# Build an integrated literature review synthesis Using the paper summaries, comparative table, and detailed outline provided above, generate a focused literature review (2500 words) that synthesizes these materials. The structure should follow the themes and organization established in the outline while adhering to domain-specific conventions. 1. DOCUMENT STRUCTURE: - Title (specific to the domain and topic) - Introduction (scope and purpose) - Sections as outlined in the analysis above - Comparative overview (featuring the provided table) - Conclusions and implications - References (APA style) 2. FORMATTING REQUIREMENTS: - Use markdown formatting - Include clear section headers following the outline - Present comparative table where most relevant to the analysis - In the table make sure to reference papers with proper academic citations not filenames. - Maximum 4 columns in tables - Place paper identifiers in a full row to save space - Standard markdown without additional ``` markers - Add --- before and after the table for clear separation. When adding this before the table also add a new line additional before the table to ensure proper formatting. 3. CONTENT INTEGRATION: - Structure narrative according to the themes identified in the outline - Incorporate comparative table to support key arguments - Build on the patterns and relationships already identified - Maintain clear connections between outlined themes - Support arguments with specific references from the analysis - Ensure smooth transitions between established themes - Develop insights from the comparative analysis - Conclude based on the synthesized findings - Dicuss in detail how summarized focal papers relate to relevant broader literature - and reference that - also in the filal reference list 4. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: - Length: 2500 words (excluding table and references) - Academic language appropriate to the discipline - APA style citations - Citations in text: (Author, Year) or Author (Year) for more than 2 authors use et al. - For core papers with multiple authors it may be useful to create abbreviations for the author names e.g. BP (Brown & Pinker, 2010) or TRZ (Taylor, Reddy, & Ziegler, 2015) - Complete reference list - Refer to papers with proper academic citations, not filenames - Adapt style and emphasis to disciplinary norms Papers, Table, and Outline Analysis provided above. FINAL GUIDELINES: 1. Follow the structural themes established in the outline 2. Integrate comparative findings from the table 3. Maintain disciplinary conventions and focus 4. Emphasize patterns identified in the analysis 5. Present synthesis without additional instructions 6. Adapt depth and emphasis based on the domain 7. The output is turned into PDF later with makdownn_pdf package. It is important that the output is a markdown with proper hierarchies.