import streamlit as st # Function to generate questions based on the description def generate_questions(description): # You can implement your logic here to generate questions questions = ["Question 1", "Question 2", "Question 3"] return questions # Function to test the business case with sample data def test_business_case(answers, sample_data): # You can implement your logic here to test the business case st.write("Testing the business case with answers:", answers) st.write("Sample data uploaded:", sample_data) def main(): st.title("Jump Start your Use case") # Step 1: User enters a description description = st.text_area("Enter the description of the business case:") # Step 2: Generate questions based on the description if description: questions = generate_questions(description) st.subheader("Questions:") for i, question in enumerate(questions): answer = st.text_input(f"Q{i+1}: {question}") # Step 3: User uploads sample data uploaded_data = st.file_uploader("Upload sample data", type=["csv", "xlsx"]) if st.button("Test Business Case"): # Step 4: Redirect to a new page to test the business case st.write("Redirecting to test the business case...") test_business_case([answer for answer in answers if answer], uploaded_data) if __name__ == "__main__": main()