# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: SWHL # @Contact: liekkaskono@163.com import numpy as np import streamlit as st from PIL import Image import cv2 from rapid_layout import RapidLayout, VisLayout st.markdown( "

Rapid Layout

", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.markdown( """

PyPI SemVer2.0

""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) model_types = { "pp_layout_cdla": [ "text", "title", "figure", "figure_caption", "table", "table_caption", "header", "footer", "reference", "equation", ], "pp_layout_publaynet": ["text", "title", "list", "table", "figure"], "pp_layout_table": ["table"], "yolov8n_layout_paper": [ "Text", "Title", "Header", "Footer", "Figure", "Table", "Toc", "Figure caption", "Table caption", ], "yolov8n_layout_report": [ "Text", "Title", "Header", "Footer", "Figure", "Table", "Toc", "Figure caption", "Table caption", ], "yolov8n_layout_publaynet": ["Text", "Title", "List", "Table", "Figure"], "yolov8n_layout_general6": [ "Text", "Title", "Figure", "Table", "Caption", "Equation", ], "doclayout_docstructbench": ['title', 'plain text', 'abandon', 'figure', 'figure_caption', 'table', 'table_caption', 'table_footnote', 'isolate_formula', 'formula_caption'], "doclayout_d4la": ['DocTitle', 'ParaTitle', 'ParaText', 'ListText', 'RegionTitle', 'Date', 'LetterHead', 'LetterDear', 'LetterSign', 'Question', 'OtherText', 'RegionKV', 'RegionList', 'Abstract', 'Author', 'TableName', 'Table', 'Figure', 'FigureName', 'Equation', 'Reference', 'Footer', 'PageHeader', 'PageFooter', 'Number', 'Catalog', 'PageNumber'], "doclayout_docsynth": ['Caption', 'Footnote', 'Formula', 'List-item', 'Page-footer', 'Page-header', 'Picture', 'Section-header', 'Table', 'Text', 'Title'] } select_model = st.selectbox("选择版面分析模型:", model_types.keys()) st.write("支持检测类型:") st.code(model_types[select_model], language="python") conf_threshold = st.slider("Confidence Threshold", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5) iou_threshold = st.slider("IoU Threshold", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5) with st.spinner(f"Downloading {select_model} model..."): layout_engine = RapidLayout(model_type=select_model, conf_thres=conf_threshold, iou_thres=iou_threshold) st.write("请上传图像:") img_suffix = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"] img_file_buffer = st.file_uploader( "Upload an image", type=img_suffix, key="layout", label_visibility="collapsed" ) if img_file_buffer: image = Image.open(img_file_buffer) img = np.array(image) with st.spinner("推理中...."): boxes, scores, class_names, *elapse = layout_engine(img, ) ploted_img = VisLayout.draw_detections(img, boxes, scores, class_names) st.image(ploted_img, use_column_width=True)