from datetime import datetime import json import os import time import random import string import shutil import traceback import sys from pathlib import Path import streamlit as st from utils import ( load_json, load_json_no_cache, parse_arguments, format_chat_message, find_screenshot, gather_chat_history, get_screenshot, load_page, ) def show_selectbox(demonstration_dir): # find all the subdirectories in the current directory dirs = [ d for d in os.listdir(demonstration_dir) if os.path.isdir(f"{demonstration_dir}/{d}") ] if not dirs: st.title("No recordings found.") return None # sort by date dirs.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(f"{demonstration_dir}/{x}"), reverse=True) # offer the user a dropdown to select which recording to visualize, set a default recording_name = st.sidebar.selectbox("Recording", dirs, index=0) return recording_name def show_overview(data, recording_name, basedir): st.title('[WebLINX]( Explorer') st.header(f"Recording: `{recording_name}`") screenshot_size = st.session_state.get("screenshot_size_view_mode", "regular") show_advanced_info = st.session_state.get("show_advanced_information", False) if screenshot_size == "regular": col_layout = [1.5, 1.5, 7, 3.5] elif screenshot_size == "small": col_layout = [1.5, 1.5, 7, 2] else: # screenshot_size == 'large' col_layout = [1.5, 1.5, 11] # col_i, col_time, col_act, col_actvis = st.columns(col_layout) # screenshots = load_screenshots(data, basedir) for i, d in enumerate(data): if i > 0 and show_advanced_info: # Use html to add a horizontal line with minimal gap st.markdown( "<hr style='margin-top: 0.1rem; margin-bottom: 0.1rem;'/>", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) if screenshot_size == "large": col_time, col_i, col_act = st.columns(col_layout) col_actvis = col_act else: col_time, col_i, col_act, col_actvis = st.columns(col_layout) secs_from_start = d["timestamp"] - data[0]["timestamp"] # `secs_from_start` is a float including ms, display in format col_time.markdown( f"**{datetime.utcfromtimestamp(secs_from_start).strftime('%M:%S')}**" ) if not st.session_state.get("enable_html_download", True): col_i.markdown(f"**#{i}**") elif d["type"] == "browser" and (page_filename := d["state"]["page"]): page_path = f"{basedir}/pages/{page_filename}" col_i.download_button( label="#" + str(i), data=load_page(page_path), file_name=recording_name + "-" + page_filename, mime="multipart/related", key=f"page{i}", ) else: col_i.button(f"#{i}", type='secondary') if d["type"] == "chat": col_act.markdown(format_chat_message(d), unsafe_allow_html=True) continue # screenshot_filename = d["state"]["screenshot"] img = get_screenshot(d, basedir) arguments = parse_arguments(d["action"]) event_type = d["action"]["intent"] action_str = f"**{event_type}**({arguments})" if img: col_actvis.image(img) col_act.markdown(action_str) if show_advanced_info: status = d["state"].get("screenshot_status", "unknown") text = "" if status == "good": text += f'**:green[Used in demo]**\n\n' text += f'Screenshot: `{d["state"]["screenshot"]}`\\\n' text += f'Page: `{d["state"]["page"]}`\n' col_act.markdown(text) def load_recording(basedir): # Before loading replay, we need a dropdown that allows us to select replay.json or replay_orig.json # Find all files in basedir starting with "replay" and ending with ".json" replay_files = sorted( [ f for f in os.listdir(basedir) if f.startswith("replay") and f.endswith(".json") ] ) replay_file = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select replay", replay_files, index=0) st.sidebar.checkbox( "Advanced Screenshot Info", False, key="show_advanced_information" ) st.sidebar.checkbox( "Enable HTML download", False, key="enable_html_download" ) replay_file = replay_file.replace(".json", "") metadata = load_json(basedir, "metadata") # convert timestamp to readable date string recording_start_timestamp = metadata["recordingStart"] recording_start_date = datetime.fromtimestamp( int(recording_start_timestamp) / 1000 ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") st.sidebar.markdown(f"**started**: {recording_start_date}") # recording_end_timestamp = k["recordingEnd"] # calculate duration # duration = int(recording_end_timestamp) - int(recording_start_timestamp) # duration = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(duration / 1000)) # Read in the JSON data replay_dict = load_json_no_cache(basedir, replay_file) form = load_json(basedir, "form") duration = replay_dict["data"][-1]["timestamp"] - replay_dict["data"][0]["timestamp"] duration = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(duration)) st.sidebar.markdown(f"**duration**: {duration}") if not replay_dict: return None for key in [ "annotator", "description", "tasks", "upload_date", "instructor_sees_screen", "uses_ai_generated_output", ]: if form and key in form: # Normalize the key to be more human-readable key_name = key.replace("_", " ").title() if type(form[key]) == list: st.sidebar.markdown(f"**{key_name}**: {', '.join(form[key])}") else: st.sidebar.markdown(f"**{key_name}**: {form[key]}") st.sidebar.markdown("---") if replay_dict and "status" in replay_dict: st.sidebar.markdown(f"**Validation status**: {replay_dict['status']}") processed_meta_path = Path(basedir).joinpath('processed_metadata.json') start_frame = 'file not found' if processed_meta_path.exists(): with open(processed_meta_path) as f: processed_meta = json.load(f) start_frame = processed_meta.get('start_frame', 'info not in file') st.sidebar.markdown(f"**Recording start frame**: {start_frame}") # st.sidebar.button("Delete recording", type="primary", on_click=delete_recording, args=[basedir]) data = replay_dict["data"] return data def run(): # mode ="Mode", ["Overview"]) demonstration_dir = "./demonstrations" # params = st.experimental_get_query_params() params = st.query_params print(params) # list demonstrations/ demo_names = os.listdir(demonstration_dir) if params.get("recording"): if isinstance(params["recording"], list): recording_name = params["recording"][0] else: recording_name = params["recording"] else: recording_name = demo_names[0] recording_name = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Recordings", demo_names, index=demo_names.index(recording_name), ) if recording_name != params.get("recording", [None])[0]: # st.experimental_set_query_params(recording=recording_name) # use st.query_params as a dict instead st.query_params['recording'] = recording_name with st.sidebar: # Want a dropdown st.selectbox( "Screenshot size", ["small", "regular", "large"], index=1, key="screenshot_size_view_mode", ) if recording_name is not None: basedir = f"{demonstration_dir}/{recording_name}" data = load_recording(basedir=basedir) if not data: st.stop() show_overview(data, recording_name=recording_name, basedir=basedir) if __name__ == "__main__": st.set_page_config(layout="wide") run()