agora-demo /
samuelemarro's picture
Added cost tracking.
import base64
import hashlib
import contextlib
from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, Any
from inspect import signature, Parameter, Signature
def extract_substring(text, start_tag, end_tag):
start_position = text.lower().find(start_tag.lower())
end_position = text.lower().find(end_tag.lower())
if start_position == -1 or end_position == -1:
return None
return text[start_position + len(start_tag):end_position].strip()
def compute_hash(s):
# Hash a string using SHA-1 and return the base64 encoded result
m = hashlib.sha1()
b = m.digest()
return base64.b64encode(b).decode('ascii')
def add_params_and_annotations(name: str, description: str, params: dict, return_type: Any):
A decorator to add parameters and a return type annotation to a function.
:param params: A dictionary where the keys are parameter names and values are their types.
:param return_type: The return type to add to the function's signature.
def decorator(func: Callable):
# Create new parameters based on the provided params dict
new_params = [
Parameter(name, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, annotation=type_)
for name, (type_, _) in params.items()
# Get the existing signature and parameters
original_sig = signature(func)
original_params = list(original_sig.parameters.values())
# Combine new parameters with the existing ones
combined_params = new_params# + original_params
# Create a new signature with updated parameters and return annotation
new_sig = Signature(parameters=combined_params, return_annotation=return_type)
# Define the wrapper function
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
docstring = description
if len(params) > 0:
docstring += '\n\nArgs:'
for param_name, (type_, param_description) in params.items():
docstring += f'\n {param_name}: {param_description}'
docstring += f'\n\nReturns:\n {return_type.__name__}'
print('Input params:', params)
# Set the new signature on the wrapper
wrapper.__name__ = name
wrapper.__signature__ = new_sig
wrapper.__annotations__.update({ k: v[0] for k, v in params.items() })
wrapper.__annotations__['return'] = return_type
#wrapper.__annotations__['name'] = str
wrapper.__doc__ = docstring
return wrapper
return decorator
_cost_tracker = {}
def use_cost_tracker():
_cost_tracker['conversation'] = 0
_cost_tracker['negotiation'] = 0
_cost_tracker['programming'] = 0
def register_cost(category, cost):
_cost_tracker[category] += cost
def get_costs():
return _cost_tracker