import os import random import cv2 import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from pycocotools import mask from transformers import CLIPImageProcessor from model.llava import conversation as conversation_lib from model.segment_anything.utils.transforms import ResizeLongestSide from .grefer import G_REFER from .refer import REFER from .utils import ANSWER_LIST, SHORT_QUESTION_LIST class ReferSegDataset( pixel_mean = torch.Tensor([123.675, 116.28, 103.53]).view(-1, 1, 1) pixel_std = torch.Tensor([58.395, 57.12, 57.375]).view(-1, 1, 1) img_size = 1024 ignore_label = 255 def __init__( self, base_image_dir, tokenizer, vision_tower, samples_per_epoch=500 * 8 * 2 * 10, precision: str = "fp32", image_size: int = 224, num_classes_per_sample: int = 3, exclude_val=False, refer_seg_data="refclef||refcoco||refcoco+||refcocog", ): self.exclude_val = exclude_val self.samples_per_epoch = samples_per_epoch self.num_classes_per_sample = num_classes_per_sample self.base_image_dir = base_image_dir self.image_size = image_size self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.precision = precision self.transform = ResizeLongestSide(image_size) self.clip_image_processor = CLIPImageProcessor.from_pretrained(vision_tower) self.short_question_list = SHORT_QUESTION_LIST self.answer_list = ANSWER_LIST DATA_DIR = os.path.join(base_image_dir, "refer_seg") self.refer_seg_ds_list = refer_seg_data.split( "||" ) # ['refclef', 'refcoco', 'refcoco+', 'refcocog'] self.refer_seg_data = {} for ds in self.refer_seg_ds_list: if ds == "refcocog": splitBy = "umd" else: splitBy = "unc" if ds == "grefcoco": refer_api = G_REFER(DATA_DIR, ds, splitBy) else: refer_api = REFER(DATA_DIR, ds, splitBy) ref_ids_train = refer_api.getRefIds(split="train") images_ids_train = refer_api.getImgIds(ref_ids=ref_ids_train) refs_train = refer_api.loadRefs(ref_ids=ref_ids_train) refer_seg_ds = {} refer_seg_ds["images"] = [] loaded_images = refer_api.loadImgs(image_ids=images_ids_train) for item in loaded_images: item = item.copy() if ds == "refclef": item["file_name"] = os.path.join( DATA_DIR, "images/saiapr_tc-12", item["file_name"] ) else: item["file_name"] = os.path.join( DATA_DIR, "images/mscoco/images/train2014", item["file_name"] ) refer_seg_ds["images"].append(item) refer_seg_ds["annotations"] = refer_api.Anns # anns_train print( "dataset {} (refs {}) (train split) has {} images and {} annotations.".format( ds, splitBy, len(refer_seg_ds["images"]), len(refer_seg_ds["annotations"]), ) ) img2refs = {} for ref in refs_train: image_id = ref["image_id"] img2refs[image_id] = img2refs.get(image_id, []) + [ ref, ] refer_seg_ds["img2refs"] = img2refs self.refer_seg_data[ds] = refer_seg_ds def __len__(self): return self.samples_per_epoch def preprocess(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Normalize pixel values and pad to a square input.""" # Normalize colors x = (x - self.pixel_mean) / self.pixel_std # Pad h, w = x.shape[-2:] padh = self.img_size - h padw = self.img_size - w x = F.pad(x, (0, padw, 0, padh)) return x def __getitem__(self, idx): ds = random.randint(0, len(self.refer_seg_ds_list) - 1) ds = self.refer_seg_ds_list[ds] refer_seg_ds = self.refer_seg_data[ds] images = refer_seg_ds["images"] annotations = refer_seg_ds["annotations"] img2refs = refer_seg_ds["img2refs"] idx = random.randint(0, len(images) - 1) image_info = images[idx] image_path = image_info["file_name"] image_id = image_info["id"] refs = img2refs[image_id] if len(refs) == 0: return self.__getitem__(0) sents = [] ann_ids = [] for ref in refs: for sent in ref["sentences"]: text = sent["sent"] sents.append(text) ann_ids.append(ref["ann_id"]) if len(sents) >= self.num_classes_per_sample: sampled_inds = np.random.choice( list(range(len(sents))), size=self.num_classes_per_sample, replace=False ) else: sampled_inds = list(range(len(sents))) sampled_sents = np.vectorize(sents.__getitem__)(sampled_inds).tolist() # sampled_ann_ids = np.vectorize(ann_ids.__getitem__)(sampled_inds).tolist() sampled_ann_ids = [ann_ids[ind] for ind in sampled_inds] sampled_classes = sampled_sents image = cv2.imread(image_path) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # preprocess image for clip image_clip = self.clip_image_processor.preprocess(image, return_tensors="pt")[ "pixel_values" ][0] image = self.transform.apply_image(image) # preprocess image for sam resize = image.shape[:2] questions = [] answers = [] for text in sampled_classes: text = text.strip() assert len(text.split("||")) == 1 question_template = random.choice(self.short_question_list) questions.append(question_template.format(class_name=text.lower())) answers.append(random.choice(self.answer_list)) conversations = [] conv = conversation_lib.default_conversation.copy() i = 0 while i < len(questions): conv.messages = [] conv.append_message(conv.roles[0], questions[i]) conv.append_message(conv.roles[1], answers[i]) conversations.append(conv.get_prompt()) i += 1 image = self.preprocess(torch.from_numpy(image).permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous()) flag = False masks = [] for ann_id in sampled_ann_ids: if isinstance(ann_id, list): flag = True if -1 in ann_id: assert len(ann_id) == 1 m = np.zeros((image_info["height"], image_info["width"])).astype( np.uint8 ) else: m_final = np.zeros( (image_info["height"], image_info["width"]) ).astype(np.uint8) for ann_id_i in ann_id: ann = annotations[ann_id_i] if len(ann["segmentation"]) == 0: m = np.zeros( (image_info["height"], image_info["width"]) ).astype(np.uint8) else: if type(ann["segmentation"][0]) == list: # polygon rle = mask.frPyObjects( ann["segmentation"], image_info["height"], image_info["width"], ) else: rle = ann["segmentation"] for i in range(len(rle)): if not isinstance(rle[i]["counts"], bytes): rle[i]["counts"] = rle[i]["counts"].encode() m = mask.decode(rle) m = np.sum( m, axis=2 ) # sometimes there are multiple binary map (corresponding to multiple segs) m = m.astype(np.uint8) # convert to np.uint8 m_final = m_final | m m = m_final masks.append(m) continue ann = annotations[ann_id] if len(ann["segmentation"]) == 0: m = np.zeros((image_info["height"], image_info["width"])).astype( np.uint8 ) masks.append(m) continue if type(ann["segmentation"][0]) == list: # polygon rle = mask.frPyObjects( ann["segmentation"], image_info["height"], image_info["width"] ) else: rle = ann["segmentation"] for i in range(len(rle)): if not isinstance(rle[i]["counts"], bytes): rle[i]["counts"] = rle[i]["counts"].encode() m = mask.decode(rle) m = np.sum( m, axis=2 ) # sometimes there are multiple binary map (corresponding to multiple segs) m = m.astype(np.uint8) # convert to np.uint8 masks.append(m) masks = np.stack(masks, axis=0) # if ds == 'grefcoco' and flag: # import shutil # image_name = image_path.split("/")[-1] # save_dir = os.path.join("/group/30042/xlai/LISA_refactor_final/debug", image_name.split(".")[0]) # os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) # shutil.copy(image_path, save_dir) # for i in range(masks.shape[0]): # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(save_dir, "{}_{}_{}.jpg".format(image_name, i, sampled_classes[i])), masks[i].astype(np.int32) * 100) masks = torch.from_numpy(masks) label = torch.ones(masks.shape[1], masks.shape[2]) * self.ignore_label return ( image_path, image, image_clip, conversations, masks, label, resize, questions, sampled_classes, )