import gradio as gr
import os
from moviepy.editor import *
def replay(option):
path = ""
# Get the correct model
if (option == "LunarLander-v2 đđŠâđ"):
path = "./LunarLander-v2.mp4"
elif(option == "CartPole-v1 đšī¸"):
path = "./CartPole-v1.mp4"
elif(option == "Atari Space Invaders đž"):
path = "./SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4.mp4"
# The only turnaround I found (Base64 video pb)
videoclip = VideoFileClip(path)
return 'new_filename.mp4'
iface = gr.Interface(
gr.inputs.Dropdown(["Atari Space Invaders đž", "CartPole-v1 đšī¸", "LunarLander-v2 đđŠâđ"]),
title = 'Stable Baselines 3 with đ¤',
description = '',
article =
This version of the RL library allows you to load models directly from the Hugging Face Hub
Select the trained agent you want to watch perform.
These models are from Stable Baseline Zoo
There are currently 3 models:
TODO: Next version with live video generation
import gradio as gr
import os
from Recorder import Recorder
from stable_baselines3 import PPO
#The Agent plays and we generate the video
def replay(option):
video_path = ""
# Get the correct model
if (option == "LunarLander-v2 đđŠâđ"):
env_name = "Lunar Lander v2"
agent_name = "PPO"
hf_model_filename = "LunarLander-v2"
hf_model_id = "ThomasSimonini/stable-baselines3-ppo-LunarLander-v2"
video_path = replay_gym(hf_model_filename, hf_model_id)
elif(option == "CartPole-v1 đšī¸"):
hf_model_filename = "CartPole-v1"
hf_model_id = "ThomasSimonini/stable-baselines3-ppo-CartPole-v1"
video_path = replay_gym(hf_model_filename, hf_model_id)
elif(option == "Atari Space Invaders đž"):
hf_model_filename = "SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4"
hf_model_id = "ThomasSimonini/stable-baselines3-ppo-SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4"
video_path = replay_atari(hf_model_filename, hf_model_id)
#video_path = "./SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4.mp4"
return video_path
def replay_gym(hf_model_filename, hf_model_id):
import gym
from stable_baselines3.common.evaluation import evaluate_policy
model = PPO.load_from_huggingface(hf_model_id,hf_model_filename)
eval_env = gym.make(hf_model_filename)
directory = './video'
env = Recorder(eval_env, directory)
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
action, _state = model.predict(obs)
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
clip =
return clip
def replay_atari(hf_model_filename, hf_model_id):
os.system("python -m atari_py.import_roms \"content/atari_roms\"")
import gym
from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_atari_env
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecFrameStack
from stable_baselines3.common.evaluation import evaluate_policy
model = PPO.load_from_huggingface(hf_model_id, hf_model_filename)
eval_env = make_atari_env(hf_model_filename, n_envs=1, seed=0)
eval_env = VecFrameStack(eval_env, n_stack=4)
model = PPO.load_from_huggingface(hf_model_id, hf_model_filename)
import gym
directory = './video'
env = Recorder(eval_env, directory)
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
action, _state = model.predict(obs)
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
clip =
return clip
iface = gr.Interface(
gr.inputs.Dropdown(["Atari Space Invaders đž", "CartPole-v1 đšī¸", "LunarLander-v2 đđŠâđ"]),
title = 'Stable Baselines 3 with đ¤',
description = '',
article =
This version of the RL library allows you to load models directly from the Hugging Face Hub
Select the trained agent you want to watch perform. We record your agent playing.
Don't forget to click on clear between each record.
These models are from
Stable Baseline Zoo
There are currently 3 models: