# digiwild ## Docker ``` docker build -t ordes/digiwild:swallow . ``` ``` docker run -it -p 7860:7860 ordes/digiwild:swallow ``` ## Needs - Camera with multiples pictures? - Uploading of pics - GPS location - Comments - Symptomps selection (Dropdown) ## ornitho.ch schema After selecting the species ``` - dead - wounded - Collision with a means of transport - road vehicle - road type (Options) - highway - main road - secondary road - local road/path/trail - parking lot - other - unknown - infrastructure number (Open) - train - infrastructure number (Open) - aircraft - boat - other - unknown - Destruction / Deliberatly removed - hunting - shooting - bow - falconry - hounds hunting - digging up - other - unknown - trap - killing trap - pole trap - trap cage - corvids nasse - net - cage trap - fall-trap - glue trap - insect trap - other - unknown - poisoning - removal or direct capture - gassing - raptor captured at nest - brood destruction - traffic/trade - capture accident - scientific sample - other - unknown - fishing - drowned/tangled - beached with capture indications - other - unknown - other - unkown - Indirect destruction - pylone and electric grid - object (Options) - electric line - pole/pylon - other - unknown - cause (Options) - collision - electrocution - unknown - windfarm - other collision - Object (Options) - window - building - lighthouse - cable - wire fence/barbed wire - other crash - unknown - fall - Object (Options) - chimney - empty pole - hole/well - other - unknown - development work - Type (Options) - transport infrastructure - building - other - unknown - pollution / contamination - Type (Options) - oil pollution - chemical pollution - heavy metals - light - noise - plastic ingestion - other - unknown - agricultural net protection - vegetal / forest work - Type (Options) - clearing/mowing/plowing - tree felling/pruning - other - unknown - other - unknown - Natural cause - predation - responsible (Options) - cat - dog - rooster/hen - other domestic animal - wild birds - wild mammal - other - unknown - weather - Type (Options) - cold wave - drought - hail - lightening - storm - other - unknown - natural disaster - Type (Options) - fire - avalanche - rock fall - mudslide - volcanic eruption/ashes - other - unknown - nest fall - strading due to exhaustion - disease/parasite - accidental drowing - Container (Options) - drinking trough - pool - storm pool - irrigation pool - natural pool - flood - other container - unknown - other - unknown - Unknown - Event follow-up - Animal collected (Options) - Yes - No - Recipient (Options) - Veterinary - Care center - Local Museum - National Museum - Other - Radiography (Options) - Yes - No - Unknown - Given answer (Options) - Nothing - Complaint against X - Complaint - Police call - Discussion with the speaker - Press release - Unknown - Name of recipient / museum (Open) - Collection reference (Open) ```