class {i}" for i in range(10)] df = pd.DataFrame({"Class": classes, "Probability": probabilities}) fig_class = df, x="Class", y="Probability", color="Probability", color_continuous_scale="tealrose" ) st.plotly_chart(fig_class) # Full Pipeline Explanation st.markdown(""" ### Complete Processing Pipeline
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)