import io |
import re |
from typing import Union, Dict |
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter |
from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, Spacer |
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle |
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_JUSTIFY, TA_LEFT, TA_CENTER |
from reportlab.platypus import Table, TableStyle |
from reportlab.lib import colors |
import os |
import json |
from datetime import datetime |
class PDFGenerator: |
def __init__(self): |
self.styles = getSampleStyleSheet() |
self._setup_styles() |
def _setup_styles(self): |
"""Setup custom styles for PDF generation""" |
self.styles.add( |
ParagraphStyle( |
name='CustomTitle', |
parent=self.styles['Heading1'], |
fontSize=24, |
spaceAfter=30, |
alignment=TA_CENTER, |
textColor='navy' |
) |
) |
self.styles.add( |
ParagraphStyle( |
name='SectionHeader', |
parent=self.styles['Heading2'], |
fontSize=16, |
spaceBefore=20, |
spaceAfter=12, |
textColor='navy', |
alignment=TA_LEFT |
) |
) |
self.styles.add( |
ParagraphStyle( |
name='CustomContent', |
parent=self.styles['Normal'], |
fontSize=12, |
spaceAfter=12, |
alignment=TA_LEFT, |
leading=16 |
) |
) |
def generate_pdf(self, content: Union[str, Dict]) -> io.BytesIO: |
"""Generate PDF with improved formatting""" |
try: |
buffer = io.BytesIO() |
doc = SimpleDocTemplate( |
buffer, |
pagesize=letter, |
rightMargin=72, |
leftMargin=72, |
topMargin=72, |
bottomMargin=72 |
) |
elements = [] |
if isinstance(content, dict): |
title = content.get('title', 'Medical Document') |
content_text = content.get('content', '') |
if isinstance(content_text, dict): |
content_text = json.dumps(content_text, indent=2) |
else: |
title = "Medical Document" |
content_text = str(content) |
elements.append(Paragraph(title, self.styles['CustomTitle'])) |
elements.append(Spacer(1, 20)) |
sections = content_text.split('\n') |
for section in sections: |
if section.strip(): |
if section.startswith('##') or section.startswith('# '): |
header_text = section.lstrip('#').strip() |
elements.append(Paragraph(header_text, self.styles['SectionHeader'])) |
elements.append(Spacer(1, 12)) |
else: |
if section.strip().startswith('-'): |
text = '•' + section.strip()[1:] |
else: |
text = section.strip() |
elements.append(Paragraph(text, self.styles['CustomContent'])) |
elements.append(Spacer(1, 8)) |
doc.build(elements) |
buffer.seek(0) |
return buffer |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"PDF Generation error: {str(e)}") |
buffer = io.BytesIO() |
doc = SimpleDocTemplate(buffer, pagesize=letter) |
elements = [ |
Paragraph("Error Generating Document", self.styles['CustomTitle']), |
Spacer(1, 12), |
Paragraph(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}", self.styles['CustomContent']) |
] |
doc.build(elements) |
buffer.seek(0) |
return buffer |
def _format_content(self, content: Union[str, Dict]) -> str: |
"""Format content for PDF generation""" |
if isinstance(content, str): |
return content |
elif isinstance(content, dict): |
try: |
if 'content' in content: |
return self._format_content(content['content']) |
return "\n".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in content.items()) |
except Exception as e: |
return f"Error formatting content: {str(e)}" |
else: |
return str(content) |
def generate_discharge_form( |
self, |
patient_info: dict, |
discharge_info: dict, |
diagnosis_info: dict, |
medication_info: dict, |
prepared_by: dict |
) -> io.BytesIO: |
""" |
Generate a PDF that replicates the 'Patient Discharge Form' layout. |
patient_info: { |
"first_name": "...", |
"last_name": "...", |
"dob": "YYYY-MM-DD", |
"age": "...", |
"sex": "...", |
"mobile": "...", |
"address": "...", |
"city": "...", |
"state": "...", |
"zip": "..." |
} |
discharge_info: { |
"date_of_admission": "...", |
"date_of_discharge": "...", |
"source_of_admission": "...", |
"mode_of_admission": "...", |
"discharge_against_advice": "Yes/No" |
} |
diagnosis_info: { |
"diagnosis": "...", |
"operation_procedure": "...", |
"treatment": "...", |
"follow_up": "..." |
} |
medication_info: { |
"medications": [ "Med1", "Med2", ...], |
"instructions": "..." |
} |
prepared_by: { |
"name": "...", |
"title": "...", |
"signature": "..." |
} |
""" |
buffer = io.BytesIO() |
doc = SimpleDocTemplate( |
buffer, |
pagesize=letter, |
rightMargin=72, |
leftMargin=72, |
topMargin=72, |
bottomMargin=72 |
) |
elements = [] |
elements.append(Paragraph("Patient Discharge Form", self.styles['CustomTitle'])) |
elements.append(Spacer(1, 20)) |
elements.append(Paragraph("Patient Details", self.styles['SectionHeader'])) |
patient_data_table = [ |
["First Name", patient_info.get("first_name", ""), "Last Name", patient_info.get("last_name", "")], |
["Date of Birth", patient_info.get("dob", ""), "Age", patient_info.get("age", "")], |
["Sex", patient_info.get("sex", ""), "Mobile", patient_info.get("mobile", "")], |
["Address", patient_info.get("address", ""), "City", patient_info.get("city", "")], |
["State", patient_info.get("state", ""), "Zip", patient_info.get("zip", "")] |
] |
table_style = TableStyle([ |
('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.5, colors.grey), |
('BACKGROUND', (0,0), (-1,0), colors.whitesmoke), |
('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP'), |
('FONTNAME', (0,0), (-1,0), 'Helvetica-Bold'), |
]) |
pt = Table(patient_data_table, colWidths=[100,150,100,150]) |
pt.setStyle(table_style) |
elements.append(pt) |
elements.append(Spacer(1, 16)) |
elements.append(Paragraph("Admission and Discharge Details", self.styles['SectionHeader'])) |
ad_data_table = [ |
["Date of Admission", discharge_info.get("date_of_admission", ""), "Date of Discharge", discharge_info.get("date_of_discharge", "")], |
["Source of Admission", discharge_info.get("source_of_admission", ""), "Mode of Admission", discharge_info.get("mode_of_admission", "")], |
["Discharge Against Advice", discharge_info.get("discharge_against_advice", "No"), "", ""] |
] |
ad_table = Table(ad_data_table, colWidths=[120,130,120,130]) |
ad_table.setStyle(table_style) |
elements.append(ad_table) |
elements.append(Spacer(1, 16)) |
elements.append(Paragraph("Diagnosis & Procedures", self.styles['SectionHeader'])) |
diag_table_data = [ |
["Diagnosis", diagnosis_info.get("diagnosis", "")], |
["Operation / Procedure", diagnosis_info.get("operation_procedure", "")], |
["Treatment", diagnosis_info.get("treatment", "")], |
["Follow-up", diagnosis_info.get("follow_up", "")] |
] |
diag_table = Table(diag_table_data, colWidths=[150, 330]) |
diag_table.setStyle(table_style) |
elements.append(diag_table) |
elements.append(Spacer(1, 16)) |
elements.append(Paragraph("Medication Details", self.styles['SectionHeader'])) |
meds_joined = ", ".join(medication_info.get("medications", [])) |
med_table_data = [ |
["Medications", meds_joined], |
["Instructions", medication_info.get("instructions", "")] |
] |
med_table = Table(med_table_data, colWidths=[100, 380]) |
med_table.setStyle(table_style) |
elements.append(med_table) |
elements.append(Spacer(1, 16)) |
elements.append(Paragraph("Prepared By", self.styles['SectionHeader'])) |
prepared_table_data = [ |
["Name", prepared_by.get("name", ""), "Title", prepared_by.get("title", "")], |
["Signature", prepared_by.get("signature", ""), "", ""] |
] |
prepared_table = Table(prepared_table_data, colWidths=[80,180,80,180]) |
prepared_table.setStyle(table_style) |
elements.append(prepared_table) |
elements.append(Spacer(1, 16)) |
doc.build(elements) |
buffer.seek(0) |
return buffer |
class DischargeDocumentCreator: |
def __init__(self, output_dir='discharge_papers'): |
self.output_dir = output_dir |
self.styles = getSampleStyleSheet() |
self.title_style = ParagraphStyle( |
'TitleStyle', |
parent=self.styles['Heading1'], |
alignment=1, |
spaceAfter=12 |
) |
if not os.path.exists(output_dir): |
os.makedirs(output_dir) |
def generate_discharge_paper(self, patient_data, llm_content): |
""" |
Generate a discharge paper with patient data and LLM-generated content |
Args: |
patient_data (dict): Patient information including name, DOB, admission date, etc. |
llm_content (dict): LLM-generated content for different sections |
Returns: |
str: Path to the generated PDF |
""" |
filename = f"{patient_data['patient_id']}_{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.pdf" |
filepath = os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename) |
doc = SimpleDocTemplate(filepath, pagesize=letter, |
rightMargin=72, leftMargin=72, |
topMargin=72, bottomMargin=72) |
content = [] |
content.append(Paragraph("HOSPITAL DISCHARGE SUMMARY", self.title_style)) |
content.append(Spacer(1, 12)) |
patient_info = [ |
["Patient Name:", patient_data.get('name', 'N/A')], |
["Date of Birth:", patient_data.get('dob', 'N/A')], |
["Patient ID:", patient_data.get('patient_id', 'N/A')], |
["Admission Date:", patient_data.get('admission_date', 'N/A')], |
["Discharge Date:", datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")], |
["Attending Physician:", patient_data.get('physician', 'N/A')] |
] |
t = Table(patient_info, colWidths=[150, 350]) |
t.setStyle(TableStyle([ |
('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.5, colors.grey), |
('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (0, -1), colors.lightgrey), |
('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'), |
('PADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 6) |
])) |
content.append(t) |
content.append(Spacer(1, 20)) |
sections = [ |
("Diagnosis", llm_content.get('diagnosis', 'No diagnosis provided.')), |
("Treatment Summary", llm_content.get('treatment', 'No treatment summary provided.')), |
("Medications", llm_content.get('medications', 'No medications listed.')), |
("Follow-up Instructions", llm_content.get('follow_up', 'No follow-up instructions provided.')), |
("Special Instructions", llm_content.get('special_instructions', 'No special instructions provided.')) |
] |
for title, content_text in sections: |
content.append(Paragraph(title, self.styles['Heading2'])) |
content.append(Paragraph(content_text, self.styles['Normal'])) |
content.append(Spacer(1, 12)) |
doc.build(content) |
return filepath |
def generate_discharge_summary(patient_data, llm_content, output_dir='discharge_papers'): |
""" |
Wrapper function to generate a discharge summary document |
Args: |
patient_data (dict): Patient information |
llm_content (dict): LLM-generated content for discharge summary |
output_dir (str): Directory to save the PDF file |
Returns: |
str: Path to the generated PDF |
""" |
creator = DischargeDocumentCreator(output_dir=output_dir) |
return creator.generate_discharge_paper(patient_data, llm_content) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
pdf_gen = PDFGenerator() |
patient_info = { |
"first_name": "John", |
"last_name": "Doe", |
"dob": "1980-05-15", |
"age": "43", |
"sex": "Male", |
"mobile": "555-123-4567", |
"address": "123 Main Street", |
"city": "Anytown", |
"state": "CA", |
"zip": "12345" |
} |
discharge_info = { |
"date_of_admission": "2023-10-01", |
"date_of_discharge": "2023-10-10", |
"source_of_admission": "Emergency", |
"mode_of_admission": "Ambulance", |
"discharge_against_advice": "No" |
} |
diagnosis_info = { |
"diagnosis": "Appendicitis with successful appendectomy", |
"operation_procedure": "Laparoscopic appendectomy", |
"treatment": "Antibiotics, pain management, IV fluids", |
"follow_up": "Follow up with Dr. Smith in 2 weeks" |
} |
medication_info = { |
"medications": ["Amoxicillin 500mg 3x daily for 7 days", "Ibuprofen 400mg as needed for pain"], |
"instructions": "Take antibiotics with food. Avoid driving while taking pain medication." |
} |
prepared_by = { |
"name": "Dr. Jane Smith", |
"title": "Attending Physician", |
"signature": "J. Smith, MD" |
} |
discharge_form_pdf = pdf_gen.generate_discharge_form( |
patient_info, |
discharge_info, |
diagnosis_info, |
medication_info, |
prepared_by |
) |
with open("discharge_form_sample.pdf", "wb") as f: |
f.write(discharge_form_pdf.read()) |
print("Discharge form saved as discharge_form_sample.pdf") |
patient_data = { |
"name": "John Doe", |
"dob": "1980-05-15", |
"patient_id": "P12345", |
"admission_date": "2023-10-01", |
"physician": "Dr. Jane Smith" |
} |
llm_content = { |
"diagnosis": "Acute appendicitis requiring surgical intervention.", |
"treatment": "Patient underwent successful laparoscopic appendectomy on 2023-10-02. Post-operative recovery was uneventful with good pain control and return of bowel function.", |
"medications": "1. Amoxicillin 500mg capsules, take 1 capsule 3 times daily for 7 days\n2. Ibuprofen 400mg tablets, take 1-2 tablets every 6 hours as needed for pain", |
"follow_up": "Please schedule a follow-up appointment with Dr. Smith in 2 weeks. Return sooner if experiencing fever, increasing pain, or wound drainage.", |
"special_instructions": "Keep incision sites clean and dry. No heavy lifting (>10 lbs) for 4 weeks. May shower 24 hours after surgery." |
} |
summary_path = generate_discharge_summary(patient_data, llm_content) |
print(f"Discharge summary saved as {summary_path}") |