from streamlit_webrtc import webrtc_streamer, WebRtcMode, AudioProcessorBase from sentiment_analysis import analyze_sentiment, transcribe_with_chunks from product_recommender import ProductRecommender from objection_handler import ObjectionHandler from google_sheets import fetch_call_data, store_data_in_sheet from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from env_setup import config import re import uuid import pandas as pd import as px import streamlit as st import numpy as np import queue import threading # Initialize components objection_handler = ObjectionHandler("objections.csv") product_recommender = ProductRecommender("recommendations.csv") model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2') # Queue to hold transcribed text transcription_queue = queue.Queue() def generate_comprehensive_summary(chunks): # Your existing function implementation pass def is_valid_input(text): # Your existing function implementation pass def is_relevant_sentiment(sentiment_score): # Your existing function implementation pass def calculate_overall_sentiment(sentiment_scores): # Your existing function implementation pass def handle_objection(text): query_embedding = model.encode([text]) distances, indices =, 1) if distances[0][0] < 1.5: responses = objection_handler.handle_objection(text) return "\n".join(responses) if responses else "No objection response found." return "No objection response found." class AudioProcessor(AudioProcessorBase): def __init__(self): = 16000 # Sample rate self.q = transcription_queue def recv(self, frame): audio_data = frame.to_ndarray() audio_bytes = (audio_data * 32767).astype(np.int16).tobytes() # Convert to int16 format print(f"Audio data shape: {audio_data.shape}") print(f"Audio data sample: {audio_data[:10]}") text = self.transcribe_audio(audio_bytes) if text: self.q.put(text) return frame def transcribe_audio(self, audio_bytes): try: chunks = transcribe_with_chunks({}) if chunks: return chunks[-1][0] except Exception as e: print(f"Error transcribing audio: {e}") return None def real_time_analysis():"Listening... Say 'stop' to end the process.") webrtc_ctx = webrtc_streamer( key="real-time-audio", mode=WebRtcMode.SENDONLY, audio_processor_factory=AudioProcessor, media_stream_constraints={"audio": True, "video": False}, ) if webrtc_ctx.state.playing: while not transcription_queue.empty(): text = transcription_queue.get() st.write(f"*Recognized Text:* {text}") sentiment, score = analyze_sentiment(text) st.write(f"*Sentiment:* {sentiment} (Score: {score})") objection_response = handle_objection(text) st.write(f"*Objection Response:* {objection_response}") recommendations = [] if is_valid_input(text) and is_relevant_sentiment(score): query_embedding = model.encode([text]) distances, indices =, 1) if distances[0][0] < 1.5: recommendations = product_recommender.get_recommendations(text) if recommendations: st.write("*Product Recommendations:*") for rec in recommendations: st.write(rec) def fetch_data_and_display(): try: st.header("Call Summaries and Sentiment Analysis") data = fetch_call_data(config["google_sheet_id"]) print(f"Fetched data: {data}") # Log fetched data if data.empty: st.warning("No data available in the Google Sheet.") else: sentiment_counts = data['Sentiment'].value_counts() col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.subheader("Sentiment Distribution") fig_pie = px.pie( values=sentiment_counts.values, names=sentiment_counts.index, title='Call Sentiment Breakdown', color_discrete_map={ 'POSITIVE': 'green', 'NEGATIVE': 'red', 'NEUTRAL': 'blue' } ) st.plotly_chart(fig_pie) with col2: st.subheader("Sentiment Counts") fig_bar = x=sentiment_counts.index, y=sentiment_counts.values, title='Number of Calls by Sentiment', labels={'x': 'Sentiment', 'y': 'Number of Calls'}, color=sentiment_counts.index, color_discrete_map={ 'POSITIVE': 'green', 'NEGATIVE': 'red', 'NEUTRAL': 'blue' } ) st.plotly_chart(fig_bar) st.subheader("All Calls") display_data = data.copy() display_data['Summary Preview'] = display_data['Summary'].str[:100] + '...' st.dataframe(display_data[['Call ID', 'Chunk', 'Sentiment', 'Summary Preview', 'Overall Sentiment']]) unique_call_ids = data[data['Call ID'] != '']['Call ID'].unique() call_id = st.selectbox("Select a Call ID to view details:", unique_call_ids) call_details = data[data['Call ID'] == call_id] if not call_details.empty: st.subheader("Detailed Call Information") st.write(f"**Call ID:** {call_id}") st.write(f"**Overall Sentiment:** {call_details.iloc[0]['Overall Sentiment']}") st.subheader("Full Call Summary") st.text_area("Summary:", value=call_details.iloc[0]['Summary'], height=200, disabled=True) st.subheader("Conversation Chunks") for _, row in call_details.iterrows(): if pd.notna(row['Chunk']): st.write(f"**Chunk:** {row['Chunk']}") st.write(f"**Sentiment:** {row['Sentiment']}") st.write("---") else: st.error("No details available for the selected Call ID.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading dashboard: {e}") def run_app(): st.set_page_config(page_title="Sales Call Assistant", layout="wide") st.title("AI Sales Call Assistant") st.warning("The space is currently not working due to issues with real-time transcription and data fetching from Google Sheets. We are working on resolving these issues.") st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.sidebar.title("Navigation") app_mode ="Choose a mode:", ["Real-Time Call Analysis", "Dashboard"]) if app_mode == "Real-Time Call Analysis": st.header("Real-Time Sales Call Analysis") if st.button("Start Listening"): real_time_analysis() elif app_mode == "Dashboard": st.header("Call Summaries and Sentiment Analysis") try: data = fetch_call_data(config["google_sheet_id"]) if data.empty: st.warning("No data available in the Google Sheet.") else: sentiment_counts = data['Sentiment'].value_counts() product_mentions = filter_product_mentions(data[['Chunk']].values.tolist(), product_titles) product_mentions_df = pd.DataFrame(list(product_mentions.items()), columns=['Product', 'Count']) col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.subheader("Sentiment Distribution") fig_bar = x=sentiment_counts.index, y=sentiment_counts.values, title='Number of Calls by Sentiment', labels={'x': 'Sentiment', 'y': 'Number of Calls'}, color=sentiment_counts.index, color_discrete_map={ 'POSITIVE': 'green', 'NEGATIVE': 'red', 'NEUTRAL': 'blue' } ) st.plotly_chart(fig_bar) with col2: st.subheader("Most Mentioned Products") fig_products = px.pie( values=product_mentions_df['Count'], names=product_mentions_df['Product'], title='Most Mentioned Products' ) st.plotly_chart(fig_products) st.subheader("All Calls") display_data = data.copy() display_data['Summary Preview'] = display_data['Summary'].str[:100] + '...' st.dataframe(display_data[['Call ID', 'Chunk', 'Sentiment', 'Summary Preview', 'Overall Sentiment']]) unique_call_ids = data[data['Call ID'] != '']['Call ID'].unique() call_id = st.selectbox("Select a Call ID to view details:", unique_call_ids) call_details = data[data['Call ID'] == call_id] if not call_details.empty: st.subheader("Detailed Call Information") st.write(f"**Call ID:** {call_id}") st.write(f"**Overall Sentiment:** {call_details.iloc[0]['Overall Sentiment']}") st.subheader("Full Call Summary") st.text_area("Summary:", value=call_details.iloc[0]['Summary'], height=200, disabled=True) else: st.error("No details available for the selected Call ID.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading dashboard: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": run_app()