initial commit
# test in gradio application
from assets.CharacterDataset import CharacterDataset # change in native
from assets.PredictionNetwork import PredictionNetwork, generate_text # change in native
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch
import gradio as gr
# samples path
samples_path = "advs.txt" # change in native
# pretrained weights path
pretrained_weights_path = "sherlock_holmes_lstm_text_generator_state_dict.pth" # change in native
# hyperparameters
vocab_size = 50
window_size = 40
embedding_dim = 512
linear_units = 64
lstm_units = 32
n_layers = 64
max_norm = 2
# get the text from the textfile
with open(samples_path,"r") as f:
text = "\n".join(f.readlines())
# instance the dataset
dataset = CharacterDataset(text,window_size=window_size,vocab_size=vocab_size)
# instance the model
model = PredictionNetwork(
vocab_size = vocab_size,
embedding_dimention = embedding_dim,
linear_units = linear_units,
lstm_units = lstm_units,
max_norm = max_norm,
n_layers = n_layers
# load the pretrained weights
# text generation function
def generate_text(n_chars,initial_text):
res = initial_text
h,c = None,None
begin_time = timer()
with torch.inference_mode():
for _ in range(int(n_chars)):
prev_chars = initial_text if res == initial_text else res[-1]
features = torch.LongTensor([[dataset.ch2idx[c] for c in prev_chars]])
logits, h,c = model(features,h,c)
probs = F.softmax(logits[0],dim = 0).to("cpu").detach().numpy()
new_ch = np.random.choice(dataset.vocabulary,p = probs)
res += new_ch
end_time = timer()
total_time = end_time - begin_time
return res,total_time
# create gradio application
title = "Sherlock Holmes text generator"
description = "An LSTM model trained to generate text using the anthology: [The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes]("
article = "The model was created using Pytorch. It incorporates embedding matrices to code the features of the vocabulary extracted from the book, and it is a partial improvement performance wise from my last project based on [Shakespheare's plays]( I plan on developing another version that incorporates a full transformer in the course of the next few weeks."
initial_text = "In the year 1878 I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of London,"
demo = gr.Interface(
fn = generate_text,
inputs = [gr.Number(value = 200,label = "Sequence Length",info = "Length of the sample sequence you wish to generate."),gr.TextArea(lines = 5,label="Initial Text",value = initial_text)],
outputs = [gr.TextArea(lines = 5,label="Sequence Output"),gr.Number(label = "Execution Time (seconds)")], title = title,
description = description,
article = article