import gradio as gr import bittensor as bt import typing from bittensor.extrinsics.serving import get_metadata from dataclasses import dataclass import requests import wandb import math import os import datetime import time import functools import multiprocessing from dotenv import load_dotenv from huggingface_hub import HfApi from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from tqdm import tqdm load_dotenv() FONT = """""" TITLE = """

Subnet 6 Leaderboard

""" IMAGE = """nousgirl""" HEADER = """

Subnet 17 is a Bittensor subnet that incentivizes the creation of the best image open models by evaluating submissions on a constant stream of newly generated synthetic MidJourney v6 data. The models with the best head-to-head loss on the evaluation data receive a steady emission of TAO.

""" EVALUATION_DETAILS = """Name is the 🤗 Hugging Face model name (click to go to the model card). Rewards / Day are the expected rewards per day for each model. Perplexity is represents the loss on all of the evaluation data for the model as calculated by the validator (lower is better). UID is the Bittensor user id of the submitter. Block is the Bittensor block that the model was submitted in. More stats on taostats.""" EVALUATION_HEADER = """

Shows the latest internal evaluation statistics as calculated by a validator run by Nous Research

""" VALIDATOR_WANDB_PROJECT = os.environ["VALIDATOR_WANDB_PROJECT"] H4_TOKEN = os.environ.get("H4_TOKEN", None) API = HfApi(token=H4_TOKEN) REPO_ID = "PlixAI/pixel-subnet-leaderboard" METAGRAPH_RETRIES = 10 METAGRAPH_DELAY_SECS = 30 METADATA_TTL = 10 NETUID = 17 SUBNET_START_BLOCK = 2225782 SECONDS_PER_BLOCK = 12 SUBTENSOR = os.environ.get("SUBTENSOR") @dataclass class Competition: id: str name: str COMPETITIONS = [Competition(id="m6_xl", name="midjourney-6-sdxl")] DEFAULT_COMPETITION_ID = "m1" def run_in_subprocess(func: functools.partial, ttl: int) -> typing.Any: """Runs the provided function on a subprocess with 'ttl' seconds to complete. Args: func (functools.partial): Function to be run. ttl (int): How long to try for in seconds. Returns: Any: The value returned by 'func' """ def wrapped_func(func: functools.partial, queue: multiprocessing.Queue): try: result = func() queue.put(result) except (Exception, BaseException) as e: # Catch exceptions here to add them to the queue. queue.put(e) # Use "fork" (the default on all POSIX except macOS), because pickling doesn't seem # to work on "spawn". ctx = multiprocessing.get_context("fork") queue = ctx.Queue() process = ctx.Process(target=wrapped_func, args=[func, queue]) process.start() process.join(timeout=ttl) if process.is_alive(): process.terminate() process.join() raise TimeoutError(f"Failed to {func.func.__name__} after {ttl} seconds") # Raises an error if the queue is empty. This is fine. It means our subprocess timed out. result = queue.get(block=False) # If we put an exception on the queue then raise instead of returning. if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result if isinstance(result, BaseException): raise Exception(f"BaseException raised in subprocess: {str(result)}") return result def get_subtensor_and_metagraph() -> typing.Tuple[bt.subtensor, bt.metagraph]: for i in range(0, METAGRAPH_RETRIES): try: print("Connecting to subtensor...") subtensor: bt.subtensor = bt.subtensor(SUBTENSOR) print("Pulling metagraph...") metagraph: bt.metagraph = subtensor.metagraph(NETUID, lite=False) return subtensor, metagraph except Exception as e: print(e) if i == METAGRAPH_RETRIES - 1: raise print(f"Error connecting to subtensor or pulling metagraph, retry {i + 1} of {METAGRAPH_RETRIES} in {METAGRAPH_DELAY_SECS} seconds...") time.sleep(METAGRAPH_DELAY_SECS) raise RuntimeError() @dataclass class ModelData: uid: int hotkey: str namespace: str name: str commit: str hash: str block: int incentive: float emission: float competition: str @classmethod def from_compressed_str(cls, uid: int, hotkey: str, cs: str, block: int, incentive: float, emission: float): """Returns an instance of this class from a compressed string representation""" tokens = cs.split(":") return ModelData( uid=uid, hotkey=hotkey, namespace=tokens[0], name=tokens[1], commit=tokens[2] if tokens[2] != "None" else "", hash=tokens[3] if tokens[3] != "None" else "", competition=tokens[4] if len(tokens) > 4 and tokens[4] != "None" else DEFAULT_COMPETITION_ID, block=block, incentive=incentive, emission=emission ) def get_tao_price() -> float: for i in range(0, METAGRAPH_RETRIES): try: return float(requests.get("").json()["price"]) except Exception as e: print(e) if i == METAGRAPH_RETRIES - 1: raise time.sleep(METAGRAPH_DELAY_SECS) raise RuntimeError() def get_validator_weights(metagraph: bt.metagraph) -> typing.Dict[int, typing.Tuple[float, int, typing.Dict[int, float]]]: ret = {} for uid in metagraph.uids.tolist(): vtrust = metagraph.validator_trust[uid].item() if vtrust > 0: ret[uid] = (vtrust, metagraph.S[uid].item(), {}) for ouid in metagraph.uids.tolist(): if ouid == uid: continue weight = round(metagraph.weights[uid][ouid].item(), 4) if weight > 0: ret[uid][-1][ouid] = weight return ret def get_subnet_data(subtensor: bt.subtensor, metagraph: bt.metagraph) -> typing.List[ModelData]: result = [] for uid in tqdm(metagraph.uids.tolist(), desc="Metadata for hotkeys"): hotkey = metagraph.hotkeys[uid] try: # Wrap calls to the subtensor in a subprocess with a timeout to handle potential hangs. partial = functools.partial(get_metadata, subtensor, metagraph.netuid, hotkey) metadata = run_in_subprocess(partial, METADATA_TTL) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: metadata = None if not metadata: continue commitment = metadata["info"]["fields"][0] hex_data = commitment[list(commitment.keys())[0]][2:] chain_str = bytes.fromhex(hex_data).decode() block = metadata["block"] incentive = metagraph.incentive[uid].nan_to_num().item() emission = metagraph.emission[uid].nan_to_num().item() * 20 # convert to daily TAO model_data = None try: model_data = ModelData.from_compressed_str(uid, hotkey, chain_str, block, incentive, emission) except: continue result.append(model_data) return result def floatable(x) -> bool: return (isinstance(x, float) and not math.isnan(x) and not math.isinf(x)) or isinstance(x, int) def get_float_score(key: str, history, competition_id: str) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[float], bool]: if key in history and "competition_id" in history: data = list(history[key]) if len(data) > 0: competitions = list(history["competition_id"]) while True: if competitions.pop() != competition_id: data.pop() continue if floatable(data[-1]): return float(data[-1]), True else: data = [float(x) for x in data if floatable(x)] if len(data) > 0: return float(data[-1]), False break return None, False def get_sample(uid, history, competition_id: str) -> typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[str, str, str]]: prompt_key = f"sample_prompt_data.{uid}" response_key = f"sample_response_data.{uid}" truth_key = f"sample_truth_data.{uid}" if prompt_key in history and response_key in history and truth_key in history and "competition_id" in history: competitions = list(history["competition_id"]) prompts = list(history[prompt_key]) responses = list(history[response_key]) truths = list(history[truth_key]) while True: prompt = prompts.pop() response = responses.pop() truth = truths.pop() if competitions.pop() != competition_id: continue if isinstance(prompt, str) and isinstance(response, str) and isinstance(truth, str): return prompt, response, truth break return None def get_scores(uids: typing.List[int], competition_id: str) -> typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[str, typing.Optional[float | str]]]: api = wandb.Api() runs = list(api.runs(VALIDATOR_WANDB_PROJECT)) result = {} for run in runs: history = run.history() for uid in uids: if uid in result.keys(): continue perplexity, perplexity_fresh = get_float_score(f"perplexity_data.{uid}", history, competition_id) win_rate, win_rate_fresh = get_float_score(f"win_rate_data.{uid}", history, competition_id) win_total, win_total_fresh = get_float_score(f"win_total_data.{uid}", history, competition_id) weight, weight_fresh = get_float_score(f"weight_data.{uid}", history, competition_id) sample = get_sample(uid, history, competition_id) result[uid] = { "perplexity": perplexity, "win_rate": win_rate, "win_total": win_total, "weight": weight, "sample": sample, "fresh": perplexity_fresh and win_rate_fresh and win_total_fresh } if len(result.keys()) == len(uids): break return result def format_score(uid, scores, key) -> typing.Optional[float]: if uid in scores: if key in scores[uid]: point = scores[uid][key] if floatable(point): return round(scores[uid][key], 4) return None def next_tempo(start_block, tempo, block): start_num = start_block + tempo intervals = (block - start_num) // tempo nearest_num = start_num + ((intervals + 1) * tempo) return nearest_num subtensor, metagraph = get_subtensor_and_metagraph() tao_price = get_tao_price() leaderboard_df = get_subnet_data(subtensor, metagraph) leaderboard_df.sort(key=lambda x: x.incentive, reverse=True) competition_scores = { get_scores([x.uid for x in leaderboard_df if x.competition ==], for y in COMPETITIONS } current_block = metagraph.block.item() next_update = next_tempo( SUBNET_START_BLOCK, subtensor.get_subnet_hyperparameters(NETUID).tempo, current_block ) blocks_to_go = next_update - current_block current_time = next_update_time = current_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=blocks_to_go * SECONDS_PER_BLOCK) validator_df = get_validator_weights(metagraph) weight_keys = set() for uid, stats in validator_df.items(): weight_keys.update(stats[-1].keys()) def get_next_update(): now = delta = next_update_time - now return f"""
Next reward update: {blocks_to_go} blocks (~{int(delta.total_seconds() // 60)} minutes)
""" def leaderboard_data(show_stale: bool, scores: typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[str, typing.Optional[float | str]]], competition_id: str): value = [ [ f'[{c.namespace}/{} ({c.commit[0:8]}, UID={c.uid})]({c.namespace}/{}/commit/{c.commit})', format_score(c.uid, scores, "win_rate"), format_score(c.uid, scores, "perplexity"), format_score(c.uid, scores, "weight"), c.uid, c.block ] for c in leaderboard_df if c.competition == competition_id and (scores[c.uid]["fresh"] or show_stale) ] return value demo = gr.Blocks(css=".typewriter {font-family: 'JMH Typewriter', sans-serif;}") with demo: gr.HTML(FONT) gr.HTML(TITLE) gr.HTML(IMAGE) gr.HTML(HEADER) gr.HTML(value=get_next_update()) with gr.Tabs(): for competition in COMPETITIONS: with gr.Tab( scores = competition_scores[] print(scores) class_denominator = sum(leaderboard_df[i].incentive for i in range(len(leaderboard_df)) if i < 10 and leaderboard_df[i].incentive and leaderboard_df[i].competition == class_values = { f"{leaderboard_df[i].namespace}/{leaderboard_df[i].name} ({leaderboard_df[i].commit[0:8]}, UID={leaderboard_df[i].uid}) · ${round(leaderboard_df[i].emission * tao_price, 2):,} (τ{round(leaderboard_df[i].emission, 2):,})": \ leaderboard_df[i].incentive / class_denominator for i in range(len(leaderboard_df)) if i < 10 and leaderboard_df[i].incentive and leaderboard_df[i].competition == } gr.Label( value=class_values, num_top_classes=10, ) with gr.Accordion("Evaluation Stats"): gr.HTML(EVALUATION_HEADER) with gr.Tabs(): for entry in leaderboard_df: if entry.competition == sample = scores[entry.uid]["sample"] if sample is not None: name = f"{entry.namespace}/{} ({entry.commit[0:8]}, UID={entry.uid})" with gr.Tab(name): gr.Chatbot([(sample[0], sample[1])]) # gr.Chatbot([(sample[0], f"*{name}*: {sample[1]}"), (None, f"*GPT-4*: {sample[2]}")]) show_stale = gr.Checkbox(label="Show Stale", interactive=True) leaderboard_table = gr.components.Dataframe( value=leaderboard_data(show_stale.value, scores,, headers=["Name", "Win Rate", "Perplexity", "Weight", "UID", "Block"], datatype=["markdown", "number", "number", "number", "number", "number"], elem_id="leaderboard-table", interactive=False, visible=True, ) gr.HTML(EVALUATION_DETAILS) show_stale.change(lambda x: leaderboard_data(x, scores,, [show_stale], leaderboard_table) with gr.Accordion("Validator Stats"): validator_table = gr.components.Dataframe( value=[ [uid, int(validator_df[uid][1]), round(validator_df[uid][0], 4)] + [validator_df[uid][-1].get(c.uid) for c in leaderboard_df if c.incentive] for uid, _ in sorted( zip(validator_df.keys(), [validator_df[x][1] for x in validator_df.keys()]), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True ) ], headers=["UID", "Stake (τ)", "V-Trust"] + [f"{c.namespace}/{} ({c.commit[0:8]}, UID={c.uid})" for c in leaderboard_df if c.incentive], datatype=["number", "number", "number"] + ["number" for c in leaderboard_df if c.incentive], interactive=False, visible=True, ) def restart_space(): API.restart_space(repo_id=REPO_ID, token=H4_TOKEN) scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() scheduler.add_job(restart_space, "interval", seconds=60 * 15) # restart every 15 minutes scheduler.start() demo.launch()