digiwild / app /physical /physical_boxes_define.py
vancauwe's picture
refactor: folders for code subparts and pydantic classes
history blame
667 Bytes
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import box
bounding_boxes = [
# 'Head incl. eyes',
box(250, 375, 350, 485),
# 'Beak and mouth region',
box(200, 450, 250, 485),
# 'Feathers/Wings/Tail',
box(50, 100, 725, 355),
# 'Legs',
box(325, 585, 450, 675),
# 'Body'
box(275, 510, 500, 565)
# Create a GeoDataFrame from these boxes
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': bounding_boxes,
'name': ['Head incl. eyes',