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Students’ Gymkhana
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
(March 2018)
Table of Contents
19 Section I-Post Graduate Council for Academics and Mentoring Programmes (PG-CAMP)
20 SECTION II- Institute Academic Affairs Council (UG)
21 SECTION III- Institute Hostel Affairs Council
22 SECTION IV- Institute Cultural Council
23 SECTION V- Institute Sports Council
24 SECTION VI- Institute Technical Council
25 SECTION VI- The Entrepreneurship Cell
26 SECTION VII- Mood Indigo
27 SECTION VIII- Techfest
28 SECTION IX- Insight
29 SECTION X- Hostel Council
29 SECTION XI- Abhyuday
29 SECTION XII- Saathi
The Congregation of the Members, the President of Students’ Gymkhana, the Chairman (Cultural) and the Chairman (Sports) and the Chairman (Technical) and the staff of the Students’ Gymkhana shall be known as and its address shall be: “Students’ Gymkhana, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India”.
The Students’ Gymkhana along with its infrastructure is an organization to meet the following objectives:-
- To foster and develop all student activities in the Institute.
- To promote and develop organizational abilities in students.
- Identify student issues and promote discussion on them.
- To develop a well-informed, articulate and participative student community life, and increase social awareness.
- To function as the office for all election/nominations of students for gymkhana activities.
- To offer clerical and office support for all recognized student activities.
The official year for all working shall be from the first day of April to the thirty-first day of March of the ensuing Calendar Year. This is also the period during which student officials of the Gymkhana hold tenure.
For the purpose of this Constitution, unless there is something repugnant in the context, the following expressions shall have the meaning attached thereto:
- Institute' or I.I.T. means Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076
- Gymkhana means the Students’ Gymkhana of I.I.T. Bombay
- Director means the Director, I.I.T. Bombay
- President means President, Students Gymkhana, who is appointed by the Director, I.I.T. Bombay, and who is responsible for the general administration of the Gymkhana. The ex- officio President is the Dean, Students Affairs (Dean S.A.)
- Chairman means Chairman (Sports) or Chairman (Cultural) or Chairman (Technical), who is a member of the faculty, also appointed by the Director, I.I.T. Bombay
- SAC may stand of Student Affairs Council or Student Activity Center as relevant in that section.
- Gymkhana/SAC In-charge is a staff member who has been authorized to look after the day- to-day administration of the Gymkhana.
- Year means the official year as defined above.
- Bonafide students (for all Gymkhana purposes) means all students who have valid roll numbers and are registered for the purpose of pursuing studies in academic programs of the Institute, during the semester/year under consideration. In all cases of doubt, the decision of the President will be final.
- Office means Gymkhana office.
- Office Bearers means the President, Chairman (Cultural), Chairman (Sports), Chairman (Technical) and the various Student Office Bearers as defined hereinafter.
- Staff refers to the employees of the Gymkhana and its office, or Institute staff assigned to work for the Gymkhana.
The Gymkhana shall be managed and run by the student office bearers with the active support and guidance of the staff. 5.1 The affairs of the Gymkhana shall be conducted by the Student Affairs Council (SAC), other office bearers and other committees and bodies hereinafter provided. The recommendations and decisions of various committees shall be forwarded to the SAC for final ratification.
In unforeseen circumstances*, the Director, after due consultation with the President and Student Affairs Council, shall have the power to take over the functions of the Chairman/Chairmen, and/or other Committees of the Gymkhana, until the formation of the next committee, and to conduct the affairs of the Gymkhana as he deems fit. unforeseen circumstances being defined as those circumstances which cannot be resolved, owing to either the inadequacies of this Constitution, or inability of the Gymkhana to function normally).
The SAC has the powers to assign the staff any task that it deems necessary for achieving the objectives of the Gymkhana.
The working hours of the staff of the Gymkhana will be as stipulated by the President/SAC. The opening and closing hours of the Students’ Activity Centre and its buildings will be stipulated by the President.
The Gymkhana student office bearers will be student members of the Gymkhana elected to its various offices. The Gymkhana Nominees will be student members of the Gymkhana, nominated to its various offices.
Any amendments to this constitution can be made by SAC and may be forwarded for ratification by the IIT Bombay Senate, if deemed necessary by the SAC Chairman.
The Institute General Secretaries are the highest student office bearers of Gymkhana:
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (PG)
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (UG)
- General Secretary, Cultural Affairs
- General Secretary, Hostel Affairs
- General Secretary, Sports Affairs
- General Secretary, Technical Affairs
For all the elected posts, elections will be conducted by an Election Committee appointed by the President or concerned Faculty-in-charge. For appointment of an office bearer through nomination, the highest office bearer of the individual council should call for nominations by the end of March every year, and decide on the nominee in consultation with the faculty in charge. The approval of the President is required in all the cases.
A student can hold only one office among all the posts listed in this section (6) and also department posts, as might be defined as in the Department Constitution, in a given office year.
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (PG)
- Institute Doctoral Representative
- Institute Masters Representative
- Overall Coordinator, Institute Student Companion Programme (ISCP)– not more than 3 posts
- Overall Coordinator, Institute Research Scholar Companion Programme (IRSCP) – not more than 2 posts
- Executive Member (EM)- 7 posts (4 Masters (1 may be Non MTech), 3 PhD)
- Academic Unit Representative for Academic Affairs (AURAA) - representatives from each department (1 Masters, 1 PhD, 1 M.Sc (wherever applicable) ).
- Web and Design Nominee, Academic Affairs (PG) - 2 posts
- Design and Media Nominee, Academic Affairs (PG) - 2 posts
- Academic Council Coordinators (ACC)-7 posts (4 Masters(1 may be non-MTech),3 PhD)
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (UG)
- Institute Secretary, Academic Affairs (ISAA) – 3 posts
- Institute Secretary, International Relations (ISIR) - part of PGAC and HA Council also
- Department Research Coordinator- One representative from each department (All B.Tech., DD, Integrated 5 yr MSc and 4 year BS)
- Web and Design Nominee, Academic Affairs (UG)
- Club Managers, Academic Affairs (UG) – 4 positions
- Academic Coordinators – 12 positions
- Club Convenors – 8 positions
- Design and Web Convenors – 4 positions
- General Secretary, Hostel Affairs
- Institute Secretary, Hostel Affairs – 3 posts
- Institute System Administrators – 2 posts
- Overall Coordinator, Student Alumni Relations Cell
- SARC Core Team – Maximum of 22 posts
- Institute Secretary, International Relations
- Girls’ Nominee, Hostel Affairs
- Web and Design Nominee, Hostel Affairs
- General Secretary, Cultural Affairs
- Institute Cultural Nominee - Events and Administration - 2 Posts
- Institute Cultural Nominee - Postgraduate
- Institute Cultural Nominee - Web
- Institute Cultural Nominee - Design
- Institute Classical and Folk Arts Secretary
- Institute Dance Secretary
- Institute Dramatics Secretary
- Institute Film and Media Secretary
- Institute Literary Arts Secretary
- Institute Music Secretary
- Institute Photography and Fine Arts Secretary
- Institute Speaking Arts Secretary
- General Secretary, Sports Affairs
- Institute Athletics Secretary
- Institute Aquatics Secretary
- Institute Badminton Secretary
- Institute Basketball Secretary
- Institute Board Games Secretary
- Institute Cricket Secretary
- Institute Football Secretary
- Institute Hockey Secretary
- Institute Indian Games Secretary
- Institute Lawn Tennis Secretary
- Institute Squash Secretary
- Institute Table Tennis Secretary
- Institute Volleyball Secretary
- Institute Weightlifting Secretary
- Girls’ Nominee, Sports Affairs
- PG Nominee, Sports Affairs
- UG Nominee, Sports Affairs – 2 posts
- Technical Head, Sports Affairs
- Creatives Head, Sports Affairs
- General Secretary, Technical Affairs
- Post Graduate Nominee
- Undergraduate Nominee
- Projects and Teams’ Nominee
- Web Nominee (ex-officio IITB Development Community OC)
- Institute Aeromodelling Secretary
- Institute Astronomy Secretary
- Institute BioX Secretary
- Institute Electronics and Robotics Secretary
- Institute Energy Secretary
- Institute Maths and Physics Secretary
- Institute Tinkerers’ Lab Secretary
- Institute Web and Coding Secretary
- Overall Coordinator, E-Cell – 2 posts
- Core Team, E-Cell – Up to a maximum of 22 posts
- Overall Coordinator, Abhyuday – 2 posts
- Core Team, Abhyuday – Up to a maximum of 22 posts
- Overall Coordinator, Mood Indigo – 2 posts
- Core Team, Mood Indigo – Up to a maximum of 22 posts
- Overall Coordinator, Techfest - 2 posts
- Core Team, Techfest – Maximum of 22 posts
- Chief Editors, Insight – 2 posts
- Web Nominee, Insight
- Design Nominee, Insight
- Hostel General Secretary
- Warden Nominee
- Hostel Maintenance Councilor
- Hostel Mess Councilor
- Hostel Cultural Councilor
- Hostel Sports Councilor
- Hostel Tech Councilor
- Hostel System Administrator
- Hostel Secretaries – Maximum of 30 posts
All the posts listed above would be considered as Official Students‟ Gymkhana posts. An official Certificate of Recognition from the President or any Faculty-In-Charge will be awarded only to the Official Gymkhana posts.
For complete information about all the councils mentioned above including eligibility criteria, selection procedure, impeachment procedure, basic duties of members please refer Appendix A.
7.1 During a given year, a student can hold only one of the posts listed above.
7.2 A student who has been punished for any disciplinary action (DAC, ADAC, D-ADAC) may be prohibited from serving as a Gymkhana office bearer by the President Gymkhana on recommendation from the respective committee. Such a student may also be debarred from all Gymkhana student awards and honors. The decision of the President is final in all such cases.
7.3 A student who has an active backlog/dropped core course in a given year will be unable to serve as a Gymkhana office bearer in the year immediately following. Under exceptional cases this may be waived by the Director at the time of nomination of the post. The following points may be noted about the definition of an active backlog.
- An active backlog is an FR/DX in any compulsory course, including zero credit courses, that has not been cleared at the time of nomination.
- For BTech and BS programmes, an FR in a minor course, honors course or additional learning will not be considered an active backlog.
- For Dual Degree Programmes, an FR in a minor course or additional learning will not be considered an active backlog.
- A student is eligible to apply for the posts listed above, if he has cleared the minimum prescribed credits constituted of Core Courses, Institute Electives, Department Electives in case of B.Tech. programme and BS programme expected to be done at time of nomination.
- A student is eligible to apply for the posts listed above, if he has cleared the minimum prescribed credits constituted of Core Courses, Institute Electives, Department Electives and Honors in case of Dual Degree programme expected to be done at time of nomination.
- A dropped compulsory course for any student will be considered an active backlog.
- A dropped minor/honors course for any student will not be considered an active backlog.
- A Doctoral student under academic probation or with an active backlog at the time of nomination will be ineligible to hold any gymkhana post. At the time of nomination, a doctoral student should have successfully cleared all the Annual Progress Seminar (APS)
- one per every year completed i.e. before 31st August for July batch and 31st January for January batch. Otherwise he/she will be ineligible to hold a Gymkhana post.
- The decision of The Director, IIT Bombay will be binding in all the cases of disputes and exceptions in these rules.
The Student Affairs Council (SAC) shall consist of the following people:
- The Director (Chairman)
- The President (Convener)
- The Deputy Director, AIA
- The Deputy Director, FEA
- The Dean, Academic Programmes
- Associate Dean(s), Student Affairs
- The Associate Dean(s), Academic Programmes
- The Chairman, Cultural
- The Chairman, Sports
- The Chairman, Technical
- The Chairman, HCU
- Nominee, Senate
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (PG)
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (UG)
- General Secretary, Hostel Affairs
- General Secretary, Cultural Affairs
- General Secretary, Sports Affairs
- General Secretary, Technical Affairs
- Coordinators, Institute Student Mentorship Programme,
- Departmental General Secretaries Committee (DGSC) Nominees (3)
- Hostel General Secretaries Committee (HGSC) Nominees (3)
Any member of the SAC may invite any person to a SAC meeting with the consent of (and on behalf of) the Convener for a specific agenda item.
8.2.1 The SAC shall consider all items relating to student activities in the Institute, as brought before it either by one of its members or by any Faculty member.
8.2.2 The SAC can change the posts under the Gymkhana if the members feel it necessary.
8.2.3 The SAC approves and ratifies the formation of new student bodies in the Institute.
8.2.4 If it is felt by the SAC that some policy or decision of a particular sub-committee/club/cell is detrimental to the interests of the students‟ community, the SAC shall ask that subcommittee/ club/cell to consider those policies or decisions in the light of its suggestions.
8.2.5 The SAC has the power to take and enforce all decisions regarding the Gymkhana.
8.2.6 The SAC is authorized to make any amendments in this constitution and forward to Senate for approval, if deemed necessary by the SAC Chairman.
8.3.1 The SAC shall meet at least once during an academic year. The Convener shall call any meeting of the Executive Committee.
8.3.2 For an ordinary meeting, a notice of 7 days shall be given to the members of the SAC. In addition, this notice shall contain an agenda for the meeting. All the members of the SAC shall have the right to suggest additional items for the Agenda. These additional items shall be included in the Agenda, provided they are received by the Convener/Secretary at least 48 hours before the proposed meeting. In such case a revised agenda shall be notified.
8.3.3 The quorum for all SAC meetings shall be 50% of its total possible strength.
8.3.4 Any member of the SAC may invite any person to a SAC meeting with the consent of (and on behalf of) the Convener for a specific agenda item.
8.3.5 The SAC shall normally take decisions by consensus. However a simple majority shall suffice for any motion to be carried through. The minutes of all meetings shall be circulated to all members of the committee within one week.
8.3.6 Representative from Insight may be present during the meeting but they will not be considered as members of the meeting.
The sub-committees of Students‟ Gymkhana regularly reviews the activities within their domain and makes recommendations to higher committees for policy changes.
The following are sub-committees of the Students’ Gymkhana:
- Student Gymkhana Executive Committee (SGEC)
- Hostel General Secretaries’ Committee (HGSC)
- Department General Secretaries’ Committee (DGSC)
- Cultural Committee
- Sports Committee
- Maintenance Committee
- Mess Committee
- Tech Committee
- Network and Computer Committee
- Purchase Committee
9.1.1 Composition: It shall consists of:
- The President (Chair)
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (PG)
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (UG)
- General Secretary, Cultural Affairs
- General Secretary, Hostel Affairs
- General Secretary, Sports Affairs
- General Secretary, Technical Affairs
- Overall Coordinators, Mood Indigo
- Overall Coordinators, E-Cell
- Overall Coordinators, Abhyuday
- Overall Coordinators, Techfest
- Overall Coordinator, SARC
- Chief Editors, Insight
- S.G.E.C. Nominees
9.1.2 Functions:
- The role of SGEC is to plan, monitor and review all the Gymkhana activities in order to achieve the objectives of Gymkhana and for the overall development of the Gymkhana and Gymkhana activities
- All the councils under Gymkhana will be answerable to the SGEC
- If it is felt by the SGEC that some policy or decision of a particular council is detrimental to the interests of the student community, the SGEC shall ask that council to consider those policies in the light of its suggestions. The SGEC shall implement all such policies/decisions on ratification.
- The SGEC shall forward implementation on any policy or decision outside its domain to SAC, if required.
- The SGEC can recommend amendments to this constitution to the SAC to achieve the objectives of Gymkhana.
9.1.3 SGEC Meetings:
- The SGEC meetings shall be chaired by Dean, Student Affairs or his/her nominee from SGEC.
- SGEC meeting shall be held at least once a Semester.
9.1.4 S.G.E.C. Nominees
- Every S.G.E.C. shall consist of at least two female and two male amongst its student members. In case the regular selection process fails to produce the required numbers from amongst the Head of a Council or an Independent Body, The President, Gymkhana shall nominate them from a pool of ex and current Hostel General Secretaries and Department General Secretaries. At the discretion of the President, Gymkhana, the pool may be expanded.
9.2 HOSTEL GENERAL SECRETARIES’ COMMITTEE (HGSC) 9.2.1 Composition: It shall consist of:
- General Secretary Hostel Affairs
- Institute Secretaries, Hostel Affairs
- General Secretaries of all hostels
9.2.2 The functions of the HGSC include discussion on all matters pertaining to hostel affairs. After discussion, HGSC can make recommendations to Hostel Coordinating Council (HCC) or SAC.
9.2.3 The HGSC meetings will be convened by the GSHA at least once a month. Any member of HGSC can request for a meeting. The quorum of all HGSC meetings will be 50% of the total possible strength
9.2.4 Three nominees from the HGSC shall serve on the SAC. It is recommended that the nominees should include at least 1 Girl and 1 PG Nominee. These three must be identified by the end of April every year.
9.2.5 Two nominees (1 UG and 1 PG) from the HGSC shall serve on the Central Awards Committee.
9.3 DEPARTMENT GENERAL SECRETARIES’ COMMITTEE (DGSC) 9.3.1 Composition: It shall consist of:
- Institute Secretaries, Academic Affairs
- Institute Representatives Academic Affairs (IRAA) , PhD and Masters
- All Department General Secretaries
9.3.2 The functions of the DGSC include discussion and recommendations on all matters to do with Department affairs. These include, but are not limited to the academic programme, the curriculum, the academic office and administration, internships, undergraduate research and postgraduate research.
9.3.3 The DGSC shall be convened by the GSAA PG or GSAA UG at least twice a semester; any of the members of DGSC can request a meeting.
9.3.4 Three nominees from the DGSC serve on the SAC. It is recommended that at least one of these nominees should be from a PG Department. These three must be identified by the end of April every year.
9.3.5 Two nominees (1 UG and 1 PG) from the DGSC shall serve on the Central Awards Committee.
9.4.1 Composition: It shall consist of:
- Chairman (Cultural)
- Institute Cultural Council
- Cultural Councilors of all hostels
9.4.2 Functions:
- The Cultural Committee shall coordinate all activities of the various secretaries under this group and shall draw up the program of all cultural activities on the basis of the proposals submitted by respective members.
- The General Secretary, Cultural Affairs shall coordinate activities of individual secretaries in all matters concerning cultural and social activities of the institute, and shall brief the Chairman (Cultural) on all matters.
- All Institute Cultural Secretaries will be in charge of their respective spheres and objectives under their purview.
- The Cultural Committee shall plan and conduct the Inter-Hostel Cultural Championship and Performing Arts Festival every year.
- The Cultural Committee shall regularly the review the progress of cultural events in the light of the proposals made and shall offer suggestions to, and modify the plan of individual secretaries, to meet the objectives of Gymkhana.
9.4.3 Cultural Committee Meetings:
- The Cultural Committee shall meet at least one in a two months.
- In addition, the Chairman (Cultural) and the General Secretary, Cultural Affairs, may invite any person to any such meetings. No invitee shall have any voting rights.
- All Cultural Committee meetings shall be called by the General Secretary, Cultural Affairs or the Cultural Nominees (UG or PG).
- Cultural Committee meetings shall be held whenever the Chairman (Cultural) or the General Secretary Cultural Affairs feels that circumstances warrants such a meeting.
- The Cultural Committee shall normally take all the decisions by consensus. However, a simple majority will suffice to carry a motion through. The minutes of all meetings shall be forwarded to the SAC for information and necessary action if need be.
9.5 SPORTS COMMITTEE 9.5.1 Composition: It shall consist of:
- Chairman (Sports)
- Institute Sports Council
- Sports officers
- Sports Councilors of all hostels
9.5.2 Functions:
- The Sports Committee shall coordinate all activities of the various secretaries under this group and shall draw up the program of all sports activities on the proposals submitted by the respective members of this committee. It shall recommend the Sports Budget to the President.
- The General Secretary, Sports Affairs shall co-ordinate activities of individual secretaries in all matters concerning sports activities of the Gymkhana and shall brief the Chairman (Sports) from time to time about all such matters. The Sports Councilors shall, however, not participate in any Sports Committee's meetings/discussions on Inter IIT.
- The Sports Committee shall plan and conduct the Inter-Hostel Sports General Championship every year.
- The Sports Committee shall, from time to time, review the progress of sports events in light of proposals made, and shall offer suggestions to and modify (if necessary) plans of individual secretaries, to meet the objectives of the Gymkhana.
9.5.3 Sports Committee Meetings
- The Sports Committee shall meet at least twice a semester.
- All sport officers will be permanent members of the Sports Committee.
- In addition, the Chairman (Sports) and the General Secretary, Sports may invite any person to such meetings. No invitee shall have any voting rights.
- All Sports Committee meetings shall be called by General Secretary, Sports.
- Sports Committee meetings shall be held whenever the Chairman (Sports) and General Secretary, Sports feel that circumstances warrant them.
- For ordinary meetings, a notice of 3 days shall be given to the members of the Sports Committee. All members have the right to suggest items for the Agenda in writing and these shall be included in the Agenda.
- The Chairman (Sports) shall chair all meetings of the Sports Committee. In the event of his absence, the In Charge, SAC or a nominee of Chairman (Sports) shall chair them.
- The Sports Committee shall normally take all decisions by consensus. However a simple majority will suffice to carry a motion through. The minutes of all the meetings shall be forwarded to SAC for information and necessary action, if need be.
9.6.1 Composition: It shall consist of:
- Chairman, Technical Affairs
- General Secretary, Technical Affairs
- Institute Technical Council
- Tech Councilors of all hostels
9.6.2 Functions:
- The Tech Committee shall coordinate all activities of the various Core Group Members under this group and shall draw up the program of all tech activities on the basis of the proposals submitted by respective members.
- Institute Technical Council members will be in charge of their respective spheres and objectives under their purview.
- The Tech Committee shall regularly review the progress of tech events in the light of the proposals made and shall offer suggestions to, and modify the plan of individual Council Members, to meet the objectives of Gymkhana.
- The Tech Committee shall plan and conduct the Inter-Hostel Tech General Championship every year.
9.6.3 Technical Committee meetings:
- The Tech Committee meetings will be convened by the General Secretary, Technical Affairs at least twice a semester and any of the members can request for an emergency meeting.
- The Chairman (Technical) and the General Secretary, Technical Affairs may invite any person to such meetings. No invitee shall have any voting rights.
- All Technical Committee meetings shall be called by the General Secretary, Technical Affairs or the Technical Nominees (UG or PG).
- The Chairman (Tech) shall chair all meetings of the Tech Committee. In the event of his absence, a nominee of Chairman (Tech) shall chair them.
- The Technical Committee shall normally take all decisions by consensus. However a simple majority will suffice to carry a motion through. The minutes of all the meetings shall be forwarded to SAC for information and necessary action, if need be.
9.7.1 Composition: It shall consist of:
- General Secretary, Hostel Affairs
- Institute Secretaries, Hostel Affairs
- Maintenance Councilors of all hostels
9.7.2 The functions of the Maintenance Committee include discussion on all matters pertaining to maintenance and development of hostel infrastructure in the institute. After discussion, Maintenance Committee can make recommendations to Hostel Maintenance Committee (HMC).
9.7.3 The Maintenance Committee meetings will be convened by the GSHA at twice a semester; any of the members can request for an emergency meeting.
9.7.4 Hostel Maintenance Committee (HMC) meetings which would include authorities from Estate Office, Electrical Maintenance Unit and Public Health Office should be conducted at least once a semester.
9.8.1 Composition: It shall consist of:
- General Secretary, Hostel Affairs
- Institute Secretaries, Hostel Affairs
- Mess Councilors of all hostels
9.8.2 The functions of the Mess Committee include discussion on all matters pertaining to messing and canteen facility in the hostels. The Mess committee can discuss on all issues pertaining to both Government Mess and Private Mess in hostels. The Mess Committee promotes sharing of new ideas to improve quality of food in Hostel Mess and Canteens. After discussion, Mess Committee can make recommendations to Hostel Coordinating Council (HCC).
9.8.3 The Mess Committee meetings will be convened by the GSHA at least twice in a semester; any of the members can request for an emergency meeting.
9.9.1 Composition: It shall consist of:
- General Secretary, Hostel Affairs
- Institute System Administrators
- System Administrator of all hostels
9.9.2 The functions of the Network and Computer Committee include monitoring the institute network, the Gymkhana servers and ensuring their smooth functioning. The Network and Computer Committee is responsible for the smooth functioning of hostel network which includes maintenance of LAN ports, switch and router configurations and policy implementation on network nodes.
9.9.3 The Network and Computer Committee Committee meetings will be convened by the Institute System Administrators at least once a month; any of the members can request for an emergency meeting.
9.10.1 Composition:
It shall consist of:
- Chairman (Sports/Cultural/Techical)
- GS, Sports/Cultural/Technical
- SAC In charge
- Store In charge (Secretary)
- Sports Nominee/Cultural Nominee/Techincal Nominee (UG & PG)
- Concerned Sports Officers
9.10.2 The Stores In charge shall call the Purchase Committee and he shall be the Secretary of the meeting. 9.10.3 The Chairman (Sports/Cultural/Technical) or the President shall chair the meeting. 9.10.4 The Committee shall endeavor to purchase required equipment for the Gymkhana in the most economic manner on the basis of competitive quotations. 9.10.5 It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of the meeting to obtain the quotations with the pamphlets giving details. 9.10.6 The Purchase Committee shall purchase items which have been recommended by the sport/cultural/technical committee. 9.10.7 The quorum for such meetings shall be four, with the Chairman of the meeting having a casting vote. 9.10.8 Any concerned sports/cultural/technical secretary may be invited to the meeting. Purchase Committee shall follow the institute purchase rules enforced at that time.
10.1 He shall be responsible for the overall administration of the Gymkhana and shall ensure that the Gymkhana endeavors to achieve the objective for which it is established. 10.2 He shall convene all SAC meetings. 10.3 He shall be responsible for forwarding relevant minutes of the SAC meetings for subsequent approval/action to the relevant authorities. 10.4 The President shall be responsible for appointing all the Nominees in consultation with the General Secretaries and other council heads. 10.5 The President shall convene and chair (or nominate a chair) the SGEC meetings. 10.6 The President shall manage the of Gymkhana budget approved by the Deputy Director (FEA).
11.1 Chairperson shall be responsible for the general functioning of Gymkhana activities (sports/cultural/technical) and shall chair all Sports/Cultural/Technical Committee meetings.
11.2 Chairperson shall sanction all expenditures budgeted for the Gymkhana.
11.3 Chairperson shall ensure that the Gymkhana staff properly maintains accounts, along with proper receipts and expenditures of the Gymkhana.
11.4 Chairperson shall also ensure that all outstanding advances are settled expeditiously.
11.5 Chairperson shall be responsible for bringing important matters (sports/cultural/technical) to the SAC for discussions and decisions.
11.6 Chairperson shall forward serious breaches of discipline to the President for further action.
11.7 Chairperson shall ensure that proper inventory of all Gymkhana equipment is maintained by the staff.
12.1 They shall be responsible for the general functioning of the body they advise.
12.2 They shall recommend budgets and expenditures to the President, who shall approve based on his discretion.
12.3 They shall forward serious breaches of discipline to the President for further action.
13.1 The GSs shall be the foremost representatives of the student community. They shall be the primary channels for conveying the views of the student community to the faculty. Their character and conduct must be above reproach. Their collective decision must be by consensus. They must always strive to uphold the constitution.
13.2 Common duties of Institute General Secretaries All 6 GSs will be members of the SAC
- All GSs are member of SGEC. They must ensure that the meetings of SGEC are conducted at least once a semester.
- The GSs will conduct 1 GBM per semester and ensure that the minutes of the GBM are put up within 7 days. If this is not done, and clear and sufficient reasons are not given, impeachment may be called for.
- The GSHA, GSAA (PG) and GSAA (UG) will act as student representatives to the Senate (along with the IRAA (Masters), IRAA (PhD) and ISMP Coordinators). These GSs shall also be members of respective Disciplinary Action Committees.
- All GSs must ensure that all nominees are appointed by the end of March. In the worst case, all nominees must be in place within 15 days of the start of the autumn semester of their tenure. Page | 26
- After discussions between themselves and in consultation with the SAC, the GSs will allocate responsibilities for any work that is not detailed in the constitution.
- All GSs will submit monthly appraisal reports to concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
14.1 The Gymkhana instructors shall be involved in the management of, and shall conduct, the sports/cultural activities of the Gymkhana.
14.2 The Instructors shall be responsible for maintenance of facilities like fields, equipment and related items.
14.3 The Instructors will be in charge of coaching and training programs (classes) in the areas assigned to them by the Chairman (Sports / Cultural), apart from academic activities like NSO and NSS.
14.4 The SAC In-charge shall be responsible for ensuring efficiency and discipline. He/ She will be responsible for implementing the decisions taken in appropriate committees.
14.5 The Senior Sport/Cultural officers will be responsible for day-to-day administration and functioning of Gymkhana activities.
14.6 The Instructors will also be assigned specific administrative duties from time to time by the Chairman (Sports / Cultural).
15.1 The President chairs the General Body. The Chairman (Sports/Cultural/Technical) or the concerned Faculty-In-Charge and all the members of the concerned council are members of the General Body. The concerned council student head shall be Vice-Chairman of the GBM. The President in consultation with the respective head of council will appoint an Institute General Secretary as the Moderator for the GBM. The General Body aims at reviewing the performance of the Office Bearers.
15.2 In case of the following councils, 6 Nominees from each hostel are also members of the General Body. At the start of each GBM the Hostel Nominees shall present their credentials to the Chairman of the GBM along with a letter of introduction from their respective Hostel General Secretaries. Hostels have to send 6 nominees for the GBM of the following councils:
- Institute Hostel Affairs Council
- Institute Cultural Council
- Institute Sports Council
- Institute Technical Council
- Mood Indigo
- Techfest
- E-Cell
- Abhyuday
- Insight
15.3 In case of the Institute Academic Council (UG), 6 Nominees from each UG department are also members of the General Body. At the start of each GBM the Nominees shall present their credentials to the Chairman of the GBM along with a letter of introduction from their respective Department General Secretaries.
15.4 In case of the Institute Academic Council (PG), 3 Nominees from each department are also members of the General Body. At the start of each GBM the Nominees shall present their credentials to the Chairman of the GBM along with a letter of introduction from their respective Department General Secretaries.
15.5 It is mandatory for all the Councils under Gymkhana to conduct a General Body Meeting once a semester. Mood Indigo, Techfest, Abhyuday and E-Cell can choose not to conduct a GBM in the Autumn Semester.
15.6 Notice for this meeting shall be 7 days and quorum for such a meeting shall be 50% of the total number of members. In the event the quorum being not met, the meeting will be adjourned for 48 hours. The reconvened meeting will not have a requirement for a quorum ceases to have the standing of a General Body Meeting.
15.7 All students of IIT Bombay can attend the GBM but only members of the General Body present at the GBM can vote.
15.8 Any Head of the Council may request for a call of the meeting of the General Body giving sufficient reason for the call to the President.
15.9 All resolutions arrived at the General Body Meeting shall be forwarded to the respective committees for appropriate action.
15.10 All secretaries/Gymkhana nominees of the concerned council must be present at the GBM. If the secretary is absent, he/she must inform the President regarding the same at least three days before the GBM, stating sufficient reasons. The absent secretary has to present his/her report to the GS he/she works with, who will present this report in the GBM.
15.11 The Vice-chairman must ensure that the minutes are made public within 7 days of the date of the GBM conducted. If a council fails to do so, it would be considered as a failure to perform basic duties.
15.12 Emergency GBM
- An Emergency GBM shall enjoy the same powers as that of a regular GBM.
- It can be called on at least 48 hours’ notice.
- To call an E-GBM the General Secretaries of at least two-third of the hostels/Departments shall present a signed petition detailing the reasons to the President.
- Impeachment can be called for on four grounds: Failure to perform basic duties. Conduct unbecoming of an Office-Bearer. Failure to abide by the rules laid down in the Constitution. Absence in a GBM without sufficient reason
- Impeachment proceedings can take place in a GBM or in an EGBM with the following procedure. A member tables the motion. The Chair allows the motion to proceed. At least 12 members should support the motion. These 12 members should be from at least from 4 Hostels/Departments. The council member is asked to defend himself/herself. A secret ballot is taken and the motion is passed.
- For an impeachment the required majority is two-thirds of members present and voting, or 50% of the maximum strength, whichever is greater.
- In case the secretary is not present, an EGBM is called within 7 days except in extenuating circumstances in which case the chairperson will call an EGBM at the next available date. This is not valid in case of ground (d) stated above.
1. Failure to perform basic duties.
2. Conduct unbecoming of an Office-Bearer.
3. Failure to abide by the rules laid down in the Constitution.
4. Absence in a GBM without sufficient reason Impeachment proceedings can take place in a GBM or in an EGBM with the following procedure.
5. A member tables the motion.
6. The Chair allows the motion to proceed.
7. At least 12 members should support the motion. These 12 members should be from at least from 4 Hostels/Departments.
8. The council member is asked to defend himself/herself.
9. A secret ballot is taken and the motion is passed. For an impeachment the required majority is two-thirds of members present and voting, or 50% of the maximum strength, whichever is greater. In case the secretary is not present, an EGBM is called within 7 days except in extenuating circumstances in which case the chairperson will call an EGBM at the next available date. This is not valid in case of ground (d) stated above.
16.1 The President shall appoint a Returning Officer for conducting the elections in consultation with the 6 Institute General Secretaries. It can also be one of the Institute General Secretaries.
16.2 The President and the Returning Officer, in consultation with the 6 General Secretaries, shall appoint a team of 4-6 Nominees to help conduct the elections. The President, Returning Officer, Nominees and the 6 General Secretaries shall comprise the Election Committee (EC). The Nominees should include at least one Institute System Administrator, one female Nominee, one UG Nominee and one PG Nominee.
16.3 The President shall appoint an election oversight committee which consists of 2 faculty members and 2 students (one UG and one PG). This committee shall independently assess the election process and report to the EC and advise on penalties if they have to be imposed. This committee should remain anonymous till the casting of the vote.
16.4 The EC shall decide the date of the election, which should be before the mid-semester examination of the Spring Semester. It is recommended to keep a gap of at least 1 week between the date of polling and the first mid-semester examination.
16.5 The EC shall frame the rules for conducting the election with the approval of the President. The electorate for every post is specified in Appendix A.
16.6 The Election notice should be communicated to all the students at least 2 weeks before the date of the nominations. The nomination papers shall be filed with the written consent of the nominee. No candidate can contest more than one post simultaneously.
16.7 No student who is expected to complete the normal duration of the academic program before the next academic year shall be eligible to contest in the elections of that academic year. EC shall also conduct a factual background check of the candidate with respect to academics and hostel stay.
16.8 In all cases of dispute, the decision of the President will be final.
16.9 All office bearers shall be elected for tenure of one year, by a secret ballot on a simple- majority basis.
16.10 For unopposed candidates for a single post, number of votes in favour of the candidate should be greater than the number of votes against the candidate (Neutral votes are excluded), for the candidate to get elected. In case, the candidate does not get elected, nominations will be called for the post and in this case, the rejected candidate will not be eligible to apply for the same post.
16.11 In case of a tie, there will be a re-election.
16.12 The Returning Officer may declare provisional results immediately after the counting of the votes and shall submit the results of the elections to the President for ratification. The Election Committee will decide on all matters related to election. The decision of the Returning Officer shall be final and binding. However, under exceptional circumstances, an appeal may be made to the President.
16.13 In the event of any post remaining uncontested, nominations will be called again. The President in consultation with the Faculty-In-Charge and the Council Head will nominate a student among the applicants to the post.
16.14 By-Election:
- In case an elected representative resigns by-elections will be conducted within 21 days of resignation and the results declared immediately.
- In the 21 day interregnum the respective committees shall nominate a person from amongst themselves to carry on the activities in this period.
- If an elected post falls vacant after Jan. 15th but before March 1st, the General Body shall nominate a member to carry on the activities in that post.
- If an elected post falls vacant after March 1st, the respective committees will nominate a person from amongst themselves to that post.
Awards will be given in four categories:
- Organizational, Cultural, Sports and Tech
- There are five types of awards:
- Roll of Honour (ROH), Citation
- Person of the Year (POY), Colour, Special Mention
The minimum and maximum number of the awards for every category are:
- Minimum = 0 implies that no award need be given in that type
- (2 awards can be given if the committee unanimously decides on both names)
- For org. Color +SM, Color should be less than or equal to special mention. OR Justify to Central Awards Committee #
- Organizational Colours are reserved for individual domains of activities (See 18.2.5)
- The ROH and Citations may be awarded only to students of the passing out batch i.e. a person expected to graduate in the same academic year. The other awards may be given to any student.
- Awards may be given to a single student in multiple categories. However, awards cannot be given in multiple types for the same category to the same student.
17.2 ORGANIZATIONAL AWARDS 17.2.1 Eligibility Criteria for ROH and Citation The student should have satisfied:
- He/ She must have been part of organizational activities throughout his/her stay at least at a managerial capacity (Institute Secretary, Core Group Member, Councilor etc.)
- He/ She must have accomplished his / her duties extremely efficiently.
- He/ She should have motivated/inspired students notably to contribute towards organizational activities in the institute.
- He/ She must have initiated an activity in his/her field, that was either dormant along a period of time, or was entirely novel.
- He/ She must have been a source of inspiration to the student body, and must have generated enthusiasm and awareness in the student body in his/her field.
For award of the ROH, if a candidate exceptionally qualifies in any four of the above, a lack of the fifth may be overlooked. The citations, a candidate must notably qualify in at least three of the above criteria. It is intended that the citations be given to students who are “nearly but not quite” qualified for the ROH.
17.2.2 The above criteria may be considered to evaluate the current year’s performance for award of Colors, though not as strictly as in the other awards.
17.2.3 A committee comprising of the following members will decide on Organisational ROH and Citation awards:
- President, Gymkhana
- Associate Dean Student Affairs
- Chairman, Cultural
- Chairman, Sports
- Chairman, Technical 17.2.4 A Central Awards Committee will decide on miscellaneous awards that do not fall under any committee defined. This committee would also make recommendation to President, Gymkhana for Organizational ROH and Citation Awards. It comprises of the following members:
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (PG)
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (UG)
- General Secretary, Cultural Affairs
- General Secretary, Hostel Affairs
- General Secretary, Sports Affairs
- General Secretary, Technical Affairs
- 2 Hostel General Secretaries (1 UG and 1 PG – Selected by HGSC)
- 2 Department General Secretaries (1 UG and 1 PG – Selected by DGSC)
- Overall Coordinator, SARC
- 1 Overall Coordinator, Techfest
- 1 Overall Coordinator, Mood Indigo
- 1 Overall Coordinator, Abhyuday
- 1 Overall Coordinator, E-Cell
- 1 Chief Editor, Insight
17.2.5 In case, any of the above members are in contention for ROH/Citation, then he/she can nominate another person from their council to the committee.
17.2.6 Organizational Colours* are reserved for individual domains of activities and would be awarded by the following committees:
Students’ General Executive Committee Members
SGEC 0 2
*It should be noted that maximum number of Organizational Colours that can be awarded should not exceed 0.25% of the entire student strength of the institute.
17.3 CULTURAL AWARDS 17.3.1 Eligibility criteria for Cultural ROH/Citation awards:
- Should have shown participation in the category throughout his / her stay, with a considerable degree of success.
- Should have participated in at least two inter-collegiate events with some degree of success.
- Should have initiated an activity in that category, that was either dormant along a period of time, or was entirely novel.
- Should have helped in drawing out talent in that category and in generating enthusiasm among other students.
For ROH, if a candidate exceptionally qualifies in any three of the above, a lack of the fourth may be overlooked. For Citation, a candidate must notably qualify in at least two of the above criteria. It is intended that the citations be given to students who are “nearly but not quite” qualified for the ROH.
17.3.2 Eligibility criteria for POY / Colour/Special Mention awards:
- The Colours and Special Mentions are to be awarded to the top performances in the respective genres up to the maximum specified. The performances are to be rated by consensus of the committee. The committee may take in account performances in Institute events, Inter Institute events, other Cultural events held at least at the Inter-hostel level in the current year. Any activity initiated/revived which helped in drawing out talent or generating enthusiasm may also be considered by the committee.
- A student whose performance and contribution in that year has been exceptional compared to that of the other students being considered for Colours may be awarded POY on unanimous decision of the Committee.
17.3.3 For deciding on ROH / Citation, the committee, chaired by the GS Cultural, comprises of a representative from each hostel. Under normal circumstances, the Cultural Committee will decide on the Cultural ROH and Citation awards.
17.3.4 For deciding on Cultural POY/Colours/Special Mention, the committee, chaired by GS Cultural, comprises of the Institute Cultural Secretaries and Cultural Nominees (UG and PG) for the cultural awards.
17.4 SPORTS AWARDS 17.4.1 Eligibility criteria for Cultural ROH/Citation awards:
- Should have shown participation in the category throughout his / her stay, with a considerable degree of success.
- Should have participated in at least two inter-collegiate events with some degree of success.
- Should have initiated an activity in that category, that was either dormant along a period of time, or was entirely novel.
- Should have helped in drawing out talent in that category and in generating enthusiasm among other students.
- For ROH, if a candidate exceptionally qualifies in any three of the above, a lack of the fourth may be overlooked. For Citation, a candidate must notably qualify in at least two of the above criteria. It is intended that the citations be given to students who are “nearly but not quite” qualified for the ROH.
17.4.2 Eligibility criteria for POY / Colour/Special Mention awards:
17.4.3 The Colours and Special Mentions are to be awarded to the top performances in the respective sports up to the maximum specified. The performances are to be rated by consensus of the committee. The committee may take in account performances in Institute events, Inter Institute events, other Sports events held at least at the Inter-hostel level in the current year. Any activity initiated/revived which helped in drawing out talent or generating enthusiasm may also be considered by the committee.
17.4.4 A student whose performance and contribution in that year has been exceptional compared to that of the other students being considered for Colours may be awarded POY on unanimous decision of the Committee.
17.4.5 A single committee will decide the ROH, Citations, POY, Colours and Special Mentions. This will be a sub-committee of the Sports Committee, formed by the latter. The awards shall be decided on a consensus basis.
17.5 TECH AWARDS 17.5.1 Eligibility criteria for Tech ROH/Citation awards:
- Should have shown participation in the category throughout his / her stay, with a considerable degree of success.
- Should have participated in at least two inter-collegiate events with some degree of success.
- Should have initiated an activity in that category, that was either dormant along a period of time, or was entirely novel.
- Should have helped in drawing out talent in that category and in generating enthusiasm among other students.
For ROH, if a candidate exceptionally qualifies in any three of the above, a lack of the fourth may be overlooked. For Citation, a candidate must notably qualify in at least two of the above criteria. It is intended that the citations be given to students who are “nearly but not quite” qualified for the ROH.
17.5.2 Eligibility criteria for POY / Colour/Special Mention awards:
- The Colours and Special Mentions are to be awarded to the top participants in the respective activities up to the maximum specified. The performances are to be rated by consensus of the committee. The committee may take in account performances in Instituteevents, Inter Institute events, and other Tech events held at least at the Inter-hostel level in the current year. Any activity initiated/revived which helped in drawing out talent or generating enthusiasm may also be considered by the committee.
- A student whose performance and contribution in that year has been exceptional compared to that of the other students being considered for Colours may be awarded POY on unanimous decision of the Committee.
17.5.3 A single committee will decide the ROH, Citations, POY, Colours and Special Mentions comprising of a representative from each hostel. Under normal circumstances, the Tech Committee will decide on all the Tech awards.
17.6.1 ROH: A discussion will be conducted on the nominations, followed by a check for a unanimous decision in favor of any one/two nominations. If so, the above one/two name(s) are decided upon. If no unanimous decision can be reached upon, then a secret ballot is cast, where each member in the committee writes zero/one name on his vote. The votes for each nomination are totaled, and after a further discussion on the nomination with the highest number of votes, he/she may or may not be decided upon.
17.6.2 Citation/POY/Colours/Special Mentions: A case-by-case study of the nominations is conducted, continuously shortlisting the candidates, and the decision of the awards are arrived at by consensus.
17.6.3 The committee may choose to invite any member for taking his opinion on a nomination(s) but the invited member will not have any voting rights.
17.7.1 All committees must be made in the first week immediately following the spring semester mid-semester examinations, and all award decisions must be taken at least one week before the last PAF entry (or March 25th, if due to unforeseen reasons, the PAF is not held that year).
17.7.2 For all the awards, 75% of the committee’s maximum strength must be present for any decision to be taken.
17.8 NOTES
17.8.1 If any person on any committee is in contention for the respective award, he/she must sit out during the discussions of that award.
17.8.2 If the convener is in contention of the award, he/she must nominate a person in the final year and not in contention for the award, for the sitting of that award.
17.8.3 All decisions taken by the committee must be countersigned by all members of the committee.
17.8.4 In case, any member of the committee is in contention for an award, then he/she can nominate another person to the committee.
17.8.5 Any office bearer against whom an impeachment motion has been passed may not be considered for organizational award.
17.8.6 Any student who has had disciplinary action taken against him or has engaged in activities known to have been detrimental to the institute/hostel / his (her) fellow students may not be considered for any award.
17.8.7 The decision of President will be final and binding in case of any disputes.
Amendments, additions, deletions will be amended / included / excluded in the Constitution after ratification by the Student Affairs Council and subsequent approval by the Senate.
The objective of Post Graduate Council for Academics and Mentoring Programme (PG) is to address all the issues related to but not restricted to academic affairs of PG students and provide them with the maximum facility and infrastructure available. It is the representation of students in all matters related to the academic and companion programmes, the curriculum, the academic office, and administration. Structure: PG-CAMP is the conglomerate of Post Graduate Academic Council (PGAC) and Institute Companion Programmes.
a. Post Graduate Academic Council (PGAC):
- PGAC is responsible for the issues pertaining to the academics of the post-graduate students and is principally headed by GSAA (PG).
- PGAC is comprised of two verticals, namely - the Masters Wing and the Doctoral Wing (headed by Institute Masters Representative i.e. IMR and Institute Doctoral Representative i.e. IDR)
- IMR and IDR are assisted by their Executive Members i.e. EMs in managing the team members (called Academic Unit Representative for Academic Affairs i.e. AURAA) who represent each Academic Unit in their wing. *Name* also help EMs in day to functioning of PGAC.
- Coordinator - International Students' Affair is a dedicated post for coordinating the publicity for attracting the international students into PG programmes and also coordinate the mentoring of international students who enroll in this programme.
- All PGAC posts are Gymkhana posts.
b. Institute Companion Programmes:
- Institute Companion Programmes i.e. ICP are responsible for the mentoring of the post- graduate students. Page | 43
- ICP consists of two teams catering to Masters and Doctoral Students. i. Institute Student Companion Programme (ISCP) ii. Institute Research Scholar Companion Programme (IRSCP)
- GSAA (PG) is the nominal head of ICP while the Overall Coordinators (OC) of each team are the principal heads.
- Number of OCs in each team, the team structure, their selection processes and their selection is decided by the Faculty Advisor of ICP and Dean of Academic Programming in consultation with GSAA (PG).
- Only the OC posts of ICP are Gymkhana Posts.
c. Members of the Council:
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (PG)
- Institute Doctoral Representative (IDR)
- Institute Masters Representative (IMR)
- Overall Coordinators, Student Companion Programme (SCP) – 2 posts
- Web and Design Nominee, Academic Affairs (PG)
- Overall Coordinator, Institute Research Scholar Companion Programme (IRSCP)
- Executive Member (EM) - not more than 7 posts
- Coordinator - International Students' Affair - not more than one post
- Academic Unit Representative for Academic Affairs (AURAA) - - one per PG program from each department.
- Web and Design Nominee, Academic Affairs (PG) - Not more than 3 posts.
- Publicity and Media Nominee, Academic Affairs (PG) - Not more than 3 posts.
- Academic Council Coordinators (ACC) - not more than 9 posts.
d. Selection procedure of the Council:
- The GSAA (PG) will be elected in the Institute Elections. The electorate for GSAA (PG) consists of all bona fide PG students of IIT Bombay (including M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree). UG students (B. Tech, Dual Degree and 5 year MSc programme) are not a part of this electorate.
- Nominations would be called for all other posts under this council.
- The GSAA (PG) will appoint the students to all other posts in consultation with the concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
- All the members of this council (other than members of companion programs) are answerable to GSAA (PG). GSAA (PG) is accountable in the GBM and can be impeached as per the procedure laid down in the constitution.
- GSAA (PG) will act as an advisor to the Companion Programs (IRSCP and ISCP).
e. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
- The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7 “Rules for serving as a Gymkhana Office Bearer” shall apply.
- Only PG students as specified in the electorate can apply for all the above posts.
- Students should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute (except for ACC post)
f. Basic duties of the GSAA (PG):
- GSAA(PG) shall co-chair the DGSC with GSAA(UG) and convene it from time to time with a minimum periodicity of once a semester.
- GSAA(PG) shall strive to increase awareness among the students on academic issues.
- GSAA(PG) shall be a member of the Postgraduate Programme Committee (PGPC)
- GSAA(PG) shall act as a student representative in all matters relating to the Postgraduate academic affairs of the institute. These include, but are not limited to, the academic program, the curriculum, the academic office and administration and the functioning of the Institute Library.
- GSAA(PG) shall endure for the post graduate and PhD students to promote research and secure internships.
- GSAA(PG) shall supervise the working of the entire council. GSAA(PG) shall also coordinate with other Councils and bodies for speedy redressal of issues whenever necessary.
- GSAA (PG) shall also be a member of the Library Committee.
g. Basic duties of the Institute Doctoral and Masters Representative:
- IMR and IDR shall assist the GSAA (PG) in fulfilling his/her basic duties.
- IMR and IDR will act as a student representative in all matters relating to academic affairs of Masters and Doctoral students respectively.
- IMR and IDR shall be the members of the Postgraduate Programme Committee (PGPC).
- IDR and IMR shall address the issues of concerned PG students at the institute level and should take steps by coordinating with the institute authorities to improve and strengthen the research activities.
- IDR and IMR shall coordinate with EMs in organizing sessions in institute/each department to address all issues pertaining to academic programme and curriculum.
h. Basic duties of the Overall Coordinators, Institute Student Companion Programme (ISCP) and Overall Coordinators, Institute Research Scholar Companion Programme (IRSCP):
- OC shall ensure smooth transition of new entrants to the institute by building a team of Companions for the academic year.
- OC shall prepare a detailed schedule of Orientation program and conduct interactive sessions with the new entrants at the departmental and institute level.
i. Basic duties of Executive Members (EM):
- EM shall assist the IDR and IMR in fulfilling their duties.
- EM shall assist the IDR/IMR in increasing awareness on academic issues.
- EM shall coordinate with AURAAs in organizing sessions in institute/each department to address all issues pertaining to academic programme and curriculum.
j. Coordinator - International Students' Affair - not more than one post
- This will be a dedicated post for coordinating the publicity for attracting the international students into PG programmes and also coordinate the mentoring of international students who enroll in this programme.
- The position will be at par with the Executive Members of PGAC. ISIR shall oversee the working of Coordinator- International Students' Affair
- A team will be derived from existing members of PGAC, ISCP, and ISCP.
- Size and members of the team will be dynamic as per the need and will be assigned by GSAA (PG) after consulting with the OCs of ISCP and IRSCP.
- The post holder will also have to coordinate with the offices of Deans (AP, SA, ACR and IR) whenever necessary.
k. Basic duties of Academic Unit Representatives for Academic Affairs (AURAAs) and Academic Council Coordinators (ACCs):
- AURAA shall assist the EM in coordinating with the Department level representatives in achieving the objectives of Academic Council.
- AURAA will assist the EM in increasing awareness on academic issues.
l. Basic duties of the Web, Design, Publicity and Media Team, Academic Affairs (PG)
- Team shall be responsible for design and maintenance of PG Academic Council website and other online portals.
- Team will be responsible for publicity and documentation of the events conducted by PGAC.
- Team will be responsible for publicity, video/photo coverage and documentation of the events conducted by PGAC.
- A Design team leader from the team may be appointed by the GSAA (PG) to coordinate the efforts of the team.
20 SECTION II- INSTITUTE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COUNCIL (UG) The objective of Institute Academic Affairs Council (UG) is to address all the issues related to academic affairs of UG (B.Tech, Dual Degree, Integrated 5 yr. MSc) students. It is the representation of students in all matters related to the academic programme, the curriculum, the academic office and administration. The council also strives to conduct tech activities, secure internships and promote undergraduate research.
a. Members of the Council:
- General Secretary, Academic Affairs (UG)
- Institute Secretary, Academic Affairs (ISAA) – 3 posts
- Department Research Coordinator- One representative from each department (All B.Tech., DD, Integrated 5 yr MSc and 4 year BS)
- Web and Design Nominee, Academic Affairs (UG)
- Club Managers, Academic Affairs (UG) – 4 positions
- Academic Coordinators – 12 positions
- Club Convenors – 8 positions
- Design and Web Convenors – 4 positions
b. Selection procedure of the Council:
- The GSAA (UG) will be elected in the Institute Elections. The electorate for GSAA (UG) consists of all bona fide UG students of IIT Bombay (B. Tech, Dual Degree and 5 year MSc programme.
- Nominations would be called for all other posts under this council.
- The GSAA (UG) will appoint students to the nominated posts in consultation with the President, Gymkhana.
- GSAA (UG) answerable and accountable in the GBM and can be impeached as per the procedure laid down in the constitution. All the other members of UGAC are answerable to the GSAA (UG) and can be impeached or terminated in consultation with President, Gymkhana.
c. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
- The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7, Rules for serving as a Gymkhana Office Bearer‟ shall apply.
- Only UG students as specified in the electorate can apply for the above posts
- For GSAA (UG), the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- B.Tech/DD/5yr MSc/BS/B.Des: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in institute.
For ISAA, the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- Should have completed a minimum of 3 semesters
B.Tech/DD/5yr MSc/BS/B.Des: Should have completed at least 3 semesters in institute
- For PT Cell Head, only B.Tech/DD/5yr MSc can apply
- For Internship Coordinators, Practical Training Cell Team, the applicant should have completed exactly 3 semesters in the institute.
For Department Research Coordinators, the applicant should have completed at least 3 semesters in the institute.
For Club Managers, Academic Affairs (UG), the applicant should have completed at least 3 semesters in the institute
For Web and Design Nominee, Academic Affairs (UG), the applicant should have completed at least 3 semesters in the institute
For Academic Coordinators, club conveners, design and web conveners, the applicant should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute.
d. Basic duties of the GSAA (UG):
- He/She shall supervise the working of the UGAC, Career Cell and Society for Promotion of Undergraduate Research.
- He/She shall act as a student representative in all matters relating to undergraduate academic affairs of the institute. These include, but are not limited to the academic programme, the curriculum, the academic office and administration, technical activities and undergraduate research.
- He/She shall chair the UG Department General Secretaries Committee (DGSC) and will convene it at least once a month. Along with the GSAA (PG), GSAA (UG) shall chair the Joint Department General Secretaries Committee (DGSC) and will convene it at least once a semester.
- He/she shall be a member of the Undergraduate Programme Committee (UGPC) o He/She shall be a member of the Library Committee.
- He/She shall strive to increase awareness among the student community on academic issues and to redress their queries and grievances.
e. Basic Duties of the Institute Secretary Academic Affairs:
He/She shall
- Strive to increase awareness among the student community on academic issues and to redress their queries and grievances
- Assist the GSAA (UG) in fulfilling his basic duties and key initiatives
- Be approachable and receptive of the students' academic concerns
- Be proactive and resourceful, able to lead their coordinators and achieve the set goals timely
- Have a vision of their own and harbour initiatives within their assigned domain
- He/She shall assist the GSAA (UG) in fulfilling his basic duties
f. Basic Duties of Web Nominee: He/She shall
- Be in-charge of all web-based initiatives of GSAA and maintaining the existing portals
- Come-up with solutions and improvisations on IITB online portals
- Work on initiating new ideas and expand the horizons of web related activities concerning undergraduate academics
- Assist the council members in their web requirements and ensure timely creation and smooth functioning of websites and other interfaces.
g. Basic duties of Design Nominee: He/She shall
- Lead a team of 2 conveners to handle all publicity and design related activities of the council
- Coordinate with the Web Nominees in improvement of front-end interfaces of websites and online portals
- Should be able to ideate effectively on increasing the reach of the UGAC and executing initiatives for the same.
h. Basic Duties of Department Research Coordinator: He/She shall
- Assist the GSAA (UG) and the ISAA (EnPoWER) in the implementation of various department-level program from the side of UGAC
- Form contacts with the professors of the particular department and try to procure projects for the students on research portals
- Work towards building a culture of research in the department through various mechanisms
i. Basic duties of Club Managers: They shall be responsible for
- Planning and executing club activities based on needs of student community. Events may include (but are not limited to) speaker sessions, workshops, group discussions etc.
- Organizing special events/camps for people through mediums such as Google groups or the core group
- Promoting participation from seniors and alumni who are into this field to enrich club culture
- Floating projects for interested students under companies/alumni.
- Ensuring and increasing participation of IIT Bombay teams in various club related competitions held in different colleges and organisations.
j. Basic Duties of Academic Coordinators: They shall
- Assisting the ISAAs in planning, organising & executing various events, programs & initiatives
- Work towards information dissemination and awareness amongst the students across all batches and departments
- Actively gather queries from student community and respond to them timely after due consultation with ISAAs and GSAA (UG)
- Handling logistics and on-ground execution during the events which include preparing minutes and taking feedback for further improvement
21 SECTION III- INSTITUTE HOSTEL AFFAIRS COUNCIL The Institute Hostel Affairs Council strives to make the stay of all the students in hostels of the institute comfortable. It aims at improving the infrastructure of the hostels and increasing amenities and facilities for students in the hostel areas.
a. Members of the Council
- General Secretary, Hostel Affairs (GSHA)
- Institute Secretary, Hostel Affairs (ISHA) – 3 posts
- Institute System Administrators (ISA) – 2 posts
- Overall Coordinator, Student Alumni Relations Cell (SARC)
- SARC Core Team – Maximum of 22 posts
- Institute Secretary, International Relations (ISIR)
- Girls’ Nominee
- Web and Design Nominee, Hostel Affairs
b. Selection procedure of the Council:
- The General Secretary, Hostel Affairs will be elected in the Institute Elections. The electorate for them consists of all bona fide students of IIT Bombay.
- The Overall Coordinator, (SARC) will be elected in the Institute Elections. The electorate for them consists of all bona fide students of IIT Bombay.
- The new Overall Coordinator, SARC will appoint the SARC Core Team in consultation with the outgoing SARC team and the concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
- Nominations would be called for all other posts under this council.
- The GSHA will appoint the ISHAs, ISIR, ISA and Web Nominee in consultation with the President.
- All members of Institute Hostel Council are answerable and accountable in the GBM and can be impeached as per the procedure laid down in the constitution.
c. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
- The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7, Rules for serving as a Gymkhana Office Bearer shall apply.
For GSHA the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For Overall Coordinator, SARC the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For Institute System Administrators the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For ISHA and ISIR the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For SARC Core Team Members the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For the Web and Design Nominee the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
d. Basic duties of the GSHA:
- The GSHA shall chair the Hostel General Secretaries‟ Council (HGSC), Mess Committee and Maintenance Committee.
- The GSHA shall act as a representative of the students in all matters relating to hostel affairs within the institute.
- He shall act as student representative in all matters relating to other facilities within the Institute.
- He shall be a member of the Hostel Coordinating Unit (HCU)
- He shall be a member of the Students Welfare Society (SWS)
e. Student Alumni Relations Cell:
- SARC aims at conducting activities that have an overlap of IIT Bombay alumni and students. The motive of SARC is to mould students of IITB into active alumni who help their alma mater in all possible ways after they pass out.
- Vision of SARC is to develop a self-sustaining system - a process that enables students to avail all the necessary help from the alumni pool of IITB and vice-versa.
- The Hostel Alumni Secretaries and Department Alumni Secretaries are also the members of SARC.
f. Basic duties of Overall Coordinator, SARC:
- SARC OC shall appoint a maximum of 11 member core team in consultation with outgoing SARC team and the Faculty-In-Charge
- SARC OC will lay down a team structure and delegate basic responsibilities to the all the members of the core team.
- SARC OC shall supervise the Core Member Team, SARC to supervise and conduct all the activities required to achieve the objectives of SARC.
- SARC OC will ensure proper coordination within the core team for smooth functioning of the organization.
- He/She will be a member of the SGEC.
- He/She shall submit appraisal reports regularly to concerned Faculty-In-Charge
g. Basic duties of SARC Core Team members:
- They shall do to the best of his abilities the duties as specified by the Overall Coordinator of SARC
- They shall be in charge of all activities in his/her field and will conduct them with diligence as far as possible
- They shall attend the GBM and is answerable
- They are responsible for proper knowledge transfer to the next year’s core team
h. Basic duties of Institute Secretary, Hostel Affairs:
- He/She shall assist the GSHA in fulfilling his/her basic duties
- He/She shall be a member of the HGSC, HCC and SWS Committee
- He/She shall be a member of the Maintenance and Mess Committee
- One ISHA is nominated as Women Cell Nominee in Women Cell Committee
- One ISHA is nominated as Hospital Nominee in Hospital Advisory Committee
- One ISHA is nominated as Security Nominee in Security Advisory Committee
- One of the ISHA is nominated as Student Nominee in Student Welfare Society
i. Basic duties of Institute System Administrators (ISA):
- The ISAs serve as an interface between the Computer Center (CC) and the Hostel System Administrators
- The ISAs may help Hostel SysAds for the smooth functioning of hostel network, switch and router configurations and are responsible for the policy implementation on network nodes
- The ISAs are responsible maintenance and upkeep of the Gymkhana server
- The ISAs will be single point contact for all Web Nominees of all the Gymkhana Councils for proper functioning of websites of individual councils on Gymkhana server
- The ISAs shall convene the Network and Computer Committee meetings with a minimum periodicity of at least twice a semester
- One ISA will be a part of Election Committee for developing and implementing the required infrastructure for conducting polling.
k. Basic duties of Institute Secretary, International Relations (ISIR):
- He/She shall assist the GSHA in fulfilling his basic duties towards Foreign Exchange students in the institute
- He/she shall assist GSHA and GSAAs in fulfilling basic duties towards Semester Exchange Programs and address issues pertaining to these Hostel Affairs and Academic Affairs Council
- He/She will coordinate with the Dean IR office to address all issues pertaining to academic affairs and stay of Foreign Exchange students in the institute
- He/She shall work in collaboration with department councils for dissemination of information among students and address issue
l. Basic duties of Web and Design Nominee, Hostel Affairs:
- He/She shall be responsible for design and maintenance of Hostel Affairs website and other online portals.
- He/She will assist the GSHA in increasing awareness among students about hostel affairs policies through online presence or publicity material, as required.
m. Basic Duties of Girls’ Nominee:
- Representing the girls in all matters pertaining to Hostel Affairs Council and representation girls community in the Institute level committees
- Girls Nominee shall be de-facto International Relations Nominee and shall assist the ISIR in fulfilling responsibilities towards International Relations.
- Girls Nominee may be required to serve as invited member in Hospital and Health Advisory Committee (HHAC) Page | 56
- Girls Nominee is nominated as Women Cell Nominee in Women Cell Committee
- Girls Nominee is nominated as Security Nominee in Security Advisory Committee
- She shall take new initiatives for the welfare of the female student community of IITB
- Prime representation on girl’s specific issues alongside GSHA
22 SECTION IV- INSTITUTE CULTURAL COUNCIL The Institute Cultural Council strives to provide regular platforms for students of the institute by conducting various cultural events and competitions at the Institute and Inter-Hostel level. It shall draw up the plan for all the cultural events to be conducted to achieve its objectives.
a. Members of the council:
- General Secretary, Cultural Affairs
- Institute Cultural Nominee - Events and Administration - 2 Posts
- Institute Cultural Nominee - Postgraduate
- Institute Cultural Nominee - Indian Languages
- Institute Cultural Nominee - Design
- Institute Classical and Folk Arts Secretary
- Institute Dance Secretary
- Institute Dramatics Secretary
- Institute Film and Photography Secretary
- Institute Literary Arts Secretary
- Institute Music Secretary
- Institute Fine Arts and Design Secretary
- Institute Speaking Arts Secretary
b. Selection procedure of the Council:
- The General Secretary, Cultural Affairs will be elected in the Institute Elections. The electorate for them consists of all bona fide students of IIT Bombay.
- The Cultural Secretaries will be elected in the Institute Elections but the electorate for each of them would comprise of the following members: Institute General Secretaries – 1 vote each
1. Institute General Secretaries – 1 vote each
2. Outgoing Institute Cultural Council – 1 vote each
3. Hostel General Secretaries – 1 vote each
4. Cultural Councilors of Hostels – 1 vote each
5. Maximum of 5 Nominees from each hostel - 1 vote each If a Cultural Secretary gets elected to the post then he/she cannot resign from the post and apply for any other Gymkhana post for the same year Nominations would be called for all other posts under this council. The General Secretary, Cultural Affairs will appoint all nominees in consultation with Chairman, Cultural. All members of Institute Cultural Council are answerable and accountable in the GBM and can be impeached as per the procedure laid down in the constitution.
- If a Cultural Secretary gets elected to the post then he/she cannot resign from the post and apply for any other Gymkhana post for the same year
- Nominations would be called for all other posts under this council. The General Secretary, Cultural Affairs will appoint all nominees in consultation with Chairman, Cultural.
- All members of Institute Cultural Council are answerable and accountable in the GBM and can be impeached as per the procedure laid down in the constitution.
c. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
- The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7 „Rules for serving as a Gymkhana Office Bearer shall apply.
For GS, Cultural Affairs:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For Institute Cultural Secretary:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For UG Nominee, only UG students can apply and should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute.
For PG Nominee, only PG students can apply and should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute.
For the Web and Design Nominee the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
d. Basic duties of the GS, Cultural Affairs:
- He/She shall convene the Cultural Committee meetings with a minimum periodicity of at least once a month.
- He/She shall ensure that Institute Cultural Council works to best of its abilities.
- He/She shall supervise the Institute Cultural Council to plan all the cultural events both at the Institute and Inter-hostel level.
- He/She shall take all decisions regarding Inter-Hostel Cultural General Championship in consultation with the Cultural Committee.
- He/She shall nominate contingent leaders for inter-collegiate cultural festivals in consultation with the UG and PG Cultural Nominees.
- He/She she shall assist the Gymkhana staff in maintaining the Gymkhana rooms allotted for Cultural activities (Music room, Dance room etc.)
e. Basic duties of an Institute Cultural Secretary:
- He / She shall schedule all events in consultation with the Cultural Committee at the start of the year.
- He / She shall be responsible for providing the necessary infrastructure required for conducting an event in his sphere.
f. Basic duties of the UG and PG Nominees:
- He/She shall assist the GS in the rendering of his/her basic duties.
- He/She shall draw up the contingent for intercollegiate festivals in consultation with the GS Cultural Affairs and the contingent leader.
- He/She shall take over the duties of the GS, Cultural Affairs in his absence.
f. Basic duties of Web and Design Nominee:
- He/She shall be responsible for design and maintenance of Cultural Council website and other online portals.
- He/She is also responsible for designing of publicity posters or any other publicity material as may be required.
23 SECTION V- INSTITUTE SPORTS COUNCIL The Institute Sports Council strives to provide regular platforms for students of the institute by conducting various events at the Institute and Inter-Hostel level. The council also aims at preparing the best team with the support of PTIs for Inter-IIT. It shall draw up the plan for all the Sports events to be conducted to achieve its objectives.
a. Members of the Council:
- General Secretary, Sports Affairs
- Institute Athletics Secretary
- Institute Aquatics Secretary
- Institute Badminton Secretary
- Institute Basketball Secretary
- Institute Board Games Secretary
- Institute Cricket Secretary
- Institute Football Secretary
- Institute Hockey Secretary
- Institute Indian Games Secretary
- Institute Lawn Tennis Secretary
- Institute Squash Secretary
- Institute Table Tennis Secretary
- Institute Volley Ball Secretary
- Institute Weightlifting Secretary
- Girls’ Nominee, Sports Affairs
- PG Nominee, Sports Affairs
- UG Nominee, Sports Affairs – 2 posts
- Web and Design Nominee, Sports Affairs
b. Selection procedure of the Council:
- The General Secretary, Sports Affairs will be elected in the Institute Elections. The electorate for them consists of all bona fide students of IIT Bombay.
- The Sports Secretaries will be elected in the Institute Elections but the electorate for each of them would comprise of the following members: Institute General Secretaries – 1 vote each Outgoing Institute Sports Council – 1 vote each Hostel General Secretaries – 1 vote each Sports Councilors of Hostels – 1 vote each Maximum of 5 nominees from each hostel - 1 vote each
- If a Sports Secretary gets elected to the post then he/she cannot resign from the post and apply for any other Gymkhana post for the same year
- Nominations would be called for all other posts under this council. The GS, Sports Affairs will appoint all nominees in consultation with Chairman, Sports.
- All members of Institute Sports Council are answerable and accountable in the GBM and can be impeached as per the procedure laid down in the constitution.
1. Institute General Secretaries – 1 vote each
2. Outgoing Institute Sports Council – 1 vote each
3. Hostel General Secretaries – 1 vote each
4. Sports Councilors of Hostels – 1 vote each
5. Maximum of 5 nominees from each hostel - 1 vote each If a Sports Secretary gets elected to the post then he/she cannot resign from the post and apply for any other Gymkhana post for the same year Nominations would be called for all other posts under this council. The GS, Sports Affairs will appoint all nominees in consultation with Chairman, Sports. All members of Institute Sports Council are answerable and accountable in the GBM and can be impeached as per the procedure laid down in the constitution.
c. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
- The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7, Rules for serving as a Gymkhana Office Bearer shall apply.
For GS, Sports Affairs:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For Institute Sports Secretary:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For UG Nominee, only UG students can apply and should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute.
For PG Nominee, only PG students can apply and should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For Girls‟ Nominee, only female students can apply and should satisfy following eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For the Web and Design Nominee the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
d. Basic duties of the GS, Sports Affairs:
- He/She shall convene the Sports Committee meetings with a minimum periodicity of at least once a month.
- He/She shall ensure that Institute Sports Council works to the best of its abilities.
- He/She shall take all decisions regarding Inter-Hostel, Inter-IIT and all other sports events in consultation with the Sports Committee.
- He/She is a member of the Inter IIT Sports Board, along with the Chairman (Sports) and the SAC In-charge.
e. Basic duties of an Institute Sports Secretary:
- He/She shall schedule all events in consultation with the Sports Committee.
- He/She shall responsible for providing the necessary equipment required for conducting an event in his sphere.
g. Basic duties of the UG and PG Nominees:
- He/She shall assist the GS in the rendering of his basic duties.
- UG Nominee shall take over the duties of the GS, Sports Affairs in his absence.
h. Basic duties of the Girls‟ Nominee:
- She shall assist the GS in the rendering of his basic duties.
- She is responsible for conducting of all sports activities specifically organized for the female students of the institute. Page | 62
i. Basic duties of Web and Design Nominee:
- He/She shall be responsible for design and maintenance of Sports Council website and other online portals.
- He/She is also responsible for designing of publicity posters or any other publicity material as may be required
24 SECTION VI- INSTITUTE TECHNICAL COUNCIL The Institute Technical Council organizes, supports and guides student technical activities in the institute. It shall draw up the plan for all the Technical events to be conducted to achieve its objectives.
a. Members of the council:
- General Secretary, Technical Affairs
- Post Graduate Nominee
- Undergraduate Nominee
- Projects and Teams’ Nominee
- Web Nominee (ex-officio IITB Development Community OC)
- Institute Aeromodelling Secretary
- Institute Astronomy Secretary
- Institute BioX Secretary
- Institute Electronics and Robotics Secretary
- Institute Energy Secretary
- Institute Maths and Physics Secretary
- Institute Tinkerers’ Lab Secretary
- Institute Web and Coding Secretary
The Institute Secretary for Technical Affairs may appoint conveners and a club manager to assist in implementation of Technical activities under his/her purview in consultation with the General Secretary, Technical Affairs.
b. Selection procedure of the Council:
- The General Secretary, Technical Affairs will be elected in the Institute Elections. The electorate for them consists of all bona fide students of IIT Bombay.
- The Technical Secretaries will be elected in the Institute Elections but the electorate for each of them would comprise of the following members: Institute General Secretaries – 1 vote each Outgoing Institute Technical Council – 1 vote each Hostel General Secretaries – 1 vote each Technical Councilors of Hostels – 1 vote each Max 5 Nominees from each hostels of that specific domain/sphere - 1 vote each
- If a Technical Secretary gets elected to the post then he/she cannot resign from the post and apply for any other Gymkhana post for the same year
- Nominations would be called for all other posts under this council. The General Secretary, Technical Affairs will appoint all nominees in consultation with Chairman, Technical.
- All members of Institute Technical Council are answerable and accountable in the GBM and can be impeached as per the procedure laid down in the constitution.
1. Institute General Secretaries – 1 vote each
2. Outgoing Institute Technical Council – 1 vote each
3. Hostel General Secretaries – 1 vote each
4. Technical Councilors of Hostels – 1 vote each
5. Max 5 Nominees from each hostels of that specific domain/sphere - 1 vote each If a Technical Secretary gets elected to the post then he/she cannot resign from the post and apply for any other Gymkhana post for the same year Nominations would be called for all other posts under this council. The General Secretary, Technical Affairs will appoint all nominees in consultation with Chairman, Technical. All members of Institute Technical Council are answerable and accountable in the GBM and can be impeached as per the procedure laid down in the constitution.
c. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7, Rules for serving as a Gymkhana Office Bearer shall apply.
For GS, Technical Affairs:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For Institute Technical Secretary:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For UG Nominee, only UG students can apply and should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute. Page | 64
For PG Nominee, only PG students can apply and should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For Projects and Teams’ Nominee
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For the other Nominee/Manager posts the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
d. Basic duties of the GS, Technical Affairs:
- He/She shall convene the Technical Committee meetings with a minimum periodicity of at least twice a semester.
- He/She shall ensure that Institute Technical Council works to best of its abilities.
- He/She shall supervise the Institute Technical Council to plan all the Technical events both at the Institute and Inter-hostel level.
- He/She shall take all decisions regarding Inter-Hostel Technical General Championship in consultation with the Technical Committee.
- He/She shall nominate contingent leaders for inter-collegiate technical competitions in consultation with the UG and PG Technical Nominees.
- He/She shall assist the Gymkhana staff in maintaining the Gymkhana rooms allotted for Technical activities
e. Basic duties of an Institute Technical Secretary:
- He / She shall schedule all events in consultation with the Technical Committee at the start of the year.
- He / She shall be responsible for providing the necessary infrastructure required for conducting an event in his sphere.
f. Basic duties of the UG and PG Nominees:
- He/She shall assist the GS in the rendering of his/her basic duties.
- He/She shall draw up the contingent for intercollegiate competitions in consultation with the GS Technical Affairs and the contingent leader.
- He/She shall take over the duties of the GS, Technical Affairs in his absence.
g. Basic duties of Web and Design Nominee:
- He/She shall be responsible for design and maintenance of Council website and other online portals.
- He/She is also responsible for designing of publicity posters or any other publicity material as may be required.
h. Revision of the Constitution
- It is recommended that the constitution of the Institute Technical Council be reviewed every year. It may be revised when deemed necessary by the GSTA in consultation with the Institute Technical Council and the Technical Chairman.
25 SECTION VI- THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP CELL The Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell) of IIT Bombay believes that it is important to create an atmosphere in which young students and professionals are not afraid to venture into the market on their own, thereby generating a vibrant and dynamic community of entrepreneurs on campus and across India. With this belief E-Cell, IIT Bombay targets to help in the development of the entrepreneurial eco-system by enabling easy and efficient interaction between its major components spanning students, working professionals, aspiring and established entrepreneurs, mentors and investors.
In order to achieve the vision of promoting entrepreneurship as a career option among the youth, E-Cell has conceptualized activities and initiatives for the college students as well as experienced young entrepreneurs and working professionals. The events are aimed at spreading awareness about various stages in the journey of an entrepreneur, from the very first step of conceiving an idea till the successful establishment of an enterprise.
a. Members of the Council:
- Overall Coordinator (OC), E-Cell – 2 posts
- Core Team, E-Cell – Up to a maximum of 22 posts
b. Selection procedure of the Council:
- The Overall Coordinators (OC), E-Cell will be elected in the Institute Elections. The electorate for them consists of all bona fide students of IIT Bombay.
- Nominations would be called for selection of the Core Team.
- The new Overall Coordinators will appoint the Core Team in consultation with the concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
c. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
- The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7, Rules for serving as a Gymkhana Office Bearer shall apply.
For Overall Coordinators, E-Cell
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
In addition to this, the applicant must have held a Gymkhana-recognized positions in one of the 4 Independent bodies, namely, Abhyuday, E-Cell, Mood Indigo and Techfest.
For E-Cell Core Team Member:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
d. Basic duties of the Overall Coordinators (OC), E-Cell:
- He/She is responsible for conducting all the E-Cell activities throughout the year in and outside the institute to achieve their objectives.
- He/She will ensure proper coordination of different portfolios within the core team for smooth functioning of the organization.
- He/She will coordinate with relevant institute authorities for achieving the vision and objectives of E-Cell.
- He/She will lay down a team structure and delegate basic responsibilities to the all the members of the core team.
- He/She will be a member of the SGEC.
- He/She will conduct at least one GBM in the whole year in the format stated.
- He/She shall submit appraisal reports regularly to concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
e. Basic duties of a Core Team Member, E-Cell:
- He/She shall do to the best of his abilities the duties as specified by the Overall Coordinators of E-Cell.
- He/She shall be in charge of all activities in his/her field and will conduct them with diligence as far as possible.
- He/She shall attend the GBM and is answerable.
- He/She is responsible for proper knowledge transfer to the next year’s core team.
26 SECTION VII- MOOD INDIGO Mood Indigo is the annual cultural festival of IIT Bombay. It is conducted towards the end of December every year. It aims at conducting Inter-Collegiate competitions in various cultural spheres and showcasing various events from all across the globe.
a. Members of the Council:
- Overall Coordinator, Mood Indigo – 2 posts
- Core Team, Mood indigo – Up to a maximum of 22 posts
b. Selection procedure of the Council:
- The Overall Coordinator (OC), Mood Indigo will be elected in the Institute Elections, for which electorate consists of all bona fide students of IIT Bombay.
- Nominations would be called for selection of the Core Team.
- The new Overall Coordinators will appoint the Core Team in consultation with the Chairman, Cultural.
c. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
- The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7, Rules for serving as a Gymkhana Office Bearer shall apply.
For Overall Coordinators, Mood Indigo:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
In addition to this, the applicant must have held a Gymkhana-recognized positions in one of the 4 Independent bodies, namely, Abhyuday, E-Cell, Mood Indigo and Techfest.
For Mood Indigo Core Team Member:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
d. Basic duties of the Overall Coordinators (OC), Mood Indigo:
- He/She shall coordinate all the activities of Core Team in all matters concerning Mood Indigo, and shall brief from time to time, the Chairman, Cultural.
- He/She will lay down a team structure and delegate basic responsibilities to the all the members of the core team.
- He/She in consultation with Chairman, Cultural and Core Team shall review the progress of events to be held at the cultural festival in the light of the proposal made and shall offer suggestions to, and modify (if necessary) the plan of individual core group members, to meet the objectives of the Gymkhana.
- He/She will be a member of the SGEC.
- He/She will conduct at least one GBM in the whole year in the format stated.
- He/She shall submit appraisal reports regularly to concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
e. Basic duties of a Core Team Member, Mood Indigo:
- He/She will be in charge of his/her respective spheres and objectives under their purview as specified by the Overall Coordinators.
- He/She shall do to the best of his abilities the duties as specified.
- He/She shall be in charge of all activities in his/her field and will conduct them with diligence as far as possible.
- He/She shall attend the GBM and is answerable.
- He/She is responsible for proper knowledge transfer to the next year’s core team.
27 SECTION VIII- TECHFEST Techfest is IIT Bombay's annual science and technology festival. It is conducted during the Winter break. It aims at conducting Inter-Collegiate Technical competitions and showcasing various events from all across the globe.
a. Members of the Council:
- Overall Coordinators, Techfest – 2 posts
- Core Team, Techfest – Up to a maximum of 22 posts
b. Selection procedure of the Council:
- The Overall Coordinator (OC), Techfest will be elected in the Institute Elections, for which electorate consists of all bona fide students of IIT Bombay.
- Nominations would be called for selection of the Core Team.
- The new Overall Coordinators will appoint the Core Team in consultation with the concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
c. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
- The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7, Rules for serving as a Gymkhana Office Bearer shall apply.
For Overall Coordinator, Techfest:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
In addition to this, the applicant must have held a Gymkhana-recognized positions in one of the 4 Independent bodies, namely, Abhyuday, E-Cell, Mood Indigo and Techfest. Page | 70
For Techfest Core Team Member:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
d. Basic duties of the Overall Coordinator (OC), Techfest:
- He/She shall coordinate all the activities of Core Team in all matters concerning Techfest, and shall brief from time to time, the concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
- He/She in consultation with Faculty-In-Charge and Core Team shall review the progress of events to be held at the festival in the light of the proposals made and modify (if necessary) the plan of core team, to meet the objectives of Gymkhana.
- He/She will lay down a team structure and delegate basic responsibilities to the all the members of the core team.
- He/She will be a member of the SGEC.
- He/She will conduct at least one GBM in the whole year in the format stated.
- He/She shall submit appraisal reports regularly to concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
e. Basic duties of a Core Team Member, Techfest:
- He/She will be in charge of his/her respective spheres and objectives under their purview as specified by the Overall Coordinators.
- He/She shall do to the best of his abilities the duties as specified.
- He/She shall be in charge of all activities in his/her field and will conduct them with diligence as far as possible.
- He/She shall attend the GBM and is answerable.
- He/She is responsible for proper knowledge transfer to the next year’s core team.
28 SECTION IX- INSIGHT Insight is the English student media body of IIT Bombay and part of the student Gymkhana. It is run purely by students, with a panel of professors serving as Faculty-In-Charge for Insight. It endeavors to achieve its vision through print and online presence.. Insight has the following primary purposes, among others:
- Dissemination of information pertaining to the events and activities on campus
- Spread awareness regarding the important issues pertaining to the campus
- To be a public platform for the students to express their opinions
- Provide a forum for constructive presentation and discussion of views pertaining to the above, which can be used by both students and administration alike
a. Members of the council:
- Chief Editor, Insight – 2 posts
- Web Nominee, Insight
- Design Nominee, Insight
b. Selection procedure of the Council:
- Nominations would be called for all other posts under this council
- The Chief Editors are selected by its panel of Faculty-In-Charge through a process ratified by the Dean of Student Affairs with inputs from the outgoing Chief Editors.
- The new Chief Editors shall choose the two nominees mentioned above in consultation with the Faculty-In-Charge.
c. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
- The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7, Rules for serving a Gymkhana Office Bearer shall apply.
For Chief Editors the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For the Nominee the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
d. Basic duties of Chief Editors
- The Chief Editors of Insight are responsible for the content that goes into any output from Insight; final decisions regarding the topics/areas to be covered, and proper and timely coverage of the same are taken by them.
- They are expected to decide the areas in consultation with their team and then co-ordinate with them in order to ensure efficient handover of material to the design and layout nominee.
- Their functions therefore, are: Decide on areas/topics/incidents to be covered Co-ordinate the work of the team to ensure quality coverage of the same Supervise the layout of the print issue Proofread the articles before dispatch of material for printing Ensure timely printing and distribution of the print issue Ensure timely updates on the website and other online portals
1. Decide on areas/topics/incidents to be covered
2. Co-ordinate the work of the team to ensure quality coverage of the same
3. Supervise the layout of the print issue
4. Proofread the articles before dispatch of material for printing
5. Ensure timely printing and distribution of the print issue
6. Ensure timely updates on the website and other online portals
e. Basic duties of Web Nominee
- He/She is responsible for designing and maintaining Insight’s website and other online portals. Apart from this, he/she is also responsible for assisting the Chief Editors in carrying out online publicity through development of applications and in any other roles as may be required. f. Basic duties of Design Nominee
- He/She is responsible include layout of the print issue, design of publicity posters and other design roles as may be required.
It is to be noted, however, that all students of this institute are free to become a part of the team, in a capacity that they desire and the Chief Editors deem fit.
29 SECTION X- HOSTEL COUNCIL The Hostel Council strives to make the stay of the students in campus comfortable, enjoyable and memorable. It aims at maintaining and improving the hostel infrastructure. It conducts various events at the hostel level in cultural, sports and technical sphere and ensures participation in the
Inter-hostel Cultural, Sports and Tech General Championship. It represents the hostels in the sub- committees of Gymkhana.
a. Members of the Council:
- Hostel General Secretary
- Warden Nominee
- Hostel Maintenance Councilor
- Hostel Mess Councilor
- Hostel Cultural Councilor
- Hostel Sports Councilor
- Hostel Tech Councilor
- Hostel System Administrator
- Hostel Secretaries – Up to a maximum of 30 posts
b. Selection procedure of the Council:
- The General Secretary, Hostel Maintenance Councilor, Hostel Mess Councilor, Hostel Cultural Councilor, Hostel Sports Councilor, Hostel Tech Councilor, Hostel System Administrator and Hostel Secretaries should be elected by General Elections conducted in the hostel. The electorate would comprise of all the hostel residents, who are bona fide students of the institute.
- The Warden of the hostel will appoint the Warden Nominee in consultation with the new Hostel General Secretary.
- An election committee should be appointed by the Warden in consultation with the General Secretary and Warden Nominee for conducting Hostel Elections.
- In case of an uncontested post, the Warden in consultation with the Hostel General Secretary shall nominate a student to the post.
- In case of any exceptions to the above rules or disputes, the decision of the Warden will be final and binding.
- All members of Hostel Council are answerable and accountable in the Hostel GBM and can be impeached as per the procedure decided by the Warden.
- The basic rules for conducting Institute Elections and Institute GBM may be taken as reference for Hostel Elections and Hostel GBM.
c. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
- The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7, Rules for serving as a Gymkhana Office Bearer shall apply.
- For all the Hostel Council posts, the applicant should be a resident of the hostel.
For General Secretary the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
For Hostel Maintenance Councilor, Hostel Mess Councilor, Hostel Cultural Councilor, Hostel Sports Councilor, Hostel Tech Councilor and Hostel System Administrator the following will be the eligibility criteria:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
- Any hostel resident and bona fide student of IIT Bombay can apply for the post of Hostel Secretaries.
- In case of any exceptions to the above rules or disputes, the decision of the Warden will be final and binding.
d. Basic duties of a Hostel General Secretary:
- He/She shall be the foremost representative at the hostel level and shall address all issues pertaining to hostel life of students in the concerned hostel in institute.
- He/She shall coordinate with various councilors to supervise all the council members work to achieve the objectives of Hostel Council.
- He/She shall be a member of and represent his hostel in Hostel General Secretaries’ Committee (HGSC).
- He/She shall conduct at least one Hostel GBM per semester.
- He/She shall present appraisal reports regularly to the Warden.
e. Basic duties of a Warden Nominee:
- He/She shall assist the Hostel General Secretary in fulfilling his basic duties.
- He/She shall take over the duties of the Hostel General Secretary, in his absence.
- He/She shall ensure that Hostel GBM is conducted at least once a semester.
- He/She shall chair the Hostel GBM in absence of the Warden.
f. Basic duties of a Hostel Councilor:
- He/She shall supervise all the activities in his/her sphere and allocate responsibilities to the Hostel Secretaries to achieve objectives of Hostel Council.
- The Hostel Maintenance Councilor shall be a member of and represent his hostel in the Maintenance Committee.
- The Hostel Mess Councilor shall be a member of and represent his hostel in the Mess Committee.
- The Hostel Cultural Councilor shall be a member of and represent his hostel in the Cultural Committee.
- The Hostel Sports Councilor shall be a member of and represent his hostel in the Sports Committee.
- The Hostel Tech Councilor shall be a member of and represent his hostel in the Tech Committee.
- The Hostel System Administrator shall be a member of and represent his hostel in the Network and Computer Committee.
g. Basic duties of a Hostel Secretary:
- He/She shall aim at fulfilling his duties as specified by the Hostel Council to the best of his abilities.
- He/She shall strive to achieve the objectives of the Hostel Council.
Abhyuday is IIT Bombay's annual social festival. It is conducted during the month of January. It aims at conducting various impactful events, exhibitions, lectures, workshops and competitions to instill a sense of responsibility in the youth towards the society and to create awareness about basic human rights.
a. Members of the Council:
- Overall Coordinators, Abhyuday – 2 posts
- Core Team, Abhyuday – Up to a maximum of 22 posts
b. Selection procedure of the Council:
- The Overall Coordinator (OC), Abhyuday will be elected in the Institute Elections, for which electorate consists of all bona fide students of IIT Bombay.
- Nominations would be called for selection of the Core Team.
- The new Overall Coordinators will appoint the Core Team in consultation with the concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
c. Eligibility criteria for the posts mentioned above:
- The General Eligibility criteria mentioned in Clause 7, Rules for serving as a Gymkhana Office Bearer shall apply.
For Overall Coordinator, Abhyuday:
- UG: Should have completed at least 5 semesters in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
In addition to this, the applicant must have held a Gymkhana-recognized positions in one of the 4 Independent bodies, namely, Abhyuday, E-Cell, Mood Indigo and Techfest.
For Abhyuday Core Team Member:
- UG: Should have completed at least 3 semester in the institute
- PG: Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
d. Basic duties of the Overall Coordinator (OC), Abhyuday:
- He/She shall coordinate all the activities of Core Team in all matters concerning Abhyuday, and shall brief from time to time, the concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
- He/She in consultation with Faculty-In-Charge and Core Team shall review the progress of events to be held at the festival in the light of the proposals made and modify (if necessary) the plan of core team, to meet the objectives of Gymkhana.
- He/She will lay down a team structure and delegate basic responsibilities to the all the members of the core team.
- He/She will be a member of the SGEC.
- He/She will conduct at least one GBM in the whole year in the format stated.
- He/She shall submit appraisal reports regularly to concerned Faculty-In-Charge.
e. Basic duties of a Core Team Member, Abhyuday:
- He/She will be in charge of his/her respective spheres and objectives under their purview as specified by the Overall Coordinators.
- He/She shall do to the best of his abilities the duties as specified.
- He/She shall be in charge of all activities in his/her field and will conduct them with diligence as far as possible.
- He/She shall attend the GBM and is answerable.
- He/She is responsible for proper knowledge transfer to the next year’s core team.
Saathi is the LGBTQ+ resource body of IIT Bombay and part of the student Gymkhana. It is run purely by students, with a panel of professors serving as Faculty Advisors for Saathi. It endeavours to achieve its vision through online presence and by organizing sensitization and interactive events. The events include a wide range panning from movie screenings to interactive talks. Saathi has the following primary purposes ,among others:
- Saathi is committed to serving the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning students by creating a “positive space” for LGBTQ+ people to discover and come to terms with themselves in a safe, comforting and confidential environment.
- In keeping with the institute's belief in the dignity and worth of all members of our campus community, Saathi exists to support and affirm students regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression and envisions a campus where LGBTQ members feel welcome and included in every aspect of the IIT Bombay community.
- Saathi shall strive to educate and enhance understanding, acceptance and awareness regarding LGBTQ issues and concerns among the campus community.
- Saathi shall work to promote equality and to eliminate heteronormativity, homophobia, gender identity oppression and end discrimination in all its forms. Saathi shall also strive to provide a safe and accessible space to those individuals who have faced discrimination, harassment, or intimidation because of their sexual orientations and/or gender identities/expressions.
- Saathi shall advocate for institutional policy changes and program development that recognize the needs and rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals.
- In accordance with the institute's mission to prepare students to become contributing, compassionate citizens of the society, Saathi encourages all members of the campus community to participate in our efforts to promote social justice and eliminate discrimination in all its forms.
Members of the council
- Overall Coordinator - 1 Post
- Convener - 3 Posts
- PG Convener - 1 Post (i) Only one PG student can hold the post of a convener provided the PG convener position is already occupied. This is to ensure that PG and UG students are equally represented. (ii) Any member of the council/saathi google group can move impeachment and it will be voted upon by the members of the council in consultation with the Faculty In Charge
Selection Procedure for the Members of the Council
- Overall Co-ordinator Nominations will be called from the institute at the end of the tenure
1. Nominations will be called from the institute at the end of the tenure
2. Members of the Saathi council can self nominate themselves for the position of the forthcoming year’s Overall Co-ordinator
3. The Overall Co-ordinator will be selected by the panel consisting of the Faculty In Charge and the ex- council members in a closed election in a process ratified by the Dean of Student Affairs (DoSA) Convener
4. Conveners will be selected by the outgoing council in consultation with the newly elected Overall Co-ordinator and the Faculty In Charge (i) The members of the previous council can re-select themselves as the nominees of the new
- Convener Conveners will be selected by the outgoing council in consultation with the newly elected Overall Co-ordinator and the Faculty In Charge (i) The members of the previous council can re-select themselves as the nominees of the new council for not more than two continuous terms
- Overall Co-ordinator UG : Should have completed at least 3 semesters in the institute PG : Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute The candidate should not have any active backlogs
- Convener UG : Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute PG : Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
1. UG : Should have completed at least 3 semesters in the institute
2. PG : Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
3. The candidate should not have any active backlogs Convener
4. UG : Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
5. PG : Should have completed at least 1 semester in the institute
Anyone satisfying the following criteria is eligible to become a member of Saathi :
- The person should be holding a valid IIT Bombay identity card or a valid IIT Bombay Alumni identity card issued by the Alumni Association
Scope of work of the members of the council
- The Overall Co-ordinator shall represent Saathi for basic administrative purposes and other official communications
- The Overall Co-ordinator shall preside over the meetings
- The plans and activities shall be decided and executed by the conveners in consultation with the Overall Co-ordinator
- Basic activities such as Gender and Sexuality 101, Queer L!T Live (Mumbai Pride Month) should be compulsorily conducted
Name, Terms, Affiliations
- The group / organisation shall be referred to as “Saathi, IIT Bombay ”
- In the document, “LGBTQ+” shall stand for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,Queer and Questioning; “The institute” or “IITB” shall refer to IIT Bombay; “We” or “The Group” shall refer to Saathi; “Queer” shall refer to people with sexual orientations and/or forms of gender identities/expressions that are not wholly encompassed under any of theterms in LGBTQ+ and different from cisgender heterosexuality
- Saathi shall be an independent body consisting of students, faculty, staff, etc. from IIT Bombay and shall be affiliated to IIT Bombay as it caters exclusively to the needs of the campus community
Anti-Discriminatory and Privacy Policy
- Saathi does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion, caste, creed, race, ethnicity, colour, nationality, class, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation
- All members of Saathi shall respect the privacy and anonymity of every other member of the group
Amends and Repeals
- Considering the varying nature of the environment relating to LGBTQ issues, this constitution shall be revisited every 3 years and amended accordingly
- The quorum for amendments or impeachments is defined to be a two thirds majority among the members physically present during the meetings