zzz / openhands /core /config /config_utils.py
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from types import UnionType
from typing import Any, get_args, get_origin
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.fields import FieldInfo
def get_field_info(field: FieldInfo) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Extract information about a dataclass field: type, optional, and default.
field: The field to extract information from.
Returns: A dict with the field's type, whether it's optional, and its default value.
field_type = field.annotation
optional = False
# for types like str | None, find the non-None type and set optional to True
# this is useful for the frontend to know if a field is optional
# and to show the correct type in the UI
# Note: this only works for UnionTypes with None as one of the types
if get_origin(field_type) is UnionType:
types = get_args(field_type)
non_none_arg = next((t for t in types if t is not type(None)), None)
if non_none_arg is not None:
field_type = non_none_arg
optional = True
# type name in a pretty format
type_name = (
field_type.__name__ if hasattr(field_type, '__name__') else str(field_type)
# default is always present
default = field.default
# return a schema with the useful info for frontend
return {'type': type_name.lower(), 'optional': optional, 'default': default}
def model_defaults_to_dict(model: BaseModel) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Serialize field information in a dict for the frontend, including type hints, defaults, and whether it's optional."""
result = {}
for name, field in model.model_fields.items():
field_value = getattr(model, name)
if isinstance(field_value, BaseModel):
result[name] = model_defaults_to_dict(field_value)
result[name] = get_field_info(field)
return result