from typing import ClassVar
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, SecretStr
from openhands.core import logger
from openhands.core.config.agent_config import AgentConfig
from openhands.core.config.config_utils import (
from openhands.core.config.llm_config import LLMConfig
from openhands.core.config.sandbox_config import SandboxConfig
from openhands.core.config.security_config import SecurityConfig
class AppConfig(BaseModel):
"""Configuration for the app.
llms: Dictionary mapping LLM names to their configurations.
The default configuration is stored under the 'llm' key.
agents: Dictionary mapping agent names to their configurations.
The default configuration is stored under the 'agent' key.
default_agent: Name of the default agent to use.
sandbox: Sandbox configuration settings.
runtime: Runtime environment identifier.
file_store: Type of file store to use.
file_store_path: Path to the file store.
save_trajectory_path: Either a folder path to store trajectories with auto-generated filenames, or a designated trajectory file path.
replay_trajectory_path: Path to load trajectory and replay. If provided, trajectory would be replayed first before user's instruction.
workspace_base: Base path for the workspace. Defaults to `./workspace` as absolute path.
workspace_mount_path: Path to mount the workspace. Defaults to `workspace_base`.
workspace_mount_path_in_sandbox: Path to mount the workspace in sandbox. Defaults to `/workspace`.
workspace_mount_rewrite: Path to rewrite the workspace mount path.
cache_dir: Path to cache directory. Defaults to `/tmp/cache`.
run_as_openhands: Whether to run as openhands.
max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations allowed.
max_budget_per_task: Maximum budget per task, agent stops if exceeded.
e2b_api_key: E2B API key.
disable_color: Whether to disable terminal colors. For terminals that don't support color.
debug: Whether to enable debugging mode.
file_uploads_max_file_size_mb: Maximum file upload size in MB. `0` means unlimited.
file_uploads_restrict_file_types: Whether to restrict upload file types.
file_uploads_allowed_extensions: Allowed file extensions. `['.*']` allows all.
cli_multiline_input: Whether to enable multiline input in CLI. When disabled,
input is read line by line. When enabled, input continues until /exit command.
llms: dict[str, LLMConfig] = Field(default_factory=dict)
agents: dict = Field(default_factory=dict)
default_agent: str = Field(default=OH_DEFAULT_AGENT)
sandbox: SandboxConfig = Field(default_factory=SandboxConfig)
security: SecurityConfig = Field(default_factory=SecurityConfig)
runtime: str = Field(default='docker')
file_store: str = Field(default='local')
file_store_path: str = Field(default='/tmp/openhands_file_store')
save_trajectory_path: str | None = Field(default=None)
replay_trajectory_path: str | None = Field(default=None)
workspace_base: str | None = Field(default=None)
workspace_mount_path: str | None = Field(default=None)
workspace_mount_path_in_sandbox: str = Field(default='/workspace')
workspace_mount_rewrite: str | None = Field(default=None)
cache_dir: str = Field(default='/tmp/cache')
run_as_openhands: bool = Field(default=True)
max_iterations: int = Field(default=OH_MAX_ITERATIONS)
max_budget_per_task: float | None = Field(default=None)
e2b_api_key: SecretStr | None = Field(default=None)
modal_api_token_id: SecretStr | None = Field(default=None)
modal_api_token_secret: SecretStr | None = Field(default=None)
disable_color: bool = Field(default=False)
jwt_secret: SecretStr | None = Field(default=None)
debug: bool = Field(default=False)
file_uploads_max_file_size_mb: int = Field(default=0)
file_uploads_restrict_file_types: bool = Field(default=False)
file_uploads_allowed_extensions: list[str] = Field(default_factory=lambda: ['.*'])
runloop_api_key: SecretStr | None = Field(default=None)
cli_multiline_input: bool = Field(default=False)
defaults_dict: ClassVar[dict] = {}
model_config = {'extra': 'forbid'}
def get_llm_config(self, name='llm') -> LLMConfig:
"""'llm' is the name for default config (for backward compatibility prior to 0.8)."""
if name in self.llms:
return self.llms[name]
if name is not None and name != 'llm':
f'llm config group {name} not found, using default config'
if 'llm' not in self.llms:
self.llms['llm'] = LLMConfig()
return self.llms['llm']
def set_llm_config(self, value: LLMConfig, name='llm') -> None:
self.llms[name] = value
def get_agent_config(self, name='agent') -> AgentConfig:
"""'agent' is the name for default config (for backward compatibility prior to 0.8)."""
if name in self.agents:
return self.agents[name]
if 'agent' not in self.agents:
self.agents['agent'] = AgentConfig()
return self.agents['agent']
def set_agent_config(self, value: AgentConfig, name='agent') -> None:
self.agents[name] = value
def get_agent_to_llm_config_map(self) -> dict[str, LLMConfig]:
"""Get a map of agent names to llm configs."""
return {name: self.get_llm_config_from_agent(name) for name in self.agents}
def get_llm_config_from_agent(self, name='agent') -> LLMConfig:
agent_config: AgentConfig = self.get_agent_config(name)
llm_config_name = agent_config.llm_config
return self.get_llm_config(llm_config_name)
def get_agent_configs(self) -> dict[str, AgentConfig]:
return self.agents
def model_post_init(self, __context):
"""Post-initialization hook, called when the instance is created with only default values."""
AppConfig.defaults_dict = model_defaults_to_dict(self)