from contextlib import asynccontextmanager |
from datetime import datetime |
from json import dumps, loads |
from logging import DEBUG, Formatter, INFO, StreamHandler, WARNING, getLogger |
from os import environ |
from pathlib import Path |
from random import randint |
from typing import AsyncGenerator |
from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import AsyncIOScheduler |
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, Header, Request |
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, HTMLResponse, JSONResponse, StreamingResponse |
from httpx import AsyncClient |
from patchright.async_api import Page, async_playwright |
from starlette.responses import Response |
screenshot_path = Path(__file__).parent / 'screenshot.jpeg' |
token_path = Path(__file__).parent / 'token.json' |
AUTH_URL = 'https://chat.reka.ai/bff/auth/login' |
GET_TOKEN_URL = 'https://chat.reka.ai/bff/auth/access_token' |
EMAIL_INPUT = 'input#username' |
PASSWRD_INPUT = 'input#password' |
SUBMIT_BUTTON = 'button[type="submit"][name="action"][value="default"]:not([data-provider])' |
REKA_CHAT_PAGE = 'https://chat.reka.ai/chat' |
EMAIL = str(environ.get('EMAIL')).strip() |
PASSWRD = str(environ.get('PASSWORD')).strip() |
UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/' |
API_TOKEN = str(environ.get('API_TOKEN')).strip() |
REKA_API_URL = 'https://chat.reka.ai/api/chat' |
logger = getLogger('REKA_API') |
logger.setLevel(DEBUG) |
handler = StreamHandler() |
handler.setLevel(INFO) |
formatter = Formatter('%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s : %(message)s', datefmt='%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S') |
handler.setFormatter(formatter) |
logger.addHandler(handler) |
getLogger('httpx').setLevel(WARNING) |
logger.info('инициализация приложения...') |
async def make_screenshot(page: Page): |
await page.screenshot(type='jpeg', path=screenshot_path.resolve().as_posix(), quality=85, full_page=True) |
logger.info('скриншот создан') |
async def refresh_token(): |
max_timeout = BROWSER_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000 |
json_data = {'accessToken': None} |
async with async_playwright() as playwright: |
logger.info('запуск браузера') |
browser = await playwright.chromium.launch(headless=True, args=['--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled']) |
context = await browser.new_context( |
color_scheme='dark', |
ignore_https_errors=True, |
locale='en-US', |
user_agent=UA, |
no_viewport=True, |
) |
context.set_default_timeout(max_timeout) |
context.set_default_navigation_timeout(max_timeout) |
page = await context.new_page() |
page.set_default_timeout(max_timeout) |
page.set_default_navigation_timeout(max_timeout) |
try: |
logger.info('открытие страницы авторизации') |
await page.goto(AUTH_URL, wait_until='networkidle') |
await make_screenshot(page) |
logger.info('заполнение формы авторизации') |
await page.locator(EMAIL_INPUT).type(EMAIL) |
await page.locator(PASSWRD_INPUT).type(PASSWRD) |
await make_screenshot(page) |
await page.locator(SUBMIT_BUTTON).click() |
logger.info('переход на страницу чата') |
await page.wait_for_url(REKA_CHAT_PAGE) |
await make_screenshot(page) |
logger.info('получение токена') |
await page.goto(GET_TOKEN_URL, wait_until='domcontentloaded') |
await make_screenshot(page) |
json_text = await page.evaluate("document.querySelector('pre').textContent") |
json_data = loads(json_text) |
await make_screenshot(page) |
finally: |
await page.close() |
await context.close() |
await browser.close() |
logger.info('работа браузера завершена') |
return json_data |
async def get_token(): |
token_data = await refresh_token() |
if token_data.get('accessToken'): |
token_path.write_text(dumps(token_data)) |
logger.info('токен reka получен') |
else: |
raise logger.error('токен reka не был получен') |
def reka_headers() -> dict[str, str]: |
token = None |
if token_path.exists(): |
token = loads(token_path.read_text()).get('accessToken') |
return { |
'authorization': f'Bearer {token}', |
'content-type': 'application/json', |
'user-agent': UA |
} |
def convert_openai_to_reka(messages: list[dict]) -> list[dict]: |
reka_messages = [{'type': 'human', 'text': '👋'}] |
skip_next = False |
logger.debug('конвертация сообщений в формат reka') |
for i, message in enumerate(messages): |
if skip_next: |
skip_next = False |
continue |
if message['role'] in ['user', 'assistant']: |
content = message['content'] |
if isinstance(content, list): |
text_content = '' |
image_url = None |
for part in content: |
if part['type'] == 'text': |
text_content += part['text'] + ' ' |
elif part['type'] == 'image_url': |
image_url = part['image_url']['url'] |
reka_message = { |
'type': 'human' if message['role'] == 'user' else 'model', |
'text': text_content.strip() |
} |
if image_url: |
reka_message['image_url'] = image_url |
reka_message['media_type'] = 'image' |
reka_messages.append(reka_message) |
else: |
reka_messages.append({ |
'type': 'human' if message['role'] == 'user' else 'model', |
'text': content |
}) |
elif message['role'] == 'system': |
if i + 1 < len(messages) and messages[i + 1]['role'] == 'user': |
combined_text = '[SYSTEM: ' + message['content'] + '] ' + messages[i + 1]['content'] |
reka_messages.append({ |
'type': 'human', |
'text': combined_text |
}) |
skip_next = True |
else: |
reka_messages.append({ |
'type': 'human', |
'text': '[SYSTEM: ' + message['content'] + ']' |
}) |
return reka_messages |
def format_part(current_text: str, previous_text: str, finish_reason: str): |
logger.debug(f'форматирование сообщения: {current_text}') |
return f"data: {dumps({ |
'id': 'chatcmpl-0', |
'object': 'chat.completion.chunk', |
'created': int(datetime.now().timestamp()), |
'model': 'reka-core', |
'system_fingerprint': 'fp_67802d9a6d', |
'choices': [{ |
'index': 0, |
'delta': {'content': current_text[len(previous_text):]}, |
'finish_reason': finish_reason |
}]}, ensure_ascii=False)}\n\n" |
async def fetch_reka_stream(data: dict) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]: |
logger.info('запрос к reka и стриминг ответа') |
async with AsyncClient() as client: |
response = await client.post(REKA_API_URL, headers=reka_headers(), json=data, timeout=None) |
previous_text = '' |
async for line in response.aiter_lines(): |
logger.debug(line) |
if line.startswith('{"detail":'): |
yield format_part('ОШИБКА: ' + loads(line).get('detail'), previous_text, 'error') |
break |
if line.startswith('data:'): |
event_data = loads(line[5:]) |
current_text = event_data['text'] |
sep_index = current_text.find('<sep') |
finish_reason = None |
if sep_index != -1: |
finish_reason = 'stop' |
current_text = current_text[:sep_index].rstrip() |
if current_text.endswith('\n\n<'): |
current_text = current_text[:-3] |
if current_text != previous_text: |
yield format_part(current_text, previous_text, finish_reason) |
previous_text = current_text |
if finish_reason == 'stop': |
break |
async def periodic_get_token(scheduler: AsyncIOScheduler): |
logger.info('запуск задачи периодического обновления токена') |
scheduler.add_job( |
get_token, |
trigger='interval', |
hours=24, |
next_run_time=datetime.now(), |
misfire_grace_time=3600 |
) |
@asynccontextmanager |
async def app_lifespan(_) -> AsyncGenerator: |
logger.info('запуск приложения') |
scheduler = AsyncIOScheduler() |
await periodic_get_token(scheduler) |
try: |
logger.info('запуск переодических задач') |
scheduler.start() |
logger.info('старт API') |
yield |
finally: |
scheduler.shutdown() |
logger.info('приложение завершено') |
app = FastAPI(lifespan=app_lifespan, title='Reka_API') |
banned_endpoints = [ |
'/openapi.json', |
'/docs', |
'/docs/oauth2-redirect', |
'swagger_ui_redirect', |
'/redoc', |
] |
@app.middleware('http') |
async def block_banned_endpoints(request: Request, call_next): |
logger.debug(f'получен запрос: {request.url.path}') |
if request.url.path in banned_endpoints: |
logger.warning(f'запрещенный endpoint: {request.url.path}') |
return Response(status_code=403) |
response = await call_next(request) |
return response |
def verify_token(authorization: str = Header(...)): |
if authorization is None: |
logger.warning('попытка доступа без заголовков авторизации') |
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail='эм... нужен пролапс') |
try: |
scheme, token = authorization.split() |
if scheme.lower() != 'bearer': |
logger.warning('попытка доступа с неверным типом авторизации') |
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail='пролапс не того вида...') |
if token != API_TOKEN: |
logger.warning('попытка доступа с неверным токеном') |
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail='пролапс неверный...') |
except ValueError: |
logger.warning('попытка доступа с неверным типом авторизации') |
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail='а где пролапс?') |
@app.get('/') |
async def root(): |
return HTMLResponse('ну пролапс, ну и что', status_code=200) |
@app.post('/api/chat/completions') |
@app.post('/api/v1/chat/completions') |
async def chat_completions(request: Request, token: str = Depends(verify_token)): |
logger.debug('запрос `completions`') |
data = await request.json() |
messages = data.get('messages', []) |
reka_messages = convert_openai_to_reka(messages) |
reka_data = { |
'conversation_history': reka_messages, |
'stream': True, |
'use_search_engine': False, |
'use_code_interpreter': False, |
'model_name': 'reka-core', |
'random_seed': randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1) |
} |
return StreamingResponse(fetch_reka_stream(reka_data), media_type='text/event-stream') |
@app.get('/api/models') |
@app.get('/api/v1/models') |
async def models(): |
logger.debug('запрос `models`') |
return JSONResponse({ |
'object': 'list', |
'data': [{'id': 'reka-core', 'object': 'model', 'created': int(datetime.now().timestamp()), 'owned_by': 'reka.ai'}] |
}, status_code=200, media_type='application/json') |
@app.get('/api/update_token') |
async def update_token(token: str = Depends(verify_token)): |
logger.info('запрос `update_token`') |
task = get_token() |
return JSONResponse({'status': 'обновление токена запущено'}, status_code=200, media_type='application/json') |
@app.get('/api/show_last_screen') |
async def show_last_screen(token: str = Depends(verify_token)): |
logger.info('запрос `show_last_screen`') |
return FileResponse(screenshot_path.resolve().as_posix(), media_type='image/jpeg', status_code=200) |
@app.get('/api') |
@app.get('/api/info', response_class=HTMLResponse) |
async def info(): |
logger.debug('запрос `info`') |
return HTMLResponse(content='''<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<title>Reka Reverse Proxy Endpoints</title> |
<style> |
body {font-family: monospace; background-color: #202020; color:#bfbcb9;} |
.locked::before {content: '🔐'; margin-right: 5px;} |
.unlocked::before {content: '🔓'; margin-right: 5px;} |
</style> |
<script> |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { |
const url = `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.host}`; |
const endpoints = [ |
{ type: 'locked', path: '/api/v1/chat/completions' }, |
{ type: 'locked', path: '/api/chat/completions' }, |
{ type: 'unlocked', path: '/api/v1/models' }, |
{ type: 'unlocked', path: '/api/models' }, |
{ type: 'locked', path: '/api/update_token' }, |
{ type: 'locked', path: '/api/show_last_screen' } |
]; |
const listContainer = document.getElementById('endpoints-list'); |
endpoints.forEach(({ type, path }) => { |
const listItem = document.createElement('li'); |
listItem.className = type; |
listItem.textContent = `${url}${path}`; |
listContainer.appendChild(listItem); |
}); |
}); |
</script> |
</head> |
<body> |
<h2>эндпоинты:</h2> |
<ul id="endpoints-list"></ul> |
</body> |
</html>''', status_code=200) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
from uvicorn import run as uvicorn_run |
logger.info('запуск сервера uvicorn') |
uvicorn_run(app, host='', port=7860) |