import os import numpy as np import networkx as nx import pygmtools as pygm import torch try: from import Data except: os.system("pip install --no-index torch-sparse -f") os.system("pip install --no-index torch-scatter -f") os.system("pip install --no-index torch-spline-conv -f") os.system("pip install --no-index torch-cluster -f") from import Data from one_hot import one_hot from torch_geometric.transforms import OneHotDegree import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pygmtools as pygm pygm.set_backend('pytorch') ###################################################### # Constant Variable # ###################################################### AIDS700NEF_TYPE = [ 'O', 'S', 'C', 'N', 'Cl', 'Br', 'B', 'Si', 'Hg', 'I', 'Bi', 'P', 'F', 'Cu', 'Ho', 'Pd', 'Ru', 'Pt', 'Sn', 'Li', 'Ga', 'Tb', 'As', 'Co', 'Pb', 'Sb', 'Se', 'Ni', 'Te' ] COLOR = [ '#FF69B4', # O - 热情的粉红色 '#00CED1', # S - 深蓝绿色 '#FFD700', # C - 金色 '#FFA500', # N - 橙色 '#FF6347', # Cl - 番茄红色 '#8B008B', # Br - 深洋红色 '#00FF7F', # B - 春天的绿色 '#40E0D0', # Si - 绿松石色 '#FF4500', # Hg - 橙红色 '#9932CC', # I - 深兰花紫色 '#9370DB', # Bi - 中紫色 '#FFA500', # P - 橙色 '#FFFF00', # F - 黄色 '#B8860B', # Cu - 深金色 '#7FFFD4', # Ho - 碧绿色 '#FFD700', # Pd - 金色 '#B22222', # Ru - 砖红色 '#E5E4E2', # Pt - 浅灰色 '#A9A9A9', # Sn - 深灰色 '#32CD32', # Li - 酸橙色 '#CD853F', # Ga - 秘鲁色 '#7FFFD4', # Tb - 碧绿色 '#8A2BE2', # As - 紫罗兰色 '#FFD700', # Co - 金色 '#808080', # Pb - 灰色 '#A9A9A9', # Sb - 深灰色 '#FA8072', # Se - 鲑鱼色 '#BEBEBE', # Ni - 浅灰色 '#800080' # Te - 紫色 ] ###################################################### # Utils Func # ###################################################### def from_gexf(filename: str, node_types: list=None): r""" Read Data from GEXF file """ if not filename.endswith('.gexf'): raise ValueError("File type error, 'from_gexf' function only supports GEXF files") graph = nx.read_gexf(filename) mapping = {name: j for j, name in enumerate(graph.nodes())} graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, mapping) edge_index = torch.from_numpy(np.array(graph.edges, dtype=np.int64).transpose()) x = None labels = None data = None colors = None if 'type' in graph.nodes(data=True)[0].keys(): labels = dict() colors = list() num_nodes = graph.number_of_nodes() x = torch.zeros(num_nodes, dtype=torch.long) node_types = AIDS700NEF_TYPE if node_types is None else node_types for node, info in graph.nodes(data=True): x[int(node)] = node_types.index(info['type']) labels[int(node)] = str(int(node)) + info['type'] colors.append(COLOR[x[int(node)]]) x = one_hot(x, num_classes=len(node_types)) data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=None) return graph, data, labels, colors def draw(graph, colors, labels, filename, title, pos_type=None): if pos_type is None: pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(graph) elif pos_type == "spring": pos = nx.spring_layout(graph) plt.figure() plt.gca().set_title(title) nx.draw(graph, pos, with_labels=True, node_color=colors, edge_color='gray', labels=labels) plt.savefig(filename) plt.clf() ###################################################### # GED UI # ###################################################### def astar( g1_path: str, g2_path: str, output_path: str="examples", filename: str="example", device='cpu' ): if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.mkdir(output_path) output_filename = os.path.join(output_path, filename) + "_{}.png" # Load data g1, d1, l1, c1 = from_gexf(g1_path) g2, d2, l2, c2 = from_gexf(g2_path) if len(c1) > len(c2): graph1, data1, labels1, colors1 = g2, d2, l2, c2 graph2, data2, labels2, colors2 = g1, d1, l1, c1 else: graph1, data1, labels1, colors1 = g1, d1, l1, c1 graph2, data2, labels2, colors2 = g2, d2, l2, c2 # Build Graph and Adj Matrix data1 = OneHotDegree(max_degree=6)(data1) data2 = OneHotDegree(max_degree=6)(data2) feat1 = feat2 = A1 = torch.tensor(pygm.utils.from_networkx(graph1)).float().to(device) A2 = torch.tensor(pygm.utils.from_networkx(graph2)).float().to(device) # Caculate the ged x_pred = pygm.genn_astar(feat1, feat2, A1, A2, return_network=False) # Plot draw(graph1, colors1, labels1, output_filename.format(1), "Graph1") draw(graph2, colors2, labels2, output_filename.format(5), f"Graph2") # Match Process total_cost = 0 labels1_1 = labels1.copy() for i in range(x_pred.shape[0]): target = torch.nonzero(x_pred[i])[0].item() labels1_1[i] = labels1[i].replace(str(i), str(target)) title = "Node Match" draw(graph1, colors1, labels1_1, output_filename.format(2), title) # Node Change cur_cost = 0 labels1_2 = labels1.copy() colors1_2 = colors1.copy() target2ori = dict() targets = list() for i in range(x_pred.shape[0]): target = torch.nonzero(x_pred[i])[0].item() if labels1_1[i] != labels2[target]: cur_cost += 1 labels1_2[i] = labels2[target] colors1_2[i] = colors2[target] target2ori[target] = i targets.append(target) total_cost += cur_cost title = f"Node Change" draw(graph1, colors1_2, labels1_2, output_filename.format(3), title) # Edge Change leave_cost = np.array(graph2).shape[0] - np.array(graph1).shape[0] leave_cost += graph2.number_of_nodes() - graph1.number_of_nodes() e2 = np.array(graph2.edges) new_edges = list() for edge in e2: if edge[0] in targets and edge[1] in targets: new_edges.append([target2ori[edge[0]], target2ori[edge[1]]]) graph1.edges = nx.Graph(new_edges).edges title = f"Edge Change" draw(graph1, colors1_2, labels1_2, output_filename.format(4), title, pos_type="spring")