import requests import json from typing import Optional, Dict, Any from utils.meldrx import MeldRxAPI # Assuming contains the updated MeldRxAPI with SMART on FHIR class MeldRxAPITest: """A class to test the functionality of the MeldRxAPI class with SMART on FHIR and Gradio callback.""" def __init__(self): # Placeholder variables (replace with real values for live testing) self.client_id = "04bdc9f9a23d488a868b93d594ee5a4a" # Replace with your actual client ID self.redirect_uri = "" # Gradio Space callback URL self.workspace_id = "09ed4f76-b5ac-42bf-92d5-496933203dbe" # Replace with your workspace ID self.test_patient_id = "05f7c0c2-ebee-44db-ab71-2113e7a70acb" # Replace with a valid patient ID self.client_secret = None # Optional; set if using a confidential client self.api = MeldRxAPI(self.client_id, self.redirect_uri, self.workspace_id, self.client_secret) self.auth_code = None self.access_token = None def _print_section(self, title: str): """Helper method to print section headers.""" print(f"\n{'=' * 10} {title} {'=' * 10}") def test_get_auth_url(self): """Test generating the SMART on FHIR authorization URL.""" self._print_section("Testing Get Authorization URL") auth_url = self.api.get_authorization_url() print(f"Generated Authorization URL:\n{auth_url}") print("Action: Open this URL in a browser, log in, and copy the 'code' from the redirect URL.") def test_authenticate_with_code(self): """Test authentication using an authorization code (simulating Gradio callback).""" self._print_section("Testing Authenticate with Code") self.auth_code = input("Enter the authorization code from the redirect URL (or press Enter to skip): ").strip() if not self.auth_code: print("No code provided. Skipping authentication test.") return result = self.api.authenticate_with_code(self.auth_code) print(f"Authentication Result: {result}") if result: self.access_token = self.api.access_token print(f"Access Token: {self.access_token[:10]}... (truncated for brevity)") else: print("Authentication failed. Subsequent tests may not work as expected.") def test_get_patients(self): """Test retrieving patients from the FHIR API.""" self._print_section("Testing Get Patients (FHIR)") if not self.access_token: print("Not authenticated. Run test_authenticate_with_code first.") return patients = self.api.get_patients() if patients is not None: print("Patients Retrieved Successfully:") print(json.dumps(patients, indent=2) if patients else "No data returned (expected per docs)") else: print("Failed to retrieve patients.") def test_create_virtual_workspace(self): """Test creating a virtual workspace.""" self._print_section("Testing Create Virtual Workspace") if not self.access_token: print("Not authenticated. Run test_authenticate_with_code first.") return success = self.api.create_virtual_workspace( snapshot="patient-prefetch", patient_id=self.test_patient_id, hook="patient-view" ) print(f"Virtual Workspace Creation Result: {success}") if success: print("Virtual workspace created successfully (no response body expected).") else: print("Failed to create virtual workspace.") def test_get_mips_patients(self): """Test retrieving patients from the MIPS API.""" self._print_section("Testing Get MIPS Patients") if not self.access_token: print("Not authenticated. Run test_authenticate_with_code first.") return patients = self.api.get_mips_patients() if patients is not None: print("MIPS Patients Retrieved Successfully:") print(json.dumps(patients, indent=2) if patients else "No data returned") else: print("Failed to retrieve MIPS patients.") def test_get_mips_patient_by_id(self): """Test retrieving a specific patient by ID from the MIPS API.""" self._print_section("Testing Get MIPS Patient by ID") if not self.access_token: print("Not authenticated. Run test_authenticate_with_code first.") return patient = self.api.get_mips_patient_by_id(self.test_patient_id) if patient is not None: print(f"Patient {self.test_patient_id} Retrieved Successfully:") print(json.dumps(patient, indent=2) if patient else "No data returned") else: print(f"Failed to retrieve patient {self.test_patient_id}.") def test_get_mips_encounters(self): """Test retrieving encounters from the MIPS API (with and without patient filter).""" self._print_section("Testing Get MIPS Encounters (All)") if not self.access_token: print("Not authenticated. Run test_authenticate_with_code first.") return encounters = self.api.get_mips_encounters() if encounters is not None: print("All Encounters Retrieved Successfully:") print(json.dumps(encounters, indent=2) if encounters else "No data returned") else: print("Failed to retrieve all encounters.") self._print_section("Testing Get MIPS Encounters (Filtered by Patient)") encounters_filtered = self.api.get_mips_encounters(self.test_patient_id) if encounters_filtered is not None: print(f"Encounters for Patient {self.test_patient_id} Retrieved Successfully:") print(json.dumps(encounters_filtered, indent=2) if encounters_filtered else "No data returned") else: print(f"Failed to retrieve encounters for patient {self.test_patient_id}.") def run_all_tests(self): """Run all test methods in sequence.""" print("Starting MeldRx API Tests with Gradio Callback Simulation...\n") self.test_get_auth_url() self.test_authenticate_with_code() self.test_get_patients() self.test_create_virtual_workspace() self.test_get_mips_patients() self.test_get_mips_patient_by_id() self.test_get_mips_encounters() print("\nAll tests completed.") self.api.close() # Run the tests if __name__ == "__main__": tester = MeldRxAPITest() tester.run_all_tests()