TroglodyteDerivations's picture
Updated line 7 with: st.title("Conjunto de datos de IA agentica multimodal a través de Uber 3 | Multimodal Agentic AI via Uber Dataset 3")
3df4b84 verified
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import folium
from streamlit_folium import st_folium
# Set the title of the Streamlit app
st.title("Conjunto de datos de IA agentica multimodal a través de Uber 3 | Multimodal Agentic AI via Uber Dataset 3")
# Load and display the Uber dataset
@st.cache_data # Cache the dataframe to improve performance
def load_data():
return pd.read_csv('uber-raw-data-may14.csv')
# Load the Uber dataset
df = load_data()
# Display a subset of the dataframe (rows 10 to 20)
st.subheader("Trips per Hour (Rows 10 to 20)")
st.dataframe(df.iloc[10:21]) # Display rows 10 to 20
# Load and display videos
video_files = [f'analisis_video_{i}.mp4' for i in range(1, 14)] # Generate video filenames
for video_file in video_files:
with open(video_file, 'rb') as f:
video_bytes =
except FileNotFoundError:
st.warning(f"Video file {video_file} not found.")
# Load and display the Folium map
st.subheader("Trips Map")
# Load the Folium map from the HTML file
with open('trips_map.html', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
map_html =
# Display the map using st_folium
st.components.v1.html(map_html, width=700, height=500)
except FileNotFoundError:
st.warning("Folium map file 'trips_map.html' not found.")