import spacy from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim import geonamescache import pycountry from geotext import GeoText import re # Load the spacy model with GloVe embeddings nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg") # Load valid city names from geonamescache gc = geonamescache.GeonamesCache() # There is a bug with geonamescache where some countries exist as cities (e.g. albania) # So initially we delete any country reference from the cities # Get a list of all country names original_countries = set(country['name'] for country in gc.get_countries().values()) # Get a list of all the original city names original_cities = set(city['name'] for city in gc.get_cities().values()) # Get a list of all country names that appear as city names country_names = set( country['name'] for country in gc.get_countries().values() if country['name'] not in original_cities) # We also add these two cases because they have been asked by SERCO country_names.add("Guinea Bissau") country_names.add("Guinea bissau") country_names.add("guinea Bissau") country_names.add("guinea bissau") country_names.add("Timor Leste") country_names.add("Timor leste") country_names.add("timor Leste") country_names.add("timor leste") country_names.add("UAE") country_names.add("uae") country_names.add("Uae") country_names.add("Uk") country_names.add("uK") country_names.add("uk") country_names.add("USa") country_names.add("Usa") country_names.add("usa") country_names.add("uSa") country_names.add("usA") country_names.add("uSA") country_names.add("Palestine") # Get a list of all city names, excluding country names city_names = set(city['name'] for city in gc.get_cities().values() if city['name'] not in original_countries) city_names.add("Puebla de sanabria") def flatten(lst): """ Define a helper function to flatten the list recursively """ for item in lst: if isinstance(item, list): yield from flatten(item) else: yield item def is_country(reference): """ Check if a given reference is a valid country name """ try: # Check if the reference is a valid city name from the first geoparse library if reference in country_names: return True else: # if not then use the pycountry library to verify if an input is a country country = pycountry.countries.search_fuzzy(reference)[0] temp_country_names = [] if country: if hasattr(country, 'name') or hasattr(country, 'official_name') or hasattr(country, 'common_name'): if hasattr(country, 'official_name'): temp_country_names.append(country.official_name.lower()) if hasattr(country, 'name'): temp_country_names.append( if hasattr(country, 'common_name'): temp_country_names.append(country.common_name.lower()) if any(reference.lower()==elem for elem in temp_country_names): return True return False except LookupError: return False def is_city(reference): """ Check if a given reference is a valid city name """ reference = reference.replace("x$x", "").strip() # Check if the reference is a valid city name if reference in city_names: return True # Load the Nomatim (open street maps) api geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="certh_serco_validate_city_app") location = geolocator.geocode(reference, language="en", timeout=10) # If a reference is identified as a 'city', 'town', or 'village', then it is indeed a city if location.raw['type'] in ['city', 'town', 'village']: return True # If a reference is identified as 'administrative' (e.g. administrative area), # then we further examine if the retrieved info is a single token (meaning a country) or a series of tokens (meaning a city) # that condition takes place to separate some cases where small cities were identified as administrative areas elif location.raw['type'] == 'administrative': if len(location.raw['display_name'].split(",")) > 1: return True return False def validate_locations(locations): """ Validate that the identified references are indeed a Country and a City """ validated_loc = [] for location in locations: # validate whether it is a country if is_country(location): validated_loc.append((location, 'country')) # validate whether it is a city elif is_city(location): validated_loc.append((location, 'city')) else: # Check if the location is a multi-word name words = location.split() if len(words) > 1: # Try to find the country or city name among the words for i in range(len(words)): name = ' '.join(words[i:]) if is_country(name): validated_loc.append((name, 'country')) break elif is_city(name): validated_loc.append((name, 'city')) break return validated_loc def identify_loc_ner(sentence): """ Identify all the geopolitical and location entities with the spacy tool """ doc = nlp(sentence) ner_locations = [] # GPE and LOC are the labels for location entities in spaCy for ent in doc.ents: if ent.label_ in ['GPE', 'LOC']: if len(ent.text.split()) > 1: ner_locations.append(ent.text) else: for token in ent: if token.ent_type_ == 'GPE': ner_locations.append(ent.text) break return ner_locations def identify_loc_geoparselibs(sentence): """ Identify cities and countries with 3 different geoparsing libraries """ geoparse_locations = [] # Geoparsing library 1 # Load geonames cache to check if a city name is valid gc = geonamescache.GeonamesCache() # Get a list of many countries/cities countries = gc.get_countries() cities = gc.get_cities() city_names = [city['name'] for city in cities.values()] country_names = [country['name'] for country in countries.values()] # if any word sequence in our sentence is one of those countries/cities identify it words = sentence.split() for i in range(len(words)): for j in range(i + 1, len(words) + 1): word_seq = ' '.join(words[i:j]) if word_seq in city_names or word_seq in country_names: geoparse_locations.append(word_seq) # Geoparsing library 2 # similarly with the pycountry library for country in pycountry.countries: if in sentence: geoparse_locations.append( # Geoparsing library 3 # similarly with the geotext library places = GeoText(sentence) cities = list(places.cities) countries = list(places.countries) if cities: geoparse_locations += cities if countries: geoparse_locations += countries return (geoparse_locations, countries, cities) def identify_loc_regex(sentence): """ Identify cities and countries with regular expression matching """ regex_locations = [] # Country and cities references can be preceded by 'in', 'from' or 'of' pattern = r"\b(in|from|of)\b\s([\w\s]+)" additional_refs = re.findall(pattern, sentence) for match in additional_refs: regex_locations.append(match[1]) return regex_locations def multiple_country_city_identifications_solve(country_city_dict): """ This is a function to solve the appearance of multiple identification of countries and cities. It checks all the elements of the input dictionary and if any smaller length element exists as a substring inside a bigger length element of it, it deletes the smaller size one. In that sense, a dictionary of the sort {'city': ['Port moresby', 'Port'], 'country': ['Guinea', 'Papua new guinea']} will be converted into {'city': ['Port moresby'], 'country': ['Papua new guinea']}. The reason for that function, is because such type of incosistencies were identified during country/city identification, propably relevant to the geoparsing libraries in use """ try: country_flag = False city_flag = False # to avoid examining any element in any case, we validate that both a country and a city exist # on the input dictionary and that they are of length more than one (which is the target case for us) if 'country' in country_city_dict: if len(country_city_dict['country']) > 1: country_flag = True if 'city' in country_city_dict: if len(country_city_dict['city']) > 1: city_flag = True # at first cope with country multiple iterative references if country_flag: # Sort the countries by length, longest first country_city_dict['country'].sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True) # Create a new list of countries that don't contain any substrings cleaned_countries = [] for i in range(len(country_city_dict['country'])): is_substring = False for j in range(len(cleaned_countries)): if country_city_dict['country'][i].lower().find(cleaned_countries[j].lower()) != -1: # If the i-th country is a substring of an already-cleaned country, skip it is_substring = True break if not is_substring: cleaned_countries.append(country_city_dict['country'][i]) # Replace the original list of countries with the cleaned one country_city_dict['country'] = cleaned_countries # Create a new list of countries that are not substrings of other countries final_countries = [] for i in range(len(country_city_dict['country'])): is_superstring = False for j in range(len(country_city_dict['country'])): if i == j: continue if country_city_dict['country'][j].lower().find(country_city_dict['country'][i].lower()) != -1: # If the i-th country is a substring of a different country, skip it is_superstring = True break if not is_superstring: final_countries.append(country_city_dict['country'][i]) # Replace the original list of countries with the final one country_city_dict['country'] = final_countries # then cope with city multiple iterative references if city_flag: # Sort the cities by length, longest first country_city_dict['city'].sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True) # Create a new list of cities that don't contain any substrings cleaned_cities = [] for i in range(len(country_city_dict['city'])): is_substring = False for j in range(len(cleaned_cities)): if country_city_dict['city'][i].lower().find(cleaned_cities[j].lower()) != -1: # If the i-th city is a substring of an already-cleaned city, skip it is_substring = True break if not is_substring: cleaned_cities.append(country_city_dict['city'][i]) # Replace the original list of cities with the cleaned one country_city_dict['city'] = cleaned_cities # Create a new list of cities that are not substrings of other cities final_cities = [] for i in range(len(country_city_dict['city'])): is_superstring = False for j in range(len(country_city_dict['city'])): if i == j: continue if country_city_dict['city'][j].lower().find(country_city_dict['city'][i].lower()) != -1: # If the i-th city is a substring of a different city, skip it is_superstring = True break if not is_superstring: final_cities.append(country_city_dict['city'][i]) # Replace the original list of cities with the final one country_city_dict['city'] = final_cities # return the final dictionary if country_city_dict: return country_city_dict except: return (0, "LOCATION", "unknown_error") def helper_resolve_cities(sentence, locations): """ Verify that the city captured does not belong to the capture country. If so delete it, unless there is also a second reference on the original sentence (which might be the case of a city with a similar name/substring of a country) """ if 'country' in locations and 'city' in locations: # Check if any city names are also present in the corresponding country name for country in locations['country']: for city in locations['city']: if city.lower() in country.lower(): # If the city name is found in the country name, check how many times it appears in the sentence city_count = len(re.findall(city, sentence, re.IGNORECASE)) if city_count == 1: # If the city appears only once, remove it from the locations dictionary locations['city'] = [c for c in locations['city'] if c != city] return locations def helper_delete_city_reference(locations): """ If the 'city' reference was captured by mistake by the system, delete it, unless it belongs to the cities that should contain it (e.g. Mexico city) """ city_cities = ["Adamstown City", "Alexander City", "Angeles City", "Antipolo City", "Arizona City", "Arkansas City", "Ashley City", "Atlantic City", "Bacolod City", "Bacoor City", "Bago City", "Baguio City", "Baker City", "Baltimore City", "Batangas City", "Bay City", "Belgrade City", "Belize City", "Benin City", "Big Bear City", "Bossier City", "Boulder City", "Brazil City", "Bridge City", "Brigham City", "Brighton City", "Bristol City", "Buckeye City", "Bullhead City", "Butuan City", "Cabanatuan City", "Calamba City", "Calbayog City", "California City", "Caloocan City", "Calumet City", "Candon City", "Canon City", "Carcar City", "Carson City", "Castries City", "Cathedral City", "Cavite City", "Cebu City", "Cedar City", "Central Falls City", "Century City", "Cestos City", "City Bell", "City Terrace", "City of Balikpapan", "City of Calamba", "City of Gold Coast", "City of Industry", "City of Isabela", "City of Orange", "City of Paranaque", "City of Parramatta", "City of Shoalhaven", "Collier City", "Columbia City", "Commerce City", "Cooper City", "Cotabato City", "Crescent City", "Crescent City North", "Culver City", "Dagupan City", "Dale City", "Dali City", "Daly City", "Danao City", "Dasmariñas City", "Davao City", "De Forest City", "Del City", "Dhaka City", "Dipolog City", "Dodge City", "Dumaguete City", "El Centro City", "Elizabeth City", "Elk City", "Ellicott City", "Emeryville City", "Fernley City", "Florida City", "Forest City", "Forrest City", "Foster City", "Freeport City", "Garden City", "Gdynia City", "General Santos City", "General Trias City", "Gloucester City", "Granite City", "Green City", "Grove City", "Guatemala City", "Haines City", "Haltom City", "Harbor City", "Havre City", "Highland City", "Ho Chi Minh City", "Holiday City", "Horizon City", "Hyderabad City", "Iligan City", "Iloilo City", "Imus City", "Iowa City", "Iriga City", "Isabela City", "Jacinto City", "James City County", "Jefferson City", "Jersey City", "Jhang City", "Jincheng City", "Johnson City", "Junction City", "Kaiyuan City", "Kansas City", "King City", "Kingman City", "Kingston City", "Koror City", "Kowloon City", "Kuwait City", "Lake City", "Lake Havasu City", "Laoag City", "Lapu-Lapu City", "Las Pinas City", "Las Piñas City", "League City", "Legazpi City", "Leisure City", "Lenoir City", "Ligao City", "Lincoln City", "Linyi City", "Lipa City", "Loma Linda City", "Lucena City", "Madrid City", "Makati City", "Malabon City", "Mandaluyong City", "Mandaue City", "Manukau City", "Marawi City", "Marikina City", "Maryland City", "Mason City", "McKee City", "Mexico City", "Mexico City Beach", "Michigan City", "Midwest City", "Mineral City", "Missouri City", "Morehead City", "Morgan City", "Muntinlupa City", "Naga City", "Nagasaki City", "National City", "Navotas City", "Nay Pyi Taw City", "Nevada City", "New City", "New York City", "Norwich City", "Ocean City", "Oil City", "Oklahoma City", "Olongapo City", "Orange City", "Oregon City", "Ozamiz City", "Pagadian City", "Palayan City", "Palm City", "Panabo City", "Panama City", "Panama City", "Panama City Beach", "Parañaque City", "Park City", "Pasay City", "Peachtree City", "Pearl City", "Pell City", "Phenix City", "Plant City", "Ponca City", "Port Augusta City", "Port Pirie City", "Quad Cities", "Quartzsite City", "Quebec City", "Quezon City", "Quezon City", "Rainbow City", "Rapid City", "Red City", "Redwood City", "Richmond City", "Rio Grande City", "Roxas City", "Royse City", "Salt Lake City", "Salt Lake City", "Samal City", "San Carlos City", "San Carlos City", "San Fernando City", "San Fernando City", "San Fernando City", "San Jose City", "San Jose City", "San Juan City", "San Juan City", "San Pedro City", "Santa Rosa City", "Science City of Munoz", "Shelby City", "Sialkot City", "Silver City", "Sioux City", "South Lake Tahoe City", "South Sioux City", "Studio City", "Suisun City", "Summit Park City", "Sun City", "Sun City Center", "Sun City West", "Sun City West", "Suva City", "Tabaco City", "Tacloban City", "Tagbilaran City", "Taguig City", "Tagum City", "Talisay City", "Tanauan City", "Tarlac City", "Tauranga City", "Tayabas City", "Temple City", "Texas City", "Thomas City", "Tipp City", "Toledo City", "Traverse City", "Trece Martires City", "Tuba City", "Union City", "Universal City", "University City", "Upper Hutt City", "Valencia City", "Valenzuela City", "Vatican City", "Vatican City", "Ventnor City", "Webb City", "Wellington City", "Welwyn Garden City", "West Valley City", "White City", "Yazoo City", "Yuba City", "Zamboanga City"] if 'city' in locations: for city in locations['city']: if 'city' in city: if not city in city_cities: city = city.replace("city", "") elif 'City' in city: if not city in city_cities: city = city.replace("City", "") locations['city'] = city # Convert city values to a list if isinstance(locations['city'], str): locations['city'] = [locations['city']] return locations def helper_delete_country_reference(locations): """ If the 'country' reference was captured by mistake by the system and exists in a city name, delete it """ country_city_same = ["djibouti", "guatemala", "mexico", "panama", "san marino", "singapore", "vatican"] if 'country' in locations: for i, country in enumerate(locations['country']): if country.lower() not in country_city_same: split_country = country.lower().split() if 'city' in locations: for j, city in enumerate(locations['city']): split_city = city.lower().split() for substring in split_country: if substring in split_city: split_city.remove(substring) new_city = ' '.join(split_city) locations['city'][j] = new_city.strip() return locations def identify_locations(sentence): """ Identify all the possible Country and City references in the given sentence, using different approaches in a hybrid manner """ locations = [] extra_serco_countries = False try: # # # this is because there were cases were a city followed by comma was not understood by the system sentence = sentence.replace(",", " x$x ") # Serco wanted to also handle these two cases without the symbol "-". The only way to do that is by hardcoding it if "Timor Leste" in sentence: extra_serco_countries = True locations.append("Timor Leste") if "Guinea Bissau" in sentence: extra_serco_countries = True locations.append("Guinea Bissau") # ner locations.append(identify_loc_ner(sentence)) # geoparse libs geoparse_list, countries, cities = identify_loc_geoparselibs(sentence) locations.append(geoparse_list) # flatten the geoparse list locations_flat_1 = list(flatten(locations)) # regex locations_flat_1.append(identify_loc_regex(sentence)) # flatten the regex list locations_flat_2 = list(flatten(locations)) # remove duplicates while also taking under consideration capitalization (e.g. a reference of italy should be valid, while also a reference of Italy and italy) # Lowercase the words and get their unique references using set() loc_unique = set([loc.lower() for loc in locations_flat_2]) # Create a new list of locations with initial capitalization, removing duplicates loc_capitalization = list( set([loc.capitalize() if loc.lower() in loc_unique else loc.lower() for loc in locations_flat_2])) # That calculation checks whether there are substrings contained in another string. E.g. for the case of [timor leste, timor], it should remove "timor" if extra_serco_countries: loc_capitalization_cp = loc_capitalization.copy() for i, loc1 in enumerate(loc_capitalization): for j, loc2 in enumerate(loc_capitalization): if i != j and loc1 in loc2: loc_capitalization_cp.remove(loc1) break loc_capitalization = loc_capitalization_cp # validate that indeed each one of the countries/cities are indeed countries/cities validated_locations = validate_locations(loc_capitalization) # create a proper dictionary with country/city tags and the relevant entries as a result loc_dict = {} for location, loc_type in validated_locations: if loc_type not in loc_dict: loc_dict[loc_type] = [] loc_dict[loc_type].append(location) # bring sentence on previous form sentence = sentence.replace(" x$x ", ",") # cope with cases of iterative country or city reference due to geoparse lib issues locations_dict = multiple_country_city_identifications_solve(loc_dict) if locations_dict == None: return (0, "LOCATION", "no_country") # return {'city':[], 'country':[]} else: # conditions for multiple references # it is mandatory that a country will exist if 'country' in locations_dict: # if a city exists if 'city' in locations_dict: resolved_dict = helper_resolve_cities(sentence, locations_dict) # we accept one country and one city if len(resolved_dict['country']) == 1 and len(resolved_dict['city']) == 1: # capitalize because there may be cases that it will return 'italy' resolved_dict['country'][0] = resolved_dict['country'][0].capitalize() # there were some cases that the 'x$x' was not removed for key, values in resolved_dict.items(): for i, value in enumerate(values): if 'x$x' in value: values[i] = value.replace('x$x', '') delete_city = helper_delete_city_reference(resolved_dict) return helper_delete_country_reference(delete_city) # we can accept an absence of city but a country is always mandatory elif len(resolved_dict['country']) == 1 and len(resolved_dict['city']) == 0: resolved_dict['country'][0] = resolved_dict['country'][0].capitalize() resolved_dict['city'] = ['0'] # there were some cases that the 'x$x' was not removed for key, values in resolved_dict.items(): for i, value in enumerate(values): if 'x$x' in value: values[i] = value.replace('x$x', '') delete_city = helper_delete_city_reference(resolved_dict) return helper_delete_country_reference(delete_city) # error if more than one country or city else: return (0, "LOCATION", "more_city_or_country") # if a city does not exist else: # we only accept for one country if len(locations_dict['country']) == 1: locations_dict['country'][0] = locations_dict['country'][0].capitalize() # there were some cases that the 'x$x' was not removed for key, values in locations_dict.items(): for i, value in enumerate(values): if 'x$x' in value: values[i] = value.replace('x$x', '') resolved_cities = helper_resolve_cities(sentence, locations_dict) delete_city = helper_delete_city_reference(resolved_cities) help_city = helper_delete_country_reference(delete_city) if not 'city' in help_city: help_city['city'] = [0] return help_city # error if more than one country else: return (0, "LOCATION", "more_country") # error if no country is referred else: return (0, "LOCATION", "no_country") except: # handle the exception if any errors occur while identifying a country/city return (0, "LOCATION", "unknown_error")