import requests import polars as pl import numpy as np from datetime import datetime from tqdm import tqdm from pytz import timezone import re from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed import time class MLB_Scrape: def __init__(self): # Initialize your class here if needed pass def get_sport_id(self): """ Retrieves the list of sports from the MLB API and processes it into a Polars DataFrame. Returns: - df (pl.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the sports information. """ # Make API call to retrieve sports information response = requests.get(url='').json() # Convert the JSON response into a Polars DataFrame df = pl.DataFrame(response['sports']) return df def get_sport_id_check(self, sport_id: int = 1): """ Checks if the provided sport ID exists in the list of sports retrieved from the MLB API. Parameters: - sport_id (int): The sport ID to check. Default is 1. Returns: - bool: True if the sport ID exists, False otherwise. If False, prints the available sport IDs. """ # Retrieve the list of sports from the MLB API sport_id_df = self.get_sport_id() # Check if the provided sport ID exists in the DataFrame if sport_id not in sport_id_df['id']: print('Please Select a New Sport ID from the following') print(sport_id_df) return False return True def get_game_types(self): """ Retrieves the different types of MLB games from the MLB API and processes them into a Polars DataFrame. Returns: - df (pl.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the game types information. """ # Make API call to retrieve game types information response = requests.get(url='').json() # Convert the JSON response into a Polars DataFrame df = pl.DataFrame(response) return df def get_schedule(self, year_input: list = [2024], sport_id: list = [1], game_type: list = ['R']): """ Retrieves the schedule of baseball games based on the specified parameters. Parameters: - year_input (list): A list of years to filter the schedule. Default is [2024]. - sport_id (list): A list of sport IDs to filter the schedule. Default is [1]. - game_type (list): A list of game types to filter the schedule. Default is ['R']. Returns: - game_df (pandas.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the game schedule information, including game ID, date, time, away team, home team, game state, venue ID, and venue name. If the schedule length is 0, it returns a message indicating that different parameters should be selected. """ # Type checks if not isinstance(year_input, list) or not all(isinstance(year, int) for year in year_input): raise ValueError("year_input must be a list of integers.") if not isinstance(sport_id, list) or not all(isinstance(sid, int) for sid in sport_id): raise ValueError("sport_id must be a list of integers.") if not isinstance(game_type, list) or not all(isinstance(gt, str) for gt in game_type): raise ValueError("game_type must be a list of strings.") eastern = timezone('US/Eastern') # Convert input lists to comma-separated strings year_input_str = ','.join([str(x) for x in year_input]) sport_id_str = ','.join([str(x) for x in sport_id]) game_type_str = ','.join([str(x) for x in game_type]) # Make API call to retrieve game schedule game_call = requests.get(url=f'{sport_id_str}&gameTypes={game_type_str}&season={year_input_str}&hydrate=lineup,players').json() # Extract relevant data from the API response game_list = [item for sublist in [[y['gamePk'] for y in x['games']] for x in game_call['dates']] for item in sublist] time_list = [item for sublist in [[y['gameDate'] for y in x['games']] for x in game_call['dates']] for item in sublist] date_list = [item for sublist in [[y['officialDate'] for y in x['games']] for x in game_call['dates']] for item in sublist] away_team_list = [item for sublist in [[y['teams']['away']['team']['name'] for y in x['games']] for x in game_call['dates']] for item in sublist] home_team_list = [item for sublist in [[y['teams']['home']['team']['name'] for y in x['games']] for x in game_call['dates']] for item in sublist] state_list = [item for sublist in [[y['status']['codedGameState'] for y in x['games']] for x in game_call['dates']] for item in sublist] venue_id = [item for sublist in [[y['venue']['id'] for y in x['games']] for x in game_call['dates']] for item in sublist] venue_name = [item for sublist in [[y['venue']['name'] for y in x['games']] for x in game_call['dates']] for item in sublist] # Create a Polars DataFrame with the extracted data game_df = pl.DataFrame(data={'game_id': game_list, 'time': time_list, 'date': date_list, 'away': away_team_list, 'home': home_team_list, 'state': state_list, 'venue_id': venue_id, 'venue_name': venue_name}) # Check if the DataFrame is empty if len(game_df) == 0: return 'Schedule Length of 0, please select different parameters.' # Convert date and time columns to appropriate formats game_df = game_df.with_columns( game_df['date'].str.to_date(), game_df['time'].str.to_datetime().dt.convert_time_zone("%I:%M %p")) # Remove duplicate games and sort by date game_df = game_df.unique(subset='game_id').sort('date') # Check again if the DataFrame is empty after processing if len(game_df) == 0: return 'Schedule Length of 0, please select different parameters.' return game_df def get_data(self, game_list_input: list): """ Retrieves live game data for a list of game IDs. Parameters: - game_list_input (list): A list of game IDs for which to retrieve live data. Returns: - data_total (list): A list of JSON responses containing live game data for each game ID. """ data_total = [] print('This May Take a While. Progress Bar shows Completion of Data Retrieval.') # Iterate over the list of game IDs with a progress bar for i in tqdm(range(len(game_list_input)), desc="Processing", unit="iteration"): # Make a GET request to the MLB API for each game ID r = requests.get(f'{game_list_input[i]}/feed/live') # Append the JSON response to the data_total list data_total.append(r.json()) return data_total return data_total def get_data_df(self, data_list): """ Converts a list of game data JSON objects into a Polars DataFrame. Parameters: - data_list (list): A list of JSON objects containing game data. Returns: - data_df (pl.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the structured game data. """ swing_list = ['X','F','S','D','E','T','W'] whiff_list = ['S','T','W'] print('Converting Data to Dataframe.') game_id = [] game_date = [] batter_id = [] batter_name = [] batter_hand = [] batter_team = [] batter_team_id = [] pitcher_id = [] pitcher_name = [] pitcher_hand = [] pitcher_team = [] pitcher_team_id = [] play_description = [] play_code = [] in_play = [] is_strike = [] is_swing = [] is_whiff = [] is_out = [] is_ball = [] is_review = [] pitch_type = [] pitch_description = [] strikes = [] balls = [] outs = [] strikes_after = [] balls_after = [] outs_after = [] start_speed = [] end_speed = [] sz_top = [] sz_bot = [] x = [] y = [] ax = [] ay = [] az = [] pfxx = [] pfxz = [] px = [] pz = [] vx0 = [] vy0 = [] vz0 = [] x0 = [] y0 = [] z0 = [] zone = [] type_confidence = [] plate_time = [] extension = [] spin_rate = [] spin_direction = [] vb = [] ivb = [] hb = [] launch_speed = [] launch_angle = [] launch_distance = [] launch_location = [] trajectory = [] hardness = [] hit_x = [] hit_y = [] index_play = [] play_id = [] start_time = [] end_time = [] is_pitch = [] type_type = [] type_ab = [] ab_number = [] event = [] event_type = [] rbi = [] away_score = [] home_score = [] for data in data_list: for ab_id in range(len(data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'])): ab_list = data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id] for n in range(len(ab_list['playEvents'])): if ab_list['playEvents'][n]['isPitch'] == True or 'call' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details']: ab_number.append(ab_list['atBatIndex'] if 'atBatIndex' in ab_list else None) game_id.append(data['gamePk']) game_date.append(data['gameData']['datetime']['officialDate']) if 'matchup' in ab_list: batter_id.append(ab_list['matchup']['batter']['id'] if 'batter' in ab_list['matchup'] else None) if 'batter' in ab_list['matchup']: batter_name.append(ab_list['matchup']['batter']['fullName'] if 'fullName' in ab_list['matchup']['batter'] else None) else: batter_name.append(None) batter_hand.append(ab_list['matchup']['batSide']['code'] if 'batSide' in ab_list['matchup'] else None) pitcher_id.append(ab_list['matchup']['pitcher']['id'] if 'pitcher' in ab_list['matchup'] else None) if 'pitcher' in ab_list['matchup']: pitcher_name.append(ab_list['matchup']['pitcher']['fullName'] if 'fullName' in ab_list['matchup']['pitcher'] else None) else: pitcher_name.append(None) pitcher_hand.append(ab_list['matchup']['pitchHand']['code'] if 'pitchHand' in ab_list['matchup'] else None) if ab_list['about']['isTopInning']: batter_team.append(data['gameData']['teams']['away']['abbreviation'] if 'away' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) batter_team_id.append(data['gameData']['teams']['away']['id'] if 'away' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) pitcher_team.append(data['gameData']['teams']['home']['abbreviation'] if 'home' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) pitcher_team_id.append(data['gameData']['teams']['home']['id'] if 'home' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) else: batter_team.append(data['gameData']['teams']['home']['abbreviation'] if 'home' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) batter_team_id.append(data['gameData']['teams']['home']['id'] if 'home' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) pitcher_team.append(data['gameData']['teams']['away']['abbreviation'] if 'away' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) pitcher_team_id.append(data['gameData']['teams']['away']['id'] if 'away' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) play_description.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details']['description'] if 'description' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details'] else None) play_code.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details']['code'] if 'code' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details'] else None) in_play.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details']['isInPlay'] if 'isInPlay' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details'] else None) is_strike.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details']['isStrike'] if 'isStrike' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details'] else None) if 'details' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]: is_swing.append(True if ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details']['code'] in swing_list else None) is_whiff.append(True if ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details']['code'] in whiff_list else None) else: is_swing.append(None) is_whiff.append(None) is_ball.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details']['isOut'] if 'isOut' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details'] else None) is_review.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details']['hasReview'] if 'hasReview' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details'] else None) pitch_type.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details']['type']['code'] if 'type' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details'] else None) pitch_description.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details']['type']['description'] if 'type' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['details'] else None) if ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchNumber'] == 1: strikes.append(0) balls.append(0) strikes_after.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['strikes'] if 'strikes' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) balls_after.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['balls'] if 'balls' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) outs.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['outs'] if 'outs' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) outs_after.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['outs'] if 'outs' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) else: strikes.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n-1]['count']['strikes'] if 'strikes' in ab_list['playEvents'][n-1]['count'] else None) balls.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n-1]['count']['balls'] if 'balls' in ab_list['playEvents'][n-1]['count'] else None) outs.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n-1]['count']['outs'] if 'outs' in ab_list['playEvents'][n-1]['count'] else None) strikes_after.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['strikes'] if 'strikes' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) balls_after.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['balls'] if 'balls' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) outs_after.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['outs'] if 'outs' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) if 'pitchData' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]: start_speed.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['startSpeed'] if 'startSpeed' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData'] else None) end_speed.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['endSpeed'] if 'endSpeed' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData'] else None) sz_top.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['strikeZoneTop'] if 'strikeZoneTop' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData'] else None) sz_bot.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['strikeZoneBottom'] if 'strikeZoneBottom' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData'] else None) x.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['x'] if 'x' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) y.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['y'] if 'y' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) ax.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['aX'] if 'aX' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) ay.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['aY'] if 'aY' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) az.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['aZ'] if 'aZ' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) pfxx.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['pfxX'] if 'pfxX' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) pfxz.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['pfxZ'] if 'pfxZ' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) px.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['pX'] if 'pX' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) pz.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['pZ'] if 'pZ' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) vx0.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['vX0'] if 'vX0' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) vy0.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['vY0'] if 'vY0' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) vz0.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['vZ0'] if 'vZ0' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) x0.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['x0'] if 'x0' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) y0.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['y0'] if 'y0' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) z0.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates']['z0'] if 'z0' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['coordinates'] else None) zone.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['zone'] if 'zone' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData'] else None) type_confidence.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['typeConfidence'] if 'typeConfidence' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData'] else None) plate_time.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['plateTime'] if 'plateTime' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData'] else None) extension.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['extension'] if 'extension' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData'] else None) if 'breaks' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']: spin_rate.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['breaks']['spinRate'] if 'spinRate' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['breaks'] else None) spin_direction.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['breaks']['spinDirection'] if 'spinDirection' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['breaks'] else None) vb.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['breaks']['breakVertical'] if 'breakVertical' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['breaks'] else None) ivb.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['breaks']['breakVerticalInduced'] if 'breakVerticalInduced' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['breaks'] else None) hb.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['breaks']['breakHorizontal'] if 'breakHorizontal' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['pitchData']['breaks'] else None) else: start_speed.append(None) end_speed.append(None) sz_top.append(None) sz_bot.append(None) x.append(None) y.append(None) ax.append(None) ay.append(None) az.append(None) pfxx.append(None) pfxz.append(None) px.append(None) pz.append(None) vx0.append(None) vy0.append(None) vz0.append(None) x0.append(None) y0.append(None) z0.append(None) zone.append(None) type_confidence.append(None) plate_time.append(None) extension.append(None) spin_rate.append(None) spin_direction.append(None) vb.append(None) ivb.append(None) hb.append(None) if 'hitData' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]: launch_speed.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData']['launchSpeed'] if 'launchSpeed' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData'] else None) launch_angle.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData']['launchAngle'] if 'launchAngle' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData'] else None) launch_distance.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData']['totalDistance'] if 'totalDistance' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData'] else None) launch_location.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData']['location'] if 'location' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData'] else None) trajectory.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData']['trajectory'] if 'trajectory' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData'] else None) hardness.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData']['hardness'] if 'hardness' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData'] else None) hit_x.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData']['coordinates']['coordX'] if 'coordX' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData']['coordinates'] else None) hit_y.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData']['coordinates']['coordY'] if 'coordY' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['hitData']['coordinates'] else None) else: launch_speed.append(None) launch_angle.append(None) launch_distance.append(None) launch_location.append(None) trajectory.append(None) hardness.append(None) hit_x.append(None) hit_y.append(None) index_play.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['index'] if 'index' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) play_id.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['playId'] if 'playId' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) start_time.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['startTime'] if 'startTime' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) end_time.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['endTime'] if 'endTime' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) is_pitch.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['isPitch'] if 'isPitch' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) type_type.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['type'] if 'type' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) if n == len(ab_list['playEvents']) - 1 : type_ab.append(data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result']['type'] if 'type' in data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result'] else None) event.append(data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result']['event'] if 'event' in data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result'] else None) event_type.append(data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result']['eventType'] if 'eventType' in data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result'] else None) rbi.append(data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result']['rbi'] if 'rbi' in data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result'] else None) away_score.append(data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result']['awayScore'] if 'awayScore' in data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result'] else None) home_score.append(data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result']['homeScore'] if 'homeScore' in data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result'] else None) is_out.append(data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result']['isOut'] if 'isOut' in data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result'] else None) else: type_ab.append(None) event.append(None) event_type.append(None) rbi.append(None) away_score.append(None) home_score.append(None) is_out.append(None) elif ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['balls'] == 4: event.append(data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result']['event']) event_type.append(data['liveData']['plays']['allPlays'][ab_id]['result']['eventType']) game_id.append(data['gamePk']) game_date.append(data['gameData']['datetime']['officialDate']) batter_id.append(ab_list['matchup']['batter']['id'] if 'batter' in ab_list['matchup'] else None) batter_name.append(ab_list['matchup']['batter']['fullName'] if 'batter' in ab_list['matchup'] else None) batter_hand.append(ab_list['matchup']['batSide']['code'] if 'batSide' in ab_list['matchup'] else None) pitcher_id.append(ab_list['matchup']['pitcher']['id'] if 'pitcher' in ab_list['matchup'] else None) pitcher_name.append(ab_list['matchup']['pitcher']['fullName'] if 'pitcher' in ab_list['matchup'] else None) pitcher_hand.append(ab_list['matchup']['pitchHand']['code'] if 'pitchHand' in ab_list['matchup'] else None) if ab_list['about']['isTopInning']: batter_team.append(data['gameData']['teams']['away']['abbreviation'] if 'away' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) batter_team_id.append(data['gameData']['teams']['away']['id'] if 'away' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) pitcher_team.append(data['gameData']['teams']['home']['abbreviation'] if 'home' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) pitcher_team_id.append(data['gameData']['teams']['away']['id'] if 'away' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) else: batter_team.append(data['gameData']['teams']['home']['abbreviation'] if 'home' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) batter_team_id.append(data['gameData']['teams']['home']['id'] if 'home' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) pitcher_team.append(data['gameData']['teams']['away']['abbreviation'] if 'away' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) pitcher_team_id.append(data['gameData']['teams']['home']['id'] if 'home' in data['gameData']['teams'] else None) play_description.append(None) play_code.append(None) in_play.append(None) is_strike.append(None) is_ball.append(None) is_review.append(None) pitch_type.append(None) pitch_description.append(None) strikes.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['balls'] if 'balls' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) balls.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['strikes'] if 'strikes' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) outs.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['outs'] if 'outs' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) strikes_after.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['balls'] if 'balls' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) balls_after.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['strikes'] if 'strikes' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) outs_after.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count']['outs'] if 'outs' in ab_list['playEvents'][n]['count'] else None) index_play.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['index'] if 'index' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) play_id.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['playId'] if 'playId' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) start_time.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['startTime'] if 'startTime' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) end_time.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['endTime'] if 'endTime' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) is_pitch.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['isPitch'] if 'isPitch' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) type_type.append(ab_list['playEvents'][n]['type'] if 'type' in ab_list['playEvents'][n] else None) is_swing.append(None) is_whiff.append(None) start_speed.append(None) end_speed.append(None) sz_top.append(None) sz_bot.append(None) x.append(None) y.append(None) ax.append(None) ay.append(None) az.append(None) pfxx.append(None) pfxz.append(None) px.append(None) pz.append(None) vx0.append(None) vy0.append(None) vz0.append(None) x0.append(None) y0.append(None) z0.append(None) zone.append(None) type_confidence.append(None) plate_time.append(None) extension.append(None) spin_rate.append(None) spin_direction.append(None) vb.append(None) ivb.append(None) hb.append(None) launch_speed.append(None) launch_angle.append(None) launch_distance.append(None) launch_location.append(None) trajectory.append(None) hardness.append(None) hit_x.append(None) hit_y.append(None) type_ab.append(None) ab_number.append(None) rbi.append(None) away_score.append(None) home_score.append(None) is_out.append(None) # print({ # 'game_id':len(game_id), # 'game_date':len(game_date), # 'batter_id':len(batter_id), # 'batter_name':len(batter_name), # 'batter_hand':len(batter_hand), # 'batter_team':len(batter_team), # 'batter_team_id':len(batter_team_id), # 'pitcher_id':len(pitcher_id), # 'pitcher_name':len(pitcher_name), # 'pitcher_hand':len(pitcher_hand), # 'pitcher_team':len(pitcher_team), # 'pitcher_team_id':len(pitcher_team_id), # 'play_description':len(play_description), # 'play_code':len(play_code), # 'in_play':len(in_play), # 'is_strike':len(is_strike), # 'is_swing':len(is_swing), # 'is_whiff':len(is_whiff), # 'is_out':len(is_out), # 'is_ball':len(is_ball), # 'is_review':len(is_review), # 'pitch_type':len(pitch_type), # 'pitch_description':len(pitch_description), # 'strikes':len(strikes), # 'balls':len(balls), # 'outs':len(outs), # 'strikes_after':len(strikes_after), # 'balls_after':len(balls_after), # 'outs_after':len(outs_after), # 'start_speed':len(start_speed), # 'end_speed':len(end_speed), # 'sz_top':len(sz_top), # 'sz_bot':len(sz_bot), # 'x':len(x), # 'y':len(y), # 'ax':len(ax), # 'ay':len(ay), # 'az':len(az), # 'pfxx':len(pfxx), # 'pfxz':len(pfxz), # 'px':len(px), # 'pz':len(pz), # 'vx0':len(vx0), # 'vy0':len(vy0), # 'vz0':len(vz0), # 'x0':len(x0), # 'y0':len(y0), # 'z0':len(z0), # 'zone':len(zone), # 'type_confidence':len(type_confidence), # 'plate_time':len(plate_time), # 'extension':len(extension), # 'spin_rate':len(spin_rate), # 'spin_direction':len(spin_direction), # 'vb':len(vb), # 'ivb':len(ivb), # 'hb':len(hb), # 'launch_speed':len(launch_speed), # 'launch_angle':len(launch_angle), # 'launch_distance':len(launch_distance), # 'launch_location':len(launch_location), # 'trajectory':len(trajectory), # 'hardness':len(hardness), # 'hit_x':len(hit_x), # 'hit_y':len(hit_y), # 'index_play':len(index_play), # 'play_id':len(play_id), # 'start_time':len(start_time), # 'end_time':len(end_time), # 'is_pitch':len(is_pitch), # 'type_type':len(type_type), # 'type_ab':len(type_ab), # 'event':len(event), # 'event_type':len(event_type), # 'rbi':len(rbi), # 'away_score':len(away_score), # 'home_score':len(home_score), # } # ) df = pl.DataFrame(data={ 'game_id':game_id, 'game_date':game_date, 'batter_id':batter_id, 'batter_name':batter_name, 'batter_hand':batter_hand, 'batter_team':batter_team, 'batter_team_id':batter_team_id, 'pitcher_id':pitcher_id, 'pitcher_name':pitcher_name, 'pitcher_hand':pitcher_hand, 'pitcher_team':pitcher_team, 'pitcher_team_id':pitcher_team_id, 'ab_number':ab_number, 'play_description':play_description, 'play_code':play_code, 'in_play':in_play, 'is_strike':is_strike, 'is_swing':is_swing, 'is_whiff':is_whiff, 'is_out':is_out, 'is_ball':is_ball, 'is_review':is_review, 'pitch_type':pitch_type, 'pitch_description':pitch_description, 'strikes':strikes, 'balls':balls, 'outs':outs, 'strikes_after':strikes_after, 'balls_after':balls_after, 'outs_after':outs_after, 'start_speed':start_speed, 'end_speed':end_speed, 'sz_top':sz_top, 'sz_bot':sz_bot, 'x':x, 'y':y, 'ax':ax, 'ay':ay, 'az':az, 'pfxx':pfxx, 'pfxz':pfxz, 'px':px, 'pz':pz, 'vx0':vx0, 'vy0':vy0, 'vz0':vz0, 'x0':x0, 'y0':y0, 'z0':z0, 'zone':zone, 'type_confidence':type_confidence, 'plate_time':plate_time, 'extension':extension, 'spin_rate':spin_rate, 'spin_direction':spin_direction, 'vb':vb, 'ivb':ivb, 'hb':hb, 'launch_speed':launch_speed, 'launch_angle':launch_angle, 'launch_distance':launch_distance, 'launch_location':launch_location, 'trajectory':trajectory, 'hardness':hardness, 'hit_x':hit_x, 'hit_y':hit_y, 'index_play':index_play, 'play_id':play_id, 'start_time':start_time, 'end_time':end_time, 'is_pitch':is_pitch, 'type_type':type_type, 'type_ab':type_ab, 'event':event, 'event_type':event_type, 'rbi':rbi, 'away_score':away_score, 'home_score':home_score, },strict=False ) return df # def get_players(self,sport_id:int): # player_data = requests.get(url=f'{sport_id}/players').json() # #Select relevant data that will help distinguish players from one another # fullName_list = [x['fullName'] for x in player_data['people']] # id_list = [x['id'] for x in player_data['people']] # position_list = [x['primaryPosition']['abbreviation'] for x in player_data['people']] # team_list = [x['currentTeam']['id']for x in player_data['people']] # age_list = [x['currentAge']for x in player_data['people']] # player_df = pl.DataFrame(data={'player_id':id_list, # 'name':fullName_list, # 'position':position_list, # 'team':team_list, # 'age':age_list}) # return player_df def get_teams(self): """ Retrieves information about MLB teams from the MLB API and processes it into a Polars DataFrame. Returns: - mlb_teams_df (pl.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing team information, including team ID, city, name, franchise, abbreviation, parent organization ID, parent organization name, league ID, and league name. """ # Make API call to retrieve team information teams = requests.get(url='').json() # Extract relevant data from the API response mlb_teams_city = [x['franchiseName'] if 'franchiseName' in x else None for x in teams['teams']] mlb_teams_name = [x['teamName'] if 'franchiseName' in x else None for x in teams['teams']] mlb_teams_franchise = [x['name'] if 'franchiseName' in x else None for x in teams['teams']] mlb_teams_id = [x['id'] if 'franchiseName' in x else None for x in teams['teams']] mlb_teams_abb = [x['abbreviation'] if 'franchiseName' in x else None for x in teams['teams']] mlb_teams_parent_id = [x['parentOrgId'] if 'parentOrgId' in x else None for x in teams['teams']] mlb_teams_parent = [x['parentOrgName'] if 'parentOrgName' in x else None for x in teams['teams']] mlb_teams_league_id = [x['league']['id'] if 'id' in x['league'] else None for x in teams['teams']] mlb_teams_league_name = [x['league']['name'] if 'name' in x['league'] else None for x in teams['teams']] # Create a Polars DataFrame with the extracted data mlb_teams_df = pl.DataFrame(data={'team_id': mlb_teams_id, 'city': mlb_teams_franchise, 'name': mlb_teams_name, 'franchise': mlb_teams_franchise, 'abbreviation': mlb_teams_abb, 'parent_org_id': mlb_teams_parent_id, 'parent_org': mlb_teams_parent, 'league_id': mlb_teams_league_id, 'league_name': mlb_teams_league_name }).unique().drop_nulls(subset=['team_id']).sort('team_id') # Fill missing parent organization IDs with team IDs mlb_teams_df = mlb_teams_df.with_columns( pl.when(pl.col('parent_org_id').is_null()) .then(pl.col('team_id')) .otherwise(pl.col('parent_org_id')) .alias('parent_org_id') ) # Fill missing parent organization names with franchise names mlb_teams_df = mlb_teams_df.with_columns( pl.when(pl.col('parent_org').is_null()) .then(pl.col('franchise')) .otherwise(pl.col('parent_org')) .alias('parent_org') ) # Create a dictionary for mapping team IDs to abbreviations abbreviation_dict =['team_id', 'abbreviation']).to_dict(as_series=False) abbreviation_map = {k: v for k, v in zip(abbreviation_dict['team_id'], abbreviation_dict['abbreviation'])} # Create a DataFrame for parent organization abbreviations abbreviation_df =['team_id', 'abbreviation']).rename({'team_id': 'parent_org_id', 'abbreviation': 'parent_org_abbreviation'}) # Join the parent organization abbreviations with the main DataFrame mlb_teams_df = mlb_teams_df.join(abbreviation_df, on='parent_org_id', how='left') return mlb_teams_df def get_leagues(self): """ Retrieves information about MLB leagues from the MLB API and processes it into a Polars DataFrame. Returns: - leagues_df (pl.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing league information, including league ID, league name, league abbreviation, and sport ID. """ # Make API call to retrieve league information leagues = requests.get(url='').json() # Extract relevant data from the API response sport_id = [x['sport']['id'] if 'sport' in x else None for x in leagues['leagues']] league_id = [x['id'] if 'id' in x else None for x in leagues['leagues']] league_name = [x['name'] if 'name' in x else None for x in leagues['leagues']] league_abbreviation = [x['abbreviation'] if 'abbreviation' in x else None for x in leagues['leagues']] # Create a Polars DataFrame with the extracted data leagues_df = pl.DataFrame(data={ 'league_id': league_id, 'league_name': league_name, 'league_abbreviation': league_abbreviation, 'sport_id': sport_id, }) return leagues_df def get_player_games_list(self, player_id: int, season: int, start_date: str = None, end_date: str = None, sport_id: int = 1, game_type: list = ['R'], pitching: bool = True): """ Retrieves a list of game IDs for a specific player in a given season. Parameters: - player_id (int): The ID of the player. - season (int): The season year for which to retrieve the game list. - start_date (str): The start date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the range (default is January 1st of the specified season). - end_date (str): The end date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the range (default is December 31st of the specified season). - sport_id (int): The ID of the sport for which to retrieve player data. - game_type (list): A list of game types to filter the schedule. Default is ['R']. - pitching (bool): Return pitching games. Returns: - player_game_list (list): A list of game IDs in which the player participated during the specified season. """ # Set default start and end dates if not provided if not start_date: start_date = f'{season}-01-01' if not end_date: end_date = f'{season}-12-31' # Determine the group based on the pitching flag group = 'pitching' if pitching else 'hitting' # Validate date format date_pattern = re.compile(r'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$') if not date_pattern.match(start_date): raise ValueError(f"start_date {start_date} is not in YYYY-MM-DD format") if not date_pattern.match(end_date): raise ValueError(f"end_date {end_date} is not in YYYY-MM-DD format") # Convert game type list to a comma-separated string game_type_str = ','.join([str(x) for x in game_type]) # Make API call to retrieve player game logs response = requests.get(url=f'{player_id}?hydrate=stats(group={group},type=gameLog,season={season},startDate={start_date},endDate={end_date},sportId={sport_id},gameType=[{game_type_str}]),hydrations').json() # Check if stats are available in the response if 'stats' not in response['people'][0]: print(f'No {group} games found for player {player_id} in season {season}') return [] # Extract game IDs from the API response player_game_list = [x['game']['gamePk'] for x in response['people'][0]['stats'][0]['splits']] return player_game_list def get_players(self, sport_id: int, season: int, game_type: list = ['R']): """ Retrieves data frame of players in a given league Parameters: - sport_id (int): The ID of the sport for which to retrieve player data. - season (int): The season year for which to retrieve player data. Returns: - player_df (pl.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing player information, including player ID, name, position, team, and age. """ game_type_str = ','.join([str(x) for x in game_type]) if game_type_str == 'S': player_data = requests.get(f'{season}&sportId=1&stats=season&group=pitching&gameType=S&limit=1000000&offset=0&sortStat=inningsPitched&order=asc').json() fullName_list = [x['playerFullName'] if 'playerFullName' in x else None for x in player_data['stats']] firstName_list = [x['playerFirstName'] if 'playerFirstName' in x else None for x in player_data['stats']] lastName_list = [x['playerLastName'] if 'playerLastName' in x else None for x in player_data['stats']] id_list = [x['playerId'] if 'playerId' in x else None for x in player_data['stats']] position_list = [x['primaryPositionAbbrev'] if 'primaryPositionAbbrev' in x else None for x in player_data['stats']] team_list = [x['teamId'] if 'teamId' in x else None for x in player_data['stats']] df = pl.DataFrame(data={'player_id':id_list, 'first_name':firstName_list, 'last_name':lastName_list, 'name':fullName_list, 'position':position_list, 'team':team_list}) else: print("DID NOT GET TO SPRING") player_data = requests.get(url=f'{sport_id}/players?season={season}&gameType=[{game_type_str}]').json()['people'] #Select relevant data that will help distinguish players from one another fullName_list = [x['fullName'] if 'fullName' in x else None for x in player_data] firstName_list = [x['firstName'] if 'firstName' in x else None for x in player_data] lastName_list = [x['lastName'] if 'lastName' in x else None for x in player_data] id_list = [x['id'] if 'id' in x else None for x in player_data] position_list = [x['primaryPosition']['abbreviation'] if 'primaryPosition' in x and 'abbreviation' in x['primaryPosition'] else None for x in player_data] team_list = [x['currentTeam']['id'] if 'currentTeam' in x and 'id' in x['currentTeam'] else None for x in player_data] weight_list = [x['weight'] if 'weight' in x else None for x in player_data] height_list = [x['height'] if 'height' in x else None for x in player_data] age_list = [x['currentAge'] if 'currentAge' in x else None for x in player_data] birthDate_list = [x['birthDate'] if 'birthDate' in x else None for x in player_data] df = pl.DataFrame(data={'player_id':id_list, 'first_name':firstName_list, 'last_name':lastName_list, 'name':fullName_list, 'position':position_list, 'team':team_list, 'weight':weight_list, 'height':height_list, 'age':age_list, 'birthDate':birthDate_list}) return df