File size: 9,287 Bytes
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# import unittest
# import os
# import shutil
# from pathlib import Path
# import sqlite3
# from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
# from io import BytesIO
# from app import Document # Assuming the main code is in
# import warnings
# warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning, message="Thread 'MainThread': missing ScriptRunContext!")
# class TestDocument(unittest.TestCase):
# def setUp(self):
# """Set up test environment before each test"""
# self.test_dir = Path("test_temp")
# self.test_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
# self.doc_processor = Document()
# self.test_user_id = "test_user"
# self.mock_pdf_content = BytesIO(b"Mock PDF content")
# = "test.pdf"
# def tearDown(self):
# """Clean up after each test"""
# try:
# # Remove test database
# db_path = Path('documents.db')
# if db_path.exists():
# os.remove(db_path)
# # Clean up test directories
# for dir_path in ['uploads', 'embeddings', 'test_temp']:
# if Path(dir_path).exists():
# shutil.rmtree(dir_path, ignore_errors=True)
# except Exception as e:
# print(f"Warning: Cleanup failed: {str(e)}")
# def test_init_creates_directories(self):
# """Test if initialization creates necessary directories"""
# # Create fresh instance with actual directories
# doc = Document()
# # Verify uploads directory exists
# uploads_dir = Path('uploads')
# self.assertTrue(uploads_dir.exists())
# self.assertTrue(uploads_dir.is_dir())
# # Verify embeddings directory exists
# embeddings_dir = Path('embeddings')
# self.assertTrue(embeddings_dir.exists())
# self.assertTrue(embeddings_dir.is_dir())
# def test_init_database_creates_table(self):
# """Test if database initialization creates the required table"""
# # Create fresh instance
# doc = Document()
# # Connect to the database
# conn = sqlite3.connect('documents.db')
# cursor = conn.cursor()
# try:
# # Query to check if table exists
# cursor.execute("""
# SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
# WHERE type='table' AND name='users_documents'
# """)
# # Verify table exists
# self.assertIsNotNone(cursor.fetchone())
# # Verify table structure
# cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(users_documents)")
# columns = cursor.fetchall()
# # Check if all required columns exist
# column_names = [col[1] for col in columns]
# self.assertIn('id', column_names)
# self.assertIn('user_id', column_names)
# self.assertIn('filename', column_names)
# self.assertIn('upload_date', column_names)
# finally:
# conn.close()
# def test_upload_stores_file_and_metadata(self):
# """Test if upload function stores file and updates database"""
# uploads_dir = Path('uploads')
# uploads_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
# try:
# # Upload mock file
# result = self.doc_processor.upload(self.mock_pdf_content, self.test_user_id)
# # Verify upload success
# self.assertTrue(result)
# # Verify file exists in uploads directory
# uploaded_file = Path('uploads') /
# self.assertTrue(uploaded_file.exists())
# # Verify database entry
# conn = sqlite3.connect('documents.db')
# cursor = conn.cursor()
# cursor.execute(
# "SELECT filename FROM users_documents WHERE user_id = ?",
# (self.test_user_id,)
# )
# db_filename = cursor.fetchone()[0]
# self.assertEqual(db_filename,
# conn.close()
# finally:
# # Clean up uploaded file
# if uploaded_file.exists():
# os.remove(uploaded_file)
# @patch('llama_index.core.VectorStoreIndex.from_documents')
# def test_store_embeddings_creates_index(self, mock_index):
# """Test if storeEmbeddings creates and stores vector index"""
# # Mock index storage
# mock_storage_context = MagicMock()
# mock_index.return_value.storage_context = mock_storage_context
# # Create embeddings directory
# embeddings_dir = Path('embeddings')
# embeddings_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
# try:
# # Test storing embeddings
# result = self.doc_processor.storeEmbeddings(
# "Test document content",
# "test.pdf"
# )
# # Verify success
# self.assertTrue(result)
# # Verify storage_context.persist was called
# mock_storage_context.persist.assert_called_once()
# finally:
# # Clean up embeddings directory
# if embeddings_dir.exists():
# shutil.rmtree(embeddings_dir, ignore_errors=True)
# def test_validate_document_with_valid_pdf(self):
# """Test validateDocument with a valid PDF file"""
# # Create a mock valid PDF file
# valid_pdf = BytesIO(b"%PDF-1.4\n%...")
# = "valid.pdf"
# valid_pdf.type = "application/pdf"
# valid_pdf.size = 1024 # size less than 1MB
# # Call validateDocument
# is_valid, error_message = self.doc_processor.validateDocument(valid_pdf)
# # Assert that the document is valid
# self.assertTrue(is_valid)
# self.assertEqual(error_message, "")
# def test_validate_document_with_invalid_type(self):
# """Test validateDocument with an invalid file type"""
# # Create a mock invalid file (e.g., .txt file)
# invalid_file = BytesIO(b"Sample text content")
# = "invalid.txt"
# invalid_file.type = "text/plain"
# invalid_file.size = 1024
# # Call validateDocument
# is_valid, error_message = self.doc_processor.validateDocument(invalid_file)
# # Assert that the document is invalid due to type
# self.assertFalse(is_valid)
# self.assertEqual(error_message, "Invalid Document Type")
# def test_validate_document_with_large_size(self):
# """Test validateDocument with a file larger than 1MB"""
# # Create a mock large PDF file
# large_pdf = BytesIO(b"%PDF-1.4\n%..." + b"a" * (1048577)) # size slightly over 1MB
# = "large.pdf"
# large_pdf.type = "application/pdf"
# large_pdf.size = 1048577
# # Call validateDocument
# is_valid, error_message = self.doc_processor.validateDocument(large_pdf)
# # Assert that the document is invalid due to size
# self.assertFalse(is_valid)
# self.assertEqual(error_message, "Invalid Document Size")
# def test_process_document_success(self):
# """Test processDocument successfully extracts text from a valid PDF"""
# # Create a mock PDF file and save it to uploads directory
# pdf_content = b"%PDF-1.4\n%..." # Minimal valid PDF content
# pdf_filename = "test_process.pdf"
# pdf_path = self.doc_processor.uploads_dir / pdf_filename
# with open(pdf_path, "wb") as f:
# f.write(pdf_content)
# # Mock the PdfReader to return pages with text
# with patch('PyPDF2.PdfReader') as MockPdfReader:
# mock_reader_instance = MockPdfReader.return_value
# mock_page = MagicMock()
# mock_page.extract_text.return_value = "Sample extracted text"
# mock_reader_instance.pages = [mock_page]
# # Call processDocument
# text = self.doc_processor.processDocument(pdf_filename)
# # Assert that the extracted text is as expected
# self.assertEqual("Sample extracted text", "Sample extracted text")
# # Clean up
# if pdf_path.exists():
# os.remove(pdf_path)
# def test_process_document_file_not_found(self):
# """Test processDocument when the file does not exist"""
# # Call processDocument with a filename that doesn't exist
# text = self.doc_processor.processDocument("non_existent_file.pdf")
# # Assert that text is None due to error
# self.assertIsNone(text)
# def test_store_embeddings_with_empty_text(self):
# """Test storeEmbeddings with empty text"""
# # Attempt to store embeddings with empty text
# result = self.doc_processor.storeEmbeddings("", "empty_text.pdf")
# # Assert that the result is False due to empty text
# self.assertFalse(result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# unittest.main() |