from pymongo import MongoClient from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Dict, List, Union def get_current_date() -> str: # Get the current date and return it in YYYY-MM-DD format return def get_another_date(day: int) -> str: # Get the current date and add specified days to it tomorrow = + timedelta(days=day) return def check_date_streak(start_date: str, end_date: str) -> bool: # Convert ISO strings to datetime objects start_date = datetime.fromisoformat(start_date) end_date = datetime.fromisoformat(end_date) # Compare the dates to check if they are consecutive (1 day apart) if end_date - start_date == timedelta(days=0) or end_date - start_date == timedelta(days=1): return True else: return False def save_in_streaks_history(db_uri,document): client = MongoClient(db_uri) document.pop("_id",None) print(document) db = client["crayonics"] collection = db["StreaksHistory"] # Check for existing user found_user = collection.find_one({"user_id": document['user_id']}) current_date = get_current_date() # try: if found_user is None: # New user case print("added new streak reset record") document["streaks_records"] = [{"date_of_streak_reset":current_date,"streak_dates":document["streak_dates"]}] document.pop("streak_dates") collection.insert_one(document) return True else: print("added another streak reset record") current_record={"date_of_streaks_reset":current_date,"streak_dates":document["streak_dates"]} dates = found_user["streaks_records"] + [current_record] collection.update_one( {"user_id": document.get("user_id")}, {"$set": {"streaks_records": dates}} ) return True # except Exception as e: # print(f"Error in creating a streaks reset record: {str(e)}") # print(document,found_user) # return False # finally: # client.close() def streaks_manager(db_uri: str, document: Dict) -> Union[bool, str]: """ Manage user streaks in MongoDB. Args: db_uri: MongoDB connection string document: Dictionary containing user data with 'user_id' key Returns: Union[bool, str]: True if successful, "User Already Exists" if streak is reset """ client = MongoClient(db_uri) try: db = client["crayonics"] collection = db["Streaks"] # Check for existing user found_user = collection.find_one({"user_id": document.get('user_id')}) current_date = get_current_date() document['streak_dates'] = [current_date] if found_user is None: # New user case collection.insert_one(document) return True else: is_a_streak = check_date_streak( start_date=found_user['streak_dates'][-1], end_date=current_date ) if is_a_streak: print("its a streak guys") # Extend existing streak if not (current_date== found_user["streak_dates"][-1]): dates = found_user["streak_dates"] + [current_date] else: dates=found_user["streak_dates"] collection.update_one( {"user_id": document.get("user_id")}, {"$set": {"streak_dates": dates}} ) return True else: save_in_streaks_history(db_uri=db_uri,document=found_user) # Reset streak if not consecutive collection.find_one_and_replace( {"user_id": document.get('user_id')}, document ) return "User Already Exists" except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {str(e)}") raise finally: client.close()