protpardelle / core /
Simon Duerr
fix: train path, update draw samples
history blame
91.5 kB
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2022 Justas Dauparas
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Adapted from original code by alexechu.
import json, time, os, sys, glob
import shutil
import warnings
import copy
import random
import os.path
import subprocess
import itertools
from einops.layers.torch import Rearrange
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import optim
from import DataLoader
from import random_split, Subset
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
def get_mpnn_model(model_name='v_48_020', path_to_model_weights='', ca_only=False, backbone_noise=0.0, verbose=False, device=None):
hidden_dim = 128
num_layers = 3
if device is None:
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if (torch.cuda.is_available()) else "cpu")
if path_to_model_weights:
model_folder_path = path_to_model_weights
if model_folder_path[-1] != '/':
model_folder_path = model_folder_path + '/'
file_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
k = file_path.rfind("/")
k = file_path[:k].rfind("/")
if ca_only:
model_folder_path = file_path[:k] + '/ProteinMPNN/ca_model_weights/'
model_folder_path = file_path[:k] + '/ProteinMPNN/vanilla_model_weights/'
checkpoint_path = model_folder_path + f'{model_name}.pt'
checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=device)
noise_level_print = checkpoint['noise_level']
model = ProteinMPNN(ca_only=ca_only, num_letters=21, node_features=hidden_dim, edge_features=hidden_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim,
num_encoder_layers=num_layers, num_decoder_layers=num_layers, augment_eps=backbone_noise, k_neighbors=checkpoint['num_edges'])
if verbose:
print('Model loaded...')
print('Number of edges:', checkpoint['num_edges'])
print(f'Training noise level: {noise_level_print}A')
return model
def run_proteinmpnn(model=None, pdb_path='', pdb_path_chains='', path_to_model_weights='', model_name='v_48_020', seed=0, ca_only=False, out_folder='', num_seq_per_target=1, batch_size=1, sampling_temps=[0.1], backbone_noise=0.0, max_length=200000, omit_AAs=[], print_all=False,
chain_id_jsonl='', fixed_positions_jsonl='', pssm_jsonl='', omit_AA_jsonl='', bias_AA_jsonl='', tied_positions_jsonl='', bias_by_res_jsonl='', jsonl_path='',
pssm_threshold=0.0, pssm_multi=0.0, pssm_log_odds_flag=False, pssm_bias_flag=False, write_output_files=False):
if model is None:
model = get_mpnn_model(model_name=model_name, path_to_model_weights=path_to_model_weights, ca_only=ca_only, backbone_noise=backbone_noise, verbose=print_all)
if seed:
seed=int(np.random.randint(0, high=999, size=1, dtype=int)[0])
NUM_BATCHES = num_seq_per_target//batch_size
BATCH_COPIES = batch_size
temperatures = sampling_temps
omit_AAs_list = omit_AAs
alphabet_dict = dict(zip(alphabet, range(21)))
omit_AAs_np = np.array([AA in omit_AAs_list for AA in alphabet]).astype(np.float32)
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if (torch.cuda.is_available()) else "cpu")
if os.path.isfile(chain_id_jsonl):
with open(chain_id_jsonl, 'r') as json_file:
json_list = list(json_file)
for json_str in json_list:
chain_id_dict = json.loads(json_str)
chain_id_dict = None
if print_all:
print('chain_id_jsonl is NOT loaded')
if os.path.isfile(fixed_positions_jsonl):
with open(fixed_positions_jsonl, 'r') as json_file:
json_list = list(json_file)
for json_str in json_list:
fixed_positions_dict = json.loads(json_str)
if print_all:
print('fixed_positions_jsonl is NOT loaded')
fixed_positions_dict = None
if os.path.isfile(pssm_jsonl):
with open(pssm_jsonl, 'r') as json_file:
json_list = list(json_file)
pssm_dict = {}
for json_str in json_list:
if print_all:
print('pssm_jsonl is NOT loaded')
pssm_dict = None
if os.path.isfile(omit_AA_jsonl):
with open(omit_AA_jsonl, 'r') as json_file:
json_list = list(json_file)
for json_str in json_list:
omit_AA_dict = json.loads(json_str)
if print_all:
print('omit_AA_jsonl is NOT loaded')
omit_AA_dict = None
if os.path.isfile(bias_AA_jsonl):
with open(bias_AA_jsonl, 'r') as json_file:
json_list = list(json_file)
for json_str in json_list:
bias_AA_dict = json.loads(json_str)
if print_all:
print('bias_AA_jsonl is NOT loaded')
bias_AA_dict = None
if os.path.isfile(tied_positions_jsonl):
with open(tied_positions_jsonl, 'r') as json_file:
json_list = list(json_file)
for json_str in json_list:
tied_positions_dict = json.loads(json_str)
if print_all:
print('tied_positions_jsonl is NOT loaded')
tied_positions_dict = None
if os.path.isfile(bias_by_res_jsonl):
with open(bias_by_res_jsonl, 'r') as json_file:
json_list = list(json_file)
for json_str in json_list:
bias_by_res_dict = json.loads(json_str)
if print_all:
print('bias by residue dictionary is loaded')
if print_all:
print('bias by residue dictionary is not loaded, or not provided')
bias_by_res_dict = None
if print_all:
bias_AAs_np = np.zeros(len(alphabet))
if bias_AA_dict:
for n, AA in enumerate(alphabet):
if AA in list(bias_AA_dict.keys()):
bias_AAs_np[n] = bias_AA_dict[AA]
if pdb_path:
pdb_dict_list = parse_PDB(pdb_path, ca_only=ca_only)
dataset_valid = StructureDatasetPDB(pdb_dict_list, truncate=None, max_length=max_length)
all_chain_list = [item[-1:] for item in list(pdb_dict_list[0]) if item[:9]=='seq_chain'] #['A','B', 'C',...]
if pdb_path_chains:
designed_chain_list = [str(item) for item in pdb_path_chains.split()]
designed_chain_list = all_chain_list
fixed_chain_list = [letter for letter in all_chain_list if letter not in designed_chain_list]
chain_id_dict = {}
chain_id_dict[pdb_dict_list[0]['name']]= (designed_chain_list, fixed_chain_list)
dataset_valid = StructureDataset(jsonl_path, truncate=None, max_length=max_length, verbose=print_all)
# Build paths for experiment
if write_output_files:
folder_for_outputs = out_folder
base_folder = folder_for_outputs
if base_folder[-1] != '/':
base_folder = base_folder + '/'
if not os.path.exists(base_folder):
if not os.path.exists(base_folder + 'seqs'):
os.makedirs(base_folder + 'seqs')
# if args.save_score:
# if not os.path.exists(base_folder + 'scores'):
# os.makedirs(base_folder + 'scores')
# if args.score_only:
# if not os.path.exists(base_folder + 'score_only'):
# os.makedirs(base_folder + 'score_only')
# if args.conditional_probs_only:
# if not os.path.exists(base_folder + 'conditional_probs_only'):
# os.makedirs(base_folder + 'conditional_probs_only')
# if args.unconditional_probs_only:
# if not os.path.exists(base_folder + 'unconditional_probs_only'):
# os.makedirs(base_folder + 'unconditional_probs_only')
# if args.save_probs:
# if not os.path.exists(base_folder + 'probs'):
# os.makedirs(base_folder + 'probs')
# Timing
start_time = time.time()
total_residues = 0
protein_list = []
total_step = 0
# Validation epoch
new_mpnn_seqs = []
with torch.no_grad():
test_sum, test_weights = 0., 0.
for ix, protein in enumerate(dataset_valid):
score_list = []
global_score_list = []
all_probs_list = []
all_log_probs_list = []
S_sample_list = []
batch_clones = [copy.deepcopy(protein) for i in range(BATCH_COPIES)]
X, S, mask, lengths, chain_M, chain_encoding_all, chain_list_list, visible_list_list, masked_list_list, masked_chain_length_list_list, chain_M_pos, omit_AA_mask, residue_idx, dihedral_mask, tied_pos_list_of_lists_list, pssm_coef, pssm_bias, pssm_log_odds_all, bias_by_res_all, tied_beta = tied_featurize(batch_clones, device, chain_id_dict, fixed_positions_dict, omit_AA_dict, tied_positions_dict, pssm_dict, bias_by_res_dict, ca_only=ca_only)
pssm_log_odds_mask = (pssm_log_odds_all > pssm_threshold).float() #1.0 for true, 0.0 for false
name_ = batch_clones[0]['name']
if False:
# if args.score_only:
# loop_c = 0
# if args.path_to_fasta:
# fasta_names, fasta_seqs = parse_fasta(args.path_to_fasta, omit=["/"])
# loop_c = len(fasta_seqs)
# for fc in range(1+loop_c):
# if fc == 0:
# structure_sequence_score_file = base_folder + '/score_only/' + batch_clones[0]['name'] + f'_pdb'
# else:
# structure_sequence_score_file = base_folder + '/score_only/' + batch_clones[0]['name'] + f'_fasta_{fc}'
# native_score_list = []
# global_native_score_list = []
# if fc > 0:
# input_seq_length = len(fasta_seqs[fc-1])
# S_input = torch.tensor([alphabet_dict[AA] for AA in fasta_seqs[fc-1]], device=device)[None,:].repeat(X.shape[0], 1)
# S[:,:input_seq_length] = S_input #assumes that S and S_input are alphabetically sorted for masked_chains
# for j in range(NUM_BATCHES):
# randn_1 = torch.randn(chain_M.shape, device=X.device)
# log_probs = model(X, S, mask, chain_M*chain_M_pos, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all, randn_1)
# mask_for_loss = mask*chain_M*chain_M_pos
# scores = _scores(S, log_probs, mask_for_loss)
# native_score = scores.cpu().data.numpy()
# native_score_list.append(native_score)
# global_scores = _scores(S, log_probs, mask)
# global_native_score = global_scores.cpu().data.numpy()
# global_native_score_list.append(global_native_score)
# native_score = np.concatenate(native_score_list, 0)
# global_native_score = np.concatenate(global_native_score_list, 0)
# ns_mean = native_score.mean()
# ns_mean_print = np.format_float_positional(np.float32(ns_mean), unique=False, precision=4)
# ns_std = native_score.std()
# ns_std_print = np.format_float_positional(np.float32(ns_std), unique=False, precision=4)
# global_ns_mean = global_native_score.mean()
# global_ns_mean_print = np.format_float_positional(np.float32(global_ns_mean), unique=False, precision=4)
# global_ns_std = global_native_score.std()
# global_ns_std_print = np.format_float_positional(np.float32(global_ns_std), unique=False, precision=4)
# ns_sample_size = native_score.shape[0]
# seq_str = _S_to_seq(S[0,], chain_M[0,])
# np.savez(structure_sequence_score_file, score=native_score, global_score=global_native_score, S=S[0,].cpu().numpy(), seq_str=seq_str)
# if print_all:
# if fc == 0:
# print(f'Score for {name_} from PDB, mean: {ns_mean_print}, std: {ns_std_print}, sample size: {ns_sample_size}, global score, mean: {global_ns_mean_print}, std: {global_ns_std_print}, sample size: {ns_sample_size}')
# else:
# print(f'Score for {name_}_{fc} from FASTA, mean: {ns_mean_print}, std: {ns_std_print}, sample size: {ns_sample_size}, global score, mean: {global_ns_mean_print}, std: {global_ns_std_print}, sample size: {ns_sample_size}')
# elif args.conditional_probs_only:
# if print_all:
# print(f'Calculating conditional probabilities for {name_}')
# conditional_probs_only_file = base_folder + '/conditional_probs_only/' + batch_clones[0]['name']
# log_conditional_probs_list = []
# for j in range(NUM_BATCHES):
# randn_1 = torch.randn(chain_M.shape, device=X.device)
# log_conditional_probs = model.conditional_probs(X, S, mask, chain_M*chain_M_pos, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all, randn_1, args.conditional_probs_only_backbone)
# log_conditional_probs_list.append(log_conditional_probs.cpu().numpy())
# concat_log_p = np.concatenate(log_conditional_probs_list, 0) #[B, L, 21]
# mask_out = (chain_M*chain_M_pos*mask)[0,].cpu().numpy()
# np.savez(conditional_probs_only_file, log_p=concat_log_p, S=S[0,].cpu().numpy(), mask=mask[0,].cpu().numpy(), design_mask=mask_out)
# elif args.unconditional_probs_only:
# if print_all:
# print(f'Calculating sequence unconditional probabilities for {name_}')
# unconditional_probs_only_file = base_folder + '/unconditional_probs_only/' + batch_clones[0]['name']
# log_unconditional_probs_list = []
# for j in range(NUM_BATCHES):
# log_unconditional_probs = model.unconditional_probs(X, mask, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all)
# log_unconditional_probs_list.append(log_unconditional_probs.cpu().numpy())
# concat_log_p = np.concatenate(log_unconditional_probs_list, 0) #[B, L, 21]
# mask_out = (chain_M*chain_M_pos*mask)[0,].cpu().numpy()
# np.savez(unconditional_probs_only_file, log_p=concat_log_p, S=S[0,].cpu().numpy(), mask=mask[0,].cpu().numpy(), design_mask=mask_out)
randn_1 = torch.randn(chain_M.shape, device=X.device)
log_probs = model(X, S, mask, chain_M*chain_M_pos, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all, randn_1)
mask_for_loss = mask*chain_M*chain_M_pos
scores = _scores(S, log_probs, mask_for_loss) #score only the redesigned part
native_score = scores.cpu().data.numpy()
global_scores = _scores(S, log_probs, mask) #score the whole structure-sequence
global_native_score = global_scores.cpu().data.numpy()
# Generate some sequences
if write_output_files:
ali_file = base_folder + '/seqs/' + batch_clones[0]['name'] + '.fa'
score_file = base_folder + '/scores/' + batch_clones[0]['name'] + '.npz'
probs_file = base_folder + '/probs/' + batch_clones[0]['name'] + '.npz'
f = open(ali_file, 'w')
if print_all:
print(f'Generating sequences for: {name_}')
t0 = time.time()
for temp in temperatures:
for j in range(NUM_BATCHES):
randn_2 = torch.randn(chain_M.shape, device=X.device)
if tied_positions_dict == None:
sample_dict = model.sample(X, randn_2, S, chain_M, chain_encoding_all, residue_idx, mask=mask, temperature=temp, omit_AAs_np=omit_AAs_np, bias_AAs_np=bias_AAs_np, chain_M_pos=chain_M_pos, omit_AA_mask=omit_AA_mask, pssm_coef=pssm_coef, pssm_bias=pssm_bias, pssm_multi=pssm_multi, pssm_log_odds_flag=bool(pssm_log_odds_flag), pssm_log_odds_mask=pssm_log_odds_mask, pssm_bias_flag=bool(pssm_bias_flag), bias_by_res=bias_by_res_all)
S_sample = sample_dict["S"]
sample_dict = model.tied_sample(X, randn_2, S, chain_M, chain_encoding_all, residue_idx, mask=mask, temperature=temp, omit_AAs_np=omit_AAs_np, bias_AAs_np=bias_AAs_np, chain_M_pos=chain_M_pos, omit_AA_mask=omit_AA_mask, pssm_coef=pssm_coef, pssm_bias=pssm_bias, pssm_multi=pssm_multi, pssm_log_odds_flag=bool(pssm_log_odds_flag), pssm_log_odds_mask=pssm_log_odds_mask, pssm_bias_flag=bool(pssm_bias_flag), tied_pos=tied_pos_list_of_lists_list[0], tied_beta=tied_beta, bias_by_res=bias_by_res_all)
# Compute scores
S_sample = sample_dict["S"]
log_probs = model(X, S_sample, mask, chain_M*chain_M_pos, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all, randn_2, use_input_decoding_order=True, decoding_order=sample_dict["decoding_order"])
mask_for_loss = mask*chain_M*chain_M_pos
scores = _scores(S_sample, log_probs, mask_for_loss)
scores = scores.cpu().data.numpy()
global_scores = _scores(S_sample, log_probs, mask) #score the whole structure-sequence
global_scores = global_scores.cpu().data.numpy()
for b_ix in range(BATCH_COPIES):
masked_chain_length_list = masked_chain_length_list_list[b_ix]
masked_list = masked_list_list[b_ix]
seq_recovery_rate = torch.sum(torch.sum(torch.nn.functional.one_hot(S[b_ix], 21)*torch.nn.functional.one_hot(S_sample[b_ix], 21),axis=-1)*mask_for_loss[b_ix])/torch.sum(mask_for_loss[b_ix])
seq = _S_to_seq(S_sample[b_ix], chain_M[b_ix])
score = scores[b_ix]
global_score = global_scores[b_ix]
native_seq = _S_to_seq(S[b_ix], chain_M[b_ix])
if b_ix == 0 and j==0 and temp==temperatures[0]:
start = 0
end = 0
list_of_AAs = []
for mask_l in masked_chain_length_list:
end += mask_l
start = end
native_seq = "".join(list(np.array(list_of_AAs)[np.argsort(masked_list)]))
l0 = 0
for mc_length in list(np.array(masked_chain_length_list)[np.argsort(masked_list)])[:-1]:
l0 += mc_length
native_seq = native_seq[:l0] + '/' + native_seq[l0:]
l0 += 1
sorted_masked_chain_letters = np.argsort(masked_list_list[0])
print_masked_chains = [masked_list_list[0][i] for i in sorted_masked_chain_letters]
sorted_visible_chain_letters = np.argsort(visible_list_list[0])
print_visible_chains = [visible_list_list[0][i] for i in sorted_visible_chain_letters]
native_score_print = np.format_float_positional(np.float32(native_score.mean()), unique=False, precision=4)
global_native_score_print = np.format_float_positional(np.float32(global_native_score.mean()), unique=False, precision=4)
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
commit_str = subprocess.check_output(f'git --git-dir {script_dir}/.git rev-parse HEAD', shell=True, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode().strip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
commit_str = 'unknown'
if ca_only:
print_model_name = 'CA_model_name'
print_model_name = 'model_name'
if write_output_files:
f.write('>{}, score={}, global_score={}, fixed_chains={}, designed_chains={}, {}={}, git_hash={}, seed={}\n{}\n'.format(name_, native_score_print, global_native_score_print, print_visible_chains, print_masked_chains, print_model_name, model_name, commit_str, seed, native_seq)) #write the native sequence
start = 0
end = 0
list_of_AAs = []
for mask_l in masked_chain_length_list:
end += mask_l
start = end
seq = "".join(list(np.array(list_of_AAs)[np.argsort(masked_list)]))
l0 = 0
for mc_length in list(np.array(masked_chain_length_list)[np.argsort(masked_list)])[:-1]:
l0 += mc_length
seq = seq[:l0] + '/' + seq[l0:]
l0 += 1
score_print = np.format_float_positional(np.float32(score), unique=False, precision=4)
global_score_print = np.format_float_positional(np.float32(global_score), unique=False, precision=4)
seq_rec_print = np.format_float_positional(np.float32(seq_recovery_rate.detach().cpu().numpy()), unique=False, precision=4)
sample_number = j*BATCH_COPIES+b_ix+1
if write_output_files:
f.write('>T={}, sample={}, score={}, global_score={}, seq_recovery={}\n{}\n'.format(temp,sample_number,score_print,global_score_print,seq_rec_print,seq)) #write generated sequence
# if args.save_score:
# np.savez(score_file, score=np.array(score_list, np.float32), global_score=np.array(global_score_list, np.float32))
# if args.save_probs:
# all_probs_concat = np.concatenate(all_probs_list)
# all_log_probs_concat = np.concatenate(all_log_probs_list)
# S_sample_concat = np.concatenate(S_sample_list)
# np.savez(probs_file, probs=np.array(all_probs_concat, np.float32), log_probs=np.array(all_log_probs_concat, np.float32), S=np.array(S_sample_concat, np.int32), mask=mask_for_loss.cpu().data.numpy(), chain_order=chain_list_list)
t1 = time.time()
dt = round(float(t1-t0), 4)
num_seqs = len(temperatures)*NUM_BATCHES*BATCH_COPIES
total_length = X.shape[1]
if print_all:
print(f'{num_seqs} sequences of length {total_length} generated in {dt} seconds')
if write_output_files:
return new_mpnn_seqs
def parse_fasta(filename,limit=-1, omit=[]):
header = []
sequence = []
lines = open(filename, "r")
for line in lines:
line = line.rstrip()
if line[0] == ">":
if len(header) == limit:
if omit:
line = [item for item in line if item not in omit]
line = ''.join(line)
line = ''.join(line)
sequence = [''.join(seq) for seq in sequence]
return np.array(header), np.array(sequence)
def _scores(S, log_probs, mask):
""" Negative log probabilities """
criterion = torch.nn.NLLLoss(reduction='none')
loss = criterion(
scores = torch.sum(loss * mask, dim=-1) / torch.sum(mask, dim=-1)
return scores
def _S_to_seq(S, mask):
seq = ''.join([alphabet[c] for c, m in zip(S.tolist(), mask.tolist()) if m > 0])
return seq
def parse_PDB_biounits(x, atoms=['N','CA','C'], chain=None):
input: x = PDB filename
atoms = atoms to extract (optional)
output: (length, atoms, coords=(x,y,z)), sequence
states = len(alpha_1)
alpha_3 = ['ALA','ARG','ASN','ASP','CYS','GLN','GLU','GLY','HIS','ILE',
aa_1_N = {a:n for n,a in enumerate(alpha_1)}
aa_3_N = {a:n for n,a in enumerate(alpha_3)}
aa_N_1 = {n:a for n,a in enumerate(alpha_1)}
aa_1_3 = {a:b for a,b in zip(alpha_1,alpha_3)}
aa_3_1 = {b:a for a,b in zip(alpha_1,alpha_3)}
def AA_to_N(x):
# ["ARND"] -> [[0,1,2,3]]
x = np.array(x);
if x.ndim == 0: x = x[None]
return [[aa_1_N.get(a, states-1) for a in y] for y in x]
def N_to_AA(x):
# [[0,1,2,3]] -> ["ARND"]
x = np.array(x);
if x.ndim == 1: x = x[None]
return ["".join([aa_N_1.get(a,"-") for a in y]) for y in x]
xyz,seq,min_resn,max_resn = {},{},1e6,-1e6
for line in open(x,"rb"):
line = line.decode("utf-8","ignore").rstrip()
if line[:6] == "HETATM" and line[17:17+3] == "MSE":
line = line.replace("HETATM","ATOM ")
line = line.replace("MSE","MET")
if line[:4] == "ATOM":
ch = line[21:22]
if ch == chain or chain is None:
atom = line[12:12+4].strip()
resi = line[17:17+3]
resn = line[22:22+5].strip()
x,y,z = [float(line[i:(i+8)]) for i in [30,38,46]]
if resn[-1].isalpha():
resa,resn = resn[-1],int(resn[:-1])-1
resa,resn = "",int(resn)-1
# resn = int(resn)
if resn < min_resn:
min_resn = resn
if resn > max_resn:
max_resn = resn
if resn not in xyz:
xyz[resn] = {}
if resa not in xyz[resn]:
xyz[resn][resa] = {}
if resn not in seq:
seq[resn] = {}
if resa not in seq[resn]:
seq[resn][resa] = resi
if atom not in xyz[resn][resa]:
xyz[resn][resa][atom] = np.array([x,y,z])
# convert to numpy arrays, fill in missing values
seq_,xyz_ = [],[]
for resn in range(min_resn,max_resn+1):
if resn in seq:
for k in sorted(seq[resn]): seq_.append(aa_3_N.get(seq[resn][k],20))
else: seq_.append(20)
if resn in xyz:
for k in sorted(xyz[resn]):
for atom in atoms:
if atom in xyz[resn][k]: xyz_.append(xyz[resn][k][atom])
else: xyz_.append(np.full(3,np.nan))
for atom in atoms: xyz_.append(np.full(3,np.nan))
return np.array(xyz_).reshape(-1,len(atoms),3), N_to_AA(np.array(seq_))
except TypeError:
return 'no_chain', 'no_chain'
def parse_PDB(path_to_pdb, input_chain_list=None, ca_only=False):
pdb_dict_list = []
init_alphabet = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G','H', 'I', 'J','K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T','U', 'V','W','X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g','h', 'i', 'j','k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't','u', 'v','w','x', 'y', 'z']
extra_alphabet = [str(item) for item in list(np.arange(300))]
chain_alphabet = init_alphabet + extra_alphabet
if input_chain_list:
chain_alphabet = input_chain_list
biounit_names = [path_to_pdb]
for biounit in biounit_names:
my_dict = {}
s = 0
concat_seq = ''
concat_N = []
concat_CA = []
concat_C = []
concat_O = []
concat_mask = []
coords_dict = {}
for letter in chain_alphabet:
if ca_only:
sidechain_atoms = ['CA']
sidechain_atoms = ['N', 'CA', 'C', 'O']
xyz, seq = parse_PDB_biounits(biounit, atoms=sidechain_atoms, chain=letter)
if type(xyz) != str:
concat_seq += seq[0]
coords_dict_chain = {}
if ca_only:
coords_dict_chain['N_chain_' + letter] = xyz[:, 0, :].tolist()
coords_dict_chain['CA_chain_' + letter] = xyz[:, 1, :].tolist()
coords_dict_chain['C_chain_' + letter] = xyz[:, 2, :].tolist()
coords_dict_chain['O_chain_' + letter] = xyz[:, 3, :].tolist()
s += 1
fi = biounit.rfind("/")
my_dict['num_of_chains'] = s
my_dict['seq'] = concat_seq
if s <= len(chain_alphabet):
return pdb_dict_list
def tied_featurize(batch, device, chain_dict, fixed_position_dict=None, omit_AA_dict=None, tied_positions_dict=None, pssm_dict=None, bias_by_res_dict=None, ca_only=False):
""" Pack and pad batch into torch tensors """
B = len(batch)
lengths = np.array([len(b['seq']) for b in batch], dtype=np.int32) #sum of chain seq lengths
L_max = max([len(b['seq']) for b in batch])
if ca_only:
X = np.zeros([B, L_max, 1, 3])
X = np.zeros([B, L_max, 4, 3])
residue_idx = -100*np.ones([B, L_max], dtype=np.int32)
chain_M = np.zeros([B, L_max], dtype=np.int32) #1.0 for the bits that need to be predicted
pssm_coef_all = np.zeros([B, L_max], dtype=np.float32) #1.0 for the bits that need to be predicted
pssm_bias_all = np.zeros([B, L_max, 21], dtype=np.float32) #1.0 for the bits that need to be predicted
pssm_log_odds_all = 10000.0*np.ones([B, L_max, 21], dtype=np.float32) #1.0 for the bits that need to be predicted
chain_M_pos = np.zeros([B, L_max], dtype=np.int32) #1.0 for the bits that need to be predicted
bias_by_res_all = np.zeros([B, L_max, 21], dtype=np.float32)
chain_encoding_all = np.zeros([B, L_max], dtype=np.int32) #1.0 for the bits that need to be predicted
S = np.zeros([B, L_max], dtype=np.int32)
omit_AA_mask = np.zeros([B, L_max, len(alphabet)], dtype=np.int32)
# Build the batch
letter_list_list = []
visible_list_list = []
masked_list_list = []
masked_chain_length_list_list = []
tied_pos_list_of_lists_list = []
for i, b in enumerate(batch):
if chain_dict != None:
masked_chains, visible_chains = chain_dict[b['name']] #masked_chains a list of chain letters to predict [A, D, F]
masked_chains = [item[-1:] for item in list(b) if item[:10]=='seq_chain_']
visible_chains = []
masked_chains.sort() #sort masked_chains
visible_chains.sort() #sort visible_chains
all_chains = masked_chains + visible_chains
for i, b in enumerate(batch):
mask_dict = {}
a = 0
x_chain_list = []
chain_mask_list = []
chain_seq_list = []
chain_encoding_list = []
c = 1
letter_list = []
global_idx_start_list = [0]
visible_list = []
masked_list = []
masked_chain_length_list = []
fixed_position_mask_list = []
omit_AA_mask_list = []
pssm_coef_list = []
pssm_bias_list = []
pssm_log_odds_list = []
bias_by_res_list = []
l0 = 0
l1 = 0
for step, letter in enumerate(all_chains):
if letter in visible_chains:
chain_seq = b[f'seq_chain_{letter}']
chain_seq = ''.join([a if a!='-' else 'X' for a in chain_seq])
chain_length = len(chain_seq)
chain_coords = b[f'coords_chain_{letter}'] #this is a dictionary
chain_mask = np.zeros(chain_length) #0.0 for visible chains
if ca_only:
x_chain = np.array(chain_coords[f'CA_chain_{letter}']) #[chain_lenght,1,3] #CA_diff
if len(x_chain.shape) == 2:
x_chain = x_chain[:,None,:]
x_chain = np.stack([chain_coords[c] for c in [f'N_chain_{letter}', f'CA_chain_{letter}', f'C_chain_{letter}', f'O_chain_{letter}']], 1) #[chain_lenght,4,3]
l1 += chain_length
residue_idx[i, l0:l1] = 100*(c-1)+np.arange(l0, l1)
l0 += chain_length
fixed_position_mask = np.ones(chain_length)
omit_AA_mask_temp = np.zeros([chain_length, len(alphabet)], np.int32)
pssm_coef = np.zeros(chain_length)
pssm_bias = np.zeros([chain_length, 21])
pssm_log_odds = 10000.0*np.ones([chain_length, 21])
bias_by_res_list.append(np.zeros([chain_length, 21]))
if letter in masked_chains:
chain_seq = b[f'seq_chain_{letter}']
chain_seq = ''.join([a if a!='-' else 'X' for a in chain_seq])
chain_length = len(chain_seq)
chain_coords = b[f'coords_chain_{letter}'] #this is a dictionary
chain_mask = np.ones(chain_length) #1.0 for masked
if ca_only:
x_chain = np.array(chain_coords[f'CA_chain_{letter}']) #[chain_lenght,1,3] #CA_diff
if len(x_chain.shape) == 2:
x_chain = x_chain[:,None,:]
x_chain = np.stack([chain_coords[c] for c in [f'N_chain_{letter}', f'CA_chain_{letter}', f'C_chain_{letter}', f'O_chain_{letter}']], 1) #[chain_lenght,4,3]
l1 += chain_length
residue_idx[i, l0:l1] = 100*(c-1)+np.arange(l0, l1)
l0 += chain_length
fixed_position_mask = np.ones(chain_length)
if fixed_position_dict!=None:
fixed_pos_list = fixed_position_dict[b['name']][letter]
if fixed_pos_list:
fixed_position_mask[np.array(fixed_pos_list)-1] = 0.0
omit_AA_mask_temp = np.zeros([chain_length, len(alphabet)], np.int32)
if omit_AA_dict!=None:
for item in omit_AA_dict[b['name']][letter]:
idx_AA = np.array(item[0])-1
AA_idx = np.array([np.argwhere(np.array(list(alphabet))== AA)[0][0] for AA in item[1]]).repeat(idx_AA.shape[0])
idx_ = np.array([[a, b] for a in idx_AA for b in AA_idx])
omit_AA_mask_temp[idx_[:,0], idx_[:,1]] = 1
pssm_coef = np.zeros(chain_length)
pssm_bias = np.zeros([chain_length, 21])
pssm_log_odds = 10000.0*np.ones([chain_length, 21])
if pssm_dict:
if pssm_dict[b['name']][letter]:
pssm_coef = pssm_dict[b['name']][letter]['pssm_coef']
pssm_bias = pssm_dict[b['name']][letter]['pssm_bias']
pssm_log_odds = pssm_dict[b['name']][letter]['pssm_log_odds']
if bias_by_res_dict:
bias_by_res_list.append(np.zeros([chain_length, 21]))
letter_list_np = np.array(letter_list)
tied_pos_list_of_lists = []
tied_beta = np.ones(L_max)
if tied_positions_dict!=None:
tied_pos_list = tied_positions_dict[b['name']]
if tied_pos_list:
set_chains_tied = set(list(itertools.chain(*[list(item) for item in tied_pos_list])))
for tied_item in tied_pos_list:
one_list = []
for k, v in tied_item.items():
start_idx = global_idx_start_list[np.argwhere(letter_list_np == k)[0][0]]
if isinstance(v[0], list):
for v_count in range(len(v[0])):
one_list.append(start_idx+v[0][v_count]-1)#make 0 to be the first
tied_beta[start_idx+v[0][v_count]-1] = v[1][v_count]
for v_ in v:
one_list.append(start_idx+v_-1)#make 0 to be the first
x = np.concatenate(x_chain_list,0) #[L, 4, 3]
all_sequence = "".join(chain_seq_list)
m = np.concatenate(chain_mask_list,0) #[L,], 1.0 for places that need to be predicted
chain_encoding = np.concatenate(chain_encoding_list,0)
m_pos = np.concatenate(fixed_position_mask_list,0) #[L,], 1.0 for places that need to be predicted
pssm_coef_ = np.concatenate(pssm_coef_list,0) #[L,], 1.0 for places that need to be predicted
pssm_bias_ = np.concatenate(pssm_bias_list,0) #[L,], 1.0 for places that need to be predicted
pssm_log_odds_ = np.concatenate(pssm_log_odds_list,0) #[L,], 1.0 for places that need to be predicted
bias_by_res_ = np.concatenate(bias_by_res_list, 0) #[L,21], 0.0 for places where AA frequencies don't need to be tweaked
l = len(all_sequence)
x_pad = np.pad(x, [[0,L_max-l], [0,0], [0,0]], 'constant', constant_values=(np.nan, ))
X[i,:,:,:] = x_pad
m_pad = np.pad(m, [[0,L_max-l]], 'constant', constant_values=(0.0, ))
m_pos_pad = np.pad(m_pos, [[0,L_max-l]], 'constant', constant_values=(0.0, ))
omit_AA_mask_pad = np.pad(np.concatenate(omit_AA_mask_list,0), [[0,L_max-l]], 'constant', constant_values=(0.0, ))
chain_M[i,:] = m_pad
chain_M_pos[i,:] = m_pos_pad
omit_AA_mask[i,] = omit_AA_mask_pad
chain_encoding_pad = np.pad(chain_encoding, [[0,L_max-l]], 'constant', constant_values=(0.0, ))
chain_encoding_all[i,:] = chain_encoding_pad
pssm_coef_pad = np.pad(pssm_coef_, [[0,L_max-l]], 'constant', constant_values=(0.0, ))
pssm_bias_pad = np.pad(pssm_bias_, [[0,L_max-l], [0,0]], 'constant', constant_values=(0.0, ))
pssm_log_odds_pad = np.pad(pssm_log_odds_, [[0,L_max-l], [0,0]], 'constant', constant_values=(0.0, ))
pssm_coef_all[i,:] = pssm_coef_pad
pssm_bias_all[i,:] = pssm_bias_pad
pssm_log_odds_all[i,:] = pssm_log_odds_pad
bias_by_res_pad = np.pad(bias_by_res_, [[0,L_max-l], [0,0]], 'constant', constant_values=(0.0, ))
bias_by_res_all[i,:] = bias_by_res_pad
# Convert to labels
indices = np.asarray([alphabet.index(a) for a in all_sequence], dtype=np.int32)
S[i, :l] = indices
isnan = np.isnan(X)
mask = np.isfinite(np.sum(X,(2,3))).astype(np.float32)
X[isnan] = 0.
# Conversion
pssm_coef_all = torch.from_numpy(pssm_coef_all).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
pssm_bias_all = torch.from_numpy(pssm_bias_all).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
pssm_log_odds_all = torch.from_numpy(pssm_log_odds_all).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
tied_beta = torch.from_numpy(tied_beta).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
jumps = ((residue_idx[:,1:]-residue_idx[:,:-1])==1).astype(np.float32)
bias_by_res_all = torch.from_numpy(bias_by_res_all).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
phi_mask = np.pad(jumps, [[0,0],[1,0]])
psi_mask = np.pad(jumps, [[0,0],[0,1]])
omega_mask = np.pad(jumps, [[0,0],[0,1]])
dihedral_mask = np.concatenate([phi_mask[:,:,None], psi_mask[:,:,None], omega_mask[:,:,None]], -1) #[B,L,3]
dihedral_mask = torch.from_numpy(dihedral_mask).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
residue_idx = torch.from_numpy(residue_idx).to(dtype=torch.long,device=device)
S = torch.from_numpy(S).to(dtype=torch.long,device=device)
X = torch.from_numpy(X).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
chain_M = torch.from_numpy(chain_M).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
chain_M_pos = torch.from_numpy(chain_M_pos).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
omit_AA_mask = torch.from_numpy(omit_AA_mask).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
chain_encoding_all = torch.from_numpy(chain_encoding_all).to(dtype=torch.long, device=device)
if ca_only:
X_out = X[:,:,0]
X_out = X
return X_out, S, mask, lengths, chain_M, chain_encoding_all, letter_list_list, visible_list_list, masked_list_list, masked_chain_length_list_list, chain_M_pos, omit_AA_mask, residue_idx, dihedral_mask, tied_pos_list_of_lists_list, pssm_coef_all, pssm_bias_all, pssm_log_odds_all, bias_by_res_all, tied_beta
def loss_nll(S, log_probs, mask):
""" Negative log probabilities """
criterion = torch.nn.NLLLoss(reduction='none')
loss = criterion(
log_probs.contiguous().view(-1, log_probs.size(-1)), S.contiguous().view(-1)
loss_av = torch.sum(loss * mask) / torch.sum(mask)
return loss, loss_av
def loss_smoothed(S, log_probs, mask, weight=0.1):
""" Negative log probabilities """
S_onehot = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(S, 21).float()
# Label smoothing
S_onehot = S_onehot + weight / float(S_onehot.size(-1))
S_onehot = S_onehot / S_onehot.sum(-1, keepdim=True)
loss = -(S_onehot * log_probs).sum(-1)
loss_av = torch.sum(loss * mask) / torch.sum(mask)
return loss, loss_av
class StructureDataset():
def __init__(self, jsonl_file, verbose=True, truncate=None, max_length=100,
alphabet_set = set([a for a in alphabet])
discard_count = {
'bad_chars': 0,
'too_long': 0,
'bad_seq_length': 0
with open(jsonl_file) as f: = []
lines = f.readlines()
start = time.time()
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
entry = json.loads(line)
seq = entry['seq']
name = entry['name']
# Convert raw coords to np arrays
#for key, val in entry['coords'].items():
# entry['coords'][key] = np.asarray(val)
# Check if in alphabet
bad_chars = set([s for s in seq]).difference(alphabet_set)
if len(bad_chars) == 0:
if len(entry['seq']) <= max_length:
if True:
discard_count['bad_seq_length'] += 1
discard_count['too_long'] += 1
if verbose:
print(name, bad_chars, entry['seq'])
discard_count['bad_chars'] += 1
# Truncate early
if truncate is not None and len( == truncate:
if verbose and (i + 1) % 1000 == 0:
elapsed = time.time() - start
print('{} entries ({} loaded) in {:.1f} s'.format(len(, i+1, elapsed))
if verbose:
print('discarded', discard_count)
def __len__(self):
return len(
def __getitem__(self, idx):
class StructureDatasetPDB():
def __init__(self, pdb_dict_list, verbose=True, truncate=None, max_length=100,
alphabet_set = set([a for a in alphabet])
discard_count = {
'bad_chars': 0,
'too_long': 0,
'bad_seq_length': 0
} = []
start = time.time()
for i, entry in enumerate(pdb_dict_list):
seq = entry['seq']
name = entry['name']
bad_chars = set([s for s in seq]).difference(alphabet_set)
if len(bad_chars) == 0:
if len(entry['seq']) <= max_length:
discard_count['too_long'] += 1
discard_count['bad_chars'] += 1
# Truncate early
if truncate is not None and len( == truncate:
if verbose and (i + 1) % 1000 == 0:
elapsed = time.time() - start
#print('Discarded', discard_count)
def __len__(self):
return len(
def __getitem__(self, idx):
class StructureLoader():
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size=100, shuffle=True,
collate_fn=lambda x:x, drop_last=False):
self.dataset = dataset
self.size = len(dataset)
self.lengths = [len(dataset[i]['seq']) for i in range(self.size)]
self.batch_size = batch_size
sorted_ix = np.argsort(self.lengths)
# Cluster into batches of similar sizes
clusters, batch = [], []
batch_max = 0
for ix in sorted_ix:
size = self.lengths[ix]
if size * (len(batch) + 1) <= self.batch_size:
batch_max = size
batch, batch_max = [], 0
if len(batch) > 0:
self.clusters = clusters
def __len__(self):
return len(self.clusters)
def __iter__(self):
for b_idx in self.clusters:
batch = [self.dataset[i] for i in b_idx]
yield batch
# The following gather functions
def gather_edges(edges, neighbor_idx):
# Features [B,N,N,C] at Neighbor indices [B,N,K] => Neighbor features [B,N,K,C]
neighbors = neighbor_idx.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, -1, edges.size(-1))
edge_features = torch.gather(edges, 2, neighbors)
return edge_features
def gather_nodes(nodes, neighbor_idx):
# Features [B,N,C] at Neighbor indices [B,N,K] => [B,N,K,C]
# Flatten and expand indices per batch [B,N,K] => [B,NK] => [B,NK,C]
neighbors_flat = neighbor_idx.view((neighbor_idx.shape[0], -1))
neighbors_flat = neighbors_flat.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, nodes.size(2))
# Gather and re-pack
neighbor_features = torch.gather(nodes, 1, neighbors_flat)
neighbor_features = neighbor_features.view(list(neighbor_idx.shape)[:3] + [-1])
return neighbor_features
def gather_nodes_t(nodes, neighbor_idx):
# Features [B,N,C] at Neighbor index [B,K] => Neighbor features[B,K,C]
idx_flat = neighbor_idx.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, nodes.size(2))
neighbor_features = torch.gather(nodes, 1, idx_flat)
return neighbor_features
def cat_neighbors_nodes(h_nodes, h_neighbors, E_idx):
h_nodes = gather_nodes(h_nodes, E_idx)
h_nn =[h_neighbors, h_nodes], -1)
return h_nn
class EncLayer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_hidden, num_in, dropout=0.1, num_heads=None, scale=30, time_cond_dim=None):
super(EncLayer, self).__init__()
self.num_hidden = num_hidden
self.num_in = num_in
self.scale = scale
self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.dropout3 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(num_hidden)
self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(num_hidden)
self.norm3 = nn.LayerNorm(num_hidden)
if time_cond_dim is not None:
self.time_block1 = nn.Sequential(
Rearrange('b 1 d -> b 1 1 d'),
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, num_hidden * 2))
self.time_block2 = nn.Sequential(
Rearrange('b 1 d -> b 1 1 d'),
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, num_hidden * 2))
self.W1 = nn.Linear(num_hidden + num_in, num_hidden, bias=True)
self.W2 = nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_hidden, bias=True)
self.W3 = nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_hidden, bias=True)
self.W11 = nn.Linear(num_hidden + num_in, num_hidden, bias=True)
self.W12 = nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_hidden, bias=True)
self.W13 = nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_hidden, bias=True)
self.act = torch.nn.GELU()
self.dense = PositionWiseFeedForward(num_hidden, num_hidden * 4)
def forward(self, h_V, h_E, E_idx, mask_V=None, mask_attend=None, time_cond=None):
""" Parallel computation of full transformer layer """
h_EV = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_V, h_E, E_idx)
h_V_expand = h_V.unsqueeze(-2).expand(-1,-1,h_EV.size(-2),-1)
h_EV =[h_V_expand, h_EV], -1)
h_message = self.act(self.W2(self.act(self.W1(h_EV))))
if time_cond is not None:
scale, shift = self.time_block1(time_cond).chunk(2, dim=-1)
h_message = h_message * (scale + 1) + shift
h_message = self.W3(h_message)
if mask_attend is not None:
h_message = mask_attend.unsqueeze(-1) * h_message
dh = torch.sum(h_message, -2) / self.scale
h_V = self.norm1(h_V + self.dropout1(dh))
dh = self.dense(h_V)
h_V = self.norm2(h_V + self.dropout2(dh))
if mask_V is not None:
mask_V = mask_V.unsqueeze(-1)
h_V = mask_V * h_V
h_EV = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_V, h_E, E_idx)
h_V_expand = h_V.unsqueeze(-2).expand(-1,-1,h_EV.size(-2),-1)
h_EV =[h_V_expand, h_EV], -1)
h_message = self.act(self.W12(self.act(self.W11(h_EV))))
if time_cond is not None:
scale, shift = self.time_block2(time_cond).chunk(2, dim=-1)
h_message = h_message * (scale + 1) + shift
h_message = self.W13(h_message)
h_E = self.norm3(h_E + self.dropout3(h_message))
return h_V, h_E
class DecLayer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_hidden, num_in, dropout=0.1, num_heads=None, scale=30, time_cond_dim=None):
super(DecLayer, self).__init__()
self.num_hidden = num_hidden
self.num_in = num_in
self.scale = scale
self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(num_hidden)
self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(num_hidden)
if time_cond_dim is not None:
self.time_block = nn.Sequential(
Rearrange('b 1 d -> b 1 1 d'),
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, num_hidden * 2))
self.W1 = nn.Linear(num_hidden + num_in, num_hidden, bias=True)
self.W2 = nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_hidden, bias=True)
self.W3 = nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_hidden, bias=True)
self.act = torch.nn.GELU()
self.dense = PositionWiseFeedForward(num_hidden, num_hidden * 4)
def forward(self, h_V, h_E, mask_V=None, mask_attend=None, time_cond=None):
""" Parallel computation of full transformer layer """
# Concatenate h_V_i to h_E_ij
h_V_expand = h_V.unsqueeze(-2).expand(-1,-1,h_E.size(-2),-1)
h_EV =[h_V_expand, h_E], -1)
h_message = self.act(self.W2(self.act(self.W1(h_EV))))
if time_cond is not None:
scale, shift = self.time_block(time_cond).chunk(2, dim=-1)
h_message = h_message * (scale + 1) + shift
h_message = self.W3(h_message)
if mask_attend is not None:
h_message = mask_attend.unsqueeze(-1) * h_message
dh = torch.sum(h_message, -2) / self.scale
h_V = self.norm1(h_V + self.dropout1(dh))
# Position-wise feedforward
dh = self.dense(h_V)
h_V = self.norm2(h_V + self.dropout2(dh))
if mask_V is not None:
mask_V = mask_V.unsqueeze(-1)
h_V = mask_V * h_V
return h_V
class PositionWiseFeedForward(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_hidden, num_ff):
super(PositionWiseFeedForward, self).__init__()
self.W_in = nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_ff, bias=True)
self.W_out = nn.Linear(num_ff, num_hidden, bias=True)
self.act = torch.nn.GELU()
def forward(self, h_V):
h = self.act(self.W_in(h_V))
h = self.W_out(h)
return h
class PositionalEncodings(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_embeddings, max_relative_feature=32):
super(PositionalEncodings, self).__init__()
self.num_embeddings = num_embeddings
self.max_relative_feature = max_relative_feature
self.linear = nn.Linear(2*max_relative_feature+1+1, num_embeddings)
def forward(self, offset, mask):
d = torch.clip(offset + self.max_relative_feature, 0, 2*self.max_relative_feature)*mask + (1-mask)*(2*self.max_relative_feature+1)
d_onehot = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(d, 2*self.max_relative_feature+1+1)
E = self.linear(d_onehot.float())
return E
class CA_ProteinFeatures(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, edge_features, node_features, num_positional_embeddings=16,
num_rbf=16, top_k=30, augment_eps=0., num_chain_embeddings=16):
""" Extract protein features """
super(CA_ProteinFeatures, self).__init__()
self.edge_features = edge_features
self.node_features = node_features
self.top_k = top_k
self.augment_eps = augment_eps
self.num_rbf = num_rbf
self.num_positional_embeddings = num_positional_embeddings
# Positional encoding
self.embeddings = PositionalEncodings(num_positional_embeddings)
# Normalization and embedding
node_in, edge_in = 3, num_positional_embeddings + num_rbf*9 + 7
self.node_embedding = nn.Linear(node_in, node_features, bias=False) #NOT USED
self.edge_embedding = nn.Linear(edge_in, edge_features, bias=False)
self.norm_nodes = nn.LayerNorm(node_features)
self.norm_edges = nn.LayerNorm(edge_features)
def _quaternions(self, R):
""" Convert a batch of 3D rotations [R] to quaternions [Q]
R [...,3,3]
Q [...,4]
# Simple Wikipedia version
# For other options see
diag = torch.diagonal(R, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)
Rxx, Ryy, Rzz = diag.unbind(-1)
magnitudes = 0.5 * torch.sqrt(torch.abs(1 + torch.stack([
Rxx - Ryy - Rzz,
- Rxx + Ryy - Rzz,
- Rxx - Ryy + Rzz
], -1)))
_R = lambda i,j: R[:,:,:,i,j]
signs = torch.sign(torch.stack([
_R(2,1) - _R(1,2),
_R(0,2) - _R(2,0),
_R(1,0) - _R(0,1)
], -1))
xyz = signs * magnitudes
# The relu enforces a non-negative trace
w = torch.sqrt(F.relu(1 + diag.sum(-1, keepdim=True))) / 2.
Q =, w), -1)
Q = F.normalize(Q, dim=-1)
return Q
def _orientations_coarse(self, X, E_idx, eps=1e-6):
dX = X[:,1:,:] - X[:,:-1,:]
dX_norm = torch.norm(dX,dim=-1)
dX_mask = (3.6<dX_norm) & (dX_norm<4.0) #exclude CA-CA jumps
dX = dX*dX_mask[:,:,None]
U = F.normalize(dX, dim=-1)
u_2 = U[:,:-2,:]
u_1 = U[:,1:-1,:]
u_0 = U[:,2:,:]
# Backbone normals
n_2 = F.normalize(torch.cross(u_2, u_1), dim=-1)
n_1 = F.normalize(torch.cross(u_1, u_0), dim=-1)
# Bond angle calculation
cosA = -(u_1 * u_0).sum(-1)
cosA = torch.clamp(cosA, -1+eps, 1-eps)
A = torch.acos(cosA)
# Angle between normals
cosD = (n_2 * n_1).sum(-1)
cosD = torch.clamp(cosD, -1+eps, 1-eps)
D = torch.sign((u_2 * n_1).sum(-1)) * torch.acos(cosD)
# Backbone features
AD_features = torch.stack((torch.cos(A), torch.sin(A) * torch.cos(D), torch.sin(A) * torch.sin(D)), 2)
AD_features = F.pad(AD_features, (0,0,1,2), 'constant', 0)
# Build relative orientations
o_1 = F.normalize(u_2 - u_1, dim=-1)
O = torch.stack((o_1, n_2, torch.cross(o_1, n_2)), 2)
O = O.view(list(O.shape[:2]) + [9])
O = F.pad(O, (0,0,1,2), 'constant', 0)
O_neighbors = gather_nodes(O, E_idx)
X_neighbors = gather_nodes(X, E_idx)
# Re-view as rotation matrices
O = O.view(list(O.shape[:2]) + [3,3])
O_neighbors = O_neighbors.view(list(O_neighbors.shape[:3]) + [3,3])
# Rotate into local reference frames
dX = X_neighbors - X.unsqueeze(-2)
dU = torch.matmul(O.unsqueeze(2), dX.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
dU = F.normalize(dU, dim=-1)
R = torch.matmul(O.unsqueeze(2).transpose(-1,-2), O_neighbors)
Q = self._quaternions(R)
# Orientation features
O_features =,Q), dim=-1)
return AD_features, O_features
def _dist(self, X, mask, eps=1E-6):
""" Pairwise euclidean distances """
# Convolutional network on NCHW
mask_2D = torch.unsqueeze(mask,1) * torch.unsqueeze(mask,2)
dX = torch.unsqueeze(X,1) - torch.unsqueeze(X,2)
D = mask_2D * torch.sqrt(torch.sum(dX**2, 3) + eps)
# Identify k nearest neighbors (including self)
D_max, _ = torch.max(D, -1, keepdim=True)
D_adjust = D + (1. - mask_2D) * D_max
D_neighbors, E_idx = torch.topk(D_adjust, np.minimum(self.top_k, X.shape[1]), dim=-1, largest=False)
mask_neighbors = gather_edges(mask_2D.unsqueeze(-1), E_idx)
return D_neighbors, E_idx, mask_neighbors
def _rbf(self, D):
# Distance radial basis function
device = D.device
D_min, D_max, D_count = 2., 22., self.num_rbf
D_mu = torch.linspace(D_min, D_max, D_count).to(device)
D_mu = D_mu.view([1,1,1,-1])
D_sigma = (D_max - D_min) / D_count
D_expand = torch.unsqueeze(D, -1)
RBF = torch.exp(-((D_expand - D_mu) / D_sigma)**2)
return RBF
def _get_rbf(self, A, B, E_idx):
D_A_B = torch.sqrt(torch.sum((A[:,:,None,:] - B[:,None,:,:])**2,-1) + 1e-6) #[B, L, L]
D_A_B_neighbors = gather_edges(D_A_B[:,:,:,None], E_idx)[:,:,:,0] #[B,L,K]
RBF_A_B = self._rbf(D_A_B_neighbors)
return RBF_A_B
def forward(self, Ca, mask, residue_idx, chain_labels):
""" Featurize coordinates as an attributed graph """
if self.augment_eps > 0:
Ca = Ca + self.augment_eps * torch.randn_like(Ca)
D_neighbors, E_idx, mask_neighbors = self._dist(Ca, mask)
Ca_0 = torch.zeros(Ca.shape, device=Ca.device)
Ca_2 = torch.zeros(Ca.shape, device=Ca.device)
Ca_0[:,1:,:] = Ca[:,:-1,:]
Ca_1 = Ca
Ca_2[:,:-1,:] = Ca[:,1:,:]
V, O_features = self._orientations_coarse(Ca, E_idx)
RBF_all = []
RBF_all.append(self._rbf(D_neighbors)) #Ca_1-Ca_1
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca_0, Ca_0, E_idx))
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca_2, Ca_2, E_idx))
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca_0, Ca_1, E_idx))
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca_0, Ca_2, E_idx))
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca_1, Ca_0, E_idx))
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca_1, Ca_2, E_idx))
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca_2, Ca_0, E_idx))
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca_2, Ca_1, E_idx))
RBF_all =, dim=-1)
offset = residue_idx[:,:,None]-residue_idx[:,None,:]
offset = gather_edges(offset[:,:,:,None], E_idx)[:,:,:,0] #[B, L, K]
d_chains = ((chain_labels[:, :, None] - chain_labels[:,None,:])==0).long()
E_chains = gather_edges(d_chains[:,:,:,None], E_idx)[:,:,:,0]
E_positional = self.embeddings(offset.long(), E_chains)
E =, RBF_all, O_features), -1)
E = self.edge_embedding(E)
E = self.norm_edges(E)
return E, E_idx
def get_closest_neighbors(X, mask, top_k, eps=1e-6):
# X is ca coords (b, n, 3), mask is seq mask
mask_2D = torch.unsqueeze(mask,1) * torch.unsqueeze(mask,2)
dX = torch.unsqueeze(X,1) - torch.unsqueeze(X,2)
D = mask_2D * torch.sqrt(torch.sum(dX**2, 3) + eps)
D_max, _ = torch.max(D, -1, keepdim=True)
D_adjust = D + (1. - mask_2D) * D_max
sampled_top_k = top_k
D_neighbors, E_idx = torch.topk(D_adjust, np.minimum(top_k, X.shape[1]), dim=-1, largest=False)
return D_neighbors, E_idx
class ProteinFeatures(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, edge_features, node_features, num_positional_embeddings=16,
num_rbf=16, top_k=30, augment_eps=0., num_chain_embeddings=16):
""" Extract protein features """
super(ProteinFeatures, self).__init__()
self.edge_features = edge_features
self.node_features = node_features
self.top_k = top_k
self.augment_eps = augment_eps
self.num_rbf = num_rbf
self.num_positional_embeddings = num_positional_embeddings
self.embeddings = PositionalEncodings(num_positional_embeddings)
node_in, edge_in = 6, num_positional_embeddings + num_rbf*25
self.edge_embedding = nn.Linear(edge_in, edge_features, bias=False)
self.norm_edges = nn.LayerNorm(edge_features)
def _dist(self, X, mask, eps=1E-6):
# mask_2D = torch.unsqueeze(mask,1) * torch.unsqueeze(mask,2)
# dX = torch.unsqueeze(X,1) - torch.unsqueeze(X,2)
# D = mask_2D * torch.sqrt(torch.sum(dX**2, 3) + eps)
# D_max, _ = torch.max(D, -1, keepdim=True)
# D_adjust = D + (1. - mask_2D) * D_max
# sampled_top_k = self.top_k
# D_neighbors, E_idx = torch.topk(D_adjust, np.minimum(self.top_k, X.shape[1]), dim=-1, largest=False)
# return D_neighbors, E_idx
return get_closest_neighbors(X, mask, self.top_k, eps=eps)
def _rbf(self, D):
device = D.device
D_min, D_max, D_count = 2., 22., self.num_rbf
D_mu = torch.linspace(D_min, D_max, D_count, device=device)
D_mu = D_mu.view([1,1,1,-1])
D_sigma = (D_max - D_min) / D_count
D_expand = torch.unsqueeze(D, -1)
RBF = torch.exp(-((D_expand - D_mu) / D_sigma)**2)
return RBF
def _get_rbf(self, A, B, E_idx):
D_A_B = torch.sqrt(torch.sum((A[:,:,None,:] - B[:,None,:,:])**2,-1) + 1e-6) #[B, L, L]
D_A_B_neighbors = gather_edges(D_A_B[:,:,:,None], E_idx)[:,:,:,0] #[B,L,K]
RBF_A_B = self._rbf(D_A_B_neighbors)
return RBF_A_B
def forward(self, X, mask, residue_idx, chain_labels):
if self.augment_eps > 0:
X = X + self.augment_eps * torch.randn_like(X)
b = X[:,:,1,:] - X[:,:,0,:]
c = X[:,:,2,:] - X[:,:,1,:]
a = torch.cross(b, c, dim=-1)
Cb = -0.58273431*a + 0.56802827*b - 0.54067466*c + X[:,:,1,:]
Ca = X[:,:,1,:]
N = X[:,:,0,:]
C = X[:,:,2,:]
O = X[:,:,3,:]
D_neighbors, E_idx = self._dist(Ca, mask)
RBF_all = []
RBF_all.append(self._rbf(D_neighbors)) #Ca-Ca
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(N, N, E_idx)) #N-N
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(C, C, E_idx)) #C-C
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(O, O, E_idx)) #O-O
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Cb, Cb, E_idx)) #Cb-Cb
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca, N, E_idx)) #Ca-N
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca, C, E_idx)) #Ca-C
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca, O, E_idx)) #Ca-O
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Ca, Cb, E_idx)) #Ca-Cb
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(N, C, E_idx)) #N-C
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(N, O, E_idx)) #N-O
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(N, Cb, E_idx)) #N-Cb
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Cb, C, E_idx)) #Cb-C
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Cb, O, E_idx)) #Cb-O
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(O, C, E_idx)) #O-C
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(N, Ca, E_idx)) #N-Ca
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(C, Ca, E_idx)) #C-Ca
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(O, Ca, E_idx)) #O-Ca
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Cb, Ca, E_idx)) #Cb-Ca
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(C, N, E_idx)) #C-N
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(O, N, E_idx)) #O-N
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(Cb, N, E_idx)) #Cb-N
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(C, Cb, E_idx)) #C-Cb
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(O, Cb, E_idx)) #O-Cb
RBF_all.append(self._get_rbf(C, O, E_idx)) #C-O
RBF_all =, dim=-1)
offset = residue_idx[:,:,None]-residue_idx[:,None,:]
offset = gather_edges(offset[:,:,:,None], E_idx)[:,:,:,0] #[B, L, K]
d_chains = ((chain_labels[:, :, None] - chain_labels[:,None,:])==0).long() #find self vs non-self interaction
E_chains = gather_edges(d_chains[:,:,:,None], E_idx)[:,:,:,0]
E_positional = self.embeddings(offset.long(), E_chains)
E =, RBF_all), -1)
E = self.edge_embedding(E)
E = self.norm_edges(E)
return E, E_idx
class ProteinMPNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_letters, node_features, edge_features,
hidden_dim, num_encoder_layers=3, num_decoder_layers=3,
vocab=21, k_neighbors=64, augment_eps=0.05, dropout=0.1, ca_only=False, time_cond_dim=None, input_S_is_embeddings=False):
super(ProteinMPNN, self).__init__()
# Hyperparameters
self.node_features = node_features
self.edge_features = edge_features
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
# Featurization layers
if ca_only:
self.features = CA_ProteinFeatures(node_features, edge_features, top_k=k_neighbors, augment_eps=augment_eps)
self.W_v = nn.Linear(node_features, hidden_dim, bias=True)
self.features = ProteinFeatures(node_features, edge_features, top_k=k_neighbors, augment_eps=augment_eps)
self.W_e = nn.Linear(edge_features, hidden_dim, bias=True)
self.input_S_is_embeddings = input_S_is_embeddings
if not self.input_S_is_embeddings:
self.W_s = nn.Embedding(vocab, hidden_dim)
if time_cond_dim is not None:
self.time_block = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(time_cond_dim, hidden_dim)
# Encoder layers
self.encoder_layers = nn.ModuleList([
EncLayer(hidden_dim, hidden_dim*2, dropout=dropout, time_cond_dim=time_cond_dim)
for _ in range(num_encoder_layers)
# Decoder layers
self.decoder_layers = nn.ModuleList([
DecLayer(hidden_dim, hidden_dim*3, dropout=dropout, time_cond_dim=time_cond_dim)
for _ in range(num_decoder_layers)
self.W_out = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, num_letters, bias=True)
for p in self.parameters():
if p.dim() > 1:
def forward(self, X, S, mask, chain_M, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all, randn, use_input_decoding_order=False, decoding_order=None, causal_mask=True, time_cond=None, return_node_embs=False):
""" Graph-conditioned sequence model """
# Prepare node and edge embeddings
E, E_idx = self.features(X, mask, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all)
h_V = torch.zeros((E.shape[0], E.shape[1], E.shape[-1]), device=E.device)
if time_cond is not None:
time_cond_nodes = self.time_block(time_cond)
h_V += time_cond_nodes # time_cond is b, 1, c
h_E = self.W_e(E)
# Encoder is unmasked self-attention
mask_attend = gather_nodes(mask.unsqueeze(-1), E_idx).squeeze(-1)
mask_attend = mask.unsqueeze(-1) * mask_attend
for layer in self.encoder_layers:
h_V, h_E = layer(h_V, h_E, E_idx, mask, mask_attend, time_cond=time_cond)
encoder_embs = h_V
# Concatenate sequence embeddings for autoregressive decoder
if self.input_S_is_embeddings:
h_S = S
h_S = self.W_s(S)
h_ES = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_S, h_E, E_idx)
# Build encoder embeddings
h_EX_encoder = cat_neighbors_nodes(torch.zeros_like(h_S), h_E, E_idx)
h_EXV_encoder = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_V, h_EX_encoder, E_idx)
chain_M = chain_M*mask #update chain_M to include missing regions
mask_size = E_idx.shape[1]
if causal_mask:
if not use_input_decoding_order:
decoding_order = torch.argsort((chain_M+0.0001)*(torch.abs(randn))) #[numbers will be smaller for places where chain_M = 0.0 and higher for places where chain_M = 1.0]
permutation_matrix_reverse = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(decoding_order, num_classes=mask_size).float()
order_mask_backward = torch.einsum('ij, biq, bjp->bqp',(1-torch.triu(torch.ones(mask_size,mask_size, device=device))), permutation_matrix_reverse, permutation_matrix_reverse)
order_mask_backward = torch.ones(X.shape[0], mask_size, mask_size, device=device)
mask_attend = torch.gather(order_mask_backward, 2, E_idx).unsqueeze(-1)
mask_1D = mask.view([mask.size(0), mask.size(1), 1, 1])
mask_bw = mask_1D * mask_attend
mask_fw = mask_1D * (1. - mask_attend)
h_EXV_encoder_fw = mask_fw * h_EXV_encoder
for layer in self.decoder_layers:
# Masked positions attend to encoder information, unmasked see.
h_ESV = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_V, h_ES, E_idx)
h_ESV = mask_bw * h_ESV + h_EXV_encoder_fw
h_V = layer(h_V, h_ESV, mask, time_cond=time_cond)
if return_node_embs:
return h_V, encoder_embs
logits = self.W_out(h_V)
log_probs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1)
return log_probs
def sample(self, X, randn, S_true, chain_mask, chain_encoding_all, residue_idx, mask=None, temperature=1.0, omit_AAs_np=None, bias_AAs_np=None, chain_M_pos=None, omit_AA_mask=None, pssm_coef=None, pssm_bias=None, pssm_multi=None, pssm_log_odds_flag=None, pssm_log_odds_mask=None, pssm_bias_flag=None, bias_by_res=None):
device = X.device
# Prepare node and edge embeddings
E, E_idx = self.features(X, mask, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all)
h_V = torch.zeros((E.shape[0], E.shape[1], E.shape[-1]), device=device)
h_E = self.W_e(E)
# Encoder is unmasked self-attention
mask_attend = gather_nodes(mask.unsqueeze(-1), E_idx).squeeze(-1)
mask_attend = mask.unsqueeze(-1) * mask_attend
for layer in self.encoder_layers:
h_V, h_E = layer(h_V, h_E, E_idx, mask, mask_attend)
# Decoder uses masked self-attention
chain_mask = chain_mask*chain_M_pos*mask #update chain_M to include missing regions
decoding_order = torch.argsort((chain_mask+0.0001)*(torch.abs(randn))) #[numbers will be smaller for places where chain_M = 0.0 and higher for places where chain_M = 1.0]
mask_size = E_idx.shape[1]
permutation_matrix_reverse = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(decoding_order, num_classes=mask_size).float()
order_mask_backward = torch.einsum('ij, biq, bjp->bqp',(1-torch.triu(torch.ones(mask_size,mask_size, device=device))), permutation_matrix_reverse, permutation_matrix_reverse)
mask_attend = torch.gather(order_mask_backward, 2, E_idx).unsqueeze(-1)
mask_1D = mask.view([mask.size(0), mask.size(1), 1, 1])
mask_bw = mask_1D * mask_attend
mask_fw = mask_1D * (1. - mask_attend)
N_batch, N_nodes = X.size(0), X.size(1)
log_probs = torch.zeros((N_batch, N_nodes, 21), device=device)
all_probs = torch.zeros((N_batch, N_nodes, 21), device=device, dtype=torch.float32)
h_S = torch.zeros_like(h_V, device=device)
S = torch.zeros((N_batch, N_nodes), dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
h_V_stack = [h_V] + [torch.zeros_like(h_V, device=device) for _ in range(len(self.decoder_layers))]
constant = torch.tensor(omit_AAs_np, device=device)
constant_bias = torch.tensor(bias_AAs_np, device=device)
#chain_mask_combined = chain_mask*chain_M_pos
omit_AA_mask_flag = omit_AA_mask != None
h_EX_encoder = cat_neighbors_nodes(torch.zeros_like(h_S), h_E, E_idx)
h_EXV_encoder = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_V, h_EX_encoder, E_idx)
h_EXV_encoder_fw = mask_fw * h_EXV_encoder
for t_ in range(N_nodes):
t = decoding_order[:,t_] #[B]
chain_mask_gathered = torch.gather(chain_mask, 1, t[:,None]) #[B]
mask_gathered = torch.gather(mask, 1, t[:,None]) #[B]
bias_by_res_gathered = torch.gather(bias_by_res, 1, t[:,None,None].repeat(1,1,21))[:,0,:] #[B, 21]
if (mask_gathered==0).all(): #for padded or missing regions only
S_t = torch.gather(S_true, 1, t[:,None])
# Hidden layers
E_idx_t = torch.gather(E_idx, 1, t[:,None,None].repeat(1,1,E_idx.shape[-1]))
h_E_t = torch.gather(h_E, 1, t[:,None,None,None].repeat(1,1,h_E.shape[-2], h_E.shape[-1]))
h_ES_t = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_S, h_E_t, E_idx_t)
h_EXV_encoder_t = torch.gather(h_EXV_encoder_fw, 1, t[:,None,None,None].repeat(1,1,h_EXV_encoder_fw.shape[-2], h_EXV_encoder_fw.shape[-1]))
mask_t = torch.gather(mask, 1, t[:,None])
for l, layer in enumerate(self.decoder_layers):
# Updated relational features for future states
h_ESV_decoder_t = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_V_stack[l], h_ES_t, E_idx_t)
h_V_t = torch.gather(h_V_stack[l], 1, t[:,None,None].repeat(1,1,h_V_stack[l].shape[-1]))
h_ESV_t = torch.gather(mask_bw, 1, t[:,None,None,None].repeat(1,1,mask_bw.shape[-2], mask_bw.shape[-1])) * h_ESV_decoder_t + h_EXV_encoder_t
h_V_stack[l+1].scatter_(1, t[:,None,None].repeat(1,1,h_V.shape[-1]), layer(h_V_t, h_ESV_t, mask_V=mask_t))
# Sampling step
h_V_t = torch.gather(h_V_stack[-1], 1, t[:,None,None].repeat(1,1,h_V_stack[-1].shape[-1]))[:,0]
logits = self.W_out(h_V_t) / temperature
probs = F.softmax(logits-constant[None,:]*1e8+constant_bias[None,:]/temperature+bias_by_res_gathered/temperature, dim=-1)
if pssm_bias_flag:
pssm_coef_gathered = torch.gather(pssm_coef, 1, t[:,None])[:,0]
pssm_bias_gathered = torch.gather(pssm_bias, 1, t[:,None,None].repeat(1,1,pssm_bias.shape[-1]))[:,0]
probs = (1-pssm_multi*pssm_coef_gathered[:,None])*probs + pssm_multi*pssm_coef_gathered[:,None]*pssm_bias_gathered
if pssm_log_odds_flag:
pssm_log_odds_mask_gathered = torch.gather(pssm_log_odds_mask, 1, t[:,None, None].repeat(1,1,pssm_log_odds_mask.shape[-1]))[:,0] #[B, 21]
probs_masked = probs*pssm_log_odds_mask_gathered
probs_masked += probs * 0.001
probs = probs_masked/torch.sum(probs_masked, dim=-1, keepdim=True) #[B, 21]
if omit_AA_mask_flag:
omit_AA_mask_gathered = torch.gather(omit_AA_mask, 1, t[:,None, None].repeat(1,1,omit_AA_mask.shape[-1]))[:,0] #[B, 21]
probs_masked = probs*(1.0-omit_AA_mask_gathered)
probs = probs_masked/torch.sum(probs_masked, dim=-1, keepdim=True) #[B, 21]
S_t = torch.multinomial(probs, 1)
all_probs.scatter_(1, t[:,None,None].repeat(1,1,21), (chain_mask_gathered[:,:,None,]*probs[:,None,:]).float())
S_true_gathered = torch.gather(S_true, 1, t[:,None])
S_t = (S_t*chain_mask_gathered+S_true_gathered*(1.0-chain_mask_gathered)).long()
temp1 = self.W_s(S_t)
h_S.scatter_(1, t[:,None,None].repeat(1,1,temp1.shape[-1]), temp1)
S.scatter_(1, t[:,None], S_t)
output_dict = {"S": S, "probs": all_probs, "decoding_order": decoding_order}
return output_dict
def tied_sample(self, X, randn, S_true, chain_mask, chain_encoding_all, residue_idx, mask=None, temperature=1.0, omit_AAs_np=None, bias_AAs_np=None, chain_M_pos=None, omit_AA_mask=None, pssm_coef=None, pssm_bias=None, pssm_multi=None, pssm_log_odds_flag=None, pssm_log_odds_mask=None, pssm_bias_flag=None, tied_pos=None, tied_beta=None, bias_by_res=None):
device = X.device
# Prepare node and edge embeddings
E, E_idx = self.features(X, mask, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all)
h_V = torch.zeros((E.shape[0], E.shape[1], E.shape[-1]), device=device)
h_E = self.W_e(E)
# Encoder is unmasked self-attention
mask_attend = gather_nodes(mask.unsqueeze(-1), E_idx).squeeze(-1)
mask_attend = mask.unsqueeze(-1) * mask_attend
for layer in self.encoder_layers:
h_V, h_E = layer(h_V, h_E, E_idx, mask, mask_attend)
# Decoder uses masked self-attention
chain_mask = chain_mask*chain_M_pos*mask #update chain_M to include missing regions
decoding_order = torch.argsort((chain_mask+0.0001)*(torch.abs(randn))) #[numbers will be smaller for places where chain_M = 0.0 and higher for places where chain_M = 1.0]
new_decoding_order = []
for t_dec in list(decoding_order[0,].cpu().data.numpy()):
if t_dec not in list(itertools.chain(*new_decoding_order)):
list_a = [item for item in tied_pos if t_dec in item]
if list_a:
decoding_order = torch.tensor(list(itertools.chain(*new_decoding_order)), device=device)[None,].repeat(X.shape[0],1)
mask_size = E_idx.shape[1]
permutation_matrix_reverse = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(decoding_order, num_classes=mask_size).float()
order_mask_backward = torch.einsum('ij, biq, bjp->bqp',(1-torch.triu(torch.ones(mask_size,mask_size, device=device))), permutation_matrix_reverse, permutation_matrix_reverse)
mask_attend = torch.gather(order_mask_backward, 2, E_idx).unsqueeze(-1)
mask_1D = mask.view([mask.size(0), mask.size(1), 1, 1])
mask_bw = mask_1D * mask_attend
mask_fw = mask_1D * (1. - mask_attend)
N_batch, N_nodes = X.size(0), X.size(1)
log_probs = torch.zeros((N_batch, N_nodes, 21), device=device)
all_probs = torch.zeros((N_batch, N_nodes, 21), device=device, dtype=torch.float32)
h_S = torch.zeros_like(h_V, device=device)
S = torch.zeros((N_batch, N_nodes), dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
h_V_stack = [h_V] + [torch.zeros_like(h_V, device=device) for _ in range(len(self.decoder_layers))]
constant = torch.tensor(omit_AAs_np, device=device)
constant_bias = torch.tensor(bias_AAs_np, device=device)
omit_AA_mask_flag = omit_AA_mask != None
h_EX_encoder = cat_neighbors_nodes(torch.zeros_like(h_S), h_E, E_idx)
h_EXV_encoder = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_V, h_EX_encoder, E_idx)
h_EXV_encoder_fw = mask_fw * h_EXV_encoder
for t_list in new_decoding_order:
logits = 0.0
logit_list = []
done_flag = False
for t in t_list:
if (mask[:,t]==0).all():
S_t = S_true[:,t]
for t in t_list:
h_S[:,t,:] = self.W_s(S_t)
S[:,t] = S_t
done_flag = True
E_idx_t = E_idx[:,t:t+1,:]
h_E_t = h_E[:,t:t+1,:,:]
h_ES_t = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_S, h_E_t, E_idx_t)
h_EXV_encoder_t = h_EXV_encoder_fw[:,t:t+1,:,:]
mask_t = mask[:,t:t+1]
for l, layer in enumerate(self.decoder_layers):
h_ESV_decoder_t = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_V_stack[l], h_ES_t, E_idx_t)
h_V_t = h_V_stack[l][:,t:t+1,:]
h_ESV_t = mask_bw[:,t:t+1,:,:] * h_ESV_decoder_t + h_EXV_encoder_t
h_V_stack[l+1][:,t,:] = layer(h_V_t, h_ESV_t, mask_V=mask_t).squeeze(1)
h_V_t = h_V_stack[-1][:,t,:]
logit_list.append((self.W_out(h_V_t) / temperature)/len(t_list))
logits += tied_beta[t]*(self.W_out(h_V_t) / temperature)/len(t_list)
if done_flag:
bias_by_res_gathered = bias_by_res[:,t,:] #[B, 21]
probs = F.softmax(logits-constant[None,:]*1e8+constant_bias[None,:]/temperature+bias_by_res_gathered/temperature, dim=-1)
if pssm_bias_flag:
pssm_coef_gathered = pssm_coef[:,t]
pssm_bias_gathered = pssm_bias[:,t]
probs = (1-pssm_multi*pssm_coef_gathered[:,None])*probs + pssm_multi*pssm_coef_gathered[:,None]*pssm_bias_gathered
if pssm_log_odds_flag:
pssm_log_odds_mask_gathered = pssm_log_odds_mask[:,t]
probs_masked = probs*pssm_log_odds_mask_gathered
probs_masked += probs * 0.001
probs = probs_masked/torch.sum(probs_masked, dim=-1, keepdim=True) #[B, 21]
if omit_AA_mask_flag:
omit_AA_mask_gathered = omit_AA_mask[:,t]
probs_masked = probs*(1.0-omit_AA_mask_gathered)
probs = probs_masked/torch.sum(probs_masked, dim=-1, keepdim=True) #[B, 21]
S_t_repeat = torch.multinomial(probs, 1).squeeze(-1)
S_t_repeat = (chain_mask[:,t]*S_t_repeat + (1-chain_mask[:,t])*S_true[:,t]).long() #hard pick fixed positions
for t in t_list:
h_S[:,t,:] = self.W_s(S_t_repeat)
S[:,t] = S_t_repeat
all_probs[:,t,:] = probs.float()
output_dict = {"S": S, "probs": all_probs, "decoding_order": decoding_order}
return output_dict
def conditional_probs(self, X, S, mask, chain_M, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all, randn, backbone_only=False):
""" Graph-conditioned sequence model """
# Prepare node and edge embeddings
E, E_idx = self.features(X, mask, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all)
h_V_enc = torch.zeros((E.shape[0], E.shape[1], E.shape[-1]), device=E.device)
h_E = self.W_e(E)
# Encoder is unmasked self-attention
mask_attend = gather_nodes(mask.unsqueeze(-1), E_idx).squeeze(-1)
mask_attend = mask.unsqueeze(-1) * mask_attend
for layer in self.encoder_layers:
h_V_enc, h_E = layer(h_V_enc, h_E, E_idx, mask, mask_attend)
# Concatenate sequence embeddings for autoregressive decoder
h_S = self.W_s(S)
h_ES = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_S, h_E, E_idx)
# Build encoder embeddings
h_EX_encoder = cat_neighbors_nodes(torch.zeros_like(h_S), h_E, E_idx)
h_EXV_encoder = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_V_enc, h_EX_encoder, E_idx)
chain_M = chain_M*mask #update chain_M to include missing regions
chain_M_np = chain_M.cpu().numpy()
idx_to_loop = np.argwhere(chain_M_np[0,:]==1)[:,0]
log_conditional_probs = torch.zeros([X.shape[0], chain_M.shape[1], 21], device=device).float()
for idx in idx_to_loop:
h_V = torch.clone(h_V_enc)
order_mask = torch.zeros(chain_M.shape[1], device=device).float()
if backbone_only:
order_mask = torch.ones(chain_M.shape[1], device=device).float()
order_mask[idx] = 0.
order_mask = torch.zeros(chain_M.shape[1], device=device).float()
order_mask[idx] = 1.
decoding_order = torch.argsort((order_mask[None,]+0.0001)*(torch.abs(randn))) #[numbers will be smaller for places where chain_M = 0.0 and higher for places where chain_M = 1.0]
mask_size = E_idx.shape[1]
permutation_matrix_reverse = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(decoding_order, num_classes=mask_size).float()
order_mask_backward = torch.einsum('ij, biq, bjp->bqp',(1-torch.triu(torch.ones(mask_size,mask_size, device=device))), permutation_matrix_reverse, permutation_matrix_reverse)
mask_attend = torch.gather(order_mask_backward, 2, E_idx).unsqueeze(-1)
mask_1D = mask.view([mask.size(0), mask.size(1), 1, 1])
mask_bw = mask_1D * mask_attend
mask_fw = mask_1D * (1. - mask_attend)
h_EXV_encoder_fw = mask_fw * h_EXV_encoder
for layer in self.decoder_layers:
# Masked positions attend to encoder information, unmasked see.
h_ESV = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_V, h_ES, E_idx)
h_ESV = mask_bw * h_ESV + h_EXV_encoder_fw
h_V = layer(h_V, h_ESV, mask)
logits = self.W_out(h_V)
log_probs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1)
log_conditional_probs[:,idx,:] = log_probs[:,idx,:]
return log_conditional_probs
def unconditional_probs(self, X, mask, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all):
""" Graph-conditioned sequence model """
# Prepare node and edge embeddings
E, E_idx = self.features(X, mask, residue_idx, chain_encoding_all)
h_V = torch.zeros((E.shape[0], E.shape[1], E.shape[-1]), device=E.device)
h_E = self.W_e(E)
# Encoder is unmasked self-attention
mask_attend = gather_nodes(mask.unsqueeze(-1), E_idx).squeeze(-1)
mask_attend = mask.unsqueeze(-1) * mask_attend
for layer in self.encoder_layers:
h_V, h_E = layer(h_V, h_E, E_idx, mask, mask_attend)
# Build encoder embeddings
h_EX_encoder = cat_neighbors_nodes(torch.zeros_like(h_V), h_E, E_idx)
h_EXV_encoder = cat_neighbors_nodes(h_V, h_EX_encoder, E_idx)
order_mask_backward = torch.zeros([X.shape[0], X.shape[1], X.shape[1]], device=device)
mask_attend = torch.gather(order_mask_backward, 2, E_idx).unsqueeze(-1)
mask_1D = mask.view([mask.size(0), mask.size(1), 1, 1])
mask_bw = mask_1D * mask_attend
mask_fw = mask_1D * (1. - mask_attend)
h_EXV_encoder_fw = mask_fw * h_EXV_encoder
for layer in self.decoder_layers:
h_V = layer(h_V, h_EXV_encoder_fw, mask)
logits = self.W_out(h_V)
log_probs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1)
return log_probs