''' Downloads models from Hugging Face to models/username_modelname. Example: python download-model.py facebook/opt-1.3b ''' import argparse import base64 import datetime import hashlib import json import os import re import sys from pathlib import Path import requests import tqdm from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import thread_map class ModelDownloader: def __init__(self, max_retries=5): self.s = requests.Session() if max_retries: self.s.mount('https://cdn-lfs.huggingface.co', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=max_retries)) self.s.mount('https://huggingface.co', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=max_retries)) if os.getenv('HF_USER') is not None and os.getenv('HF_PASS') is not None: self.s.auth = (os.getenv('HF_USER'), os.getenv('HF_PASS')) if os.getenv('HF_TOKEN') is not None: self.s.headers = {'authorization': f'Bearer {os.getenv("HF_TOKEN")}'} def sanitize_model_and_branch_names(self, model, branch): if model[-1] == '/': model = model[:-1] if branch is None: branch = "main" else: pattern = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$") if not pattern.match(branch): raise ValueError( "Invalid branch name. Only alphanumeric characters, period, underscore and dash are allowed.") return model, branch def get_download_links_from_huggingface(self, model, branch, text_only=False): base = "https://huggingface.co" page = f"/api/models/{model}/tree/{branch}" cursor = b"" links = [] sha256 = [] classifications = [] has_pytorch = False has_pt = False # has_ggml = False has_safetensors = False is_lora = False while True: url = f"{base}{page}" + (f"?cursor={cursor.decode()}" if cursor else "") r = self.s.get(url, timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() content = r.content dict = json.loads(content) if len(dict) == 0: break for i in range(len(dict)): fname = dict[i]['path'] if not is_lora and fname.endswith(('adapter_config.json', 'adapter_model.bin')): is_lora = True is_pytorch = re.match("(pytorch|adapter|gptq)_model.*\.bin", fname) is_safetensors = re.match(".*\.safetensors", fname) is_pt = re.match(".*\.pt", fname) is_ggml = re.match(".*ggml.*\.bin", fname) is_tokenizer = re.match("(tokenizer|ice|spiece).*\.model", fname) is_text = re.match(".*\.(txt|json|py|md)", fname) or is_tokenizer if any((is_pytorch, is_safetensors, is_pt, is_ggml, is_tokenizer, is_text)): if 'lfs' in dict[i]: sha256.append([fname, dict[i]['lfs']['oid']]) if is_text: links.append(f"https://huggingface.co/{model}/resolve/{branch}/{fname}") classifications.append('text') continue if not text_only: links.append(f"https://huggingface.co/{model}/resolve/{branch}/{fname}") if is_safetensors: has_safetensors = True classifications.append('safetensors') elif is_pytorch: has_pytorch = True classifications.append('pytorch') elif is_pt: has_pt = True classifications.append('pt') elif is_ggml: # has_ggml = True classifications.append('ggml') cursor = base64.b64encode(f'{{"file_name":"{dict[-1]["path"]}"}}'.encode()) + b':50' cursor = base64.b64encode(cursor) cursor = cursor.replace(b'=', b'%3D') # If both pytorch and safetensors are available, download safetensors only if (has_pytorch or has_pt) and has_safetensors: for i in range(len(classifications) - 1, -1, -1): if classifications[i] in ['pytorch', 'pt']: links.pop(i) return links, sha256, is_lora def get_output_folder(self, model, branch, is_lora, base_folder=None): if base_folder is None: base_folder = 'models' if not is_lora else 'loras' output_folder = f"{'_'.join(model.split('/')[-2:])}" if branch != 'main': output_folder += f'_{branch}' output_folder = Path(base_folder) / output_folder return output_folder def get_single_file(self, url, output_folder, start_from_scratch=False): filename = Path(url.rsplit('/', 1)[1]) output_path = output_folder / filename headers = {} mode = 'wb' if output_path.exists() and not start_from_scratch: # Check if the file has already been downloaded completely r = self.s.get(url, stream=True, timeout=10) total_size = int(r.headers.get('content-length', 0)) if output_path.stat().st_size >= total_size: return # Otherwise, resume the download from where it left off headers = {'Range': f'bytes={output_path.stat().st_size}-'} mode = 'ab' with self.s.get(url, stream=True, headers=headers, timeout=10) as r: r.raise_for_status() # Do not continue the download if the request was unsuccessful total_size = int(r.headers.get('content-length', 0)) block_size = 1024 * 1024 # 1MB with open(output_path, mode) as f: with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_size, unit='iB', unit_scale=True, bar_format='{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt:6}/{total_fmt:6} {rate_fmt:6}') as t: count = 0 for data in r.iter_content(block_size): t.update(len(data)) f.write(data) if total_size != 0 and self.progress_bar is not None: count += len(data) self.progress_bar(float(count) / float(total_size), f"Downloading {filename}") def start_download_threads(self, file_list, output_folder, start_from_scratch=False, threads=1): thread_map(lambda url: self.get_single_file(url, output_folder, start_from_scratch=start_from_scratch), file_list, max_workers=threads, disable=True) def download_model_files(self, model, branch, links, sha256, output_folder, progress_bar=None, start_from_scratch=False, threads=1): self.progress_bar = progress_bar # Creating the folder and writing the metadata output_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) metadata = f'url: https://huggingface.co/{model}\n' \ f'branch: {branch}\n' \ f'download date: {datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}\n' sha256_str = '\n'.join([f' {item[1]} {item[0]}' for item in sha256]) if sha256_str: metadata += f'sha256sum:\n{sha256_str}' metadata += '\n' (output_folder / 'huggingface-metadata.txt').write_text(metadata) # Downloading the files print(f"Downloading the model to {output_folder}") self.start_download_threads(links, output_folder, start_from_scratch=start_from_scratch, threads=threads) def check_model_files(self, model, branch, links, sha256, output_folder): # Validate the checksums validated = True for i in range(len(sha256)): fpath = (output_folder / sha256[i][0]) if not fpath.exists(): print(f"The following file is missing: {fpath}") validated = False continue with open(output_folder / sha256[i][0], "rb") as f: bytes = f.read() file_hash = hashlib.sha256(bytes).hexdigest() if file_hash != sha256[i][1]: print(f'Checksum failed: {sha256[i][0]} {sha256[i][1]}') validated = False else: print(f'Checksum validated: {sha256[i][0]} {sha256[i][1]}') if validated: print('[+] Validated checksums of all model files!') else: print('[-] Invalid checksums. Rerun download-model.py with the --clean flag.') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('MODEL', type=str, default=None, nargs='?') parser.add_argument('--branch', type=str, default='main', help='Name of the Git branch to download from.') parser.add_argument('--threads', type=int, default=1, help='Number of files to download simultaneously.') parser.add_argument('--text-only', action='store_true', help='Only download text files (txt/json).') parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, default=None, help='The folder where the model should be saved.') parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true', help='Does not resume the previous download.') parser.add_argument('--check', action='store_true', help='Validates the checksums of model files.') parser.add_argument('--max-retries', type=int, default=5, help='Max retries count when get error in download time.') args = parser.parse_args() branch = args.branch model = args.MODEL if model is None: print("Error: Please specify the model you'd like to download (e.g. 'python download-model.py facebook/opt-1.3b').") sys.exit() downloader = ModelDownloader(max_retries=args.max_retries) # Cleaning up the model/branch names try: model, branch = downloader.sanitize_model_and_branch_names(model, branch) except ValueError as err_branch: print(f"Error: {err_branch}") sys.exit() # Getting the download links from Hugging Face links, sha256, is_lora = downloader.get_download_links_from_huggingface(model, branch, text_only=args.text_only) # Getting the output folder output_folder = downloader.get_output_folder(model, branch, is_lora, base_folder=args.output) if args.check: # Check previously downloaded files downloader.check_model_files(model, branch, links, sha256, output_folder) else: # Download files downloader.download_model_files(model, branch, links, sha256, output_folder, threads=args.threads)