import speech_recognition as sr from sentiment import analyze_sentiment from recommendations import ProductRecommender from objection_handling import ObjectionHandler from sheets import fetch_call_data, store_data_in_sheet from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from setup import config import re import uuid from google.oauth2 import service_account from googleapiclient.discovery import build import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.graph_objs as go import streamlit as st # Initialize components product_recommender = ProductRecommender(r"C:\Users\Gowri Shankar\Downloads\AI-Sales-Call-Assistant--main\Sales_Calls_Transcriptions_Sheet2.csv") objection_handler = ObjectionHandler(r"C:\Users\Gowri Shankar\Downloads\AI-Sales-Call-Assistant--main\Sales_Calls_Transcriptions_Sheet3.csv") model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2') def generate_comprehensive_summary(chunks): """ Generate a comprehensive summary from conversation chunks """ # Extract full text from chunks full_text = " ".join([chunk[0] for chunk in chunks]) # Perform basic analysis total_chunks = len(chunks) sentiments = [chunk[1] for chunk in chunks] # Determine overall conversation context context_keywords = { 'product_inquiry': ['dress', 'product', 'price', 'stock'], 'pricing': ['cost', 'price', 'budget'], 'negotiation': ['installment', 'payment', 'manage'] } # Detect conversation themes themes = [] for keyword_type, keywords in context_keywords.items(): if any(keyword.lower() in full_text.lower() for keyword in keywords): themes.append(keyword_type) # Basic sentiment analysis positive_count = sentiments.count('POSITIVE') negative_count = sentiments.count('NEGATIVE') neutral_count = sentiments.count('NEUTRAL') # Key interaction highlights key_interactions = [] for chunk in chunks: if any(keyword.lower() in chunk[0].lower() for keyword in ['price', 'dress', 'stock', 'installment']): key_interactions.append(chunk[0]) # Construct summary summary = f"Conversation Summary:\n" # Context and themes if 'product_inquiry' in themes: summary += "• Customer initiated a product inquiry about items.\n" if 'pricing' in themes: summary += "• Price and budget considerations were discussed.\n" if 'negotiation' in themes: summary += "• Customer and seller explored flexible payment options.\n" # Sentiment insights summary += f"\nConversation Sentiment:\n" summary += f"• Positive Interactions: {positive_count}\n" summary += f"• Negative Interactions: {negative_count}\n" summary += f"• Neutral Interactions: {neutral_count}\n" # Key highlights summary += "\nKey Conversation Points:\n" for interaction in key_interactions[:3]: # Limit to top 3 key points summary += f"• {interaction}\n" # Conversation outcome if positive_count > negative_count: summary += "\nOutcome: Constructive and potentially successful interaction." elif negative_count > positive_count: summary += "\nOutcome: Interaction may require further follow-up." else: summary += "\nOutcome: Neutral interaction with potential for future engagement." return summary def is_valid_input(text): text = text.strip().lower() if len(text) < 3 or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z\s]*$', text) is None: return False return True def is_relevant_sentiment(sentiment_score): return sentiment_score > 0.4 def calculate_overall_sentiment(sentiment_scores): if sentiment_scores: average_sentiment = sum(sentiment_scores) / len(sentiment_scores) overall_sentiment = ( "POSITIVE" if average_sentiment > 0 else "NEGATIVE" if average_sentiment < 0 else "NEUTRAL" ) else: overall_sentiment = "NEUTRAL" return overall_sentiment def real_time_analysis(): recognizer = sr.Recognizer() mic = sr.Microphone()"Say 'stop' to end the process.") sentiment_scores = [] transcribed_chunks = [] total_text = "" try: while True: with mic as source: st.write("Listening...") recognizer.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) audio = recognizer.listen(source) try: st.write("Recognizing...") text = recognizer.recognize_google(audio) st.write(f"*Recognized Text:* {text}") if 'stop' in text.lower(): st.write("Stopping real-time analysis...") break # Append to the total conversation total_text += text + " " sentiment, score = analyze_sentiment(text) sentiment_scores.append(score) # Handle objection objection_response = handle_objection(text) # Get product recommendation recommendations = [] if is_valid_input(text) and is_relevant_sentiment(score): query_embedding = model.encode([text]) distances, indices =, 1) if distances[0][0] < 1.5: # Similarity threshold recommendations = product_recommender.get_recommendations(text) transcribed_chunks.append((text, sentiment, score)) st.write(f"*Sentiment:* {sentiment} (Score: {score})") st.write(f"*Objection Response:* {objection_response}") if recommendations: st.write("*Product Recommendations:*") for rec in recommendations: st.write(rec) except sr.UnknownValueError: st.error("Speech Recognition could not understand the audio.") except sr.RequestError as e: st.error(f"Error with the Speech Recognition service: {e}") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error during processing: {e}") # After conversation ends, calculate and display overall sentiment and summary overall_sentiment = calculate_overall_sentiment(sentiment_scores) call_summary = generate_comprehensive_summary(transcribed_chunks) st.subheader("Conversation Summary:") st.write(total_text.strip()) st.subheader("Overall Sentiment:") st.write(overall_sentiment) # Store data in Google Sheets store_data_in_sheet( config["google_sheet_id"], transcribed_chunks, call_summary, overall_sentiment ) st.success("Conversation data stored successfully in Google Sheets!") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error in real-time analysis: {e}") def handle_objection(text): query_embedding = model.encode([text]) distances, indices =, 1) if distances[0][0] < 1.5: # Adjust similarity threshold as needed responses = objection_handler.handle_objection(text) return "\n".join(responses) if responses else "No objection response found." return "No objection response found." # (Previous imports remain the same) def run_app(): st.set_page_config(page_title="Vocalytics", layout="wide") st.title("AI Sales Call Assistant") st.sidebar.title("Navigation") app_mode ="Menu", ["Home","Real-Time Recommendations", "Analysis", "Full Call Summary"]) if app_mode == "Home": st.title("Welcome to the AI Sales Assistant Dashboard!") st.markdown(""" ### Features: - Real-Time Transcription: Live transcription with sentiment analysis. - Product Recommendations: Relevant suggestions based on customer conversations. - Objection Handling: Automatic detection and response to objections. - Data Summary: Historical insights stored in Google Sheets. - Analytics: Visualize trends and sentiment distribution. """) elif app_mode == "Real-Time Recommendations": st.header("Real-Time Recommendations ") if st.button("Start Listening"): real_time_analysis() elif app_mode == "Analysis": st.header("Call Summary and Analysis") try: data = fetch_call_data(config["google_sheet_id"]) if data.empty: st.warning("No data available in the Google Sheet.") else: # Sentiment Visualizations sentiment_counts = data['Sentiment'].value_counts() # Pie Chart col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.subheader("Sentiment Distribution") fig_pie = px.pie( values=sentiment_counts.values, names=sentiment_counts.index, title='Call Sentiment Breakdown', color_discrete_map={ 'POSITIVE': 'green', 'NEGATIVE': 'red', 'NEUTRAL': 'pink' } ) st.plotly_chart(fig_pie) # Line Chart for Sentiment Over Time with col2: st.subheader("Sentiment Over Time") if 'Sentiment' in data.columns: data['Index'] = range(1, len(data) + 1) # Generate indices as time proxy fig_line = px.line( data, x='Index', y='Sentiment', title='Sentiment Trend During Calls', markers=True, labels={'Index': 'Call Progress (Sequential)', 'Sentiment': 'Sentiment'} ) st.plotly_chart(fig_line) else: st.warning("Sentiment data is not available for trend visualization.") # Existing Call Details Section st.subheader("All Calls") display_data = data.copy() display_data['Summary Preview'] = display_data['Summary'].str[:100] + '...' st.dataframe(display_data[['Chunk', 'Sentiment', 'Summary Preview', 'Overall Sentiment']]) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading dashboard: {e}") elif app_mode == "Full Call Summary": st.header("Full Call Summary") try: data = fetch_call_data(config["google_sheet_id"]) if data.empty: st.warning("No data available in the Google Sheet.") else: data = data.dropna(subset=['Chunk', 'Summary']) for index, row in data.iterrows(): st.text_area( label=f"Call Summary {index+1}", value=row['Summary'], height=200, key=f"summary_{index}" ) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading full call summary: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": run_app()