variable "region" { default = "us-east-2" } variable "zone" { default = "us-east-2a" } # instance type variable "instance_type" { default = "t3.medium" } variable "bid_price" { default = "0.013" } variable "target_capacity_type" { default = "on-demand" } # Update "project_tag" to match the tagging requirement of the ongoing project variable "project_tag" { default = "single-instance" } # Update "ami_id" variable "ami_id" { default = "ami-05fb0b8c1424f266b" } # Update "key_name" with the key pair name for SSH connection # Note: it is NOT the path of the pem file # you can find it in variable "key_name" { default = "aws-key1" } variable "eip_id" { default = "eipalloc-02216567b103be40a" }