import os from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from tqdm import tqdm import requests url_base = "" pretraineds_v1_list = [ ( "pretrained_v1/", [ "D32k.pth", "D40k.pth", "D48k.pth", "G32k.pth", "G40k.pth", "G48k.pth", "f0D32k.pth", "f0D40k.pth", "f0D48k.pth", "f0G32k.pth", "f0G40k.pth", "f0G48k.pth", ], ) ] pretraineds_v2_list = [ ( "pretrained_v2/", [ "D32k.pth", "D40k.pth", "D48k.pth", "G32k.pth", "G40k.pth", "G48k.pth", "f0D32k.pth", "f0D40k.pth", "f0D48k.pth", "f0G32k.pth", "f0G40k.pth", "f0G48k.pth", ], ) ] models_list = [("predictors/", ["", ""])] embedders_list = [("embedders/contentvec/", ["pytorch_model.bin", "config.json"])] linux_executables_list = [("formant/", ["stftpitchshift"])] executables_list = [ ("", ["ffmpeg.exe", "ffprobe.exe"]), ("formant/", ["stftpitchshift.exe"]), ] folder_mapping_list = { "pretrained_v1/": "rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v1/", "pretrained_v2/": "rvc/models/pretraineds/pretrained_v2/", "embedders/contentvec/": "rvc/models/embedders/contentvec/", "predictors/": "rvc/models/predictors/", "formant/": "rvc/models/formant/", } def get_file_size_if_missing(file_list): """ Calculate the total size of files to be downloaded only if they do not exist locally. """ total_size = 0 for remote_folder, files in file_list: local_folder = folder_mapping_list.get(remote_folder, "") for file in files: destination_path = os.path.join(local_folder, file) if not os.path.exists(destination_path): url = f"{url_base}/{remote_folder}{file}" response = requests.head(url) total_size += int(response.headers.get("content-length", 0)) return total_size def download_file(url, destination_path, global_bar): """ Download a file from the given URL to the specified destination path, updating the global progress bar as data is downloaded. """ dir_name = os.path.dirname(destination_path) if dir_name: os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True) response = requests.get(url, stream=True) block_size = 1024 with open(destination_path, "wb") as file: for data in response.iter_content(block_size): file.write(data) global_bar.update(len(data)) def download_mapping_files(file_mapping_list, global_bar): """ Download all files in the provided file mapping list using a thread pool executor, and update the global progress bar as downloads progress. """ with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [] for remote_folder, file_list in file_mapping_list: local_folder = folder_mapping_list.get(remote_folder, "") for file in file_list: destination_path = os.path.join(local_folder, file) if not os.path.exists(destination_path): url = f"{url_base}/{remote_folder}{file}" futures.append( executor.submit( download_file, url, destination_path, global_bar ) ) for future in futures: future.result() def calculate_total_size(pretraineds_v1, pretraineds_v2, models, exe): """ Calculate the total size of all files to be downloaded based on selected categories. """ total_size = 0 if models: total_size += get_file_size_if_missing(models_list) total_size += get_file_size_if_missing(embedders_list) if exe: total_size += get_file_size_if_missing( executables_list if == "nt" else linux_executables_list ) if pretraineds_v1: total_size += get_file_size_if_missing(pretraineds_v1_list) if pretraineds_v2: total_size += get_file_size_if_missing(pretraineds_v2_list) return total_size def prequisites_download_pipeline(pretraineds_v1, pretraineds_v2, models, exe): """ Manage the download pipeline for different categories of files. """ total_size = calculate_total_size(pretraineds_v1, pretraineds_v2, models, exe) if total_size > 0: with tqdm( total=total_size, unit="iB", unit_scale=True, desc="Downloading all files" ) as global_bar: if models: download_mapping_files(models_list, global_bar) download_mapping_files(embedders_list, global_bar) if exe: download_mapping_files( executables_list if == "nt" else linux_executables_list, global_bar, ) if pretraineds_v1: download_mapping_files(pretraineds_v1_list, global_bar) if pretraineds_v2: download_mapping_files(pretraineds_v2_list, global_bar) else: pass