risk_biased_prediction / scripts /scripts_utils /generate_dataset_waymo.py
jmercat's picture
Removed history to avoid any unverified information being released
import concurrent.futures
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import math
import os
import fire
import numpy as np
import pickle
import tensorflow as tf
from tqdm import tqdm
from waymo_open_dataset.protos import scenario_pb2
def scalar_to_one_hot(length, index, has_zero=False):
if has_zero:
offset = 1
offset = 0
assert 0 <= index < length + offset
if index + 1 - offset > 0:
one_hot_type = np.eye(length)[index - offset]
one_hot_type = np.zeros(length)
return one_hot_type
def group_tracks(tracks):
object_types = {
state_size = 11
traj = np.zeros((len(tracks), len(tracks[0].states), state_size))
mask_traj = np.zeros((len(tracks), len(tracks[0].states)), dtype=bool)
traj_type = np.zeros((len(tracks), len(object_types) - 1))
id_to_idx = {}
for i_track, track in enumerate(tracks):
traj_type[i_track, :] = scalar_to_one_hot(
len(object_types) - 1, track.object_type, has_zero=True
id_to_idx[track.id] = i_track
for i_time, state in enumerate(track.states):
if state.valid:
traj[i_track, i_time, 0] = state.center_x
traj[i_track, i_time, 1] = state.center_y
traj[i_track, i_time, 2] = state.heading
traj[i_track, i_time, 3] = state.velocity_x
traj[i_track, i_time, 4] = state.velocity_y
traj[i_track, i_time, 5] = state.width
traj[i_track, i_time, 6] = state.length
traj[i_track, i_time, 7:11] = traj_type[i_track, :]
mask_traj[i_track, i_time] = state.center_x != 0 or state.center_y != 0
mask_traj[i_track, i_time] = False
# Remove trajectories that are masked for the whole time
mask_any_time = mask_traj.any(-1)
to_delete = []
for key, value in id_to_idx.items():
if not mask_any_time[value]:
id_to_idx[key] = np.sum(mask_any_time[:value])
for key in to_delete:
del id_to_idx[key]
traj = traj[mask_any_time]
traj_type = traj_type[mask_any_time]
mask_traj = mask_traj[mask_any_time]
# traj:(n_agents, seq_time, features), mask:(n_agents, seq_time), traj_type:(n_agents, features)
assert (traj[..., :2][mask_traj] != 0).any(-1).all()
return traj, mask_traj, traj_type, id_to_idx
def filter_tracks(
distances2 = ((trajs[:, :, :2] - pos[None, None, :]) ** 2).sum(-1).min(1)
first_non_0_pos = np.take_along_axis(
trajs, np.argmax(mask_trajs, 1)[:, None, None], axis=1
is_moving = (
np.abs((trajs[:, :, :2] - first_non_0_pos[:, 0:1, :2]) * mask_trajs[:, :, None])
> 1
filtered = np.zeros_like(distances2, dtype=bool)
filtered[is_moving] = distances2[is_moving] < max_moving_distance**2
filtered[np.logical_not(is_moving)] = (
distances2[np.logical_not(is_moving)] < max_static_distance**2
filtered = np.logical_or(filtered, mask_keep)
# Filter out trajectories
to_delete = []
idx_to_id = {}
for key, value in id_to_idx.items():
if not filtered[value]:
new_value = np.sum(filtered[:value])
idx_to_id[new_value] = key
id_to_idx[key] = new_value
for key in to_delete:
del id_to_idx[key]
trajs = trajs[filtered]
trajs_type = trajs_type[filtered]
mask_trajs = mask_trajs[filtered]
to_predict = to_predict[filtered]
if mask_keep.all():
return trajs, mask_trajs, trajs_type, to_predict, id_to_idx
# Sort entries from closest to furthest to input pos
distances2 = distances2[filtered]
distance_sort = np.argsort(distances2)
copy_trajs = trajs.copy()
copy_mask_trajs = mask_trajs.copy()
copy_trajs_type = trajs_type.copy()
copy_to_predict = to_predict.copy()
skip = np.argmin(mask_keep)
assert skip > 1
offset = skip
for i, idx in enumerate(distance_sort[skip:]):
if idx > skip:
ii = i + offset
trajs[ii] = copy_trajs[idx]
trajs_type[ii] = copy_trajs_type[idx]
mask_trajs[ii] = copy_mask_trajs[idx]
to_predict[ii] = copy_to_predict[idx]
id_to_idx[idx_to_id[idx]] = ii
offset -= 1
assert (trajs[..., :2][mask_trajs] != 0).any(-1).all()
return trajs, mask_trajs, trajs_type, to_predict, id_to_idx
def cut_lane(lane, pos, max_len):
center_idx = np.argmin(((lane - pos[None, :]) ** 2).sum(-1))
start = max(0, center_idx - max_len // 2)
return lane[start : start + max_len, :]
def group_lanes(map, center, max_lane_len, max_lane_distance):
all_objects = []
all_types = []
max_len = 0
id_to_idx = {}
stride = 2
max_lane_len = max_lane_len * stride
for object in map:
# Type one_hot encoding is as follows: 0: lane, 1: stop_sign, 2: cross_walk, 3: speed_bump
lane = object.lane.polyline
is_cut_lane = len(lane) > max_lane_len
len_lane = min(len(lane), max_lane_len)
len_cross_walk = len(object.crosswalk.polygon)
len_speed_bump = len(object.speed_bump.polygon)
num_obj_types = 4
max_len = max(max_len, len_lane)
max_len = max(max_len, len_cross_walk)
max_len = max(max_len, len_speed_bump)
if len_lane > 0:
current_lane = np.zeros((len(lane), 2))
for i_point, cw in enumerate(lane):
current_lane[i_point, 0] = cw.x
current_lane[i_point, 1] = cw.y
if is_cut_lane:
current_lane = cut_lane(current_lane, center, max_lane_len)
min_distance2 = np.min(((current_lane - center[None, :]) ** 2).sum(-1))
if min_distance2 < max_lane_distance**2:
id_to_idx[object.id] = len(all_objects)
all_types.append(scalar_to_one_hot(num_obj_types, 0))
# elif len_cross_walk > 0:
# current_cross_walk = np.zeros((len_cross_walk, 2))
# for i_point, cw in enumerate(object.crosswalk.polygon):
# current_cross_walk[i_point, 0] = cw.x
# current_cross_walk[i_point, 1] = cw.y
# all_objects.append(current_cross_walk)
# all_types.append(scalar_to_one_hot(num_obj_types, 2))
# elif len_speed_bump > 0:
# current_speed_bump = np.zeros((len_speed_bump, 2))
# for i_point, cw in enumerate(object.speed_bump.polygon):
# current_speed_bump[i_point, 0] = cw.x
# current_speed_bump[i_point, 1] = cw.y
# all_objects.append(current_speed_bump)
# all_types.append(scalar_to_one_hot(num_obj_types, 3))
# elif not (object.stop_sign.position.x == 0 and object.stop_sign.position.y == 0):
# all_objects.append([np.array([object.stop_sign.position.x, object.stop_sign.position.y])])
# all_types.append(scalar_to_one_hot(num_obj_types, 1))
object_array = np.zeros((len(all_objects), (max_len + 1) // stride, 2))
mask_object_array = np.zeros(
(len(all_objects), (max_len + 1) // stride), dtype=bool
object_types_array = np.zeros((len(all_types), num_obj_types))
for i_object, object in enumerate(all_objects):
len_object = (len(object) + 1) // stride
object_array[i_object, :len_object, :] = object[::2]
mask_object_array[i_object, :len_object] = True
object_types_array[i_object] = all_types[i_object]
# for i, lane in enumerate(object_array):
# plt.plot(lane[mask_object_array[i, :], 0], lane[mask_object_array[i, :], 1], alpha=0.3)
idx_to_id = {value: key for key, value in id_to_idx.items()}
# Sort entries from closest to furthest to input center
distances2 = np.min(((object_array - center[None, None, :]) ** 2).sum(-1), 1)
distance_sort = np.argsort(distances2)
copy_object = object_array.copy()
copy_mask_object = mask_object_array.copy()
copy_type = object_types_array.copy()
for i, idx in enumerate(distance_sort):
object_array[i] = copy_object[idx]
mask_object_array[i] = copy_mask_object[idx]
object_types_array[i] = copy_type[idx]
id_to_idx[idx_to_id[idx]] = i
return object_array, mask_object_array, object_types_array, id_to_idx
def group_light_signals(light_signals, id_to_idx, n_map_objects):
state_to_idx = {
len_time = len(light_signals)
all_lanes_states = np.zeros((n_map_objects, len_time, len(state_to_idx) - 1))
for t, lanes_states in enumerate(light_signals):
for lane in lanes_states.lane_states:
if lane.lane in id_to_idx.keys():
all_lanes_states[id_to_idx[lane.lane], t, :] = scalar_to_one_hot(
len(state_to_idx) - 1, lane.state, True
# (n_objects, seq_time, features)
return all_lanes_states
def normalize_all(traj, map, pos, angle):
c = math.cos(angle)
s = math.sin(angle)
rotation_mat = np.array([[c, s], [-s, c]])
traj_clone = traj.clone()
traj_clone[..., :2] = (
traj_clone[..., :2] - pos.reshape(([1] * (traj.ndim - 1)) + [2])
) @ rotation_mat
traj_clone[..., 2] = (traj_clone[..., 2] + angle + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
if traj.shape[-1] >= 5:
traj_clone[..., 3:5] = traj_clone[..., 3:5] @ rotation_mat
map_clone = (map.clone() - pos.reshape(([1] * (map.ndim - 1)) + [2])) @ rotation_mat
return traj_clone, map_clone
def fill_gaps(trajs, mask_in):
If trajectories are partially observed with gaps (observed then not then observed again), fill the gaps with interpolations.
trajs: size (n_agents, time, features) features are organized as [x, y, angle, vx, vy, other_features ]
mask = mask_in.copy()
first_non_zeros = np.argmax(mask, 1)
last_non_zeros = mask.shape[1] - np.argmax(np.flip(mask, 1), 1)
has_gaps = np.logical_and(
last_non_zeros - first_non_zeros > np.maximum(mask.sum(1), 1), mask.sum(1) > 1
if not has_gaps.any():
# No gap to fill, returning the input
return trajs
# iterate over agents
for i in range(trajs.shape[0]):
if has_gaps[i]:
left = first_non_zeros[i]
right = first_non_zeros[i]
for t in range(first_non_zeros[i], last_non_zeros[i]):
if mask[i, t] and left == right:
left += 1
elif mask[i, t]:
mask[i, t] = True
right += 1
# Linear filling for positions:
trajs[i, left:right, :2] = (np.arange(right - left) / (right - left))[
:, None
] * (trajs[i, right, :2] - trajs[i, left - 1, :2])[None, :] + trajs[
i, left - 1 : left, :2
# Linear filling for velocities and the rest:
trajs[i, left:right, 3:] = (np.arange(right - left) / (right - left))[
:, None
] * (trajs[i, right, 3:] - trajs[i, left - 1, 3:])[None, :] + trajs[
i, left - 1 : left, 3:
# Linear filling for angles (periodicity doesn't allow direct interpolation):
cos_traj = np.cos(trajs[i, left - 1 : right + 1, 2])
sin_traj = np.sin(trajs[i, left - 1 : right + 1, 2])
cos_traj = (np.arange(right - left) / (right - left)) * (
cos_traj[-1] - cos_traj[0]
) + cos_traj[0]
sin_traj = (np.arange(right - left) / (right - left)) * (
sin_traj[-1] - sin_traj[0]
) + sin_traj[0]
trajs[i, left:right, 2] = np.arctan2(sin_traj, cos_traj)
# Only the first gap was filled, recursive call to complete others
return fill_gaps(trajs, mask)
def group_scenario(scenario):
ids_of_interest = list(set(scenario.objects_of_interest))
# Only gather scenario with a pair of interacting vehicles
if len(ids_of_interest) != 2:
return None
traj, mask_traj, traj_type, id_to_idx = group_tracks(scenario.tracks)
assert (traj[..., :2][mask_traj] != 0).any(-1).all()
to_predict = np.zeros(traj.shape[0], dtype=bool)
for idx in scenario.tracks_to_predict:
to_predict[idx.track_index] = True
# # Set ego as the first agent in the list of trajectories
# index_ego = scenario.sdc_track_index
# if index_ego != 0:
# for key, value in id_to_idx.items():
# if value == 0:
# id_0 = key
# traj[[0, index_ego]] = traj[[index_ego, 0]]
# mask_traj[[0, index_ego]] = mask_traj[[index_ego, 0]]
# traj_type[[0, index_ego]] = traj_type[[index_ego, 0]]
# to_predict[[0, index_ego]] = to_predict[[index_ego, 0]]
# id_to_idx[id_0] = index_ego
# id_to_idx[scenario.sdc_track_index] = 0
# Set the agents of interest as the first agents in the list of trajectories
for key, value in id_to_idx.items():
if value == 0:
id_0 = key
elif value == 1:
id_1 = key
indices_of_interest = sorted(
[id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[0]], id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[1]]]
traj[[0, indices_of_interest[0]]] = traj[
mask_traj[[0, indices_of_interest[0]]] = mask_traj[
traj_type[[0, indices_of_interest[0]]] = traj_type[
to_predict[[0, indices_of_interest[0]]] = to_predict[
traj[[1, indices_of_interest[1]]] = traj[[indices_of_interest[1], 1]]
mask_traj[[1, indices_of_interest[1]]] = mask_traj[[indices_of_interest[1], 1]]
traj_type[[1, indices_of_interest[1]]] = traj_type[[indices_of_interest[1], 1]]
to_predict[[1, indices_of_interest[1]]] = to_predict[[indices_of_interest[1], 1]]
id_to_idx[id_0] = id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[0]]
id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[0]] = 0
id_to_idx[id_1] = id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[1]]
id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[1]] = 1
assert (traj[..., :2][mask_traj] != 0).any(-1).all()
# ego_current_state = scenario.tracks[scenario.sdc_track_index].states[scenario.current_time_index]
# angle = ego_current_state.heading
traj = fill_gaps(traj, mask_traj)
pos = traj[0, scenario.current_time_index, :2]
angle = traj[0, scenario.current_time_index, 2]
# mask_agent_of_interest = np.zeros((traj.shape[0]), dtype=bool)
# idx_of_interest = [id_to_idx[id] for id in scenario.objects_of_interest]
# mask_agent_of_interest[idx_of_interest] = True
traj, mask_traj, traj_type, to_predict, id_to_idx = filter_tracks(
assert (traj[..., :2][mask_traj] != 0).any(-1).all()
if traj.shape[0] > 100:
map, mask_map, map_type, map_id_to_idx = group_lanes(
scenario.map_features, pos, max_lane_len=50, max_lane_distance=50
lane_states = group_light_signals(
scenario.dynamic_map_states, map_id_to_idx, map.shape[0]
traj, map = normalize_all(traj, map, pos, -angle)
assert (
traj[0, scenario.current_time_index + 1 :, :2][
mask_traj[0, scenario.current_time_index + 1 :]
!= 0
assert (
traj[0, : scenario.current_time_index, :2][
mask_traj[0, : scenario.current_time_index]
!= 0
assert (traj[1:, :, :2][mask_traj[1:, :]] != 0).any(-1).all()
len_pred = traj.shape[1] - scenario.current_time_index - 1
traj = traj.transpose((1, 0, 2))
mask_traj = mask_traj.transpose((1, 0))
map = map.transpose((1, 0, 2))
mask_map = mask_map.transpose((1, 0))
assert (
traj[scenario.current_time_index + 1 :, 0, :2][
mask_traj[scenario.current_time_index + 1 :, 0]
!= 0
assert (
traj[: scenario.current_time_index, 0, :2][
mask_traj[: scenario.current_time_index, 0]
!= 0
assert (traj[:, 1:, :2][mask_traj[:, 1:]] != 0).any(-1).all()
# Mask futures for trajectories that are not to be predicted
traj = traj * mask_traj[:, :, None]
# to_predict[0] = True
# to_predict[1] = True
# mask_traj[scenario.current_time_index+1:, np.logical_not(to_predict)] = 0
mask_to_predict = mask_traj.copy()
mask_to_predict[:, np.logical_not(to_predict)] = False
assert (
traj[scenario.current_time_index + 1 :, 0, :2][
mask_to_predict[scenario.current_time_index + 1 :, 0]
!= 0
assert (
traj[: scenario.current_time_index, 0, :2][
mask_to_predict[: scenario.current_time_index, 0]
!= 0
assert (traj[:, 1:, :2][mask_to_predict[:, 1:]] != 0).any(-1).all()
return {
"traj": traj,
"mask_traj": mask_traj,
"mask_to_predict": mask_to_predict,
"lanes": map,
"lane_states": lane_states,
"mask_lanes": mask_map,
"len_pred": len_pred,
"mean_pos": pos,
def preprocess_scenario(data, output_dir):
scenario = scenario_pb2.Scenario()
scenario_id = scenario.scenario_id
scenario = group_scenario(scenario)
if scenario is not None:
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, scenario_id), "wb") as handle:
pickle.dump(scenario, handle)
def preprocess_scenarios(scenario_dir, output_dir, debug_size=None, num_parallel=8):
"""Preprocesses waymo motion data in scenario file format.
scenario_dir: Directory containing scenario files.
output_dir: Directory in which to output preprocessed samples
debug_size: If provided, limit to this number of output samples.
This is the _max_ number of samples, but fewer may result.
num_parallel: Number of processes to run in parallel.
Recommend to set this to number of cores - 1.
assert os.path.exists(scenario_dir)
filenames = os.listdir(scenario_dir)
print(f"Saving files in {output_dir}")
filepaths = [os.path.join(scenario_dir, f) for f in filenames]
dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filepaths)
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(num_parallel)
futures = []
for i, data in enumerate(tqdm(dataset)):
future = pool.submit(preprocess_scenario, data=data, output_dir=output_dir)
# future = preprocess_scenario(data=data, output_dir=output_dir)
if debug_size is not None and i >= debug_size:
if __name__ == "__main__":
The way this works is it provides a command line interface to the function
where you just pass whatever arguments the function takes to the script.
You can get a help message with:
$ python scripts/interaction_utils/generate_dataset_waymo.py -h
An example you might call with:
$ python scripts/interaction_utils/generate_dataset_waymo.py \
/path/to/scenarios/training/ /path/to/output/training --debug_size=1000 --num_parallel=48