import re from functools import partial from pathlib import Path from typing import Union import torch from modules import RoPE, shared from modules.callbacks import Iteratorize from modules.logging_colors import logger from modules.text_generation import get_max_prompt_length from modules.utils import is_gguf import llama_cpp try: import llama_cpp_ggml except: llama_cpp_ggml = llama_cpp if torch.cuda.is_available() and not torch.version.hip: try: import llama_cpp_cuda except: llama_cpp_cuda = None try: import llama_cpp_ggml_cuda except: llama_cpp_ggml_cuda = llama_cpp_cuda else: llama_cpp_cuda = None llama_cpp_ggml_cuda = None def llama_cpp_lib(model_file: Union[str, Path] = None): if model_file is not None: gguf_model = is_gguf(model_file) else: gguf_model = True if shared.args.cpu or llama_cpp_cuda is None: return llama_cpp if gguf_model else llama_cpp_ggml else: return llama_cpp_cuda if gguf_model else llama_cpp_ggml_cuda def ban_eos_logits_processor(eos_token, input_ids, logits): logits[eos_token] = -float('inf') return logits class LlamaCppModel: def __init__(self): self.initialized = False def __del__(self): self.model.__del__() @classmethod def from_pretrained(self, path): Llama = llama_cpp_lib(path).Llama LlamaCache = llama_cpp_lib(path).LlamaCache result = self() cache_capacity = 0 if shared.args.cache_capacity is not None: if 'GiB' in shared.args.cache_capacity: cache_capacity = int(re.sub('[a-zA-Z]', '', shared.args.cache_capacity)) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 elif 'MiB' in shared.args.cache_capacity: cache_capacity = int(re.sub('[a-zA-Z]', '', shared.args.cache_capacity)) * 1000 * 1000 else: cache_capacity = int(shared.args.cache_capacity)"Cache capacity is " + str(cache_capacity) + " bytes") if shared.args.tensor_split is None or shared.args.tensor_split.strip() == '': tensor_split_list = None else: tensor_split_list = [float(x) for x in shared.args.tensor_split.strip().split(",")] params = { 'model_path': str(path), 'n_ctx': shared.args.n_ctx, 'seed': int(shared.args.llama_cpp_seed), 'n_threads': shared.args.threads or None, 'n_batch': shared.args.n_batch, 'use_mmap': not shared.args.no_mmap, 'use_mlock': shared.args.mlock, 'mul_mat_q': shared.args.mul_mat_q, 'low_vram': shared.args.low_vram, 'n_gpu_layers': shared.args.n_gpu_layers, 'rope_freq_base': RoPE.get_rope_freq_base(shared.args.alpha_value, shared.args.rope_freq_base), 'tensor_split': tensor_split_list, 'rope_freq_scale': 1.0 / shared.args.compress_pos_emb, } if not is_gguf(path): ggml_params = { 'n_gqa': shared.args.n_gqa or None, 'rms_norm_eps': shared.args.rms_norm_eps or None, } params = params | ggml_params result.model = Llama(**params) if cache_capacity > 0: result.model.set_cache(LlamaCache(capacity_bytes=cache_capacity)) # This is ugly, but the model and the tokenizer are the same object in this library. return result, result def encode(self, string): if type(string) is str: string = string.encode() return self.model.tokenize(string) def decode(self, tokens): return self.model.detokenize(tokens) def generate(self, prompt, state, callback=None): LogitsProcessorList = llama_cpp_lib().LogitsProcessorList prompt = prompt if type(prompt) is str else prompt.decode() # Handle truncation prompt = self.encode(prompt) prompt = prompt[-get_max_prompt_length(state):] prompt = self.decode(prompt).decode('utf-8') completion_chunks = self.model.create_completion( prompt=prompt, max_tokens=state['max_new_tokens'], temperature=state['temperature'], top_p=state['top_p'], top_k=state['top_k'], repeat_penalty=state['repetition_penalty'], tfs_z=state['tfs'], mirostat_mode=int(state['mirostat_mode']), mirostat_tau=state['mirostat_tau'], mirostat_eta=state['mirostat_eta'], stream=True, logits_processor=LogitsProcessorList([ partial(ban_eos_logits_processor, self.model.token_eos()), ]) if state['ban_eos_token'] else None, ) output = "" for completion_chunk in completion_chunks: if shared.stop_everything: break text = completion_chunk['choices'][0]['text'] output += text if callback: callback(text) return output def generate_with_streaming(self, *args, **kwargs): with Iteratorize(self.generate, args, kwargs, callback=None) as generator: reply = '' for token in generator: reply += token yield reply