import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator import math from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse import matplotlib.transforms as transforms import matplotlib.colors import matplotlib.colors as mcolors import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import requests import polars as pl from PIL import Image import requests from io import BytesIO from matplotlib.offsetbox import OffsetImage, AnnotationBbox import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import PIL ### PITCH COLOURS ### # Dictionary to map pitch types to their corresponding colors and names pitch_colours = { ## Fastballs ## 'FF': {'colour': '#FF007D', 'name': '4-Seam Fastball'}, 'FA': {'colour': '#FF007D', 'name': 'Fastball'}, 'SI': {'colour': '#98165D', 'name': 'Sinker'}, 'FC': {'colour': '#BE5FA0', 'name': 'Cutter'}, ## Offspeed ## 'CH': {'colour': '#F79E70', 'name': 'Changeup'}, 'FS': {'colour': '#FE6100', 'name': 'Splitter'}, 'SC': {'colour': '#F08223', 'name': 'Screwball'}, 'FO': {'colour': '#FFB000', 'name': 'Forkball'}, ## Sliders ## 'SL': {'colour': '#67E18D', 'name': 'Slider'}, 'ST': {'colour': '#1BB999', 'name': 'Sweeper'}, 'SV': {'colour': '#376748', 'name': 'Slurve'}, ## Curveballs ## 'KC': {'colour': '#311D8B', 'name': 'Knuckle Curve'}, 'CU': {'colour': '#3025CE', 'name': 'Curveball'}, 'CS': {'colour': '#274BFC', 'name': 'Slow Curve'}, 'EP': {'colour': '#648FFF', 'name': 'Eephus'}, ## Others ## 'KN': {'colour': '#867A08', 'name': 'Knuckleball'}, 'KN': {'colour': '#867A08', 'name': 'Knuckle Ball'}, 'PO': {'colour': '#472C30', 'name': 'Pitch Out'}, 'UN': {'colour': '#9C8975', 'name': 'Unknown'}, } # Create dictionaries for pitch types and their attributes dict_colour = {key: value['colour'] for key, value in pitch_colours.items()} dict_pitch = {key: value['name'] for key, value in pitch_colours.items()} dict_pitch_desc_type = {value['name']: key for key, value in pitch_colours.items()} dict_pitch_desc_type.update({'Four-Seam Fastball':'FF'}) dict_pitch_desc_type.update({'All':'All'}) dict_pitch_name = {value['name']: value['colour'] for key, value in pitch_colours.items()} dict_pitch_name.update({'Four-Seam Fastball':'#FF007D'}) font_properties = {'family': 'calibi', 'size': 12} font_properties_titles = {'family': 'calibi', 'size': 20} font_properties_axes = {'family': 'calibi', 'size': 16} cmap_sum = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ['#648FFF','#FFFFFF','#FFB000',]) ### FANGRAPHS STATS DICT ### fangraphs_stats_dict = {'IP':{'table_header':'$\\bf{IP}$','format':'.1f',} , 'TBF':{'table_header':'$\\bf{PA}$','format':'.0f',} , 'AVG':{'table_header':'$\\bf{AVG}$','format':'.3f',} , 'K/9':{'table_header':'$\\bf{K\/9}$','format':'.2f',} , 'BB/9':{'table_header':'$\\bf{BB\/9}$','format':'.2f',} , 'K/BB':{'table_header':'$\\bf{K\/BB}$','format':'.2f',} , 'HR/9':{'table_header':'$\\bf{HR\/9}$','format':'.2f',} , 'K%':{'table_header':'$\\bf{K\%}$','format':'.1%',} , 'BB%':{'table_header':'$\\bf{BB\%}$','format':'.1%',} , 'K-BB%':{'table_header':'$\\bf{K-BB\%}$','format':'.1%',} , 'WHIP':{'table_header':'$\\bf{WHIP}$','format':'.2f',} , 'BABIP':{'table_header':'$\\bf{BABIP}$','format':'.3f',} , 'LOB%':{'table_header':'$\\bf{LOB\%}$','format':'.1%',} , 'xFIP':{'table_header':'$\\bf{xFIP}$','format':'.2f',} , 'FIP':{'table_header':'$\\bf{FIP}$','format':'.2f',} , 'H':{'table_header':'$\\bf{H}$','format':'.0f',} , '2B':{'table_header':'$\\bf{2B}$','format':'.0f',} , '3B':{'table_header':'$\\bf{3B}$','format':'.0f',} , 'R':{'table_header':'$\\bf{R}$','format':'.0f',} , 'ER':{'table_header':'$\\bf{ER}$','format':'.0f',} , 'HR':{'table_header':'$\\bf{HR}$','format':'.0f',} , 'BB':{'table_header':'$\\bf{BB}$','format':'.0f',} , 'IBB':{'table_header':'$\\bf{IBB}$','format':'.0f',} , 'HBP':{'table_header':'$\\bf{HBP}$','format':'.0f',} , 'SO':{'table_header':'$\\bf{SO}$','format':'.0f',} , 'OBP':{'table_header':'$\\bf{OBP}$','format':'.0f',} , 'SLG':{'table_header':'$\\bf{SLG}$','format':'.0f',} , 'ERA':{'table_header':'$\\bf{ERA}$','format':'.2f',} , 'wOBA':{'table_header':'$\\bf{wOBA}$','format':'.3f',} , 'G':{'table_header':'$\\bf{G}$','format':'.0f',}, 'strikePercentage':{'table_header':'$\\bf{Strike\%}$','format':'.1%'} } colour_palette = ['#FFB000','#648FFF','#785EF0', '#DC267F','#FE6100','#3D1EB2','#894D80','#16AA02','#B5592B','#A3C1ED'] ### GET COLOURS ### def get_color(value, normalize, cmap_sum): """ Get the color corresponding to a value based on a colormap and normalization. Parameters ---------- value : float The value to be mapped to a color. normalize : matplotlib.colors.Normalize The normalization function to scale the value. cmap_sum : matplotlib.colors.Colormap The colormap to use for mapping the value to a color. Returns ------- str The hexadecimal color code corresponding to the value. """ color = cmap_sum(normalize(value)) return mcolors.to_hex(color) ### PITCH ELLIPSE ### def confidence_ellipse(x, y, ax, n_std=3.0, facecolor='none', **kwargs): """ Create a plot of the covariance confidence ellipse of *x* and *y*. Parameters ---------- x, y : array-like, shape (n, ) Input data. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes object to draw the ellipse into. n_std : float The number of standard deviations to determine the ellipse's radiuses. **kwargs Forwarded to `~matplotlib.patches.Ellipse` Returns ------- matplotlib.patches.Ellipse """ if len(x) != len(y): raise ValueError("x and y must be the same size") try: cov = np.cov(x, y) pearson = cov[0, 1]/np.sqrt(cov[0, 0] * cov[1, 1]) # Using a special case to obtain the eigenvalues of this # two-dimensional dataset. ell_radius_x = np.sqrt(1 + pearson) ell_radius_y = np.sqrt(1 - pearson) ellipse = Ellipse((0, 0), width=ell_radius_x * 2, height=ell_radius_y * 2, facecolor=facecolor,linewidth=2,linestyle='--', **kwargs) # Calculating the standard deviation of x from # the squareroot of the variance and multiplying # with the given number of standard deviations. scale_x = np.sqrt(cov[0, 0]) * n_std mean_x = x.mean() # calculating the standard deviation of y ... scale_y = np.sqrt(cov[1, 1]) * n_std mean_y = y.mean() transf = transforms.Affine2D() \ .rotate_deg(45) \ .scale(scale_x, scale_y) \ .translate(mean_x, mean_y) ellipse.set_transform(transf + ax.transData) except ValueError: return return ax.add_patch(ellipse) ### VELOCITY KDES ### def velocity_kdes(df: pl.DataFrame, ax: plt.Axes, gs: gridspec.GridSpec, gs_x: list, gs_y: list, fig: plt.Figure): """ Plot the velocity KDEs for different pitch types. Parameters ---------- df : pl.DataFrame The DataFrame containing pitch data. ax : plt.Axes The axis to plot on. gs : GridSpec The GridSpec for the subplot layout. gs_x : list The x-coordinates for the GridSpec. gs_y : list The y-coordinates for the GridSpec. fig : plt.Figure The figure to plot on. """ # Get unique pitch types sorted by pitch count items_in_order = df.sort("pitch_count", descending=True)['pitch_type'].unique(maintain_order=True).to_numpy() # Create the inner subplot inside the outer subplot ax.axis('off') ax.set_title('Pitch Velocity Distribution', fontdict={'family': 'calibi', 'size': 20}) inner_grid_1 = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(len(items_in_order), 1, subplot_spec=gs[gs_x[0]:gs_x[-1], gs_y[0]:gs_y[-1]]) ax_top = [fig.add_subplot(inner) for inner in inner_grid_1] for idx, i in enumerate(items_in_order): pitch_data = df.filter(pl.col('pitch_type') == i)['start_speed'] if np.unique(pitch_data).size == 1: # Check if all values are the same ax_top[idx].plot([np.unique(pitch_data), np.unique(pitch_data)], [0, 1], linewidth=4, color=dict_colour[i], zorder=20) else: sns.kdeplot(pitch_data, ax=ax_top[idx], fill=True, clip=(pitch_data.min(), pitch_data.max()), color=dict_colour[i]) # Plot the mean release speed for the current data df_average = df.filter(df['pitch_type'] == i)['start_speed'] ax_top[idx].plot([df_average.mean(), df_average.mean()], [ax_top[idx].get_ylim()[0], ax_top[idx].get_ylim()[1]], color=dict_colour[i], linestyle='--') # Plot the mean release speed for the statcast group data df_statcast_group = pl.read_csv('functions/statcast_2024_grouped.csv') df_average = df_statcast_group.filter(df_statcast_group['pitch_type'] == i)['release_speed'] ax_top[idx].plot([df_average.mean(), df_average.mean()], [ax_top[idx].get_ylim()[0], ax_top[idx].get_ylim()[1]], color=dict_colour[i], linestyle=':') ax_top[idx].set_xlim(math.floor(df['start_speed'].min() / 5) * 5, math.ceil(df['start_speed'].max() / 5) * 5) ax_top[idx].set_xlabel('') ax_top[idx].set_ylabel('') if idx < len(items_in_order) - 1: ax_top[idx].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax_top[idx].spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax_top[idx].spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax_top[idx].tick_params(axis='x', colors='none') ax_top[idx].set_xticks(range(math.floor(df['start_speed'].min() / 5) * 5, math.ceil(df['start_speed'].max() / 5) * 5, 5)) ax_top[idx].set_yticks([]) ax_top[idx].grid(axis='x', linestyle='--') ax_top[idx].text(-0.01, 0.5, i, transform=ax_top[idx].transAxes, fontsize=14, va='center', ha='right') ax_top[-1].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax_top[-1].spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax_top[-1].spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax_top[-1].set_xticks(list(range(math.floor(df['start_speed'].min() / 5) * 5, math.ceil(df['start_speed'].max() / 5) * 5, 5))) ax_top[-1].set_xlabel('Velocity (mph)') ### TJ STUFF+ ROLLING ### def tj_stuff_roling(df: pl.DataFrame, window: int, ax: plt.Axes): """ Plot the rolling average of tjStuff+ for different pitch types. Parameters ---------- df : pl.DataFrame The DataFrame containing pitch data. window : int The window size for calculating the rolling average. ax : plt.Axes The axis to plot on. """ # Get unique pitch types sorted by pitch count items_in_order = df.sort("pitch_count", descending=True)['pitch_type'].unique(maintain_order=True).to_numpy() # Plot the rolling average for each pitch type for i in items_in_order: pitch_data = df.filter(pl.col('pitch_type') == i) if pitch_data['pitch_count'].max() >= window: sns.lineplot( x=range(1, pitch_data['pitch_count'].max() + 1), y=pitch_data['tj_stuff_plus'].rolling_mean(window), color=dict_colour[i], ax=ax, linewidth=3 ) # Adjust x-axis limits to start from 1 ax.set_xlim(window, df['pitch_count'].max()) ax.set_ylim(70, 130) ax.set_xlabel('Pitches', fontdict=font_properties_axes) ax.set_ylabel('tjStuff+', fontdict=font_properties_axes) ax.set_title(f"{window} Pitch Rolling tjStuff+", fontdict=font_properties_titles) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ### TJ STUFF+ ROLLING ### def tj_stuff_roling_game(df: pl.DataFrame, window: int, ax: plt.Axes): """ Plot the rolling average of tjStuff+ for different pitch types over games. Parameters ---------- df : pl.DataFrame The DataFrame containing pitch data. window : int The window size for calculating the rolling average. ax : plt.Axes The axis to plot on. """ # Map game_id to sequential numbers date_to_number = {date: i + 1 for i, date in enumerate(df['game_id'].unique(maintain_order=True))} # Add a column with the sequential game numbers df_plot = df.with_columns( pl.col("game_id").map_elements(lambda x: date_to_number.get(x, x)).alias("start_number") ) # Group by relevant columns and calculate mean tj_stuff_plus plot_game_roll = df_plot.group_by(['start_number', 'game_id', 'game_date', 'pitch_type', 'pitch_description']).agg( pl.col('tj_stuff_plus').mean().alias('tj_stuff_plus') ).sort('start_number', descending=False) # Get the list of pitch types ordered by frequency sorted_value_counts = df['pitch_type'].value_counts().sort('count', descending=True) items_in_order = sorted_value_counts['pitch_type'].to_list() # Plot the rolling average for each pitch type for i in items_in_order: df_item = plot_game_roll.filter(pl.col('pitch_type') == i) df_item = df_item.with_columns( pl.col("start_number").cast(pl.Int64) ).join( pl.DataFrame({"start_number": list(date_to_number.values())}), on="start_number", how="outer" ).sort("start_number_right").with_columns([ pl.col("start_number").fill_null(strategy="forward").fill_null(strategy="backward"), pl.col("tj_stuff_plus").fill_null(strategy="forward").fill_null(strategy="backward"), pl.col("pitch_type").fill_null(strategy="forward").fill_null(strategy="backward"), pl.col("pitch_description").fill_null(strategy="forward").fill_null(strategy="backward") ]) sns.lineplot(x=range(1, max(df_item['start_number_right']) + 1), y=df_item.filter(pl.col('pitch_type') == i)['tj_stuff_plus'].rolling_mean(window,min_periods=1), color=dict_colour[i], ax=ax, linewidth=3) # Highlight missing game data points for n in range(len(df_item)): if df_item['game_id'].is_null()[n]: sns.scatterplot(x=[df_item['start_number_right'][n]], y=[df_item['tj_stuff_plus'].rolling_mean(window,min_periods=1)[n]], color='white', ec=dict_colour[i], ax=ax, zorder=100) # Adjust x-axis limits to start from 1 ax.set_xlim(1, max(df_item['start_number'])) ax.set_ylim(70, 130) ax.set_xlabel('Games', fontdict=font_properties_axes) ax.set_ylabel('tjStuff+', fontdict=font_properties_axes) ax.set_title(f"{window} Game Rolling tjStuff+", fontdict=font_properties_titles) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) def break_plot(df: pl.DataFrame, ax: plt.Axes): """ Plot the pitch breaks for different pitch types. Parameters ---------- df : pl.DataFrame The DataFrame containing pitch data. ax : plt.Axes The axis to plot on. """ # Get unique pitch types sorted by pitch count label_labels = df.sort(by=['pitch_count', 'pitch_type'], descending=[False, True])['pitch_type'].unique(maintain_order=True).to_numpy() # Plot confidence ellipses for each pitch type for idx, label in enumerate(label_labels): subset = df.filter(pl.col('pitch_type') == label) if len(subset) > 4: try: confidence_ellipse(subset['hb'], subset['ivb'], ax=ax, edgecolor=dict_colour[label], n_std=2, facecolor=dict_colour[label], alpha=0.2) except ValueError: return # Plot scatter plot for pitch breaks if df['pitcher_hand'][0] == 'R': sns.scatterplot(ax=ax, x=df['hb'], y=df['ivb'], hue=df['pitch_type'], palette=dict_colour, ec='black', alpha=1, zorder=2) elif df['pitcher_hand'][0] == 'L': sns.scatterplot(ax=ax, x=df['hb'], y=df['ivb'], hue=df['pitch_type'], palette=dict_colour, ec='black', alpha=1, zorder=2) # Set axis limits ax.set_xlim((-25, 25)) ax.set_ylim((-25, 25)) # Add horizontal and vertical lines ax.hlines(y=0, xmin=-50, xmax=50, color=colour_palette[8], alpha=0.5, linestyles='--', zorder=1) ax.vlines(x=0, ymin=-50, ymax=50, color=colour_palette[8], alpha=0.5, linestyles='--', zorder=1) # Set axis labels and title ax.set_xlabel('Horizontal Break (in)', fontdict=font_properties_axes) ax.set_ylabel('Induced Vertical Break (in)', fontdict=font_properties_axes) ax.set_title("Pitch Breaks", fontdict=font_properties_titles) # Remove legend ax.get_legend().remove() # Set tick labels ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticks(), fontdict=font_properties) ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticks(), fontdict=font_properties) # Add text annotations for glove side and arm side if df['pitcher_hand'][0] == 'R': ax.text(-24.5, -24.5, s='← Glove Side', fontstyle='italic', ha='left', va='bottom', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='black'), fontsize=12, zorder=3) ax.text(24.5, -24.5, s='Arm Side →', fontstyle='italic', ha='right', va='bottom', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='black'), fontsize=12, zorder=3) elif df['pitcher_hand'][0] == 'L': ax.invert_xaxis() ax.text(24.5, -24.5, s='← Arm Side', fontstyle='italic', ha='left', va='bottom', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='black'), fontsize=12, zorder=3) ax.text(-24.5, -24.5, s='Glove Side →', fontstyle='italic', ha='right', va='bottom', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='black'), fontsize=12, zorder=3) # Set aspect ratio and format axis ticks ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x, _: int(x))) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x, _: int(x))) # DEFINE STRIKE ZONE strike_zone = pl.DataFrame({ 'PlateLocSide': [-0.9, -0.9, 0.9, 0.9, -0.9], 'PlateLocHeight': [1.5, 3.5, 3.5, 1.5, 1.5] }) ### STRIKE ZONE ### def draw_line(axis, alpha_spot=1, catcher_p=True): """ Draw the strike zone and home plate on the given axis. Parameters ---------- axis : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axis to draw the strike zone on. alpha_spot : float, optional The transparency level of the lines (default is 1). catcher_p : bool, optional Whether to draw the catcher's perspective (default is True). """ # Draw the strike zone axis.plot(strike_zone['PlateLocSide'].to_list(), strike_zone['PlateLocHeight'].to_list(), color='black', linewidth=1.3, zorder=3, alpha=alpha_spot) if catcher_p: # Draw home plate from catcher's perspective axis.plot([-0.708, 0.708], [0.15, 0.15], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=alpha_spot, zorder=1) axis.plot([-0.708, -0.708], [0.15, 0.3], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=alpha_spot, zorder=1) axis.plot([-0.708, 0], [0.3, 0.5], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=alpha_spot, zorder=1) axis.plot([0, 0.708], [0.5, 0.3], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=alpha_spot, zorder=1) axis.plot([0.708, 0.708], [0.3, 0.15], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=alpha_spot, zorder=1) else: # Draw home plate from pitcher's perspective axis.plot([-0.708, 0.708], [0.4, 0.4], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=alpha_spot, zorder=1) axis.plot([-0.708, -0.9], [0.4, -0.1], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=alpha_spot, zorder=1) axis.plot([-0.9, 0], [-0.1, -0.35], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=alpha_spot, zorder=1) axis.plot([0, 0.9], [-0.35, -0.1], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=alpha_spot, zorder=1) axis.plot([0.9, 0.708], [-0.1, 0.4], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=alpha_spot, zorder=1) def location_plot(df: pl.DataFrame, ax: plt.Axes, hand: str): """ Plot the pitch locations for different pitch types against a specific batter hand. Parameters ---------- df : pl.DataFrame The DataFrame containing pitch data. ax : plt.Axes The axis to plot on. hand : str The batter hand ('L' for left-handed, 'R' for right-handed). """ # Get unique pitch types sorted by pitch count label_labels = df.sort(by=['pitch_count', 'pitch_type'], descending=[False, True])['pitch_type'].unique(maintain_order=True).to_numpy() # Plot confidence ellipses for each pitch type for label in label_labels: subset = df.filter((pl.col('pitch_type') == label) & (pl.col('batter_hand') == hand)) if len(subset) >= 5: confidence_ellipse(subset['px'], subset['pz'], ax=ax, edgecolor=dict_colour[label], n_std=1.5, facecolor=dict_colour[label], alpha=0.3) # Group pitch locations by pitch type and calculate mean values pitch_location_group = ( df.filter(pl.col("batter_hand") == hand) .group_by("pitch_type") .agg([ pl.col("start_speed").count().alias("pitches"), pl.col("px").mean().alias("px"), pl.col("pz").mean().alias("pz") ]) ) # Calculate pitch percentages total_pitches = pitch_location_group['pitches'].sum() pitch_location_group = pitch_location_group.with_columns( (pl.col("pitches") / total_pitches).alias("pitch_percent") ) # Plot pitch locations sns.scatterplot(ax=ax, x=pitch_location_group['px'], y=pitch_location_group['pz'], hue=pitch_location_group['pitch_type'], palette=dict_colour, ec='black', s=pitch_location_group['pitch_percent'] * 750, linewidth=2, zorder=2) # Customize plot appearance ax.axis('square') draw_line(ax, alpha_spot=0.75, catcher_p=False) ax.axis('off') ax.set_xlim((-2.75, 2.75)) ax.set_ylim((-0.5, 5)) if len(pitch_location_group['px']) > 0: ax.get_legend().remove() ax.grid(False) ax.set_title(f"Pitch Locations vs {hand}HB\n{pitch_location_group['pitches'].sum()} Pitches", fontdict=font_properties_titles) def summary_table(df: pl.DataFrame, ax: plt.Axes): """ Create a summary table of pitch data. Parameters ---------- df : pl.DataFrame The DataFrame containing pitch data. ax : plt.Axes The axis to plot the table on. """ # Aggregate pitch data by pitch description df_agg = df.group_by("pitch_description").agg( pl.col('is_pitch').sum().alias('count'), (pl.col('is_pitch').sum() /'is_pitch').sum())).alias('count_percent'), pl.col('start_speed').mean().alias('start_speed'), pl.col('ivb').mean().alias('ivb'), pl.col('hb').mean().alias('hb'), pl.col('spin_rate').mean().alias('spin_rate'), pl.col('vaa').mean().alias('vaa'), pl.col('haa').mean().alias('haa'), pl.col('release_pos_z').mean().alias('z0'), pl.col('release_pos_x').mean().alias('x0'), pl.col('extension').mean().alias('extension'), (((pl.col('spin_direction').mean() + 180) % 360 // 30) + (((pl.col('spin_direction').mean() + 180) % 360 % 30 / 30 / 100 * 60).round(2) * 10).round(0) // 1.5 / 4) .cast(pl.Float64).map_elements(lambda x: f"{int(x)}:{int((x % 1) * 60):02d}", return_dtype=pl.Utf8).alias('clock_time'), pl.col('tj_stuff_plus').mean().alias('tj_stuff_plus'), pl.col('pitch_grade').mean().alias('pitch_grade'), (pl.col('in_zone').sum() / pl.col('is_pitch').sum()).alias('zone_percent'), (pl.col('ozone_swing').sum() / pl.col('out_zone').sum()).alias('chase_percent'), (pl.col('whiffs').sum() / pl.col('swings').sum()).alias('whiff_percent'), (pl.col('woba_pred_contact').sum() / pl.col('bip').sum()).alias('xwobacon') ).sort("count", descending=True) # Aggregate all pitch data df_agg_all = df.group_by(pl.lit("All").alias("pitch_description")).agg( pl.col('is_pitch').sum().alias('count'), (pl.col('is_pitch').sum() /'is_pitch').sum())).alias('count_percent'), pl.lit(None).alias('start_speed'), pl.lit(None).alias('ivb'), pl.lit(None).alias('hb'), pl.lit(None).alias('spin_rate'), pl.lit(None).alias('vaa'), pl.lit(None).alias('haa'), pl.lit(None).alias('z0'), pl.lit(None).alias('x0'), pl.col('extension').mean().alias('extension'), pl.lit(None).alias('clock_time'), pl.col('tj_stuff_plus').mean().alias('tj_stuff_plus'), pl.lit(None).alias('pitch_grade'), (pl.col('in_zone').sum() / pl.col('is_pitch').sum()).alias('zone_percent'), (pl.col('ozone_swing').sum() / pl.col('out_zone').sum()).alias('chase_percent'), (pl.col('whiffs').sum() / pl.col('swings').sum()).alias('whiff_percent'), (pl.col('woba_pred_contact').sum() / pl.col('bip').sum()).alias('xwobacon') ) # Concatenate aggregated data df_agg = pl.concat([df_agg, df_agg_all]).fill_nan(None) # Load statcast pitch summary data statcast_pitch_summary = pl.read_csv('functions/statcast_2024_grouped.csv') # Create table table = ax.table(cellText=df_agg.fill_nan('—').fill_null('—').to_numpy(), colLabels=df_agg.columns, cellLoc='center', colWidths=[2.3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], bbox=[0.0, 0, 1, 0.8]) # Set table properties min_font_size = 14 table.auto_set_font_size(False) table.set_fontsize(min_font_size) table.scale(1, 0.5) # Set font size for values min_font_size = 18 for i in range(len(df_agg) + 1): for j in range(len(df_agg.columns)): if i > 0: # Skip the header row cell = table.get_celld()[i, j] cell.set_fontsize(min_font_size) # Define color maps cmap_sum = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ['#648FFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFB000']) cmap_sum_r = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ['#FFB000', '#FFFFFF', '#648FFF']) # Update table cells with colors and text properties for i in range(len(df_agg)): pitch_check = dict_pitch_desc_type[df_agg['pitch_description'][i]] cell_text = table.get_celld()[(i + 1, 0)].get_text().get_text() if cell_text != 'All': table.get_celld()[(i + 1, 0)].set_facecolor(dict_pitch_name[cell_text]) text_props = {'color': '#000000', 'fontweight': 'bold'} if cell_text in ['Split-Finger', 'Slider', 'Changeup'] else {'color': '#ffffff', 'fontweight': 'bold'} table.get_celld()[(i + 1, 0)].set_text_props(**text_props) if cell_text == 'Four-Seam Fastball': table.get_celld()[(i + 1, 0)].get_text().set_text('4-Seam') select_df = statcast_pitch_summary.filter(statcast_pitch_summary['pitch_type'] == pitch_check) # Apply color to specific columns based on normalized values columns_to_color = [(3, 'release_speed', 0.95, 1.05), (11, 'release_extension', 0.9, 1.1), (13, None, 80, 120), (14, None, 30, 70), (15, 'in_zone_rate', 0.7, 1.3), (16, 'chase_rate', 0.7, 1.3), (17, 'whiff_rate', 0.7, 1.3), (18, 'xwobacon', 0.7, 1.3)] for col, stat, vmin_factor, vmax_factor in columns_to_color: cell_value = table.get_celld()[(i + 1, col)].get_text().get_text() if cell_value != '—': vmin = select_df[stat].mean() * vmin_factor if stat else vmin_factor vmax = select_df[stat].mean() * vmax_factor if stat else vmax_factor normalize = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) cmap = cmap_sum if col != 18 else cmap_sum_r table.get_celld()[(i + 1, col)].set_facecolor(get_color(float(cell_value.strip('%')), normalize, cmap)) # Set header text properties table.get_celld()[(len(df_agg), 0)].set_text_props(color='#000000', fontweight='bold') # Update column names new_column_names = ['$\\bf{Pitch\\ Name}$', '$\\bf{Count}$', '$\\bf{Pitch\\%}$', '$\\bf{Velocity}$', '$\\bf{iVB}$', '$\\bf{HB}$', '$\\bf{Spin}$', '$\\bf{VAA}$', '$\\bf{HAA}$', '$\\bf{vRel}$', '$\\bf{hRel}$', '$\\bf{Ext.}$', '$\\bf{Axis}$', '$\\bf{tjStuff+}$', '$\\bf{Grade}$', '$\\bf{Zone\\%}$', '$\\bf{Chase\\%}$', '$\\bf{Whiff\\%}$', '$\\bf{xwOBA}$\n$\\bf{Contact}$'] for i, col_name in enumerate(new_column_names): table.get_celld()[(0, i)].get_text().set_text(col_name) # Format cell values def format_cells(columns, fmt): for col in columns: col_idx = df_agg.columns.index(col) for row in range(1, len(df_agg) + 1): cell_value = table.get_celld()[(row, col_idx)].get_text().get_text() if cell_value != '—': table.get_celld()[(row, col_idx)].get_text().set_text(fmt.format(float(cell_value.strip('%')))) format_cells(['start_speed', 'ivb', 'hb', 'vaa', 'haa', 'z0', 'x0', 'extension'], '{:,.1f}') format_cells(['xwobacon'], '{:,.3f}') format_cells(['count_percent', 'zone_percent', 'chase_percent', 'whiff_percent'], '{:,.1%}') format_cells(['tj_stuff_plus', 'pitch_grade', 'spin_rate'], '{:,.0f}') # Create legend for pitch types items_in_order = (df.sort("pitch_count", descending=True)['pitch_type'].unique(maintain_order=True).to_numpy()) colour_pitches = [dict_colour[x] for x in items_in_order] label = [dict_pitch[x] for x in items_in_order] handles = [plt.scatter([], [], color=color, marker='o', s=100) for color in colour_pitches] if len(label) > 5: ax.legend(handles, label, bbox_to_anchor=(0.1, 0.81, 0.8, 0.14), ncol=5, fancybox=True, loc='lower center', fontsize=16, framealpha=1.0, markerscale=1.7, prop={'family': 'calibi', 'size': 16}) else: ax.legend(handles, label, bbox_to_anchor=(0.1, 0.81, 0.8, 0.14), ncol=5, fancybox=True, loc='lower center', fontsize=20, framealpha=1.0, markerscale=2, prop={'family': 'calibi', 'size': 20}) ax.axis('off') def plot_footer(ax: plt.Axes): """ Add footer text to the plot. Parameters ---------- ax : plt.Axes The axis to add the footer text to. """ # Add footer text ax.text(0, 1, 'By: @TJStats', ha='left', va='top', fontsize=24) ax.text(0.5, 0.25, ''' Colour Coding Compares to League Average By Pitch tjStuff+ calculates the Expected Run Value (xRV) of a pitch regardless of type tjStuff+ is normally distributed, where 100 is the mean and Standard Deviation is 10 Pitch Grade scales tjStuff+ to the traditional 20-80 Scouting Scale for a given pitch type ''', ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=12) ax.text(1, 1, 'Data: MLB, Fangraphs\nImages: MLB, ESPN', ha='right', va='top', fontsize=24) ax.axis('off') # Function to get an image from a URL and display it on the given axis def player_headshot(player_input: str, ax: plt.Axes, sport_id: int, season: int): """ Display the player's headshot image on the given axis. Parameters ---------- player_input : str The player's ID. ax : plt.Axes The axis to display the image on. sport_id : int The sport ID (1 for MLB, other for minor leagues). season : int The season year. """ try: # Construct the URL for the player's headshot image based on sport ID if int(sport_id) == 1: url = f',q_auto:best/v1/people/{player_input}/headshot/silo/current.png' else: url = f',g_auto/w_640/v1/people/{player_input}/headshot/milb/current.png' # Send a GET request to the URL and open the image from the response content response = requests.get(url) img = # Display the image on the axis ax.set_xlim(0, 1.3) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.imshow(img, extent=[0, 1, 0, 1] if sport_id == 1 else [1/6, 5/6, 0, 1], origin='upper') except PIL.UnidentifiedImageError: ax.axis('off') return # Turn off the axis ax.axis('off') def player_bio(pitcher_id: str, ax: plt.Axes, sport_id: int, year_input: int): """ Display the player's bio information on the given axis. Parameters ---------- pitcher_id : str The player's ID. ax : plt.Axes The axis to display the bio information on. sport_id : int The sport ID (1 for MLB, other for minor leagues). year_input : int The season year. """ # Construct the URL to fetch player data url = f"{pitcher_id}&hydrate=currentTeam" # Send a GET request to the URL and parse the JSON response data = requests.get(url).json() # Extract player information from the JSON data player_name = data['people'][0]['fullName'] pitcher_hand = data['people'][0]['pitchHand']['code'] age = data['people'][0]['currentAge'] height = data['people'][0]['height'] weight = data['people'][0]['weight'] # Display the player's name, handedness, age, height, and weight on the axis ax.text(0.5, 1, f'{player_name}', va='top', ha='center', fontsize=56) ax.text(0.5, 0.7, f'{pitcher_hand}HP, Age: {age}, {height}/{weight}', va='top', ha='center', fontsize=30) ax.text(0.5, 0.45, f'Season Pitching Summary', va='top', ha='center', fontsize=40) # Make API call to retrieve sports information response = requests.get(url='').json() # Convert the JSON response into a Polars DataFrame df_sport_id = pl.DataFrame(response['sports']) abb = df_sport_id.filter(pl.col('id') == sport_id)['abbreviation'][0] # Display the season and sport abbreviation ax.text(0.5, 0.20, f'{year_input} {abb} Season', va='top', ha='center', fontsize=30, fontstyle='italic') # Turn off the axis ax.axis('off') def plot_logo(pitcher_id: str, ax: plt.Axes, df_team: pl.DataFrame, df_players: pl.DataFrame): """ Display the team logo for the given pitcher on the specified axis. Parameters ---------- pitcher_id : str The ID of the pitcher. ax : plt.Axes The axis to display the logo on. df_team : pl.DataFrame The DataFrame containing team data. df_players : pl.DataFrame The DataFrame containing player data. """ # List of MLB teams and their corresponding ESPN logo URLs mlb_teams = [ {"team": "AZ", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "ATL", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "BAL", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "BOS", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "CHC", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "CWS", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "CIN", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "CLE", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "COL", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "DET", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "HOU", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "KC", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "LAA", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "LAD", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "MIA", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "MIL", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "MIN", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "NYM", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "NYY", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "OAK", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "PHI", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "PIT", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "SD", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "SF", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "SEA", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "STL", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "TB", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "TEX", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "TOR", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "WSH", "logo_url": ""}, {"team": "ATH", "logo_url": ""}, ] try: # Create a DataFrame from the list of dictionaries df_image = pd.DataFrame(mlb_teams) image_dict = df_image.set_index('team')['logo_url'].to_dict() # Get the team ID for the given pitcher team_id = df_players.filter(pl.col('player_id') == pitcher_id)['team'][0] # Construct the URL to fetch team data url_team = f'{team_id}' # Send a GET request to the team URL and parse the JSON response data_team = requests.get(url_team).json() # Extract the team abbreviation if data_team['teams'][0]['id'] in df_team['parent_org_id']: team_abb = df_team.filter(pl.col('team_id') == data_team['teams'][0]['id'])['parent_org_abbreviation'][0] else: team_abb = df_team.filter(pl.col('parent_org_id') == data_team['teams'][0]['parentOrgId'])['parent_org_abbreviation'][0] # Get the logo URL from the image dictionary using the team abbreviation logo_url = image_dict[team_abb] # Send a GET request to the logo URL response = requests.get(logo_url) # Open the image from the response content img = # Display the image on the axis ax.set_xlim(0, 1.3) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.imshow(img, extent=[0.3, 1.3, 0, 1], origin='upper') # Turn off the axis ax.axis('off') except (KeyError,IndexError) as e: ax.axis('off') return splits = { 'all':0, 'left':13, 'right':14, } splits_title = { 'all':'', 'left':' vs LHH', 'right':' vs RHH', } def fangraphs_pitching_leaderboards(season: int, split: str, start_date: str = '2024-01-01', end_date: str = '2024-12-31'): """ Fetch pitching leaderboards data from Fangraphs. Parameters ---------- season : int The season year. split : str The split type (e.g., 'All', 'LHH', 'RHH'). start_date : str, optional The start date for the data (default is '2024-01-01'). end_date : str, optional The end date for the data (default is '2024-12-31'). Returns ------- pl.DataFrame The DataFrame containing the pitching leaderboards data. """ url = f"""{season}&season1={season} &startdate={start_date}&enddate={end_date}&ind=0&qual=0&type=8&month=1000&pageitems=500000 """ data = requests.get(url).json() df = pl.DataFrame(data=data['data'], infer_schema_length=1000) return df def fangraphs_splits_scrape(player_input: str, year_input: int, start_date: str, end_date: str, split: str) -> pl.DataFrame: """ Scrape Fangraphs splits data for a specific player. Parameters ---------- player_input : str The player's ID. year_input : int The season year. start_date : str The start date for the data. end_date : str The end date for the data. split : str The split type (e.g., 'all', 'left', 'right'). Returns ------- pl.DataFrame The DataFrame containing the splits data. """ split_dict = { 'all': [], 'left': ['5'], 'right': ['6'] } url = "" # Get Fangraphs player ID fg_id = str(fangraphs_pitching_leaderboards( year_input, split='All', start_date=f'{year_input}-01-01', end_date=f'{year_input}-12-31' ).filter(pl.col('xMLBAMID') == player_input)['playerid'][0]) # Payload for basic stats payload = { "strPlayerId": fg_id, "strSplitArr": split_dict[split], "strGroup": "season", "strPosition": "P", "strType": "2", "strStartDate": pd.to_datetime(start_date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "strEndDate": pd.to_datetime(end_date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "strSplitTeams": False, "dctFilters": [], "strStatType": "player", "strAutoPt": False, "arrPlayerId": [], "strSplitArrPitch": [], "arrWxTemperature": None, "arrWxPressure": None, "arrWxAirDensity": None, "arrWxElevation": None, "arrWxWindSpeed": None } # Fetch basic stats response =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) data_pull = response.json()['data'][0] # Payload for advanced stats payload_advanced = payload.copy() payload_advanced["strType"] = "1" # Fetch advanced stats response_advanced =, data=json.dumps(payload_advanced), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) data_pull_advanced = response_advanced.json()['data'][0] # Combine basic and advanced stats data_pull.update(data_pull_advanced) df_pull = pl.DataFrame(data_pull) return df_pull def fangraphs_table(df: pl.DataFrame, ax: plt.Axes, player_input: str, season: int, split: str): """ Create a table of Fangraphs pitching leaderboards data for a specific player. Parameters ---------- ax : plt.Axes The axis to plot the table on. season : int The season year. split : str The split type (e.g., 'All', 'LHH', 'RHH'). """ start_date = df['game_date'][0] end_date = df['game_date'][-1] # Fetch Fangraphs splits data df_fangraphs = fangraphs_splits_scrape(player_input=player_input, year_input=season, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, split=split) # Select relevant columns for the table plot_table =['IP', 'WHIP', 'ERA', 'TBF', 'FIP', 'K%', 'BB%', 'K-BB%']) # Format table values plot_table_values = [format(plot_table[x][0], fangraphs_stats_dict[x]['format']) if plot_table[x][0] != '---' else '---' for x in plot_table.columns] # Create the table table_fg = ax.table(cellText=[plot_table_values], colLabels=plot_table.columns, cellLoc='center', bbox=[0.0, 0.1, 1, 0.7]) # Set font size for the table min_font_size = 20 table_fg.set_fontsize(min_font_size) # Update column names with formatted headers new_column_names = [fangraphs_stats_dict[col]['table_header'] for col in plot_table.columns] for i, col_name in enumerate(new_column_names): table_fg.get_celld()[(0, i)].get_text().set_text(col_name) # Set header text properties ax.text(0.5, 0.9, f'{start_date} to {end_date}{splits_title[split]}', va='bottom', ha='center', fontsize=36, fontstyle='italic') ax.axis('off') def stat_summary_table(df: pl.DataFrame, player_input: int, sport_id: int, ax: plt.Axes, split: str = 'All', game_type: list = ['R']): """ Create a summary table of player statistics. Parameters ---------- df : pl.DataFrame The DataFrame containing pitch data. player_input : int The player's ID. sport_id : int The sport ID (1 for MLB, other for minor leagues). ax : plt.Axes The axis to plot the table on. split : str, optional The split type (default is 'All'). """ type_dict = {'R':'Regular Season', 'S':'Spring', 'P':'Playoffs' } split_title = { 'all':'', 'right':' vs RHH', 'left':' vs LHH' } # Format start and end dates start_date_format = str(pd.to_datetime(df['game_date'][0]).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')) end_date_format = str(pd.to_datetime(df['game_date'][-1]).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')) # Determine app context based on sport ID appContext = 'majorLeague' if sport_id == 1 else 'minorLeague' game_type_str = ','.join([str(x) for x in game_type]) # Fetch player stats from MLB API pitcher_stats_call = requests.get( f'{player_input}?appContext={appContext}&hydrate=stats(group=[pitching],type=[byDateRange],sportId={sport_id},startDate={start_date_format},endDate={end_date_format},gameType=[{game_type_str}])' ).json() print('HERE') print(f'{player_input}?appContext={appContext}&hydrate=stats(group=[pitching],type=[byDateRange],sportId={sport_id},startDate={start_date_format},endDate={end_date_format},gameType=[{game_type_str}])') # Extract stats and create DataFrame pitcher_stats_call_header = [x for x in pitcher_stats_call['people'][0]['stats'][0]['splits'][-1]['stat']] pitcher_stats_call_values = [pitcher_stats_call['people'][0]['stats'][0]['splits'][-1]['stat'][x] for x in pitcher_stats_call['people'][0]['stats'][0]['splits'][-1]['stat']] pitcher_stats_call_df = pl.DataFrame(data=dict(zip(pitcher_stats_call_header, pitcher_stats_call_values))) # Add additional calculated columns pitcher_stats_call_df = pitcher_stats_call_df.with_columns( pl.lit(df['is_whiff'].sum()).alias('whiffs'), (pl.col('strikeOuts') / pl.col('battersFaced') * 100).round(1).cast(pl.Utf8).str.concat('%').alias('k_percent'), (pl.col('baseOnBalls') / pl.col('battersFaced') * 100).round(1).cast(pl.Utf8).str.concat('%').alias('bb_percent'), ((pl.col('strikeOuts') - pl.col('baseOnBalls')) / pl.col('battersFaced') * 100).round(1).cast(pl.Utf8).str.concat('%').alias('k_bb_percent'), (((pl.col('homeRuns') * 13 + 3 * ((pl.col('baseOnBalls')) + (pl.col('hitByPitch'))) - 2 * (pl.col('strikeOuts')))) / ((pl.col('outs')) / 3) + 3.15).round(2).map_elements(lambda x: f"{x:.2f}").alias('fip'), ((pl.col('strikes') / pl.col('numberOfPitches') * 100)).round(1).cast(pl.Utf8).str.concat('%').alias('strikePercentage'), ) # Determine columns and title based on game count and sport ID if df['game_id'][0] == df['game_id'][-1]: pitcher_stats_call_df_small =['inningsPitched', 'battersFaced', 'earnedRuns', 'hits', 'strikeOuts', 'baseOnBalls', 'hitByPitch', 'homeRuns', 'strikePercentage', 'whiffs']) new_column_names = ['$\\bf{IP}$', '$\\bf{PA}$', '$\\bf{ER}$', '$\\bf{H}$', '$\\bf{K}$', '$\\bf{BB}$', '$\\bf{HBP}$', '$\\bf{HR}$', '$\\bf{Strike\%}$', '$\\bf{Whiffs}$'] title = f'{df["game_date"][0]} vs {df["batter_team"][0]} ({type_dict[game_type[0]]}){split_title[split]}' elif sport_id != 1 or game_type[0] in ['S','P']: pitcher_stats_call_df_small =['inningsPitched', 'battersFaced', 'whip', 'era', 'fip', 'k_percent', 'bb_percent', 'k_bb_percent', 'strikePercentage']) new_column_names = ['$\\bf{IP}$', '$\\bf{PA}$', '$\\bf{WHIP}$', '$\\bf{ERA}$', '$\\bf{FIP}$', '$\\bf{K\%}$', '$\\bf{BB\%}$', '$\\bf{K-BB\%}$', '$\\bf{Strike\%}$'] title = f'{df["game_date"][0]} to {df["game_date"][-1]} ({type_dict[game_type[0]]}{split_title[split]})' else: fangraphs_table(df=df, ax=ax, player_input=player_input, season=int(df['game_date'][0][0:4]), split=split) return # Create and format the table table_fg = ax.table(cellText=pitcher_stats_call_df_small.to_numpy(), colLabels=pitcher_stats_call_df_small.columns, cellLoc='center', bbox=[0.0, 0.1, 1, 0.7]) table_fg.set_fontsize(20) for i, col_name in enumerate(new_column_names): table_fg.get_celld()[(0, i)].get_text().set_text(col_name) # Add title to the plot ax.text(0.5, 0.9, title, va='bottom', ha='center', fontsize=36, fontstyle='italic') ax.axis('off')