import concurrent.futures | |
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor | |
import math | |
import os | |
import fire | |
import numpy as np | |
import pickle | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from waymo_open_dataset.protos import scenario_pb2 | |
def scalar_to_one_hot(length, index, has_zero=False): | |
if has_zero: | |
offset = 1 | |
else: | |
offset = 0 | |
assert 0 <= index < length + offset | |
if index + 1 - offset > 0: | |
one_hot_type = np.eye(length)[index - offset] | |
else: | |
one_hot_type = np.zeros(length) | |
return one_hot_type | |
def group_tracks(tracks): | |
object_types = { | |
"TYPE_UNSET": 0, | |
"TYPE_VEHICLE": 1, | |
"TYPE_CYCLIST": 3, | |
"TYPE_OTHER": 4, | |
} | |
state_size = 11 | |
traj = np.zeros((len(tracks), len(tracks[0].states), state_size)) | |
mask_traj = np.zeros((len(tracks), len(tracks[0].states)), dtype=bool) | |
traj_type = np.zeros((len(tracks), len(object_types) - 1)) | |
id_to_idx = {} | |
for i_track, track in enumerate(tracks): | |
traj_type[i_track, :] = scalar_to_one_hot( | |
len(object_types) - 1, track.object_type, has_zero=True | |
) | |
id_to_idx[] = i_track | |
for i_time, state in enumerate(track.states): | |
if state.valid: | |
traj[i_track, i_time, 0] = state.center_x | |
traj[i_track, i_time, 1] = state.center_y | |
traj[i_track, i_time, 2] = state.heading | |
traj[i_track, i_time, 3] = state.velocity_x | |
traj[i_track, i_time, 4] = state.velocity_y | |
traj[i_track, i_time, 5] = state.width | |
traj[i_track, i_time, 6] = state.length | |
traj[i_track, i_time, 7:11] = traj_type[i_track, :] | |
mask_traj[i_track, i_time] = state.center_x != 0 or state.center_y != 0 | |
else: | |
mask_traj[i_track, i_time] = False | |
# Remove trajectories that are masked for the whole time | |
mask_any_time = mask_traj.any(-1) | |
to_delete = [] | |
for key, value in id_to_idx.items(): | |
if not mask_any_time[value]: | |
to_delete.append(key) | |
else: | |
id_to_idx[key] = np.sum(mask_any_time[:value]) | |
for key in to_delete: | |
del id_to_idx[key] | |
traj = traj[mask_any_time] | |
traj_type = traj_type[mask_any_time] | |
mask_traj = mask_traj[mask_any_time] | |
# traj:(n_agents, seq_time, features), mask:(n_agents, seq_time), traj_type:(n_agents, features) | |
assert (traj[..., :2][mask_traj] != 0).any(-1).all() | |
return traj, mask_traj, traj_type, id_to_idx | |
def filter_tracks( | |
pos, | |
trajs, | |
mask_trajs, | |
trajs_type, | |
to_predict, | |
id_to_idx, | |
mask_keep, | |
max_moving_distance, | |
max_static_distance, | |
): | |
distances2 = ((trajs[:, :, :2] - pos[None, None, :]) ** 2).sum(-1).min(1) | |
first_non_0_pos = np.take_along_axis( | |
trajs, np.argmax(mask_trajs, 1)[:, None, None], axis=1 | |
) | |
is_moving = ( | |
np.abs((trajs[:, :, :2] - first_non_0_pos[:, 0:1, :2]) * mask_trajs[:, :, None]) | |
.sum(1) | |
.sum(1) | |
> 1 | |
) | |
filtered = np.zeros_like(distances2, dtype=bool) | |
filtered[is_moving] = distances2[is_moving] < max_moving_distance**2 | |
filtered[np.logical_not(is_moving)] = ( | |
distances2[np.logical_not(is_moving)] < max_static_distance**2 | |
) | |
filtered = np.logical_or(filtered, mask_keep) | |
# Filter out trajectories | |
to_delete = [] | |
idx_to_id = {} | |
for key, value in id_to_idx.items(): | |
if not filtered[value]: | |
to_delete.append(key) | |
else: | |
new_value = np.sum(filtered[:value]) | |
idx_to_id[new_value] = key | |
id_to_idx[key] = new_value | |
for key in to_delete: | |
del id_to_idx[key] | |
trajs = trajs[filtered] | |
trajs_type = trajs_type[filtered] | |
mask_trajs = mask_trajs[filtered] | |
to_predict = to_predict[filtered] | |
if mask_keep.all(): | |
return trajs, mask_trajs, trajs_type, to_predict, id_to_idx | |
# Sort entries from closest to furthest to input pos | |
distances2 = distances2[filtered] | |
distance_sort = np.argsort(distances2) | |
copy_trajs = trajs.copy() | |
copy_mask_trajs = mask_trajs.copy() | |
copy_trajs_type = trajs_type.copy() | |
copy_to_predict = to_predict.copy() | |
skip = np.argmin(mask_keep) | |
assert skip > 1 | |
offset = skip | |
for i, idx in enumerate(distance_sort[skip:]): | |
if idx > skip: | |
ii = i + offset | |
trajs[ii] = copy_trajs[idx] | |
trajs_type[ii] = copy_trajs_type[idx] | |
mask_trajs[ii] = copy_mask_trajs[idx] | |
to_predict[ii] = copy_to_predict[idx] | |
id_to_idx[idx_to_id[idx]] = ii | |
else: | |
offset -= 1 | |
assert (trajs[..., :2][mask_trajs] != 0).any(-1).all() | |
return trajs, mask_trajs, trajs_type, to_predict, id_to_idx | |
def cut_lane(lane, pos, max_len): | |
center_idx = np.argmin(((lane - pos[None, :]) ** 2).sum(-1)) | |
start = max(0, center_idx - max_len // 2) | |
return lane[start : start + max_len, :] | |
def group_lanes(map, center, max_lane_len, max_lane_distance): | |
all_objects = [] | |
all_types = [] | |
max_len = 0 | |
id_to_idx = {} | |
stride = 2 | |
max_lane_len = max_lane_len * stride | |
for object in map: | |
# Type one_hot encoding is as follows: 0: lane, 1: stop_sign, 2: cross_walk, 3: speed_bump | |
lane = object.lane.polyline | |
is_cut_lane = len(lane) > max_lane_len | |
len_lane = min(len(lane), max_lane_len) | |
len_cross_walk = len(object.crosswalk.polygon) | |
len_speed_bump = len(object.speed_bump.polygon) | |
num_obj_types = 4 | |
max_len = max(max_len, len_lane) | |
max_len = max(max_len, len_cross_walk) | |
max_len = max(max_len, len_speed_bump) | |
if len_lane > 0: | |
current_lane = np.zeros((len(lane), 2)) | |
for i_point, cw in enumerate(lane): | |
current_lane[i_point, 0] = cw.x | |
current_lane[i_point, 1] = cw.y | |
if is_cut_lane: | |
current_lane = cut_lane(current_lane, center, max_lane_len) | |
min_distance2 = np.min(((current_lane - center[None, :]) ** 2).sum(-1)) | |
if min_distance2 < max_lane_distance**2: | |
id_to_idx[] = len(all_objects) | |
all_objects.append(current_lane) | |
all_types.append(scalar_to_one_hot(num_obj_types, 0)) | |
# elif len_cross_walk > 0: | |
# current_cross_walk = np.zeros((len_cross_walk, 2)) | |
# for i_point, cw in enumerate(object.crosswalk.polygon): | |
# current_cross_walk[i_point, 0] = cw.x | |
# current_cross_walk[i_point, 1] = cw.y | |
# all_objects.append(current_cross_walk) | |
# all_types.append(scalar_to_one_hot(num_obj_types, 2)) | |
# elif len_speed_bump > 0: | |
# current_speed_bump = np.zeros((len_speed_bump, 2)) | |
# for i_point, cw in enumerate(object.speed_bump.polygon): | |
# current_speed_bump[i_point, 0] = cw.x | |
# current_speed_bump[i_point, 1] = cw.y | |
# all_objects.append(current_speed_bump) | |
# all_types.append(scalar_to_one_hot(num_obj_types, 3)) | |
# elif not (object.stop_sign.position.x == 0 and object.stop_sign.position.y == 0): | |
# all_objects.append([np.array([object.stop_sign.position.x, object.stop_sign.position.y])]) | |
# all_types.append(scalar_to_one_hot(num_obj_types, 1)) | |
object_array = np.zeros((len(all_objects), (max_len + 1) // stride, 2)) | |
mask_object_array = np.zeros( | |
(len(all_objects), (max_len + 1) // stride), dtype=bool | |
) | |
object_types_array = np.zeros((len(all_types), num_obj_types)) | |
for i_object, object in enumerate(all_objects): | |
len_object = (len(object) + 1) // stride | |
object_array[i_object, :len_object, :] = object[::2] | |
mask_object_array[i_object, :len_object] = True | |
object_types_array[i_object] = all_types[i_object] | |
# for i, lane in enumerate(object_array): | |
# plt.plot(lane[mask_object_array[i, :], 0], lane[mask_object_array[i, :], 1], alpha=0.3) | |
idx_to_id = {value: key for key, value in id_to_idx.items()} | |
# Sort entries from closest to furthest to input center | |
distances2 = np.min(((object_array - center[None, None, :]) ** 2).sum(-1), 1) | |
distance_sort = np.argsort(distances2) | |
copy_object = object_array.copy() | |
copy_mask_object = mask_object_array.copy() | |
copy_type = object_types_array.copy() | |
for i, idx in enumerate(distance_sort): | |
object_array[i] = copy_object[idx] | |
mask_object_array[i] = copy_mask_object[idx] | |
object_types_array[i] = copy_type[idx] | |
id_to_idx[idx_to_id[idx]] = i | |
return object_array, mask_object_array, object_types_array, id_to_idx | |
def group_light_signals(light_signals, id_to_idx, n_map_objects): | |
state_to_idx = { | |
} | |
len_time = len(light_signals) | |
all_lanes_states = np.zeros((n_map_objects, len_time, len(state_to_idx) - 1)) | |
for t, lanes_states in enumerate(light_signals): | |
for lane in lanes_states.lane_states: | |
if lane.lane in id_to_idx.keys(): | |
all_lanes_states[id_to_idx[lane.lane], t, :] = scalar_to_one_hot( | |
len(state_to_idx) - 1, lane.state, True | |
) | |
# (n_objects, seq_time, features) | |
return all_lanes_states | |
def normalize_all(traj, map, pos, angle): | |
c = math.cos(angle) | |
s = math.sin(angle) | |
rotation_mat = np.array([[c, s], [-s, c]]) | |
traj_clone = traj.clone() | |
traj_clone[..., :2] = ( | |
traj_clone[..., :2] - pos.reshape(([1] * (traj.ndim - 1)) + [2]) | |
) @ rotation_mat | |
traj_clone[..., 2] = (traj_clone[..., 2] + angle + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi | |
if traj.shape[-1] >= 5: | |
traj_clone[..., 3:5] = traj_clone[..., 3:5] @ rotation_mat | |
map_clone = (map.clone() - pos.reshape(([1] * (map.ndim - 1)) + [2])) @ rotation_mat | |
return traj_clone, map_clone | |
def fill_gaps(trajs, mask_in): | |
""" | |
If trajectories are partially observed with gaps (observed then not then observed again), fill the gaps with interpolations. | |
Args: | |
trajs: size (n_agents, time, features) features are organized as [x, y, angle, vx, vy, other_features ] | |
""" | |
mask = mask_in.copy() | |
first_non_zeros = np.argmax(mask, 1) | |
last_non_zeros = mask.shape[1] - np.argmax(np.flip(mask, 1), 1) | |
has_gaps = np.logical_and( | |
last_non_zeros - first_non_zeros > np.maximum(mask.sum(1), 1), mask.sum(1) > 1 | |
) | |
if not has_gaps.any(): | |
# No gap to fill, returning the input | |
return trajs | |
# iterate over agents | |
for i in range(trajs.shape[0]): | |
if has_gaps[i]: | |
left = first_non_zeros[i] | |
right = first_non_zeros[i] | |
for t in range(first_non_zeros[i], last_non_zeros[i]): | |
if mask[i, t] and left == right: | |
left += 1 | |
elif mask[i, t]: | |
break | |
else: | |
mask[i, t] = True | |
right += 1 | |
# Linear filling for positions: | |
trajs[i, left:right, :2] = (np.arange(right - left) / (right - left))[ | |
:, None | |
] * (trajs[i, right, :2] - trajs[i, left - 1, :2])[None, :] + trajs[ | |
i, left - 1 : left, :2 | |
] | |
# Linear filling for velocities and the rest: | |
trajs[i, left:right, 3:] = (np.arange(right - left) / (right - left))[ | |
:, None | |
] * (trajs[i, right, 3:] - trajs[i, left - 1, 3:])[None, :] + trajs[ | |
i, left - 1 : left, 3: | |
] | |
# Linear filling for angles (periodicity doesn't allow direct interpolation): | |
cos_traj = np.cos(trajs[i, left - 1 : right + 1, 2]) | |
sin_traj = np.sin(trajs[i, left - 1 : right + 1, 2]) | |
cos_traj = (np.arange(right - left) / (right - left)) * ( | |
cos_traj[-1] - cos_traj[0] | |
) + cos_traj[0] | |
sin_traj = (np.arange(right - left) / (right - left)) * ( | |
sin_traj[-1] - sin_traj[0] | |
) + sin_traj[0] | |
trajs[i, left:right, 2] = np.arctan2(sin_traj, cos_traj) | |
# Only the first gap was filled, recursive call to complete others | |
return fill_gaps(trajs, mask) | |
def group_scenario(scenario): | |
ids_of_interest = list(set(scenario.objects_of_interest)) | |
# Only gather scenario with a pair of interacting vehicles | |
if len(ids_of_interest) != 2: | |
return None | |
traj, mask_traj, traj_type, id_to_idx = group_tracks(scenario.tracks) | |
assert (traj[..., :2][mask_traj] != 0).any(-1).all() | |
to_predict = np.zeros(traj.shape[0], dtype=bool) | |
for idx in scenario.tracks_to_predict: | |
to_predict[idx.track_index] = True | |
# # Set ego as the first agent in the list of trajectories | |
# index_ego = scenario.sdc_track_index | |
# if index_ego != 0: | |
# for key, value in id_to_idx.items(): | |
# if value == 0: | |
# id_0 = key | |
# traj[[0, index_ego]] = traj[[index_ego, 0]] | |
# mask_traj[[0, index_ego]] = mask_traj[[index_ego, 0]] | |
# traj_type[[0, index_ego]] = traj_type[[index_ego, 0]] | |
# to_predict[[0, index_ego]] = to_predict[[index_ego, 0]] | |
# id_to_idx[id_0] = index_ego | |
# id_to_idx[scenario.sdc_track_index] = 0 | |
# Set the agents of interest as the first agents in the list of trajectories | |
for key, value in id_to_idx.items(): | |
if value == 0: | |
id_0 = key | |
elif value == 1: | |
id_1 = key | |
indices_of_interest = sorted( | |
[id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[0]], id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[1]]] | |
) | |
traj[[0, indices_of_interest[0]]] = traj[ | |
[ | |
indices_of_interest[0], | |
0, | |
] | |
] | |
mask_traj[[0, indices_of_interest[0]]] = mask_traj[ | |
[ | |
indices_of_interest[0], | |
0, | |
] | |
] | |
traj_type[[0, indices_of_interest[0]]] = traj_type[ | |
[ | |
indices_of_interest[0], | |
0, | |
] | |
] | |
to_predict[[0, indices_of_interest[0]]] = to_predict[ | |
[ | |
indices_of_interest[0], | |
0, | |
] | |
] | |
traj[[1, indices_of_interest[1]]] = traj[[indices_of_interest[1], 1]] | |
mask_traj[[1, indices_of_interest[1]]] = mask_traj[[indices_of_interest[1], 1]] | |
traj_type[[1, indices_of_interest[1]]] = traj_type[[indices_of_interest[1], 1]] | |
to_predict[[1, indices_of_interest[1]]] = to_predict[[indices_of_interest[1], 1]] | |
id_to_idx[id_0] = id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[0]] | |
id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[0]] = 0 | |
id_to_idx[id_1] = id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[1]] | |
id_to_idx[ids_of_interest[1]] = 1 | |
assert (traj[..., :2][mask_traj] != 0).any(-1).all() | |
# ego_current_state = scenario.tracks[scenario.sdc_track_index].states[scenario.current_time_index] | |
# angle = ego_current_state.heading | |
traj = fill_gaps(traj, mask_traj) | |
pos = traj[0, scenario.current_time_index, :2] | |
angle = traj[0, scenario.current_time_index, 2] | |
# mask_agent_of_interest = np.zeros((traj.shape[0]), dtype=bool) | |
# idx_of_interest = [id_to_idx[id] for id in scenario.objects_of_interest] | |
# mask_agent_of_interest[idx_of_interest] = True | |
traj, mask_traj, traj_type, to_predict, id_to_idx = filter_tracks( | |
pos, | |
traj, | |
mask_traj, | |
traj_type, | |
to_predict, | |
id_to_idx, | |
mask_keep=to_predict, | |
max_moving_distance=50, | |
max_static_distance=30, | |
) | |
assert (traj[..., :2][mask_traj] != 0).any(-1).all() | |
if traj.shape[0] > 100: | |
print(traj.shape[0]) | |
map, mask_map, map_type, map_id_to_idx = group_lanes( | |
scenario.map_features, pos, max_lane_len=50, max_lane_distance=50 | |
) | |
lane_states = group_light_signals( | |
scenario.dynamic_map_states, map_id_to_idx, map.shape[0] | |
) | |
traj, map = normalize_all(traj, map, pos, -angle) | |
assert ( | |
( | |
traj[0, scenario.current_time_index + 1 :, :2][ | |
mask_traj[0, scenario.current_time_index + 1 :] | |
] | |
!= 0 | |
) | |
.any(-1) | |
.all() | |
) | |
assert ( | |
( | |
traj[0, : scenario.current_time_index, :2][ | |
mask_traj[0, : scenario.current_time_index] | |
] | |
!= 0 | |
) | |
.any(-1) | |
.all() | |
) | |
assert (traj[1:, :, :2][mask_traj[1:, :]] != 0).any(-1).all() | |
len_pred = traj.shape[1] - scenario.current_time_index - 1 | |
traj = traj.transpose((1, 0, 2)) | |
mask_traj = mask_traj.transpose((1, 0)) | |
map = map.transpose((1, 0, 2)) | |
mask_map = mask_map.transpose((1, 0)) | |
assert ( | |
( | |
traj[scenario.current_time_index + 1 :, 0, :2][ | |
mask_traj[scenario.current_time_index + 1 :, 0] | |
] | |
!= 0 | |
) | |
.any(-1) | |
.all() | |
) | |
assert ( | |
( | |
traj[: scenario.current_time_index, 0, :2][ | |
mask_traj[: scenario.current_time_index, 0] | |
] | |
!= 0 | |
) | |
.any(-1) | |
.all() | |
) | |
assert (traj[:, 1:, :2][mask_traj[:, 1:]] != 0).any(-1).all() | |
# Mask futures for trajectories that are not to be predicted | |
traj = traj * mask_traj[:, :, None] | |
# to_predict[0] = True | |
# to_predict[1] = True | |
# mask_traj[scenario.current_time_index+1:, np.logical_not(to_predict)] = 0 | |
mask_to_predict = mask_traj.copy() | |
mask_to_predict[:, np.logical_not(to_predict)] = False | |
assert ( | |
( | |
traj[scenario.current_time_index + 1 :, 0, :2][ | |
mask_to_predict[scenario.current_time_index + 1 :, 0] | |
] | |
!= 0 | |
) | |
.any(-1) | |
.all() | |
) | |
assert ( | |
( | |
traj[: scenario.current_time_index, 0, :2][ | |
mask_to_predict[: scenario.current_time_index, 0] | |
] | |
!= 0 | |
) | |
.any(-1) | |
.all() | |
) | |
assert (traj[:, 1:, :2][mask_to_predict[:, 1:]] != 0).any(-1).all() | |
return { | |
"traj": traj, | |
"mask_traj": mask_traj, | |
"mask_to_predict": mask_to_predict, | |
"lanes": map, | |
"lane_states": lane_states, | |
"mask_lanes": mask_map, | |
"len_pred": len_pred, | |
"mean_pos": pos, | |
} | |
def preprocess_scenario(data, output_dir): | |
scenario = scenario_pb2.Scenario() | |
scenario.ParseFromString(data.numpy()) | |
scenario_id = scenario.scenario_id | |
scenario = group_scenario(scenario) | |
if scenario is not None: | |
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, scenario_id), "wb") as handle: | |
pickle.dump(scenario, handle) | |
def preprocess_scenarios(scenario_dir, output_dir, debug_size=None, num_parallel=8): | |
"""Preprocesses waymo motion data in scenario file format. | |
Args: | |
scenario_dir: Directory containing scenario files. | |
output_dir: Directory in which to output preprocessed samples | |
debug_size: If provided, limit to this number of output samples. | |
This is the _max_ number of samples, but fewer may result. | |
num_parallel: Number of processes to run in parallel. | |
Recommend to set this to number of cores - 1. | |
""" | |
assert os.path.exists(scenario_dir) | |
filenames = os.listdir(scenario_dir) | |
print(f"Saving files in {output_dir}") | |
filepaths = [os.path.join(scenario_dir, f) for f in filenames] | |
dataset = | |
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(num_parallel) | |
futures = [] | |
for i, data in enumerate(tqdm(dataset)): | |
future = pool.submit(preprocess_scenario, data=data, output_dir=output_dir) | |
# future = preprocess_scenario(data=data, output_dir=output_dir) | |
futures.append(future) | |
if debug_size is not None and i >= debug_size: | |
break | |
concurrent.futures.wait(futures) | |
pool.shutdown() | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
""" | |
The way this works is it provides a command line interface to the function | |
where you just pass whatever arguments the function takes to the script. | |
You can get a help message with: | |
$ python scripts/interaction_utils/ -h | |
An example you might call with: | |
$ python scripts/interaction_utils/ \ | |
/path/to/scenarios/training/ /path/to/output/training --debug_size=1000 --num_parallel=48 | |
""" | |
fire.Fire(preprocess_scenarios) | |