alessandro trinca tornidor
feat: add request validations for lambdaGestSample and lambdaSpeechToScore backend modules
import base64
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
import time
import audioread
import numpy as np
import torch
from torchaudio.transforms import Resample
from aip_trainer import WordMatching as wm, app_logger
from aip_trainer import pronunciationTrainer, sample_rate_start
from aip_trainer.utils.typing_hints import BodySpeechToScoreRequest
trainer_SST_lambda = {
'de': pronunciationTrainer.getTrainer("de"),
'en': pronunciationTrainer.getTrainer("en")
transform = Resample(orig_freq=sample_rate_start, new_freq=16000)
def lambda_handler(event, context):
event_body = event['body']
data = BodySpeechToScoreRequest.model_validate_json(event_body)
real_text = data.title
base64_audio = data.base64Audio
app_logger.debug(f"base64Audio:{base64_audio} ...")
file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile = base64.b64decode(base64_audio[22:].encode('utf-8'))
language = data.language
if len(real_text) == 0:
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'headers': {
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': "true",
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'OPTIONS,POST,GET'
'body': ''
output = get_speech_to_score_dict(real_text=real_text, file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile=file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile, language=language, remove_random_file=False)
output = json.dumps(output)
app_logger.debug(f"output: {output} ...")
return output
def get_speech_to_score_dict(real_text: str, file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile: str | dict, language: str = "en", remove_random_file: bool = True, extension: str = ".ogg"):
from soundfile import LibsndfileError"real_text:{real_text} ...")
app_logger.debug(f"file_bytes:{file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile} ...")"language:{language} ...")
if real_text is None or len(real_text) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"cannot read an empty/None text: '{real_text}'...")
if language is None or len(language) == 0:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not tested/supported with '{language}' language...")
if file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile is None or len(file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile) == 0:
raise OSError(f"cannot read an empty/None file: '{file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile}'...")
if not isinstance(file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile, (bytes, bytearray)) and Path(file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile).exists() and Path(file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile).stat().st_size == 0:
raise OSError(f"cannot read an empty file: '{file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile}'...")
start0 = time.time()
random_file_name = file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile
app_logger.debug(f"random_file_name:{random_file_name} ...")
if isinstance(file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile, (bytes, bytearray)):
app_logger.debug("writing streaming data to file on disk...")
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="temp_sound_speech_score_", suffix=extension, delete=False) as f1:
duration = time.time() - start0'Saved binary data in file in {duration}s.')
random_file_name =
start = time.time()'Loading {extension} file file {random_file_name} ...')
signal, samplerate = soundfile_load(random_file_name)
except LibsndfileError as sfe:
# deprecation warnings => pip install standard-aifc standard-sunau
app_logger.error(f"Error reading file {random_file_name}: {sfe}, re-try with audioread...")
signal, samplerate = audioread_load(random_file_name)
except ModuleNotFoundError as mnfe:
app_logger.error(f"Error reading file {random_file_name}: {mnfe}, try read")
raise mnfe
duration = time.time() - start'Read {extension} file {random_file_name} in {duration}s.')
signal_transformed = transform(torch.Tensor(signal)).unsqueeze(0)
duration = time.time() - start'Loaded {extension} file {random_file_name} in {duration}s.')
language_trainer_sst_lambda = trainer_SST_lambda[language]'language_trainer_sst_lambda: preparing...')
result = language_trainer_sst_lambda.processAudioForGivenText(signal_transformed, real_text)'language_trainer_sst_lambda: result: {result}...')
start = time.time()
if remove_random_file:
duration = time.time() - start'Deleted file {random_file_name} in {duration}s.')
start = time.time()
real_transcripts_ipa = ' '.join(
[word[0] for word in result['real_and_transcribed_words_ipa']])
matched_transcripts_ipa = ' '.join(
[word[1] for word in result['real_and_transcribed_words_ipa']])
real_transcripts = ' '.join(
[word[0] for word in result['real_and_transcribed_words']])
matched_transcripts = ' '.join(
[word[1] for word in result['real_and_transcribed_words']])
words_real = real_transcripts.lower().split()
mapped_words = matched_transcripts.split()
is_letter_correct_all_words = ''
for idx, word_real in enumerate(words_real):
mapped_letters, _ = wm.get_best_mapped_words(
mapped_words[idx], word_real
is_letter_correct = wm.getWhichLettersWereTranscribedCorrectly(
word_real, mapped_letters) # , mapped_letters_indices)
is_letter_correct_all_words += ''.join([str(is_correct)
for is_correct in is_letter_correct]) + ' '
pair_accuracy_category = ' '.join(
[str(category) for category in result['pronunciation_categories']])
duration = time.time() - start
duration_tot = time.time() - start0'Time to post-process results: {duration}, tot_duration:{duration_tot}.')
pronunciation_accuracy = float(result['pronunciation_accuracy'])
ipa_transcript = result['recording_ipa']
return {
'real_transcript': result['recording_transcript'],
'ipa_transcript': ipa_transcript,
'pronunciation_accuracy': float(f"{pronunciation_accuracy:.2f}"),
'real_transcripts': real_transcripts, 'matched_transcripts': matched_transcripts,
'real_transcripts_ipa': real_transcripts_ipa, 'matched_transcripts_ipa': matched_transcripts_ipa,
'pair_accuracy_category': pair_accuracy_category,
'start_time': result['start_time'],
'end_time': result['end_time'],
'is_letter_correct_all_words': is_letter_correct_all_words
def get_speech_to_score_tuple(real_text: str, file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile: str | dict, language: str = "en", remove_random_file: bool = True):
output = get_speech_to_score_dict(real_text=real_text, file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile=file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile, language=language, remove_random_file=remove_random_file)
real_transcripts = output['real_transcripts']
is_letter_correct_all_words = output['is_letter_correct_all_words']
pronunciation_accuracy = output['pronunciation_accuracy']
ipa_transcript = output['ipa_transcript']
real_transcripts_ipa = output['real_transcripts_ipa']
end_time = [float(x) for x in output['end_time'].split(" ")]
start_time = [float(x) for x in output['start_time'].split(" ")]
num_words = len(end_time)
app_logger.debug(f"start splitting recorded audio into {num_words} words...")
audio_files, audio_durations = get_splitted_audio_file(audiotmpfile=file_bytes_or_audiotmpfile, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time)
output = {'audio_files': audio_files, "audio_durations": audio_durations, **output}
first_audio_file = audio_files[0]
return real_transcripts, is_letter_correct_all_words, pronunciation_accuracy, ipa_transcript, real_transcripts_ipa, num_words, first_audio_file, json.dumps(output)
def soundfile_write(audiofile: str | Path, data: np.ndarray, samplerate: int):
import soundfile as sf
sf.write(audiofile, data, samplerate)
def get_selected_word(idx_recorded_word: int, raw_json_output: str) -> tuple[str]:
recognition_output = json.loads(raw_json_output)
list_audio_files = recognition_output["audio_files"]
real_transcripts = recognition_output["real_transcripts"]
audio_durations = recognition_output["audio_durations"]
real_transcripts_list = real_transcripts.split()"idx_recorded_word:{idx_recorded_word} ...")
current_word = real_transcripts_list[idx_recorded_word]"current word:{current_word} ...")
current_duration = audio_durations[idx_recorded_word]"current_duration:{current_duration} ...")
return list_audio_files[idx_recorded_word], current_word, current_duration
def get_splitted_audio_file(audiotmpfile: str | Path, start_time: list[float], end_time: list[float]) -> tuple[list[str], list[float]]:
import soundfile as sf
audio_files = []
audio_durations = []
for n, (start_nth, end_nth) in enumerate(zip(start_time, end_time)):
signal_nth, samplerate = soundfile_load(audiotmpfile, offset=start_nth, duration=end_nth - start_nth)
audiofile = get_file_with_custom_suffix(audiotmpfile, f"_part{n}_start{start_nth}_end{end_nth}")
soundfile_write(audiofile=audiofile, data=signal_nth, samplerate=samplerate)"audio file {audiofile} written...")
duration = end_nth - start_nth"audio file {audiofile} has duration {duration}...")
return audio_files, audio_durations
def get_file_with_custom_suffix(basefile: str | Path, custom_suffix: str) -> Path:
pathname = Path(basefile)
dirname, filename_no_ext, filename_ext = pathname.parent, pathname.stem, pathname.suffix
output_file = Path(dirname) / f"{filename_no_ext}_{custom_suffix}.{filename_ext}"
return output_file
# From Librosa
def calc_start_end(sr_native, time_position, n_channels):
return int(np.round(sr_native * time_position)) * n_channels
def soundfile_load(path: str | Path, offset: float = 0.0, duration: float = None, dtype=np.float32):
"""Load an audio buffer using soundfile. Taken from librosa """
import soundfile as sf
if isinstance(path, sf.SoundFile):
# If the user passed an existing soundfile object,
# we can use it directly
context = path
# Otherwise, create the soundfile object
context = sf.SoundFile(path)
with context as sf_desc:
sr_native = sf_desc.samplerate
if offset:
# Seek to the start of the target read * sr_native))
if duration is not None:
frame_duration = int(duration * sr_native)
frame_duration = -1
# Load the target number of frames, and transpose to match librosa form
y =, dtype=dtype, always_2d=False).T
return y, sr_native
def audioread_load(path, offset=0.0, duration=None, dtype=np.float32):
"""Load an audio buffer using audioread.
This loads one block at a time, and then concatenates the results.
y = []
app_logger.debug(f"reading audio file at path:{path} ...")
with audioread.audio_open(path) as input_file:
sr_native = input_file.samplerate
n_channels = input_file.channels
s_start = calc_start_end(sr_native, offset, n_channels)
if duration is None:
s_end = np.inf
duration = calc_start_end(sr_native, duration, n_channels)
s_end = duration + s_start
n = 0
for frame in input_file:
frame = buf_to_float(frame, dtype=dtype)
n_prev = n
n = n + len(frame)
if n < s_start:
# offset is after the current frame
# keep reading
if s_end < n_prev:
# we're off the end. stop reading
if s_end < n:
# the end is in this frame. crop.
frame = frame[: s_end - n_prev]
if n_prev <= s_start <= n:
# beginning is in this frame
frame = frame[(s_start - n_prev):]
# tack on the current frame
if y:
y = np.concatenate(y)
if n_channels > 1:
y = y.reshape((-1, n_channels)).T
y = np.empty(0, dtype=dtype)
return y, sr_native
# From Librosa
def buf_to_float(x, n_bytes=2, dtype=np.float32):
"""Convert an integer buffer to floating point values.
This is primarily useful when loading integer-valued wav data
into numpy arrays.
x : np.ndarray [dtype=int]
The integer-valued data buffer
n_bytes : int [1, 2, 4]
The number of bytes per sample in ``x``
dtype : numeric type
The target output type (default: 32-bit float)
x_float : np.ndarray [dtype=float]
The input data buffer cast to floating point
# Invert the scale of the data
scale = 1.0 / float(1 << ((8 * n_bytes) - 1))
# Construct the format string
fmt = "<i{:d}".format(n_bytes)
# Rescale and format the data buffer
return scale * np.frombuffer(x, fmt).astype(dtype)